

Template:SPARTAN Infobox

Soren-066 is a SPARTAN-II Commando of the UNSC Naval Special Warfare Command [1][2].



Before his conscription into the Navy and the SPARTAN-II program, his mother died of an unknown sickness because his stepfather refused to take her to a doctor because he was running an "illegal farm", possibly producing drugs, and was afraid of being caught. By the time his stepfather realized that she was mortally ill it was too late to take her to a doctor and she died. The stepfather refused to accept this and kept the mother's body in a locked room in their house. After Soren realized that his mother was dead he came to the conclusion that his stepfather was responsible so late one night he stabbed him in the neck intending to kill him, hitting him between the neck and clavicle. The stepfather survived and Soren ran into the forest surrounding his home. After this Soren lived off the wild and watched his stepfather.

One day he saw that his stepfather was sick with the same illness his mother had died of. When his stepfather collapsed on the way to his field Soren finally revealed himself to his stepfather and instead of getting him medicine watched him die. He then buried his mother and stepfather and after staying in the house for a while went into town were he was put into social services.

Prior to the Spartan-II augmentations, Dr. Halsey had asked Soren if he would like to not participate, and be a control group for the experiment. Soren rejected this, knowing the risks, stating that he did not want to be left behind.[3]

During the augmentation process, Soren dreamed of a hulking, deformed creature pursing him through a forest, occasionally giving out a cry of pain. The creature eventually caught up to him and smashed him. Soren, awoke during the augmentation process, but fell back asleep into another nightmare. This time, he dreamed of lying on his mother bed, the same one she died on. His stepfather was in the same room, described as more shadow than man. During this dream, another figure, his dead and rotting mother was in the same bed, when a sudden wash of pain, like broken glass being worked into his veins, woke him up again.

When he awoke, he was restrained to the bed. A doctor attempted to give Soren a hypodermic injection, but he broke the mans wrist and stabbed him in the neck with the needle. Soren then tore himself from his restraints and attempted to run. During his escape, he was stopped by CPO Franklin Mendez and a squad of UNSC marines armed with tranquilizer darts. Soren smashed through the Marines, but not before being confronted again by the Marines and being stopped.

After awakening again, he was in a brig, now chained by titanium wristlets. He was confronted by Dr. Halsey, who informed him that he had been in comatose for three months, and his body did not react as planned to the muscular enhancement injections and the thyroid implant, which had caused his muscles to grow in ways that were unpredictable. Only by using the carbide ceramic ossification process was he saved.


  • He is the main character of the Evolutions story, Pariah, written by B. K. Evenson.
  • He is the only Spartan-II known to defect to the Insurrectionist cause.[4]
