The Megg.

The Megg is an affectionately named Easter egg placed in Halo: Combat Evolved by lead designer Jaime Griesemer as a gift to his girlfriend Meg (aka Pallor of Subnova). The Megg was hidden in the level Pillar of Autumn under a series of almost impossible feats to ensure that no one could find it accidentally. Until the two of them started leaving hints on Internet forums, no one else knew of the Megg's existence. The Megg itself is a heart made from human blood, with an "M" made of bullet holes in the center.

Halo: Combat Evolved

To see this Easter egg, follow the directions below carefully.

  1. Start the first level on single player mode, legendary difficulty.
  2. After awakening from the cryo chamber, walk toward the canisters behind you (opposite the exit).
  3. Crouch jump on top the yellow canister and then jump back down and move through the level as normal, (skip the Marine who gets in your way) until you get to the bridge.
  4. Once there trigger the cinematic by walking over to Captain Keyes.
  5. After you get the pistol, go through the exit (kill the Grunts) and get the assault rifle, then go back to the bridge.
  6. Kill Keyes or/and whack the crewmen (not sitting down), which will send in the "Invincible Marines" out of a previously locked door, (the right side of the exit).
  7. As Cortana finishes saying, "The Master Chief has gone rampant," a second door (right behind the first locked door) unlocks.
  8. Move to the other side of the bridge with the locked door and use the assault rifle to keep the Marines at bay. Then skip past through the corridor and head in the second door. (The second door will still be locked, if you go to it right when the Marines come out. Kill Keyes, stay at that position, awaiting the marines to "crowd" one side of the bridge. Then zoom past the "empty" side blazing lead, and into the door way.)
  9. Enter the hallway, at the end you will find the Megg on the ceiling. (Use your flashlight)

Halo 2

There is also a Megg egg located in Halo 2. Discovered by de-compiling the game script by "Soldier of Light" from High Impact Halo, Halo 2's version turned out to be much less complicated. It is activated by going through the first level, Cairo Station, on Legendary, without losing your shields once. Upon reaching the final bomb room, a sound clip will play. The text of the clip is: "Megg, please report to the red courtesy phone. Megg, to the red courtesy phone."

Halo: The Master Chief Collection

The Megg Easter eggs return in their respective games in the collection. Finding them will unlock the Megg and The Return of Megg achievements respectively.

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