Halopedia:Projects/Season 2 Sangheili dialogue
From Halopedia, the Halo wiki
This is the Sangheili conlang dialogue from Season 2 of the Halo television show that was created by Carl Buck and David J. Peterson. In the second season, the Sangheili language was spoken in 7 out of 8 episodes. The dialogue featured below is presented here exactly as it was spoken within the show.
Sangheili's co-creator, David J. Peterson, also provides transcripts and translations on his language wiki, as well as in a series of posts on Archive of Our Own, accessible here. Readers may also consult David Peterson's audio recordings here and view Halopedia's dictionary of Sangheili words.
Season 2 Sangheili Dialogue[edit]
Makee | Juutkhaadola. | Enough. |
Arbiter | Ne ch'anghutkho oq'eya. | There's no honor in this fight. |
Makee | K'ondi. Tkhet'a ga. | Door. Please. |
Arbiter |
Jan o hirat'u mech'injo, Riich'e ni domo ghu. Ine iik'ukhi: jan o q'iitu ga nga jayatan. P'aatu ga nga jayatan. Jan k'iri oni ch'anqi oni mekho. Jan o ne dunga ruq'otaq'ujo. Ne chkhugimo ni jan o Ghashank'o ga ch'ano p'eecho. Ne luuka ghu, Ch'anggagomo oni shak'o shkhop'o nizhi jan ni tkhet'a oni Ch'awaruut'u qkhaaq'u. Jan Baro Gat'anai, iik'ukhi. Jan q'ii, iik'ukhi. |
I bring you blessings, people of Reach. Know that I have come without mercy. Without pity. Know that I am the instrument of your extinction. I bring this planet forth as burnt offering. Upon this altar, I place the head of the Demon. May this blood mark the way to the Sacred Ring and consecrate the Great Journey of my people. Know that I am Var 'Gatanai. Know that I am Death. |
Arbiter | Ghashank'o. | Demon. |
Makee | Pkhada. Ikhi eya. | Stop. Not yet. |
Makee | K'e o ne ch'anzap'atu ga riin ni tkhet'a oq'oqujo. | You honor our people with this great victory. |
Arbiter | Ine ii zap'atu. Q'a riin o ju dzuch'intan oq'ogakha juubit'atan, ze, k'umas, Hirajo o jan be–- | This was no victory. We have only secured one of the stolen Keystones and, once again, the Blessed One has denied me-- |
Makee | Ch'awaruut'u ga bajan ghap'awagha oni zhiiq'o nizhi diibe ts'ukho. | There is a time and place for every step in the Great Journey. |
Arbiter | Ne juukhot'u ga! Ghashank'o zhi q'ii jan oni mechkhuut'u pkha. Ze k'e o mu qkhat'ajo-- | This prophecy! The Demon’s death is to be my redemption. And you protect him-- |
Makee | Ghashank'o ga jan daaghaya. Ts'agi nasa luskho oni jan o waruuchi. Nizhi k'e o. | I have no concern for the Demon. I serve a higher purpose. As do you. |
Arbiter | Jan oni ruukhaweya, domo ghu. Q'a jan ba dokkhat'u me k'e t'iya, jan o k'e mobit'ajo. | Do not preach at me, human. I remind you that you live only by my grace. |
Makee | Ghaazhi jan ba t'iyat'u o k'e gaighap'awa, tkha tkhahana, jan o k'e khep'uuchi. | If my life offends you, I beg you to take it. |
Arbiter | Ghaamos ne domo tkhu kkhaayajahe? | What is the value of this human thing? |
Makee | Tkha bit'agha. | It is a vessel. |
Arbiter | Tkha o gha bit'ajahe? | What does it contain? |
Makee | Iit'u. Domo iit'u. | Knowledge. Human knowledge. |
Arbiter | Muuri o Oq'ogakha bit'atan ghaadi oni tkha o khawalajahe? | Can it say where they have taken the Keystone? |
Makee | Jaja. Q'a jan o tkha me ch'amaarojen ghaazhi jan o iik'ijaga. | Perhaps. I will not know until I look inside. |
Arbiter | Ine ba ch'amaaro. | So look. |
Makee | Ch'anggagomo ga k'e o mojayajo gha jan oni loshkho. | Show me what you remember of the Ring. |
Cortana | Jan ii k'e oni. | I don't belong to you. |
Makee | Ghaazhi jan oni k'e k'aachoye, Ch'ambuujo oni jan k'aachwejaga. Tkhu gaibaachaga gha jan k'e nizhi iik'u. | If you cease to be useful to me, I will cease to be useful to the Hierarchs. You and I both know what happens to that thing. |
Makee | Ghuuri obadi ts'ukho. | There are all kinds of prisons. |
Makee | K'e o gha tskhaatan? Ghaamos riin nis ts'aha? Buulo Ch'awaat'u ni. | What have you done? Why are we here at High Charity? |
