Forum:Halo 5: Guardians (General)/Improvements

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Needed page

I noticed that there is no halo 5 skulls page. I think the wiki should have one.

Improvements we want to see

As some of you may have noticed, I was a little disappointed with most of the things I saw that came out of Halo 4, with Spartan Ops being my overall biggest disappointment. With that in mind there are certain improvements I would like to see out of the next iteration. I would like to see the return of campaign theater & scoring. I wanna see more unique weaponry and better weapon sounds. There needs to be more variety - for example: in one of the SpOps missions, we are tasked with killing troops on the ground, yet another spartan squad gets to destroy a covie cruiser from the inside - why were they given a more fun mission? I would like all those COD features erased from the game and make way for more classic style Halo gameplay for multiplayer. I want more consistency - I didn't like the fact that the FUD, master chief, and covie species were redesigned. And finally I want better gameplay where QTE's no longer existed. There's more but I wanted to keep it brief. Anyone else have anything they want to see for the next Halo game.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 20:59, 25 June 2013 (EDT)

Let's also make it unhackable...—This unsigned comment was made by I Kill U (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~

It's impossible to make something completely impervious to hacking.--Spartacus TalkContribs 12:07, 26 June 2013 (EDT)
What's wrong with hacking a game? It helps gamers find sweet new toys like the stasis rifle and bishop beam.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 13:10, 29 June 2013 (EDT)
Sangheili in multi-player. That is all I want. :D --TentacleTornado 13:41, 29 June 2013 (EDT)
I do miss this feature as it allowed for role-playing and made gameplay unique instead of the same-ole spartans vs. spartans.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 20:23, 29 June 2013 (EDT)

Improvements? Bring back the old multiplayer system where everything is unlocked from the very beginning. Offline players need some love too! — subtank 15:04, 29 June 2013 (EDT)

^Definitely. I almost forgot about the offline features. Halo 4 was dominated with online "only" non-sense.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 20:23, 29 June 2013 (EDT)

Speaking for myself, toning down the glare would be nice. Some of the Forerunner-themed missions especially got near-blinding. There's stylisation, and there's occular pain.

Other than that, I would love to see more effective non-Covenant enemies. The Prometheans were a great idea, executed with mixed results. The Covenant were fine as always. I would also love to see some human enemies for a change - rogue UNSC perhaps, or even Insurrectionists allied to a Covenant remnant faction. I've always thought that real Innies were being led up to in the first level of Reach, which would result in a fakeout revealing the Covenant, but they were cut for time. Fighting a human faction hostile to the UNSC, perhaps even teaming up with them if the Covenant turn on them, would be great! And since Forerunner enemies are a given in this post-Didact universe, expanding the number of Sentinel types would be great, filling a niche vacated by the Drones and Jetpack Troopers perhaps.

I'd also love to see a better starfighter level, if they bring that gameplay back. The Saber was fantastic, but the Broadsword left me underwhelmed. I expected dogfighting, and what I got was a Death Star trench run without Darth Vader breathing down my neck. -- Qura 'Morhek The Autocrat of Morheka 06:56, 30 June 2013 (EDT)

You read my mind. I was hoping to fight the insurrectionist for the longest time. That would present some unique gameplay. Never know, they could be included in a new game as part of this new "saga" that 343i is planning - they might as well make it happen. But yeah, the Broadsword sequence was a lil lame, whenever I play that mission I skip the trench. They definitely should try to make better use of the Broadsword than a linear obstacle course. Speaking of that, I'm still wishing to see some more human energy weapons besides the Spartan laser. That was not fulfilled in Halo 4. Maybe the next Halo?
I remember someone joking about the lens flare in Halo 4. I didn't mind it honestly but it was distracting in the star trek film (not too bad though).--Killamint [Comm|Files] 13:22, 30 June 2013 (EDT)
I've got a few small, very specific, but very important improvements. Bring back the "none of the above" option and the ability to change your vote in matchmaking.
Also, they need to make weapons and bodies stick around longer in Spartan Ops. All too often I would drop a weapon, turn around for two seconds and everything was gone. This was likely a result of fact that Halo 4 pushed the hardware to its limit, so removing bodies and weapons more quickly was necessary to prevent slowdown and lag in Spartan Ops - Xbox One won't have this problem.
A critical change is to increase the amount of ammo you can carry in the campaign. They decreased the ammo capacity for a lot of the weapons to increase the incentive to use the Ammo support upgrade. But in campaign they used the default low limit, which was a huge pain in the ass. How many of us were forced to backtrack again and again for ammo because we could only carry 56 DMR rounds instead of 75? I'm not saying we need to go back up the 120 and 600 round limits of Combat Evolved, but Halo 4 showed just how easy it is to adjust those limits, so there's no reason why you couldn't carry more rounds in campaign with a smaller default threshold in multiplayer.
Final suggestion: the terminals. I get that they're trying to get people to use Waypoint, but they need to allow people to watch the terminals in-game. I also wish they would allow you to go back and find and access them again after the first time. Even now, when I play through the old games, I like to go back and re-find, re-read, and re-watch old terminals and skulls. I've even created dummy profiles on my Xbox just so I could find the ODST audio logs again. --Emblem 1.jpg Rusty-112 Admin comm 01:09, 7 July 2013 (EDT)
I second the ammo thing for sure. I never really had an issue carrying the guns I wanted through missions in previous games, but carrying the AR through all of Halo 4 is very challenging to do without running out. Alex T Snow (talk) 01:38, 8 July 2013 (EDT)
The issue with objects disappearing from a game is due to the limited memory space the Xbox 360 has. By the looks of it, Halo 4 graphics engine has pushed the console's RAM to its limit, and the only way to prevent the game from crashing is by quickly deleting/removing these objects left behind/not collected by the player. I'm sure the next Halo installment on the Xbox One wouldn't have this problem. Definitely agree about the issue of accessing additional media. — subtank 06:29, 8 July 2013 (EDT)
Agree 100% with Rusty. To be honest I don't think they should've maxed out the 360 to its limits. Takes away from gameplay/features (i.e. weapon pick-ups, campaign theater, etc...). Perhaps they should've kept the Reach graphics but improved it to get rid of the grainy texture problem that game had? IDK. 42 rounds for your DMR is just stupid - which is why I resorted to sequence breaking and skipping large chunks of the levels in order to get through them without using much ammo if any. As for the terminals, definitely should've been in-game. Seems like 343i was foricng players to have fun their way (which may explain why we still don't have a classic playlist for multiplayer).--Killamint [Comm|Files] 13:09, 8 July 2013 (EDT)
Have you tried Throwdown? It's the most faithful and competetive playlist. Unfortunately, you'll have to be pretty good to hold your own in it. It's mostly played by the really competetive players. Always use the DMR. This is craZboy557, signing off. 18:33, 25 July 2013 (EDT)
I never tried it but they have legendary slayer and that was pretty good.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 13:08, 12 September 2013 (EDT)

My wants are the usual: No sprint as an option, descope, lowered aim assist, especially magnetism. Ok, so maybe don't always use the DMR anymore. That two shot-melee is pretty good. This is craZboy557, signing off. 18:49, 15 September 2013 (EDT)

I'd like to see a return to the health system used in Halo: Reach. I thought that Bungie actually pulled that off pretty well. It would also make available new weapons that could shred through both a small amount of shield and health like Killamint said. @Qura Morhek: Bingo! i couldn't have said it better. --Weeping Angel (talk) 12:33, 27 September 2013 (EDT)

