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Battle over Installation 07

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Second Ark Conflict

Battle over Installation 07
UNSC Infinity being rammed by a Banished dreadnought, from the Halo Infinite Campaign Launch Trailer


Post-Covenant War conflicts


c. December 12–13, 2559[2][3]


In orbit of Installation 07, Ephsu I, Ephsu system


Banished victory[3]

  • UNSC forces severely depleted and scattered across Installation 07.[3]

Banished Fleet

  • UNSC Infinity
    • Many crewmembers of UNSC Infinity [3]


  • Numerous Guardian Custodes[6]

The battle over Installation 07 was an engagement that took place in late 2559 between the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) and the Banished.[3] The battle was a major engagement, ultimately resulting in the scattering of both UNSC and Banished forces on Installation 07, leading to a protracted conflict on the ring.


File:HINF John Fighting on Infinity.jpg
John-117 fighting aboard UNSC Infinity

At least one escort fleet of six Mulsanne-class frigates followed shortly by the UNSC Infinity went to Installation 07 and were ambushed by a group of mercenary raiders known as the Banished.[7][8] The UNSC’s intent was to send John-117 down to the surface once Dr. Halsey gave the signal that the Weapon was ready for deployment. John-117 was on the bridge with Captain Lasky when their plan went awry. The Banished had ambushed the advance group of frigates and were waiting for the Infinity when it came out of Slipspace, all the while sending occupation forces to the Ring's surface by the hundreds.Template:Fact

The Infinity had been prepared for a ground assault and was caught by surprise, with Lasky initially believing they'd been attacked by Guardians. Four Banished dreadnoughts attacked the supercarrier and overwhelmed its defenses. Several engines were taken offline within minutes of the opening salvo. Lasky ordered the deployment of the Weapon. One dreadnought rammed the dorsal hull, causing massive structural damage, prompting a general evacuation as Banished forces boarded the Infinity. John-117 left the bridge after the collision to repel the Banished boarding parties, but he returned after realizing that the enemy outnumbered the UNSC to escort Captain Lasky to a dropship. Lasky, accompanied by John-117 and several marines, linked up with the Spartan-IVs of Fireteam Taurus and proceeded to the hangar bays, which had been overrun by Banished forces.

Upon arriving at the hangar, John-117 ordered Spartan Hudson Griffin to take Lasky to a dropship while he covered their retreat. Lasky and Fireteam Taurus fought their way across the hangar until they came across a functioning Pelican. Griffin and the other members of Taurus refused to accompany Lasky in his dropship, electing to stay behind and assist with the rest of the evacuation. Once inside the ship, Lasky began issuing a general evacuation call, but was cut-off midsentence as his ship came under fire.Template:Fact

After ensuring Captain Lasky’s ship was away, Spartan Griffin and the rest of Fireteam Taurus organized the evacuation of the remaining Spartan-IVs, marines, and crew to the surface of Installation 07 under fire from Banished artillery. Dropships and lifepods fled the disintegrating Infinity, many being shot down seconds after exiting the vessel. The leader of the Banished, Atriox, boarded the Infinity and defeated Master Chief Petty Officer John-117 as he fought off Banished forces in the hangar bays before tossing him into space as the hangar was engulfed in flames.[5] Upon hearing of the loss of the Master Chief, Fernando Esparza, a civilian engineering contractor, panicked and stole a Pelican, Echo 216, and fled from the doomed vessel.

The Spartans who made it to the ground began organizing to take out Banished artillery to ensure the safety of the incoming survivors. The Infinity suffered heavy damage and eventually started to come apart as she fell, crash-landing with the superstructure relatively intact on the ring's surface.[9][4]


Zeta Halo Destroyed
The broken Halo after the battle.

"We lost. Lost everything. There's nothing left for us here. I don't even know where here is."
— Echo 216's pilot to John-117.[10]

The conflict resulted in extensive damage to Installation 07, as well as leaving Echo 216 and its pilot adrift near the installation.[10] Additionally, the battle resulted in heavy casualties among personnel assigned to the UNSC Infinity, with the ship crash-landing on the ring.[3][4] At some point, the ring was moved from the Ephsu system, alongside UNSC and Banished assets.[6]TEMPLATE ERROR: Template using invalid/disallowed fields: "section"[11] Atriox was also presumed deceased by both the UNSC and the Banished, though he had in reality survived.

Spoilers end here.

List of appearances


  1. ^ Halo Infinite E3 2021 showcase
  2. ^ Halo Infinite: Infinity Down
  3. ^ a b c d e f g Halo Infinite Campaign Gameplay Premiere
  4. ^ a b c Game Informer, Off The Golden Path – Progression And Exploration In Halo Infinite: "[...] while rallying the UNSC forces that have crash-landed there after the devastating destruction crash of the UNSC Infinity." (Retrieved on Nov 11, 2021) [archive]
  5. ^ a b c Game Informer, Issue #341 - page 43
  6. ^ a b c Halo Infinite
  7. ^ Halo Waypoint, Canon Fodder - Parallel Threads (Retrieved on Jun 25, 2021) [archive]
  8. ^ Halo: Shadows of Reach, chapter 1
  9. ^ YouTube - Game Informer, Halo Infinite Impressions: Exploration, Upgrades, and More
  10. ^ a b Discover Hope
  11. ^ Halo Infinite: Outpost Intel 09 - To Andrew Valleros