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United Republic of Tanzania
H3 Mount Kilimanjaro.jpg
Government overview



Societal overview

Official language(s):

Historical overview


East African Protectorate, UNSC, Unified Earth Government


Tanzania, officially the United Republic of Tanzania, is an East African coastal nation on Earth.[1] It is part of the Unified Earth Government's East African Protectorate.[2]


The Librarian's final moments near Mount Kilimanjaro.
The Librarian in what would become Tanzania, prior to the Great Purification.[3]

Early history

"You should see the mountain that watches over it. A beautiful thing - a snowcapped sentinel. That's where I will spend what time is left to me."
— The Librarian to the IsoDidact near the end of the Forerunner-Flood war.[4]

In the waning days of the Forerunner-Flood war, the Librarian oversaw the construction of the Portal at Voi and spent her last moments at Mount Kilimanjaro.[4]

In 2007, the Society of the Ancients identified a petroglyph of the Forerunner Chrysopteron etched into a Tanzanian mountainside.[5]

East African Protectorate

By at least the 25th Century, Tanzania had become part of the East African Protectorate. Late in the 2400s, the EAP unsuccessfully attempted to re-nationalize a number of privatized industries that had previously been under state control.[2] The United Nations Space Command established many bases in Tanzania throughout its history, especially capitalizing on the defensive capabilities of Mount Kilimanjaro, which had multiple bases built into its slopes.[6]

Spartan-117 engages Unggoy during the Battle for Earth in a Tanzanian jungle.

Covenant invasion

Main article: Recovery of John-117

"Chief, Pelicans are at the river. We've got company, so hustle up!"
— Avery Johnson.

On November 17, 2552, late into the Battle for Earth, the Prophet of Truth arrived aboard the Forerunner Dreadnought. The Spartan-II John-117, after failing to kill the hierarch, bailed from the ship as it entered the Earth's atmosphere, and landed in a jungle south of Mount Kilimanjaro. He was recovered hours later by a contingent of marines and Thel 'Vadam.[7] Before long, the group, aided by a few D77H-TCI Pelicans, engaged Covenant forces which been deployed to the jungle. Sergeant Major Avery Johnson and survivors of the Second Squad were captured and taken to the Covenant-occupied A2 Hydroelectric Facility.[8] John-117 and The Arbiter made their way to the dam and worked to rescue the captives. After this, two Ru'swum-pattern Phantoms appeared and dropped off reinforcements. The UNSC forces held off the attack until the pelican Kilo 023 arrived, destroying the Phantoms and extracting the humans and lone Sangheili to Crow's Nest in Kenya.[8] During the fight against the Covenant, the city of Arusha became a hotbed of Covenant activity.[9]

Following the end of the war, the member states of the EAP, including Tanzania, donated gold ore for a statue of John-117 to be placed in the United Nations Space Command Memorial Park as part of Project Rebirth, a plan for the rebuilding and revitalization of New Mombasa.[10]


Tanzania borders Kenya.[1] Tsavo Highway connects Arusha in Tanzania and Voi in Kenya.[1] In terms of landmarks, there is Mount Kilimanjaro. Where Kilimanjaro lies, is mountainous and home to dense jungles.[8]



The A2 Hydroelectric Plant during the Battle for Earth.

Tanzania was controlled by the UNSC.[1]

Power and water

Snowmelt from Mount Kilimanjaro was once collected and used to distribute water across the entire African continent by the Global Water Campaign via GWC trans-African pipelines.[11] The GWC's main water treatment plant had fallen into disrepair by the 26th Century, but the government initiative continued to function at other locations, such as the A2 Hydroelectric Facility, which uses a flowing river to generate electricity. The aforementioned decommissioned plant was acquired by the UNSC in the early 26th Century and was used to conduct classified military training exercises for ingress/egress operations and as a template for War Game simulations, specifically WAR GAMES MAP_SET/: 673-15.[12] The Zanzibar Archipelago is home to Wind Power Station 7.[2]


  • Wind Power Station 7 is the setting for the War Games Map_Set/: 680-4, a simulated environment used in the UNSC's War Games.[Note 1]


List of appearances


  1. ^ The map description for Halo 3's Last Resort says that Wind Power Station 7 was requisitioned for use as part of Spartan training exercises. It is unknown whether this refers to the War Games or if Spartans trained at the actual location.


  1. ^ a b c d Halo Encyclopedia (2009 edition), p. 296 (2011 edition)
  2. ^ a b c Halo 2, multiplayer map Zanzibar (map description)
  3. ^ Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, Terminal (Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary)
  4. ^ a b Halo 3, Terminal 6
  5. ^ Society of the Ancients evidence page: This was just sent to me from a SOTA member traveling through Tanzania. The rock painting (as of yet undated) was pointed out last month by a local safari guide.
  6. ^ Halo Encyclopedia (2009 edition), p. 297 (2011 edition)
  7. ^ Halo 3, campaign level, Arrival
  8. ^ a b c Halo 3, campaign level, Sierra 117
  9. ^ Halo 3, campaign level, Tsavo Highway
  10. ^ McFarlane Toys/Halo Point Prizes, Campaign Master Chief
  11. ^ Ghost Town Revealed
  12. ^ Halo Waypoint: Earth