Definitely agree with you there. I hate the health system in Halo 4, mainly because your health isn't shown on the HUD which leaves you blind as to how much health you have after your shields have dropped. Hated it in Halo 2 and 3 as well.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 10:52, 12 October 2013 (EDT)

I was playing through Halo 4 again, for the first time in months, and I was surprised by my new impressions on the game. Time really gives you a fresh perspective, and what struck me was two things - firstly, the irritation when fighting exclusively Promethean enemies, and secondly, the weapon redundancy. You have so many weapons filling the same niches. Everything besides that still seems extremely solid, and when you're fighting the Covenant it's extremely fun. I'm not sure if 343i have fixed the weapon balancing multiplayer, but that would be a big must for me. My point about the lens flare still stands (it's ridiculous, especially on the Forerunner-styled levels). -- Qura 'Morhek The Autocrat of Morheka 18:52, 13 October 2013 (EDT)

I haven't played Halo 4 in weeks, maybe a month I guess (on GTA5 at this point). It died a lil w/ me. I also noticed the population dying even more. It used to average 30K+/- players, now it's starting to average 15-20K+/- players (source). Skulls in SpOps is not enough, they should be customizable (playing mythic w/ no catch, tilt, & black eye is no fun), and we still need scoring & theater. The weapon redundancy is very obvious especially with the reloading mechanic which is just ridiculous. The weapons should've been unique and battery powered but oh well. 343i did fix the weapon balancing in multiplayer but in my opinion they did too much. Some of the weapons needed only minor fixes. That 4-shot crap w/ the br is annoying. They nerfed the DMR too much, and they made some of the other weapons a lil too powerful. Getting 1-shot by the sniper rifle in the body (not the head) w/ full health and shields is too much. I can't help you w/ the lens flare lol.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 11:13, 14 October 2013 (EDT)

Can we have some kind of boat? I mean really, with all of the Covenant's anti-grav technology, there has got to a hovercraft somewhere. I just want to play on it. Come to think of it, I don't think Halo has ever had a water vehicle. And no, the Gondolas from Halo 2 do not count. Also, I'd like to see something like the elephants on Halo 3's Sandtrap map. At least some kind of more open map that featured vehicles more heavily. In gameplay, it should be similar to Hemorrhage, where you had lots of open space (enough for scorpions+Wraiths+Ghosts+Revenants+Mongooses), but not too open, as it had all of those nice hills. --Weeping Angel (talk) 15:52, 15 October 2013 (EDT)

Final Improvements List

I'm gonna go ahead and sum up everything that I think needs to be brought back/eliminated in the next game. This list is comprised of things in the above section, forums, youtube, waypoint, my personal opinion, and other gamers alike. This also counts features/items that may be carried over from Halo 4 to Halo "5". Missed anything? Add to the list in the proper section! Don't like something on the list, don't delete it! State your reason below the list.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 12:53, 17 October 2013 (EDT)

