Forum:Halo 4 discussion
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It's Ironic Because it Decomposes Organisms to Compose AIs
Now, with the majority of us done with the game (hopefully) and have played Spartan Ops (or watched its cinematics), can we piece together how does the Composer and Requiem work together? Now, we know that the Composer turn organisms into a pile of ash to convert them into Promethean "souls". But how did the "Didact's Gift", an AI created from a New Phoenix citizen, go from Earth to Requiem? What I think is that the Requiem translocation artifact transported all these souls to Requiem from Earth. I haven't read Primordium yet, can anyone tell me what did Greg Bear say about the Composer? —SPARTAN331 11:26, 7 January 2013 (EST)
- Well, I have a guess as to how all of those harvested humans got tot Requiem. Remember that giant swirling energy under the Composer when it was fired? Cortana referred to it as "slipspace activity building below the Composer". I'd be willing to bet that portal led to Requiem, and the Composer was sending all the harvested material there. What's more, the Didact fell into the portal, which means he may have been sent back to Requiem...
- As for the Composer in Primordium, it doesn't really act the same as Halo 4's. This here sums it up. Tuckerscreator(stalk) 13:18, 7 January 2013 (EST)
- True enough. However the next paragraph points out that, during the events described in Primordium, the Composer was being used as something along the lines of a medical device by Lifeworkers to extract & preserve the "souls" of both Forerunners & Humans on Installation 7 (specifically, to protect them Faber's bad temper at first, then later from Mendicant Bias & the Flood), and before that, it was used to extract Ancient Human memories to try and preserve any hidden knowledge of their supposed cure for the Flood Infection, whilst in Halo 4 (and it's accompanying Terminals) it was being used as a weapon to forcibly harvest Humans as raw materials for the Didact's army. Let's not forget that the Forerunners had been preserving memories for a long time prior to the Composer's creation (in the form of, among other things, Durances. The Composer was supposed to be the culmination of that technology, in that it would be able to analyze, store and recreate the entire individual, rather than just their memories. Unfortunately, it didn't quite work, as we can see from Chakas/343GS... Or...
- tl/dr version: Low power setting = Gradual, Peaceful & Painless, become a personality imprint or a Monitor... High power setting = Screaming death, Burnt to ash, become Promethean Knight... DJenser (talk) 16:07, 12 January 2013 (EST)
- Even though the Didact may have been teleported back to Requiem, could he have survived that pulse grenade exploding inside him? He could've died before he even touched the portal.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 12:51, 9 January 2013 (EST)
- Well, we are talking about someone who survived 2 direct hits to the chest at close range with a Binary Rifle. Then again, maybe that terminal custscene wasn't set to Legendary difficulty... DJenser (talk) 14:06, 12 January 2013 (EST)
- Even though the Didact may have been teleported back to Requiem, could he have survived that pulse grenade exploding inside him? He could've died before he even touched the portal.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 12:51, 9 January 2013 (EST)
- More like 343i didn't let us determine his fate ourselves but instead threw in a quick time event to make the call and left us unsatisfied & questioning whether or not he was still alive.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 21:28, 14 January 2013 (EST)
- Yea, the quicktime events were not that good. This isn't normally the right section to talk about this, but the powers of the segue cannot be contained by mere mortals. So, on the quicktimes, I think they were either there to be more immersive or just to keep us occupied. However, you do the same thing every time you play them, and to me actually seem less immersive than just a cutscene. This is craZboy557, signing off. 16:13, 16 January 2013 (EST)
Here's my question: how is any of this ironic?! The section title specificly says "it's ironic". However, even the original post doesn't mention any irony! I just think that's kind of a fail. As for the main conversation, I have no comment. Honestly I'd just prefer the Didact to be dead, cause he's kind of a jackass now and the longer he's not killed so hard he died to death, the more we're going to ask why the forerunner's military forces suck so much at not dying. This is craZboy557, signing off. 07:38, 13 January 2013 (EST)
- Calm down, it was an (apparently feeble) attempt to add some humor to this forum. About the Composer though, if the slipspace rupture in it brings harvested souls to Requiem, shouldn't there be a "factory" or something sort on Requiem? If there is, why didn't the UNSC figure this out and try to locate it? Man, all these unanswered questions. PS: The Didact will survive for dramatic reasons. —SPARTAN331 07:57, 13 January 2013 (EST)
- We're talking about an artificial planet. The whole frakking thing is a factory. After all, Watchers have the ability to pull Knights & Crawlers out of the dirt & forces get transported across the whole sphere via the Slipspace network, so there's no need for doors. For all we know, the so-called "factory" is a cube, 5 miles to a side, somewhere near the planet's outer core surrounded by 60 miles of solid (or better yet, molten) metal.
