
Melody Azikiwe

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Melody Azikiwe
Biographical information


New Mombasa, Earth[1]

Personal details





Political and military information


Unified Earth Government




Melody Azikiwe is an envoy of the UEG Diplomatic Corps.


Early life

Melody grew up on Earth, specifically New Mombasa, and was present during the Battle for Earth. When the Covenant attacked her home, Melody managed to escape and survive, but was left with nightmares about what she had witnessed.[2]

Undiminished Entelechy

On July 12, 2556, Azikiwe worked alongside the AI Adalbert to translate recorded conversations stored on the black-box of the Covenant CCS-class battlecruiser Undiminished Entelechy. The black-box had been recovered by Spartan Fireteam Apollo as part of Operation: SHELL GAME.[3]

Envoy to Carrow

On September 1, 2558, Melody with Adam Hsein, Jens Forsburg, and Victoria Weaver as her staff, were sent to Carrow aboard the Sangheili ORS-class heavy cruiser Unwavering Discipline commanded by Rojka 'Kasaan to broker peace between the human and Sangheili settlers. During their arrival, Rojka's fleet engaged in battle with Thars 'Sarov and Jiralhanae-led fleets in Carrow's orbit. In the midst of the battle, Melody sent her staff down to the surface of Carrow to escape the fighting in orbit, while she would stay behind in order to attempt her mission provided by the Office of Naval Intelligence: negotiate the handover of Spartan-II Gray Team. Meeting with Rojka, Melody attempted to persuade the Fleetmaster to free the Spartans, but Rojka refused. After acquiring weaponry from one of the ship's armories, Melody moved towards the storage holds where they kept Gray Team's cryotubes. As she released the Spartans from cryo, she became gravely injured in the midst of a brief skirmish between herself and Rojka's warriors, falling into unconsciousness. Gray Team awakened to find Melody's body and after applying biofoam to her injuries, the Spartans took her and fought through the ship to the hangar area. After finding their lifeboat, the Spartans took Melody and piloted the ship down to the surface of Carrow.[2]

Carrow's surface

After crash-landing in the Ultd Desert, Melody awakened to find Gray Team creating a makeshift stretcher for her injuries. Azikiwe explained to the Spartans of the current situation on the planet, along with the current status of the galaxy and the end of the Human-Covenant War. With Gray Team brought up to speed, the group set out, carrying Azikiwe to the ONI facility known as Gila Station. During their travel, Azikiwe and the Spartans paused for a moment of rest but were attacked by one of Rojka's Banshees, which was pursing them. Taking out the Banshee with the plasma rifles they acquired from Unwavering Discipline, Melody and Gray Team moved on to the ONI facility. As they reached Gila Station, Melody had the Spartans broadcast a low-power general transmission with both a passcode and her name in order to gain safe access into the facility. Melody attempted to tell the Spartans information they needed to know, but she passed out again due to the wounds she had suffered.[2]

Gila Station

Gray Team and an unconscious Melody were greeted by Commander Greg van Eekhout, an ONI agent in command of the facility. Van Eekhout had the Spartans take Melody into the facility to a Covenant designed automated surgical suite that would treat her wounds. After her wounds were treated, Melody awoke and moved immediately to probe Eekhout for answers regarding the possibility of her own staff's survival and the current situation on Carrow. Eekhout informed her that no one but Gray Team and herself had reached the facility, and the Jiralhanae had entered the Forerunner structure within Suraka faster than anticipated. Melody attempted to go over possible solutions, Eekhout brushed them off, stating they need Gray Team to confront the threat to Carrow. Despite van Eekhout's reluctance, Melody convinced him to reveal to the Spartans the threat from the Sharquoi, massive beasts created by the Forerunners, hundreds of thousands of which were in a hive beneath the planet's surface. Melody showed the Spartans footage from Operation: POLECAT, where the discovery of a hive with far less of the creatures led to the death of fifty ODSTs and a nuclear bombardment and glassing being required to end the threat. Melody revealed that the Jiralhanae Chieftain brought in by Thars 'Sarov was in fact Hekabe, a Jiralhanae who had recovered the vertex, the Sharquoi control device, during the Battle of Installation 00, allowing Hekabe to control the creatures when the High Prophets could not. In turn, Gray Team revealed that they were the ones who destroyed Rojka's homeworld of Glyke during Operation: SUNSPEAR, explaining his hatred and relentless hunt for them.

Shortly afterwards, Gila Station was found by the Sangheili, now working together to hunt Gray Team. On van Eekhout's orders, Gray Team evacuated in a hidden Warthog, while Melody and van Eekhout remained behind. Van Eekhout was killed by Thars, but Melody was rescued by Rojka 'Kasaan who was furious over her apparent betrayal by helping Gray Team escape. Melody managed to convince Rojka of the greater threat from the Sharquoi and pointed out to him that while his demons were Gray Team, to her, her own demons looked like Rojka and other Sangheili, but she was willing to put aside the past to build a better future.[2]

Suraka and Thars

Melody and Rojka traveled to Suraka where they joined the effort to stop the Sharquoi that were released by Hekabe and rampaging through the city. Though Adriana-111 was nearly able to kill Hekabe, the vertex saved him, and he began preparations to take over Thars 'Sarov's remaining ships to replace his own destroyed fleet and take the Sharquoi to other worlds. In the face of the greater threat, Rojka and Gray Team formed an alliance to defeat Thars and stop Hekabe from getting Thars' ships, though they didn't inform Melody of the specifics of their plan. At a meeting, Melody, the Spartans and Rojka surrendered to Thars, only to have Rojka's three remaining warriors launch a surprise attack, allowing the Spartans to defeat Thars' forces while Rojka overpowered Thars. Thars refused to listen to reason until too late, allowing Hekabe's forces to take control of his ships and attack Rak. Enraged by all Thars had done, Rojka executed him with his energy sword to Melody's horror.[2]

Stopping Hekabe

Shortly after Thars is killed, Governor Ellis Gass arrives with a final plan to defeat Hekabe. Ellis explains that the vertex attached to Hekabe's skull emits a frequency that can be interrupted with an EMP burst. The EMP burst will break Hekabe's connection to the Sharquoi. Ellis plans to use a modified HAVOK tactical nuclear weapon to fire the EMP burst. [4]

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Personality and traits

Melody Azikiwe is able to understand and translate Sangheili. She is extremely skilled at diplomacy, using her words to influence events around her by making others see reason in a situation. Rojka 'Kasaan considered what Melody could do to speaking things into being with the power of her words[5] and after having witnessed it in action, was inspired to go down a similar path himself so that he could influence others for the better in the same way.[2]


Azikiwe's surname suggests she is of Nigerian descent.

List of appearances