  • Oh, as a side note, I will be paying close attention to what has been applied from this list over to the next game and will conduct my own review (that's if I buy the game, I have yet to buy a XBOXONE - cost too much, waiting for the price to drop to like $350-$400).--Killamint [Comm|Files] 13:02, 17 January 2014 (EST)
  • Bring back Campaign Scoring/timer/medals Tick.JPG Done
  • Bring back Campaign Theater
  • Bring back 4 player match-making for campaign Tick.JPG Done
  • Stop relying on novels/terminals to tell the in-game story Tick.JPG Done
  • Get rid of quick time events and those corny animated button presses Tick.JPG Done
  • If boss battles are brought back, simply make the boss like regular enemies, just with special weapons & more health/shields Tick.JPG Done
  • Make larger non-linear levels like in Halo 1 Tick.JPG Done
  • Better Broadsword level that is non-linear
  • Stop retconning story elements/designs Tick.JPG Done
  • Bring back power-ups in campaign
  • Give us more use/variety out of the pelican rather than just flying from “point a to b” (perhaps picking up troops)
  • Let us fight insurrectionist for once
  • Bring back the arbiter Tick.JPG Done
  • Add more new vehicles like boats – if Forerunners/Prometheans are in the next game, give them some usable vehicles Tick.JPG Done
  • Bring back the flashlight and/or night/infrared vision (Weeping Angel)
  • Add more variety & creativeness for mission objectives aside from destroying energy cores (something that plagues Halo 4's mission objectives) Tick.JPG Done
  • Better story telling (Weeping Angel) Tick.JPG Done
  • Bring back Covenant language translation software (in other words allow the covies to speak English again) Tick.JPG Done
  • Better music, in fact bring back the old theme - Halo: CE and Halo 2 were great. Halo 4's theme was too weird/boring imo and the music was way too quiet with little sense of awe. Tick.JPG Done
  • Mammoth run.
  • Bring back actual skill-based ranks and display them next to gamertags (not in waypoint) Tick.JPG Done
  • Get rid of the grinding/progression non-sense – if armor has to be unlocked, it should be through achievements or things done in-game, not rank-based Tick.JPG Done
  • Get rid of random & personal ordnance – if not keep it under social playlist Tick.JPG Done
  • Get rid of custom loadouts and tactical & support packages – if not keep it under social playlist Tick.JPG Done
  • Give us free DLC maps so everyone can play rather than those who paid Tick.JPG Done
  • Separate social (Infinity) and ranked playlist Tick.JPG Done
  • Get rid of instant-respawns and join in progress - if not leave it under social playlist Tick.JPG Done
  • Get rid of kill-cams – if not leave it under social playlist and fix them Tick.JPG Done
  • Make better maps with better layouts and interactive features Tick.JPG Done
  • Stop making so many large 8v8 maps, give us more 4v4 maps Tick.JPG Done
  • Bring back human aerial vehicles and maybe some new ones Tick.JPG Done
  • Bring back elites in mp
  • Keep the Mantis Tick.JPG Done
  • Make armor abilities pick-ups on the map rather than starting equipment and have limited use Tick.JPG Done
  • Get rid of promethean vision and active-camo as armor abilities but make them power-ups instead Tick.JPG Done
  • Stop “outlining” an overshield user
  • Give us two dodges per charge for thruster pack, make it faster, and make it 1st person Tick.JPG Done
  • Allow players to move when looking at the score using the back button Tick.JPG Done
  • Bring back kill counts for scoring, not that “600 points” crap – restrict points to individual players Tick.JPG Done
  • Bring back friendly fire and “boot player” function Tick.JPG Done
  • Fix the spawning system Tick.JPG Done
  • Get rid of auto pick-ups for the flag and ball, and allow the flag to be dropped – also get rid of flagnums – if not make it a sub-variant of CTF Tick.JPG Done
  • Bring back several sub-variants of gametypes such as 1-flag
  • Make the Mammoth drivable in MP
  • Add a map w/ playlist for 16v16 (Weeping Angel) Tick.JPG Done (almost)
  • Include friendly/enemy NPC's or Bots in mp (Weeping Angel) Tick.JPG Done
  • Bring back Invasion Tick.JPG Done (Warzone variant)
  • Allow us to play as other covenant species in maybe separate playlist
  • Add a large vehicular focused map with a 32 player maximum (Siphon117)
  • Keep the Railgun (my favorite new weapon), SAW, - replace the Sticky Detonator w/ the grenade launcher from Reach, have both, or have the option to automatically detonate the stick detonator
  • Get rid of all the Promethean weapons, covie carbine, and beam rifle - (all these weapons are redundant)
  • Give us better Forerunner weapons that are unique – like the sentinel beam
  • Bring back the plasma rifle (and its stun effect & headshot capability like in Halo 1), focus rifle (buff it), needle rifle, make the Fuel Rod gun similar to how it was in Halo 1 (bolt arcs instead of firing straight), and bring back the stun effect for the plasma pistol
  • Get rid of the lunge effect for melees (make it like it was in Halo 1 which required SKILL)
  • Make the grenades more powerful like in Halo 1 - where did the large explosions & chain reactions go? Also grenades should only explode after coming to rest like in Halo 1 so that people don't spam them.
  • Stop de-spawning weapons so quickly Tick.JPG Done
  • Bring back more ammo for weapons Tick.JPG Done
  • Bring back de-scoping when shot Tick.JPG Done
  • Stop making one-shot body kills w/ full health & shields for the UNSC sniper rifle Tick.JPG Done
  • Allow aim-assist to be optional (reduce reticule/bullet magnetism) Tick.JPG Done
  • Show more info on the HUD – secondary weapon & ammo, compass, map-call outs, health for vehicles and friendly A.I., and a sprint meter Tick.JPG Done
  • Make the HUD customizable
  • Give the weapons better sound effects – they sounded too weak and like staplers/typewriters Tick.JPG Done
  • Get rid of the “punch a vehicle to death” boarding mechanic, and allow a vehicle user to exit a vehicle when being boarded
  • Bring back the flamethrower or similar weapon (Siphon117)
  • Give the Mantis limited jump capability (Weeping Angel)
  • Bring back the SMG (Alex T Snow) Tick.JPG Done
  • Bring back Brute weapons (Siphon117)
  • Add vehicles from Halo Wars (Siphon117)
  • Give us a BETA Tick.JPG Done
  • Bring back firefight Tick.JPG Done
  • If Spartan Ops makes a comeback, it should be revised heavily – stop recycling maps and utilize all new maps, give it more narrative and better writing (IMO cutting off Halsey’s arm was just dumb), give it more variety, add theater, scoring, timer, medals, lives, and choose able skulls, reduce the number of missions to avoid reusing maps (if maps are reused, give it a different atmosphere), get rid of online-only access
  • Give us a better user interface (like Reach)
  • Make forge more user friendly like it was in Reach Tick.JPG Done
  • Give us bigger/flatter maps like Forge world Tick.JPG Done
  • Give us more new items to build out of instead of the same ole stuff Tick.JPG Done
  • Forge maps for firefight w/ ability to set weapon, enemy, player spawns (Weeping Angel)
  • Add more unique easter eggs (Spartan331) Tick.JPG Done
  • Get rid of multiplayer achievements or make them easier (in other words, "possible") to achieve
  • Let us use all vehicles on any forge map, no matter how impractical. allow as much freedom as possible. Tick.JPG Done
Up For Debate
  • Get rid of promethean vision, jetpack, and active-camo as armor abilities (make active-camo a power up) – if not keep it under social playlist, restrict them to campaign, or make them pick-up's on the map Tick.JPG Done
  • Give the Mantis limited flight capability (Siphon117)
  • Have both equipment and armor abilities (Siphon117)
  • Bring back dual-wielding (Siphon117)
New Weapon/AA Ideas
  • Particle Cannon gun - Basically a handheld version of the Z-8060 Particle Cannon. Has to be charged up. Fires a continuous beam that last for about 2-3 seconds. Battery powered, each firing is around 20% power discharge. Slightly less powerful than the Spartan Laser but charges faster.
  • Give us the Stasis rifle, Bishop beam, and Burst pistol.
  • A headshot capable power weapon that fires in four shot bursts. Non hitscan, fast enough to, y'know, be effective, but slow enough that you'll have to start leading at early-medium range. Three shots to break shields, so if the entire burst hits and the last shot is a headshot, you can kill in one burst. Perhaps three or so body shots to kill. The speed of the burst would be slightly faster than 2 BR bursts. I kind of imagine it as a detached turret, but that's not too important.
  • A non hitscan energy weapon that fires ridiculously fast, so that the individual shots merge together into a single large stream. Or just code it as a stream, if that's possible. It would deal heavy damage and be able to fire for very long without overheating, but the stream travels very slow, so that using it against individual targets would be difficult, if not straight up impractical. However, you would be able to use the stream to lay down suppressing fire and render a spot impassible, or at the very least extremely dangerous to attempt to do so, and be able to do this for a good while. (I feel like I may have explained this poorly)


I got rid of the "put mammoth in MP" thing. With its size, invulnerability, and firepower, I fail to see how it could play well. Ok, so maybe don't always use the DMR anymore. That two shot-melee is pretty good. This is craZboy557, signing off. 12:06, 21 October 2013 (EDT)

Hey don't delete it, just comment about it. IMO I think it is workable. If the elephant was usable on a large size map like sandtrap than the mammoth should be too especially given the power of the next gen xboxone. They could make a map that's a lil bigger and maybe fit one mammoth on the map. The mini-mac could be unusable (like the falcon's gun in mp) and even though it's invulnerable you could simply board it. I honestly think it could make for fun and exciting gamplay. If not, make it drivable in campaign. Never know, the xbox one could really make this possible.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 09:00, 22 October 2013 (EDT)
Sorry, I assumed we were supposed to edit the list. I guess most things can be balanced. But I just have to think that the time you'd have to make for that to work well would likely take too long to be worthwhile. This is craZboy557, signing off. 20:59, 2 November 2013 (EDT)
Well time would be a factor given the release goal is 2014 (1 year) instead of 2016 (3 years).--Killamint [Comm|Files] 07:04, 3 November 2013 (EST)

I wanted to make a discussion segment about that timeline. if you think this shouldn't be here, go ahead and delete it/reorganize iit. First of all, that was a great idea to create a list like this Killamint, thanks. I do have a few problems with it though:

I do think jetpack should be an armor ability. it gives map designers options for maps that could not exist without it. Take a map like sword base for instance. does it work without jetpack? well...yes, but that takes away so many strategies. also even in flatter maps, it gives you whole new opportunities for combating opponents. about the maps, let me propose something drastic here. what about 16 vs. 16? all the gametypes feel like little firefights to me. I'd like to see something more like a war! For that gametype your going to need 2 things: bigger maps, and different vehicles. About vehicles, the Mammoth may be a bit much, but I would definitely like to see something along the lines of either that or the Elephant. Of course, UNSC aerial vehicles are a must. I have long been waiting for more interactive maps. That's the one area where HALO has consistently faltered. I actually like starting with armor abilities. Bring back the Flashlight!! Seriously? Spartan IVs don't have a flashlight? I guess that's what you get when you sideline Halsey. I agree with you on the thruster pack, but I would add two things: it should go farther, and you should be able to aim it up. I didn't like the auto pickup, but I did like that you had to stick with the flag. Personally I would keep that. A little redundancy is O.K. It's just when everything is a verbatim copy that it gets annoying. I'm a little worried about putting more stuff on the HUD. I'd like to see all that stuff, sure, but I don't want it to get crowded. Also S.O. should be longer. Right now, it just feels like dead weight on Halo 4. Like an arm that needs to amputated and replaced with Firefight. Maybe instead of S.O. and firefight, you could have a normal 8v8 slayer game with a Prometheans as a 3 team. Then again, maybe that's just stupid. Those are my ideas, anyway. --Weeping Angel (talk) 21:12, 21 October 2013 (EDT)