Arbiter | Riin ni welit'ari juusiit'atan. | Our fleet has been recalled. |
Makee | Eya. Tkha khech'imo, riin o meghizit'u–- | No. We have a mission, to retrieve the-- |
Arbiter | Riin o meghizit'u nuutan. Tkha juuch'imo pkha. | We failed the mission. Accept that. |
Makee | Muuri o riin oni tskhaajaga k'e iik'ujahe? Jan oni? | Do you know what they will do to us? To me? |
Arbiter | Jan oni ruuq'uuka ruunujuq'u gawaaka oni muuri o ine juuch'injaga gaimaaro jan o enji. | I can only hope that they will accept this token as an offering, to mitigate my punishment. |
Makee | Ine tskha'eya. | Do not do this. |
Arbiter | Ch'ambuujo o tkha ruukhoji. | The Hierarchs command it. |
Makee | Ch'ambuujo chkhaacho pkha. | The Hierarchs are liars. |
Arbiter | K'umas ghakhawa: Jan o k'e ni yaala ga shkhii dzuminojaga. | Blaspheme again, and I will rip the breath from your body. |
Makee |
Juukhojo laalekkha. Ch'awaruut'u qkhosezhi. Hait'u ii muuri me. Muuri ii K'enjo. |
The Prophets are false. They have no intention of beginning the Great Journey. It is not in their power to do so. They are not Chosen. |
Makee | Ze muuri o tkha iik'u. Jan o juukhot'u ch'anik'otan. Ze riin o Ch'awaruut'u qkhosi pkha. | And they know it. I have seen the prophecy. And we will be the ones to begin the Great Journey. |
Arbiter | K'e ba ch'akhawa k'aachoya q'a skhire. | Your flattery is as cruel as it is empty. |
Makee |
Ne k'e k'aajijen juukhojo k'e ga watkho. K'e oq'o nizhi moq'aatu ni t'ema muuri o tkha ch'anik'otan. Ze muuri ba t'isquut'u ga muuri kkhesp'aqujo. |
These Prophets that would shame you do so because they fear you. They see your greatness and the purity of your faith. And it makes them choke on their hypocrisy. |
Arbiter | Ghaasha k'e o ine tskhaacho? | How are you doing this? |
Makee | Jan o ine tskha'eya. Tkha k'e. Ine k'e oni juubaat'u. | This is not my doing. This is yours. This is your destiny. |
Arbiter | Jan o gha enjaga? | What must I do? |
Makee | Gaikkhat'a. K'e o enji. Jan gaikkhat'a. Jan Hirajo. | Believe. You must believe. In me. I am the Blessed One. |
Arbiter | Riin chkha'a muuri o chkhan welit'ari tkhungajaga. | They will send the entire fleet to hunt us down. |
Makee | Ze muuri nuuchaga. | And they will fail. |
Makee | Tkha kkhaarutan. | It is written. |
Uto 'Mdama |
T'ikhori gairaskha lo. Jan o Buulo Ch'awaat'u k'o Welit'ari t'isiit'aijen. Ghaazhi ne gaijaat'u t'oochaga k'e o gaikkhaachahe? |
There seems to be a problem with our communications. I have been unable to contact High Charity or the Fleet. When do you expect this malfunction to be resolved? |
Arbiter | Tkha ii gaijaat'u. Jan o tkha gwitan. | It is not a malfunction. It is my command. |
Uto 'Mdama | Pkha? Ze riin q'uho ghaamos T'inguqkhuujo o gwijahe? | Oh? And why does Arbiter command our silence? |
Arbiter | Riin oni meghizit'u ba ts'aha, gawaacho ghu. | Because our mission demands it, priest. |
Uto 'Mdama | Ghaadi oni riin o waruuchahe? Jaja k'e o k'e ni rojo oni t'ikhojen. | Where are we going? Perhaps you should consult your pet. |
Arbiter | Jan oni gwigha Ch'ambuujo ga jayajo pkha. | My direction comes from the Hierarchs themselves. |
Uto 'Mdama | K'e ni k'aaje me mos ba. Juukhojo oni ikhi ba moq'aareya khotan. | As does your shame. Some say you no longer put your faith in the Prophets. |
Arbiter | Domo jan oni nga k'ono me mos ba. | The human means nothing to me. |
Uto 'Mdama | Jan o ne nga t'iskinagha jan ba et'o ga tkhahanjaga de. | I would gladly put these baseless insinuations to rest with the stroke of my sword. |
Arbiter | Gawaacho ghu! Q'a matkha mu ii jan oni. Ii k'e oni pkha. | Priest! But she is not mine to kill. Nor is she yours. |
Uto 'Mdama | Jan o p'uuchaga ghaazhi Buulo Ch'awaat'u oni banwaruuchaga. Tkha ghaazhi… | Then I will ask when I return to High Charity. Which will be... |
Arbiter | Yodu. | Soon. |
Makee | Gawaacho motsuma mep'uucho. | The priest is a cunning inquisitor. |
