I love bees

List of animals

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

Revision as of 19:10, November 8, 2010 by Braidenvl (talk | contribs) (moved List of Animals to List of animals: Capitalization)


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The following are lists of animals native and natural to Human, Covenant, and Forerunner worlds.

Native to Human Worlds

Creature Planet of descent
Bat[1] Earth
Blue whale[2] Earth
Bonobo Chimpanzee[3] Earth
Cat[4][5] Earth
Chicken[6] Earth
Clam[7] Earth
Cobra[8] Earth
Cattle[8] Earth
Cricket[9] Earth
Dog[10] Earth
Dwarka Squirrel[11] Dwarka
Eagle[12] Earth
Elephant fish[13] Earth
Fish (Sierra 117 species) Earth
Goat[14] Earth
Gull[15] Earth
Gúta[16] Reach
Harvest Whale Harvest
Honey badger[17] Earth
Honey bee[18] Earth
Horse[19] Earth
Moose[20] Earth
Moa[21] Reach
Owl[22] Earth
Pigeon[23] Earth
Rat[24] Earth
Squid[25] Earth
Squirrel[26] Earth
Starling[27] Earth
Swallow[28] Earth
Trout[29] Earth
Tuna[30] Earth
Turkey[31] Earth
Wolf[32] Earth
Varroa mite[33] Earth
Zebra[34] Earth

Native on Covenant Worlds

Found on Forerunner Installations

Unknown Origin