Jetpacks break map flow and jetpackers themselves are annoying to deal with. If its in mp it should be restricted to social playlist or made a pick-up rather than a starting ability. However, they could have a map that's entirely based around jetpacking like the level new Alexandria where there was a platforming section that required the jetpack. That could offer an interesting change of pace and would be fair since everyone has a jetpack although it may get hectic & choatic in the game. I just don't agree with starting with armor abilities. Armor lock was annoying enough but then there's promethean vision. I think they should be pick-ups like equipment in H3 and have limited use to avoid spamming (which was a major problem with armor lock). If you do start with armor abilities it should be restricted to social playlist. Honestly I prefer smaller teams over big team battles but 16v16 is possible given the next gen xbox but it would definitely require a very large map. As for the mammoth, I just want to see it in mp at least on one map, perhaps it can be worked in with the 16v16 gametype you described. Whats wrong with having all that stuff displayed on the HUD? I don't believe it would cause any clutter - take a look at Reach's HUD, it was still clear. Compare that to MC's HUD in H4, it had less information but was more cluttered due to the helmet outlines and random lines & unreadable text. I'm not sure what you mean by "Prometheans as a 3 team." --Killamint [Comm|Files] 09:00, 22 October 2013 (EDT)
I see what you mean about jetpacks. the problem is that there are some maps where i think they actually make for smoother and more interesting gameplay. Going back to Reach again, the map Spire proved to me that jetpacks can help gameplay. Some maps however don't need jetpacks. on a map like pinnacle, I absolutely agree with you. they are both unnecessary, and detrimental to gameplay. Armor lock and Promethean vision are my two least favorite armor abilities. I found that in the campaign i was using Promethean vision as a flashlight. Remind me again why there was no flashlight? Active Camo should be a pickup, definitely. auto sentry was just lame. Regeneration field should also be a pickup. Hologram was alright. I'd be okay with leaving that as a starting ability since it doesn't really affect gameplay all that much. That leaves us with Jetpack, hard light shield, and thruster pack. Personally, I would keep the jetpack, but that's just me. Hard light shield was interesting, but I prefer bubble shield. One or the other though, we can't have both. likewise with thruster pack. I think you're right about the HUD. the Reach HUD was amazing. Halo 4's was just stupid. all those lines were just so annoying. referring to what I said about adding another team of Promethean NPCs, it would have to be done on a large map, comparable to Spire or Exile. I was thinking that you could just throw in some knights to break up the gameplay. I haven't really given much thought to that idea, so feel free to completely tear it to shreds. BTW, we totally need a Mammoth/Elephant.--Weeping Angel (talk) 22:43, 25 October 2013 (EDT)
I do like the jetpack, just not in mp. I hardly ever used it myself. But like I and you said, it can work fine on particular maps. I now know what you mean by NPC's. Basically have some "bots" in mp. I've been wishing for bots since the 1st Halo. So no, I'm not shredding that idea! Sometimes I'm not in the mood to play against human players. Sometimes I rather play "on my own time" on mp maps against bots, just for fun or for practice especially if I don't have any local players to play with. They could also be substitutes for players in mm and have adjusted difficulty tables (like if most of the players are good, the bot will be set to heroic). I think that would help with extending the longevity of the game.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 09:16, 26 October 2013 (EDT)

One more thing. Forge firefight! I want to be able to make a firefight map from a forgeworld environment, and set enemy spawn points, how they spawn (phantom, spirit, droppod,etc...), where the friendly players spawn, and where all the weapons are. I want everything about Firfight forgeable. --Weeping Angel (talk) 10:50, 26 October 2013 (EDT)

That's an excellent idea!! Definitely added it to the list.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 08:24, 27 October 2013 (EDT)
But how will that work with AI pathfinding?—This unsigned comment was made by CraZboy557 (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~
Good question. You will have to ask Weeping Angel about that one...--Killamint [Comm|Files] 17:38, 1 December 2013 (EST)

There are 3 more things that I'd like to say, but I'm not sure you can put these on any list. These are just broader goals that I'd like for 343i to shoot for.

The first is creativity. Bungie was incredibly creative with each of their games. the difference between the games in the original trilogy is astounding. Halo 4 felt more like a combination of Halo 3 and Reach. 343i needs to make a game that feels incredibly new and excitingly different. on a smaller scale, 343i added all of 5 new weapons to Halo 4: the sticky detonator, the SAW, the Railgun, the Pulse grenade, and the incineration cannon. Bungie added the target locator, the grenade launcher, the DMR, the needle rifle, the cuncussion rifle, the plasma repeater, the plasma launcher, the focus rifle, and the whole idea of armor abilities.

Secondly, Halo Reach had a certain grittiness to it. there was something so real about it. Halo 4 just seemed too pretty. And there's nothing wrong with pretty, but It looked kind of fake compared to Reach. Take a look at the pictures in the Halo: Reach and Halo 4 pages, and you can see what I mean. I want the next game to be stunningly real. That doesn't mean that can't be pretty. But I want to get a little dirty sometimes.

And the third thing is storytelling. Despite 343i's incessant talk about how Halo 4 will delve deeper into the Master Chief, I felt like Halo: Reach actually did a better job of describing the pain that he's been through. The way each of Noble 6's teammates were picked off, one by one, created a powerful analogy to what the Master Chief has been through.

Bungie hasn't just excelled at each of these elements in Halo: Reach. I used that as an example because it's the game that I'm the most familiar with. In each of the Bungie games, they showed unparalleled creativity, unbelievable art works, and incredible storytelling. If 343i can capture those three elements, I have confidence that they will create a stupendous game, whether or not they address each of our grievances listed on this page. It'll make me happy, at least. --Weeping Angel (talk) 15:52, 2 November 2013 (EDT)

Yeah I already mentioned weapon variety as being something that needs to be added to the game. Although I didn't find the incineration cannon to be anything special (IMO it's just a pretty looking rocket launcher). As for mission variety I added that to the list as I forgot about it. To be honest I think Halo 4 was overall better looking than Halo Reach but may have been too pretty as it compromised everything else (weapons despawning too fast). Yes they need better story telling so I added that to the list. Halo 4 did a good job of humanizing chief but it lacked in every other aspect such as the Didact being a weak antagonist and not much story telling outside of MC & Cortana. But yeah, it is safe to say that Halo 4 wasn't innovative in any way compared to the previous trilogy/saga. It was far more imitative and gave us nothing new.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 07:04, 3 November 2013 (EST)