- @CraZboy557: The Didact isn't dead. He's hiding out in his 5-mi. x 5-mi metal cube within the planet's mantle (no, not that mantle, this one) ready to come back in the next game with his new bestest buddy, Cortana 2.0 (Just like Cortana, but with a goatee, cuz she's eeeeeviill) who will proceed to lay the smackdown on the UNSC, invade Earth and generally wreak havoc on Humanity while John has to muddle through Halo 5 and 6 with Guilty Chakas as his AI buddy.. That is, until the Chief is able to sway her with his manly charms & silent machismo, at which point she will realize the error of her ways, turn on the Didact and help John save the day. In his final moments, the Didact will be consumed with the thought that he seems to have piss-poor luck with AIs...DJenser (talk) 16:26, 14 January 2013 (EST)
- Best fanfic ever. Of all time. —SPARTAN331 09:13, 16 January 2013 (EST)
- Mai head *bam* asplode. This is craZboy557, signing off. 16:02, 16 January 2013 (EST)
- Best fanfic ever. Of all time. —SPARTAN331 09:13, 16 January 2013 (EST)
Not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I wanted to see if anyone was interested in joining up for Spartan Ops on Monday since they are releasing a new episode that day. It would be nice to play through all the new missions with some halopedians or people I know (through here) rather than random gamers (mostly because they tend to play around too much and/or don't work as a team). I'm on the east coast (as some of you already know) and would be available to start a game anytime between 7pm and 12am EST time (yes, that late). I'm hoping for at least 2 people but would love 3 to join. Gamertag is on my profile page. So if anyone is interested feel free to reply. --Killamint [Comm|Files] 12:27, 16 January 2013 (EST)
- I'd love to join. The new episodes are a checkpoint system from being nintendo hard when you go solo. Going on a team tends to make it a lot more fun though. Just a little heads up though, if I'm hungry or tired at all I will likely scream and yell constantly and eventually rage quit. Hopefully it won't come to that though. This is craZboy557, signing off. 15:59, 16 January 2013 (EST)
Here's a preview of the chapters for Spartan Ops Episode 6 from IGN.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 12:46, 18 January 2013 (EST)
Overly Insectoid
Anybody think that 343 may have overdone it? Missing Mandible (talk) 17:30, 23 January 2013 (EST)
- It looks unusual, mostly its color scheme, but doesn't seem "overly". Its just a lot of new architecture that people aren't used to.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 20:23, 24 January 2013 (EST)
- The rough texture is pretty exoskeletal. Segmented, rough and spiky, very bug like in my opinion. I put this on the talk page, but it's better to have it here. I think it would've been cool if they used the halo 2 scarab. It would be cool to support that theory that it's an excavator. This is craZboy557, signing off. 12:53, 25 January 2013 (EST)
Where does the storm get this stuff?!!
Ok, seriously? The storm rifle, fleets of liches, and now ANOTHER giant-super-expesive-massive-invincible thing? What is 343 thinking? How does it make sense?! This is craZboy557, signing off. 13:54, 24 January 2013 (EST)
- The Sangheili Jul 'Mdama came across probably had a lot of unused war machines at their disposable considering they hadn't experienced the end of (if much of) the war. Though, considering how weak the Storm rifle is, I don't see why they switched it with the Plasma rifle.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 20:23, 24 January 2013 (EST)
- Hmmmm, so I did make a forum for this..... I really should stop putting it literally every other place on the site. Like seriously, it's everywhere now. This is craZboy557, signing off. 11:14, 25 January 2013 (EST)
- Technically yes except you placed it on a talk page, somewhere it doesn't belong. Usually when someone deletes unneeded post, I take it for forum talk and copy paste it where it should've been so that person can further discuss it. By the way...what's the deal with your signature?--Killamint [Comm|Files] 12:28, 25 January 2013 (EST)
- Messed with it a lot today. It's smaller now. This is craZboy557, signing off. 12:49, 25 January 2013 (EST) (see?)