Arbiter | K'e o Oq'ogakha mosq'aatanjahe? | You have communed with the Keystone? |
Makee | Juusatkha. Jan Hirajo. | Of course. I am the Blessed One. |
Makee | Gha ine o moshkhoochahe? | What is the meaning of this? |
Uto 'Mdama | K'e ni rojo o baghiit'u ga baqkhat'ajo. K'e gaighap'awa tkha o entan. | Your pet professes ignorance. It is an insult to you. |
Arbiter | Q'uho, Gawaacho ghu. | Silence, priest. |
Arbiter | Bazhiiq'o ga welit'a ba t'isiit'agha khobutan. *
A transmission went out from the ship, not long ago. |
Makee | Ine ba jan iik'uya. | I know nothing of this. |
Uto 'Mdama | Jaja ine ba k'e iik'ujahe? | Perhaps you know something of this? |
Uto 'Mdama | Ne domo mekho ba t'isiit'agha khobutan. Ze domo dunga oni jaari o tkha ghachkhaatan. | The transmission came from this human device. And we tracked it toward the human planets. |
Makee | Jan o iik'uya... Jan me suung ch'anik'o. Tkha o k'e dzuqkhosijaga. | I know not how... See my heart. It would never betray you. |
Uto 'Mdama | Kkhadzat'u ba tskha'a. Tkha oq'eya. Tkha ga ii baashi ba ngani. K'e o juutkhola k'aaje bit'ajo. | Do what must be done. It has no honor. It requires no ceremony. You carry enough shame as it is. |
Arbiter | Q'aara gaikkhaajo jan ni bani qkhoschaga. K'iri ba ghats'aatu reschaga pkha. | Those of you who are true believers, you will stand with me. The rest of you will die. |
Cortana | Atkha oq'eya. | That wasn't nice. (That wasn't honorable.) |
Uto 'Mdama | Gha dzuqkhost'u ine? | What treachery is this? |
Cortana | Khuut'a ga p'uuka jan o k'e oni p'uuchen, Ut'o Madama ghu. | I could ask you the same thing, Uto 'Mdama. |
Uto 'Mdama | Jan ba k'e iik'ujahe? | You know me? |
Cortana | Jan ghuurit'u ba iik'u, gawaacho ghu. | I know many things, priest. |
Uto 'Mdama | Ghaadi ni domo ts'aachahe? | Where is the human? |
Cortana | Tkha juushkhop'o k'e o enji, jan o khep'uucho. | I am afraid you will have to be more specific. |
Uto 'Mdama | Hirajo. | The Blessed one. |
Cortana | Qkhe. K'e ni bani. | Oh. Behind you. |
Makee | Jan o k'e hirajo. | I bless you. |
Arbiter | Tskhaatan. T'iiwajo q'ii ni ghats'aha. | It is done. The priest's infidels are dead. |
Makee | K'e o jan ni bani qkhostan. Jaja k'e jan ni bani reschen. | You stood for me. You would have died for me. |
Arbiter | K'e me q'aatu ni bani jan reschen. | I would have died for the truth you carry. |
Makee | Welit'ari riin maaro. | The Fleet has found us. |
Makee | Riin ruubaachahe? | Will we be destroyed? |
Arbiter | Gha k'e o juunik'otan? | What have you foreseen? |
Makee | Juunik'otu o jan k'aatan. Jan kkhotskha. | I see nothing now (The sight has left me). I am fallen. |
Makee | K'e me moq'aatu oni kkhaaya jan khiik'uya. | I do not know how to make myself worthy of your faith. |
Arbiter | K'e ikhi kkhaaya. K'e o jan ni mechkhuut'u jan oni loshkhotan. | You already have. You have shown me my redemption. |
Arbiter | K'e oni Jan bats'a. | I am bound to you. |
Makee | Ch'anggagomo oni riin bats'a. | We are bound to the Ring. |
Arbiter | K'e o juukhotan gha gaibaatan. | It is as you foretold. |
Arbiter | Mechkhuut'u hodu. | Redemption awaits. |
Arbiter | Juukhot'u q'iskhitan. |
You will not be spared this time. (The prophecy is incomplete.) |
Arbiter | K'e oni juubaat'u shkhis, Ghashank'o ghu. |
Come meet your destiny, Demon. (Swallow your destiny, Demon.) |
Arbiter | Ghaamos k'e o q'ii nguqkhwijahe? | Why do you not accept your death? |
Arbiter | Jan matkha, Ghashank'o ghu. Jan ni k'aaje tkhahana. | Kill me, Demon. End my shame. |
Makee | Ine ii tkha ni k'e juutkhola q'ii. | This is not the death you deserve. |
Arbiter | Jan juumatkha. Jan oni oq'otu k'umas ch'awaqkho. Mu oni t'iloshkho. | Take my life. Restore my honor. Tell him. |
Makee | Eya. Jan o tkha tskha'ijaga. | No. I won't. |
Arbiter | K'e o enji. | You must. |
Arbiter | Jan kkhotskha. Gha skhuro ba k'uucho ikhi jan? |
What is a soldier when he can no longer fight? (I am broken. What kind of soldier am I now?) |