I personally like a few things they did in Halo 4, but I'll go ahead and put my 2 cents in here. -First off, I love the jetpack. I'm one of the so called "Jet packers", but I personally see it as a good addition. And really, if you don't like the jetpack for being used against you, that's your problem. -I do agree with most of the weapon changes you suggested, especially with the Sentinel Beam. I really loved that weapon, and I hated that 343 didn't bring it back in 4. -I definitely want more aerial vehicles, especially the hornet. I also liked the falcon, but what I think would be a good idea, would be to have (maybe) a large, possible 16 on 16 style map (I think such a thing could be done on the Xbox One), with two large bases and a middle ground. Think of Blood gulch, but larger, and more air space. And add in both the Phantom, and the Pelican(Auto cannon only) To counter such powerful air vehicles, I would think we'd need the AA Wraith, the Wolverine, or maybe even the Vampire. Maybe even throw in some water based vehicles, and we'd have an epic map with which a massive battle could take place in. Just saying... -Agree on keeping the mantis. -I think a combination of armor abilities, and equipment would be nice. Have both armor abilities, like jet pack, sprint(don't particularly like it as standard), hard light shield (or something equal to it), invisibility, and other such abilities. Then, we could have equipment, such as the regenerator, bubble shield (invincible, preferably), power drain, flare, some kind of mine, and maybe some knew types, such as a deployable turret (like the sentry gun from Black Ops), a homing bomb thing, that could detonate and create a small portal that would suck in nearby players (like the vortex, which they were going to add in H3), and small drone that follows the player for say 30 seconds after being deployed. And have the armor abilities set to either RB or X, and have the equipment set to the D-pad. -Agree with bringing back Firefight. Spartan ops just didn't do it for me. -Maybe a Covenant mecha, of some sort? Think like a large, pilotable hunter, with its assault cannon, and shield. Also, maybe give the Mantis some form of limited flight (for some reason, the Mantis does indeed have what looks like thrusters on it, but they don't do anything). -Bring back the brutes, and their weapons and vehicles. Especially the Chopper. -BRING BACK DUEL WIELDING! Honestly, I really wanted this one in H4, but I'll still be hoping they bring it back in 5 (or whatever they call it.) -Promethean vehicles. Like a large, pilotable War Sphinx. Maybe single player only, but still. -SMG. That is all. -Have both the grenade launcher and stick detonator. However, give the grenade launcher slightly more power, and make the stick detonator slightly less powerful. -Flamethrower. A usable flame thrower. If not a flamethrower, a similar covenant weapon that spews hot, burning plasma at short range. Like a plasma cutter, but bigger, and more powerful. -Make the thruster pack actually useful. At least two burst, at least. And longer bursts. -Arbiter. Enough said. -Gatling Guns. Like the one in H3. Enough said. I could go on and on, but I think you guys get the general idea. Siphon 117 23:02, 12 November 2013 (EST)

Your a genius. --Weeping Angel (talk) 23:19, 12 November 2013 (EST)
I don’t necessarily “hate” the jetpack. It’s more along the lines of what is balanced and what isn’t. That’s like saying “if you don't like armor lock being used against you, that's your problem.” Things like the jet pack, armor lock, promethean vision, and the boltshot are unbalanced and annoying regardless of who uses them. They break the flow of gameplay (usually by slowing it down) and, in the case of the jetpack, map flow. There’s a reason why I said it shouldn’t be an item the player starts with but rather something that must be obtained on the map and have limited use. It’ll help keep players on the ground longer rather than spamming it, which would help balance gameplay. As for sprint, it’s going to be difficult to get rid of it now if we’re still playing as Spartan-IV, since the gen-II armor has a “built-in” sprint module. As for a particular playlist, it could be eliminated, but you have to hope 343i does that for us (which is unlikely since they have yet to do it in Halo 4, at least to my knowledge). Having both equipment and armor abilities at the same time might be a bit hectic (almost like having sprint and jetpack at the same time). Honestly, I’m not sure what to say about that. It could be balanced and help give some variety to gameplay. Giving the Mantis flight capability maybe over doing it but maybe restrict it to campaign. Dual wielding is a bit of a mixed bag. I would say in MP, restrict it to weapons like the magnum and plasma pistol, that aren’t that powerful on their own.
By the way, how come you never post your signature with four ~~~~? I couldn’t tell who posted the comment at first.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 13:04, 14 November 2013 (EST)

See, I just gotta disagree with you on the jetpack. I thought it was actually enhanced gameplay. The deal with armor lock was that it a was completely unrealistic armor ability that was implemented terribly. Sure the jetpack needs some buffing, some adjustments, but I would hate to see it scrapped from armor abilities.

Same thing with built-in sprint; I rather like it.

On the rest of the stuff I pretty much agree with you, Killamint: armor abilities and equipment could be a little messy. In the end, though. it's all about how it's implemented. 343 could do a great job, and it could turn out to completely change the series. Or (the more likely version) it could be way too cluttered, and be a complete mess. I'm not sure I trust 343 that much. Flying Mantis? How about a jump? that would let it clear some annoying obstacles, without being overly much. Now, dual wielding is another thing that could go either well, or terribly. The thing that made it work in Halo 3 was that there was a whole class of weapons for dual wielding. There was the pistol, the plasma pistol, the SMG, the plasma rifle, the spiker, and the Mauler. That's 6 weapons that could be dual wielded. 343 would have to come up with a similar (please don't cut and paste those weapons) lineup of weapons to make dual wielding work. It's just not going to work the same with only a couple. --Weeping Angel (talk) 22:01, 14 November 2013 (EST)

Fine, I took jetpacks off the list as an armor ability to take out the game just to clarify things but I still don't agree that it enhances gameplay. Don't get me wrong, its fun to use and definitely fine in campaign but I just find it annoying when I'm shooting someone and on the verge of killing them but all of a sudden they "take off" mad high so now I have to point straight up, making it difficult for me to pull off the kill. But whatever. After playing Reach last week I've been learning how to deal with jetpackers (and armor-lockers) and I've won most if not all firefights against them (at least while they were in the air). Moving on, a "jump" ability for the Mantis seems more suitable than flight capability so I agree with you there. As for dual wielding, I think limiting the number of weapons that can be dual wielded is a good thing, especially when most other weapons are just fine by need for spray-and-pray in the next game.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 06:31, 15 November 2013 (EST)

May I suggest scratching out the "removed" ideas instead of moving them off the list? That tells new readers what was on the list. Something else to add is more unique easter eggs! It adds replay value to the game, makes the game more exciting, and shows how much effort was put into the game. I loved the RvB radio in Spartan Ops, but there's barely anything in the campaign (Limited Edition wasn't original, and double rainbow doesn't feel like an easter egg and more like an addition to the environment). —SPARTAN331 10:56, 15 November 2013 (EST)

Actually that is a good idea to scratch them out but instead what I'll do is create a removed ideas list - I just wanna keep the list clean I guest. But the easter eggs, I totally forgot about! Halo 4's campaign easter eggs SUCKED (they were mostly weak weapon drops) and seemed too complicated to activate/find IMO. I'll definitely add that to the list!--Killamint [Comm|Files] 12:38, 15 November 2013 (EST)
Easter Eggs! How could we have forgotten about that? definitely.
Wait, the Mammoth in MP is up for debate? I thought that was an AWESOME idea! You gotta at least have it for the 16v.16 battle. --Weeping Angel (talk) 23:12, 15 November 2013 (EST)
Yeah I'll go ahead and add that back. It is a great idea. I also added 16v16 to the list. Not sure if I would ever play that though if they made it - may be too chaotic for me lol.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 05:12, 16 November 2013 (EST)

I disagree with the removal of the Covenant Carbine. I personally find that its gameplay is different enough from the other marksmen rifles that it could be kept. I mean, it is a nice medium-ranged, single-shot rifle that has great rate of fire while having somewhat lacking magazine capacity to balance it out (Kills faster than the BR, but doesn't have the potential to kill as many people with a single magazine). I especially would like to keep it if there are going to be Spartans vs. Elites games, where it would make a counterpart to the BR while having the Needle Rifle a counterpart to the DMR.

