
Production information







162 Meters

Slipspace drive:

Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine


Resistant to several Pulse laser bursts


  • Ablative baffles
  • Counterelectronic systems
  • Matte black ablative stealth coating
  • Texture bufferers


Minimal HORNET mines (14)


90 crewmen[1]

Service information

Last sighted:


Participated battles:


Home Fleet

Noteworthy crewmembers:

Known commanders:

CAPT Iglesias


UNSC Office of Naval Intelligence


The UNSC Dusk is a Prowler of the UNSC Navy. It was assigned to the Home Fleet [2].


Unlike many other prowlers in service, the Dusk is manned and operated by regular naval, instead of ONI, personnel. Prior to the First Battle of Earth she had seen eighteen months of constant action[3].

First Battle of Earth

The Dusk was in Earth orbit when the First Battle of Earth occurred. She was caught between rotations and was forced to engage with only 43 of a normal complement of 90 crewmen[4]. When the UNSC In Amber Clad pursued the Assault Carrier of the Prophet of Regret, the Dusk was one of four ships in a position to follow. However, only the Dusk was able to catch the slipspace wake caused by the carrier. Her companions, the UNSC Coral Sea, the UNSC Paris, and the UNSC Redoubtable moved further ahead in the slipstream and were lost.

As a result, by the time they arrived at Installation 05, the In Amber Clad had been destroyed and the Civil War of the Covenant had already begun. After observing the Second Fleet of Homogenous Clarity destroy itself, the Dusk and her companions returned to Earth via slipspace.[5]

Second Battle of Earth

Upon returning to Earth, the Dusk was caught in the Second Battle of Earth, but was redeployed to Onyx in support of Battlegroup Stalingrad following the reception of Dr. Catherine Halsey's distress signal. Not involved in direct combat during the Battle of Onyx, the only part the Dusk participated in the Battle was the laying of Hornet mines which provided some support. The Dusk survived the destruction of the battle group by Covenant forces.

While the remaining Covenant ships were being destroyed by Sentinels, the Dusk was attempting to escape the system and return back to Earth[6]. It is unknown whether or not she escaped. Although evidence suggests she did escape and return to Earth.


It carried several ordnance configurations, such as BLACK WIDOW COMSats[7] and HORNET Mines.[8]




  • Captain Iglesias - Former Commanding Officer, undergoing treatment at the time of the Battle of Onyx.


  1. ^ Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, page 186
  2. ^ Ghosts of Onyx page 184
  3. ^ Ghosts of Onyx page 288
  4. ^ Ghosts of Onyx page 184
  5. ^ Ghosts of Onyx page 199
  6. ^ Ghosts of Onyx page 378
  7. ^ Ghosts of Onyx page 300
  8. ^ Ghosts of Onyx page 187

Template:BGStalingrad Template:Prowlers