Unidentified SMG?

Where's this new SMG? All I'm seeing is the H2:A M7 and its new modified versions (which are all gorgeous, they did a very good job with the variants). Alex T Snow (talk) 02:42, 31 March 2015 (EDT)

Yeah I'm just going to remove that section since it's clearly just an M7 with some cool attachments.Sith-venator Wavingstrider   (Commlink) 10:17, 31 March 2015 (EDT)
Yeah, that was my fault. I was editing while watching the trailer and saw the modded SMG before the attachments part, and I just thought it was a new SMG. I forgot to update it later. - NightHammer (talk) 14:31, 31 March 2015 (EDT)
That tends to happen when you're excited; I almost noted something about a "new" weapon that turned out to be the carry handle-less BR before I frame-by-framed the customization section. Alex T Snow (talk) 16:09, 31 March 2015 (EDT)