Speaking about Spartans and Elites, I like how they were handled in Reach over 2 and 3. The Elites played a little differently than the Spartans did, had access to different weaponry, and were actually kind of fun. However, make their games more easily accessed than Reach: Like give make a Spartan vs. Elite or Elite only playlists.

As for the flamethrower, I would like to see it being like Killzone 2's: Has some range, but the napalm arcs. Let's face it, Halo 3's flamethrower was only slightly above useless. Missing Mandible (talk) 15:08, 19 November 2013 (EST)

The problem with the Covenant carbine is that its pretty much an alien DMR with the only "distinguishing" factors being that it fires faster, has 2x zoom, and has colorful ammo. Other than that its not that much different from the DMR in that it operates in the same manner - basically a single-shot pinpoint weapon that has to be reloaded. The Needle Rifle is more distinguishable since it can super-combine in targets making it more of a counterpart to the DMR than the covie carbine. Having both the needle rifle and carbine would be too redundant especially if we have the BR & DMR & LR IMO - five weapons that fill the same purpose and operate almost the same. The same can be said about the rocket launcher, fuel rod gun, and incinerator cannon - IMO they're all "rocket launchers", just with different colored ammo, firing rates, and slighly different power ratings. The fuel rod gun was distinguishable until they eliminated the arcing projectile thing it did in H1 in all subsequent Halo games.
As for Elites, I disagree with you. The Elites shouldn't play different from Spartans because it makes S vs. E games unbalanced. As someone said before me, the only difference they should have is slightly more health (due to they're larger size) and thats it. That would allow people to choose to play as Elites in ANY gametype. Plus, IMO, its fun to see different species going up against another in a free for all rather than the mundane Spartans vs. Elites, Elites vs. Elites, Spartans vs. Spartans - why not Spartans/Elites vs. Spartans/Elites? Plus Reach took away all the armor permuations making them less customizable. SO I rather have it like it was in Halo 2 & 3.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 12:44, 21 November 2013 (EST)
I think that the Fuel Rod Gun is a different beast from the rocket launcher. The bouncing projectiles mean you have to actually hit the target instead of shooting the ground and killing them with the splash. I'd definitely say they're both relevant within the same sandbox. This is craZboy557, signing off. 22:01, 27 November 2013 (EST)
I forgot about that bounce effect thing but even then the scattershot does the same thing and is still hardly different from the UNSC shotgun. I just think the least 343i needs to do is add the arc effect again which would add a lil challenge to using the weapon at the same time make it more distinct from the rocket launcher.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 10:16, 28 November 2013 (EST)
Yes, but as I said, the bouncing prevents the Fuel Rod from being used the same way as the rocket launcher. There already is a challenge with using the weapon, you have to land a direct hit with a non-hitscan weapon with one of the slower projectile speeds. I feel that the fuel rod plays significantly different from the rocket launcher. As opposed to the rocket launcher being to easily take out one or more target per shot with its splash damage, with only a few shots to be used, the Fuel Rod is to take out a target a shot with direct hits, and with several shots available. With its ability to take out targets faster, I feel like the FRG tends to play a bit more aggressively, while the rocket launcher, with the less shots available and the reliance on splash damage needing you to be sure a surface to shoot at is available, encourages defensive play. This is craZboy557, signing off. 12:40, 28 November 2013 (EST)
You convinced me, I got nothing else to say there. I still want the arc effect back though.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 11:02, 1 December 2013 (EST)
Eh, why not. This is craZboy557, signing off. 13:31, 1 December 2013 (EST)

Okay, this just needs to be said: BRING BACK INVASION. I think Elites should be a little different. I would say the should be bigger, walk faster, and have a more powerful melee attack. The better health is a good idea too. After all, aren't the elites described in the book as being more than a match for John? I agree, the Needle rifle and carbine are too similar. Halo: Reach worked well with just 2 medium-long range weapons. Weeping Angel (talk) 12:07, 22 November 2013 (EST)

Invasion was my favourite gametype in Halo: Reach. I'd love it if they brought it back in the next game. I'd rather have Invasion than Spartan Ops...--Spartacus TalkContribs 12:12, 22 November 2013 (EST)
I agree that Invasion should return. However, like I said above, Elites shouldn't be that much different, if different at all, from spartans, from a gameplay perspective. I think allowing them to have higher stats in most areas will cause in-balance in the game. Maybe a little more health to compensate for their larger size & covie weapons being generally weaker than human weapons. I was just fine when playing gears of war where the locust horde and cogs had the same stats but only differed aesthetically. Why not maintain the same thing in Halo? Also its best not to incorporate everything that was written in the books into gameplay - take a look at Halo 4 itself: they eliminated Elites entirely simply because the spartans fight on-board the Infinity in a simulation. Gamers who are only interested in the multiplayer won't give a rats-yoink!- about the story behind multiplayer. They're only interested in gameplay and if its missing, the complaints will start pouring in.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 09:58, 24 November 2013 (EST)

I went ahead and added another thing to the list. A youtube poster suggested we be able to play as other covie species in maybe separate playlist. An example would be grunt slayer where everyone plays as grunts. It would add some diversity and another challenge to the game rather than just playing as just spartans, which can be boring after a while. Also it may be possible to play as Brutes in any playlist since they can be considered equivalent to Spartans & Elites (similar stats) but not sure if players would like to play as them. Could also play as insurrectionist which would be interesting.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 10:30, 28 November 2013 (EST)

Alright, so two things: 1, I vote against bringing back dual wielding, and 2, can we put up weapon ideas? This is craZboy557, signing off. 12:42, 28 November 2013 (EST)

Duly noted. I moved dual wielding to the "up for debate" section. As for weapon ideas I created a "New Weapon/AA Ideas" section. Feel free to fill it up. I already placed some of my ideas.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 11:02, 1 December 2013 (EST)
Mine are up now as well. This is craZboy557, signing off. 13:31, 1 December 2013 (EST)

Now this is something that should be in the next game. The Quad-Walker has 2 plasma cannons and looks similar to the scarab walker. I wouldn't have an issue with it if it were implemented in the H5. I've been wanting to see UNSC reversed-engineered tech in the Halo games other than energy shields. I want to see some energy weapons other than the Spartan laser. So hopefully 343i gets to it.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 12:44, 16 January 2014 (EST)

Another ONI vehicle? There's no way 343 lets Mega Bloks just make up vehicles for no reason, especially not a whole new series of them. ONI as (somewhat) its own faction is looking more and more likely. That or an ONI-based side game. Also, the SMG definitely needs to come back. Aside from the hole left because of its absence, Halo 4 got the weapon sandbox perfect. Alex T Snow (talk) 21:25, 16 January 2014 (EST)
Added SMG's to the list. I agree though, there's no way Mega Bloks can just make up vehicles left & right. 343i has to have some direction with these toys. As for an ONI-based side game, I don't think so. Now the H4 weapon sandbox, balance-wise, its perfect. As for weapon types, no. It's too redundant. Just copy-pasted weapons across all factions. Basically no creativity whatsoever with the promethean weapons.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 13:02, 17 January 2014 (EST)
They are indeed a bit redundant. Equivalent but unique weapons would be better, Sniper Rifle/Focus Rifle instead of Sniper Rifle/Beam Rifle as an example. What I meant by "perfect" in this case is all the roles are filled (minus the SMG), not talking about uniqueness. For standard rifles you have a pair per role: two long, two mid-long, two mid-close, two one close, one human and one alien per class, but missing the SMG, that's my issue. Also because the SMG (functionally the Halo: CE AR) has been missing since ODST. Spartan Assault's use of stuff from all across the games is a good sign though, I always want to see more of that. 343 has been very good about making the Halo universe a very interconnected one, where the novels, comics, live action stuff, and all that are just as much a part of the story as the games; they're not a lower level of canon. That's something that I hope they continue. I suppose that's not a thing to improve, but I do feel its important. Alex T Snow (talk) 18:20, 17 January 2014 (EST)

Alright, I'm going to throw in my next two cents here. I personally want Dual Wielding back, as it gave the weapon's sandbox a little more variety in terms of combat. You could in Halo 3 feasibly pair up a Mauler or SMG with a Magnum, for the usual noob combo, or go full on dual Maulers for brutal CQC. For Halo 5, or whatever it's going to be called, I would like the SMG, Plasma Rifle, Needler, Magnum, Plasma Pistol, Bolt Shot, and maybe a brand new weapon. Now, I know that both the Needler and Bolt Shot are both really powerful, and can be spammed, but so can the rocket launcher. Anyway, I would also like to see the Brute weapons return, especially the Mauler and Bruteshot. As for other weapons, bring back the sentinel beam, and bring in a usable flame thrower. Vehicle related, I would like to see the Cobra, Wolverine, Locust, Vampire, Hornet, and the AA Wraith. For these kinds of vehicles, I would also like to see a huge, wide open map designed with large team based vehicular combat as the main focus. For that kind of thing, I would want at least 32 players maximum. It being on the next gen console, I don't see why they can't do that. For the competitive minded, Make the DMR with its 5 shot kill more accurate than the BR at longer range, and make the BR's spread greater the longer the range is. That way, the BR would be for more close-mid range combat, while the DMR will be for mid-long range combat. Also, make all none beam based weapons not hit scan, as bullets do actually take time to travel to their target. Make it like Halo 3 in that regard in my opinion. Next, we need a Covenant ground vehicle that can stand up to the Scorpion, let alone the Mantis. For that, I say we need the above mentioned Locust, or maybe a Mantis style Covenant mecha suit, like maybe a mecha version of a Hunter, but with shields. I would say more, but I'll cut it at that. Siphon 117 00:40, 25 January 2014 (EST)

Lol you already said dual wielding. I left it under "up for debate" due to balance reasons especially if you're talking about dual wielding Bolt Shots (i.e. overpowered x2). Added brute weapons and Halo wars vehicles to the list.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 12:34, 28 February 2014 (EST)

What if I told you...the Jetpack and Join in progress is fine the way it is? If anything join in progress needs to be fixed where it'll actually give your team more players even after the "beginning" of the match. I've had too many games where it's a manhunt for one player. I also like the custom classes with the exception of people spawning and then camping with Boltshot.Sith-venator Wavingstrider Fett helmet.jpg (Commlink) 14:00, 28 February 2014 (EST)

This is going to be long. Don't get me wrong, the jetpack is fun to use but it breaks map flow. It's one thing if players aren't given jetpack from the beginning (or any other armor abilities for that matter) & are forced to cycle around the map for it, and had limited use (so it couldn't be spammed like armor-lock). I think that would help balance it out a lot better. Otherwise it would be just fine the way it is in a social playlist where its not as competitive. And that brings me to join-in-progress. It's the worst when you're thrown into a losing match and you have no idea where the players are, and those players might have power weapons locked down. It's not even fair for the winning team if their opponents switch in the middle of battle where you might wound up with greater skilled players. So I would restrict it to social playlist. As for a manhunt, usually the last player quits (unless he's brave). Although there was a time where it was just me & another player vs 4, and we still won (I have proof), but that depends on the skill of the players.
When it comes to custom classes, its a mixed bag for me. I absolutely agree with you about camping w/ Boltshots. The problem is that custom classes create "player preferred patterns" (I give credit to Dark Sangheili for this one). Players are given the right tools for ANY situation. Big team battle - just equip yourself w/ a plasma pistol & grenades against vehicles. Regular battle - just equip yourself w/ a DMR & Boltshot. And that was the main problem w/ Halo 4. Too many & unbalanced weapons that you could spawn with. It would've been better if it were limited to 2 primary weapon choices (can't say secondary because of the plasma pistol & boltshot), which would promote cycling around the map for better weapons. This is more competitive & fun IMO compared to being given the weapons. And choices of perks, grenades, & aa's, and tying these "unlockables" to rank made it unbalanced.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 08:18, 1 March 2014 (EST)

Oh my gurd! What is with you people? The only things I would agree with are "Customizable HUD" (which would be the awesomest feature ever!), better grenades, Drivable Air Vehicles (and more of 'em!), more Forge Options, Firefight Forge (which is something I've been craving), Bring back Firefight, Bring Back Invasion, Playable Elites, Playable Covenant Species (Which could be kinda like classes maybe?), Make Multiplayer Achievements Doable, Drivable Mammoth, Bring back Arbiter, and Allow us to fight Insurrectionists (which is something I believe they're leaning towards). Otherwise, Halo 4 was the best Halo Game made in my opinion.—This unsigned comment was made by (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~

"Gurd"? Why do you consider Halo 4 as the best Halo game?--Killamin7 [Comm|Files] 08:43, 24 August 2014 (EDT)

"Gurd", okay, yeah, that was kinda weird. I just don't like to say "Oh My God!" too much. Anyways, I consider Halo 4 was the best Halo Game because it got a lot of things right. I loved being able to change my classes, and the Halo: Reach Armor was cool, but the way you got it kinda sucked. But I did get disappointed sometimes in the Multiplayer, like the fact that I've been working for a few months now to try and get the CIO Armor which I love (note, only Level 33), and the Skins were way cool (although what is with all the DLC?!), and I think it would be even cooler to put attachments on your weapons! Could you imagine charging into Multiplayer with a Silencer, Grenade Launcher, and Laser on your Assault Rifle? I mean, Halo: Wars was awesome to (I would love to see another Halo: Wars, although it probally wouldn't be about the Spirit of Fire {seeing how it's crawling with flood} although it is a possibility!), but come on guys? Does no one like Halo 4 as much as I do (although bringing back the Flood would be pretty cool to)? Note to 343I: Don't become Mass Effect, we love you the way you are! Cheers, 09:03, 29 August 2014 (EDT)

Got a lot of things right? Like what? Unbalanced gameplay with rank-based loadouts and random ordinance? Humdrum maps with little to no innovation? The absence of campaign theater and scoring for those who like to play single player? Spartan Ops which was extremely repetitive and you had to have a gold membership and an internet connection to play? What about the outrageousness behind how you had to unlock certain armor pieces? What about the atrocious looking armor? What happened to playing as elites? How about all the redundant weapons making it seem as though 343i had no type of creativity? How about how they unnecessarily retconned the MC's armor or the FUD or the covenant species making seem as though we're playing in another universe? Why do we need all these quick-time events? What about the bland story where we're doing nothing more than chasing a shallow, petty, cheap villain around to stop him from "destroying" the Earth - what happened to the chief finding halsey, or an explanation for why the covenant are at Requiem, or why humanity is now the dominate species in the galaxy?? Got a lot of things wrong IMO. Yes I do like Halo 4 but the overall package was underwhelming and not worth the price I paid for it.--Killamin7 [Comm|Files] 09:53, 31 August 2014 (EDT),no, just no. Everything multiplayer related you just listed are thing I expect of CoD, not Halo. Quite frankly if Halo when that direction, then I would be right pissed, and would probably not play it because of it. I personally think that as far as loadouts go, if they're like Halo Reach, where there dependent on the game type, I would be fine with. As for customizable weapons, just no, so much no. Halo has, up to Halo 4 (I still like Halo 4, just not as much as the others...) been about map control and power weapons. each weapon fits a certain role. The AR is for Close to Close mid range combat, BR for Mid Range, DMR for Mid to long, etc. Putting in customizable weapons would completely erase each weapons functionality, and would frankly ruin it even more than just being able to select your starting weapon did. Not getting mad at you for your opinions, as we each have are own, but if halo were to go in that direction (It won't, as from what I've seen, Halo 5: Guardians will be more like Traditional Halo in terms of multiplayer), I would quit the series.Siphon 117 02:10, 1 September 2014 (EDT)

@, I'm going to limit what I say cause I don't want you to get too upset. Yes we had "some" explanations in the Kilo-"5" series. But that doesn't mean they should be omitted in the game. Halo 4 offered no explanations for anything, perhaps in the terminals but not in the game proper. And yes, me and other people felt the Didact was shallow & cheap. Why? Because of his portrayal and actions throughout the game and especially the 72-hour story arc. He just comes across as this supervillian who'll stop at nothing to eliminate humanity, but we as the audience don't feel any type of emotion from this character. He's just some guy that needs to be stopped, and nothing more. There should've been more to it than just some bad guy with "cool" powers running around tyring to destroy the Earth. It doesn't matter if the Didact has these powers or can kill millions in one shot. Its still a bland and predictable story. It would've been far better and more attention grabbing if the chief actually made it back to Halsey & they "fixed" Cortana and if we had explanations behind missing story arcs. That's just my opinion. And at this point it just gets cheaper because now they're retelling the same story all over again in 72-hours w/ a slight twiss - the Didact gets his hands on a new composer so that he can attach it to a Halo this time and once again, use it on Earth. But that's for another discussion...--Killamin7 [Comm|Files] 17:51, 3 September 2014 (EDT)

I'm not especially invested in the gameplay, except to say I'd like greater variation between non-Covenant enemy types if they're going to be a significant presence. I recently had the idea of borrowing the idea of Transformer enemies from the War for/Fall of Cybertron games, where it was done very well - enemy types that could transition from ground-based combatants to aerial-based weapons platforms, or from a tall but fragile scanner mode to a compact, heavily armoured attack mode. Given the changeable nature of Sentinels, and especially given some of the abilities they've shown off-screen, such as the Onyx combiners, it would be an interesting introduction that would create new variety and combat behaviours. Instead of releasing a Watcher, what if it became a Watcher, then could transform into a more mobile and agile ground unit like a larger Crawler? Halo 3 tried transforming enemies with the Pure Forms, but that was a mixed bag, and I think Sentinel enemies would be a better way to see the concept through. And hey, it gets us thinking about interesting crossovers...
As for the Didact...I loved the voice actor, and I like the backstory. Halo 4 just did a bad job of conveying it in a self-contained manner. They could have done better, and they probably will do better. But it was like if, in Halo 2, Truth was the only High Prophet and was killed at the end through a quick time event - he would have been better served by having identifiable underlings, perhaps original Warrior Servants or implanted Prometheans that retained their individuality, or heck, even a Monitor who already disliked the Master Chief and Cortana, that you fought through to get TO him, that he could give orders and instructions to, make him feel like more of a leader than a monomaniac. Halo 2 gave us Miranda Keyes, Lord Hood, brought back Johnson, but it also gave us the High Prophets, Tartarus, Half-Jaw and the Arbiter himself, and the Heretic Leader, and had fun toying with the perspective shifts, each stage building up to the eventual break. We got a lot of new characters in Halo 4, but the vast majority were humans who were filling archetype niches. Spartan Ops tried by making Jul 'Mdama the Didact's right hand man, but I didn't care about Spartan Ops either. Have the Didact appear to the Chief constantly, holographically taunting him and revealing his motivations. I felt like the moment in Shutdown, where John starts hearing the Didact's thoughts (somehow???) was a rushed attempt to achieve this, but I don't think that worked either. Better off following the Heretic Leader's method - mobile holo-emitters that can actually engage you. -- Qura 'Morhek The Autocrat of Morheka 06:32, 4 September 2014 (EDT)
You know what, I was expecting transformer like enemies in Halo 4, not some robot monsters. The knights and crawlers (and watchers to a lesser extent) look too cartoonish and behave just the same. It would've been nice to see sentinels like the Onyx sentinels where you had to fight them differently.--Killamin7 [Comm|Files] 08:31, 4 September 2014 (EDT)
@Morhek: You should post more often. Every time you say something I end up agreeing with everything you say, and having my original thoughts expanded, enlarged, and articulated. Transformer-like enemies are absolutely the way 343i needs to go. The Flood's pure forms were a start in that direction, but I feel that knights present a much better medium for that, and the X box one should eliminates all technical excuses. This would open up so many doors to what 343i tried to accomplish with them in Halo 4. I remember listening to one developer talk about how the Prometheans would require more complicated and thought intensive strategies and tactics than normal covenant troops. I find the opposite to be true. The kind of "Transformer Prometheans" that I think you're talking about might be able to accomplish this. --Weeping Angel (talk) 14:53, 4 September 2014 (EDT)

I'm sorry I got so mad about something so stupid. The other day, I replayed Halo 4. I still stand strong on my opinion about Multiplayer, but the Campaign did seem vague. There was one main enemy, and one only, and most missions were to go around and destroy this or deactivate that. In my opinion, there were only 4 Major Plot Changes: The Prolouge, when the Didact woke up, when the UNSC Infinity came under assault, and the last level. Also, about Halo: Escalation, you should bring the Didact back in a better way other then 'Hey, you destroyed my composer but guess what! I have a super-machine that can build Composers!'. If the Didact knew about the Composers Forge, why not just leave when he first woke up and go to the Forge. It would have made for a more interesting campaign. Maybe had to free the infinity and chase the Didact to the Ring? Eh? It's not like anything was hindering him. And really, you had to kill Team Black? Why not just make it a team of Spartan-IVs, why take someone were cared about for a reason that was overall pointless. Other than that I have no other problems, and I like how the Halo: Escalation: 72 Hours Later thing came out. Again, I apologize. Cheers, 21:01, 30 September 2014 (EDT)!

Apology accepted kid. Like I said before, the idea is to not get emotional over another person's opinion. We just having a simple discussion about fun topics. Not everyone is going to agree with each other's opinion. At the end of the day, if you don't agree with someone else and can't come to a consensus, just agree to disagree. Yeah the Didact definitely needs character development. He just came off as this bland character. And Escalation was alright up until the next 72 hours when they made the Didact even worst and killed off characters unnecessarily. Basically it was a waste of time.--Killamin7 [Comm|Files] 10:44, 1 October 2014 (EDT)