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Pelican Down



The Sequence


Halo Infinite






Installation 07


  • Reconstruct the Forerunner sequence from the four beacons
  • Enter the Command Spire

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The Sequence is the tenth campaign level in Halo Infinite.


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  • Pilot (COM): "Ready when you are, Chief."

The Chief boards Echo 216.


The Chief steps inside the Pelican.

  • Pilot (COM): "Alright, let's move."

The Pelican begins to lift off. The Chief stands next to the troop bay's entrance and stares out the open door while holding onto a side rail with one hand.

  • Pilot (COM): "How long has it been since I met you? Six hours? Maybe seven. It's been... eventful. Six months on my own, surviving... barely. Seems like a dream now. This on the other hand... mostly feels like a nightmare. Mostly."

The Chief opens his free hand, allowing the Weapon's avatar to materialize on it. For a moment, she just silently stares out the Pelican's door as it flies over the Ring. She glances at the Chief, then looks away, hesitant to ask her question. Finally, she looks up at him again and asks her question.

  • Weapon: (concerned) "Are you okay?"

The Chief turns and looks down at her.

  • Weapon: "What you said back there. About Cortana. You let her down? I don't understand. Your mission was to-"
  • John-117: "Destroy her."
  • Weapon: "But you didn't. What happened?"
  • John-117: "Halsey initialized you. I was suppose to deploy you."
  • Weapon: "And you did. Right?"
  • John-117: "Yes."
  • Weapon: "So what happened?"

The Chief hesitates for a few seconds before answering.

  • Weapon: (stunned) "He won?"

Scene slowly rotates around them.

  • Weapon: (quietly) "You want to know who killed her? You need to know."

She places a hand to her chest.

  • Weapon: "She was important to you. Very important."
  • John-117: "She's..."

He trails off, clearly not comfortable talking about this.

  • John-117: (changing subjects) "This Ring. It's not like the others. There's something else here."
  • Weapon: "And that's why I'm still here?"

The Chief doesn't reply. The Weapon's avatar disappears as the Pelican begins to descend.

  • Pilot (COM): "Second Spire coming up. Where do I drop you off?"

The Chief turns to the troop bay's opening and prepares to disembark.

  • John-117: "Close."

The Pelican reaches its destination.

  • Pilot (COM): "Close it is. Call me when you're done, Chief."

The Chief jumps out of the Pelican and lands near the base of the Spire.


  • Weapon: "Wow! Look at the Spire! It's so... new. Evolved. Different. Not like the last one."
  • John-117: "And you're sure this is the one?"
  • Weapon: "It's acting as the Command Spire. Coordinating the repair operation."
  • John-117: "Can you shut it down?"
  • Weapon: "Hopefully. We just need to look for a door."

The Chief starts searching for the Command Spire's entrance. It doesn't take long for him to find a door. After eliminating the Banished troops guarding the door, he deploys the Weapon onto a nearby terminal.


  • Weapon: "I'll get this open."

Smiling confidently and with her back to the door, the Weapon raises her hand and snaps her fingers. The Chief approaches the door, his weapon pointed at it. When nothing happens, he lowers his weapon and turns to her.

  • John-117: "Is there a problem?"
  • Weapon: "I don't think so."

She turns to face the door directly and snaps her fingers three more times. The door remains locked. Defeated, the Weapon turns back to the Chief.

  • Weapon: "Okay, there might be a problem. Something, and I think we know who, has modified the sequencing needed to access the spires."
  • John-117: "Plan B?"
  • Weapon: "We're only at B? Seems higher."

There's a rumbling sound from nearby. They look up to see a beam of blue energy - just like the one they and the Pilot saw back at the ship graveyard - shoot out from a Forerunner structure on a cliff.

  • Weapon: "Okay... plan B."

The Chief uploads her back into his armor.


  • Weapon: "Those Beacons are part of a Ring-wide communications network. They can adapt to any frequency, any purpose. It's quite incredibly really. Get me inside and I should be able to use the pulse to reconstruct a pure version of the sequence."
  • John-117: "Should?"
  • Weapon: "I'm making this up as I go along."
  • Jiralhanae Officer (loudspeaker): "The Command Spire must not fall! Deploy promptly! Hunt him down! Wipe him from this Ring!"

A pair of Banished Banshees descend upon the Chief.

  • Weapon: "You see that, Chief? What are they?"
  • John-117: "Banshees."

The Chief destroys and/or hijacks the Banshees.

  • Pilot (COM): "Chief... I'm sorry about back there. I didn't want to run... but I-I... couldn't stay."
  • John-117: "It's okay."
  • Pilot (COM): "No, it's not okay. It was like I was back there, on the Infinity. Hiding. Trying to keep out of their way."
  • Weapon: "What did you do? What was your purpose?"
  • Pilot (COM): "Purpose?"
  • Weapon: "Job."
  • Pilot (COM): "I worked in Engineering. Civilian contractor. Well... volunteer. I just wanted to help. But I couldn't even do that!"
  • Weapon: "It's over now."
  • Pilot (COM): "Once I heard Chief was down... I knew we'd lost. I had to run. I had to. I found this Pelican and just went. I'm sorry. I never looked back. And then I was on my own."
  • Weapon: "Not anymore."
  • Pilot (COM): (exhales) "You don't know how good that feels."

The Chief approaches one of the Beacons.

  • Weapon: "There we go. We need to get inside the Beacon. Let's find a way in."

The Chief eliminates all the Banished guarding the Beacon.

  • Weapon: "Phew. Glad that's over."

The Chief uses a terminal to open the Beacon's door.

  • Weapon: "That was easy."

The Chief enters the Beacon and, after a quick search, locates the chamber that houses the Beacon's Beam emitter. The room is bathed in a bright blue light from a continuous stream of data. He deploys the Weapon onto a terminal.


The Weapon stretches her arms in preparation.

  • Weapon: "Okay, let's do this."

She reaches out with one hand and extracts some data.

  • Weapon: (smiling) "You know, this might actually work."

She tries extracting more data.

  • Weapon: (smile fades) "Or maybe not."
  • John-117: "What is it?"
  • Weapon: "I can't construct the sequence. Well, not all of it. I don't have enough data."
  • John-117: "Then we get some more."

He retrieves the Weapon.


The Chief exits the first beacon.

  • Pilot (COM): "You got family, Chief? Anyone special out there?"
  • John-117: "No."
  • Pilot (COM): "Then... why do you do this, again and again?"
  • John-117: "It's all I know."
  • Weapon: "What about you? Do you have anyone out there?"
  • Pilot (COM): (subdued) "No... Not anymore."
  • Weapon: "I'm sorry."
  • Pilot (COM): "It's... it's just been so long since anyone's even asked me something like that. I..."
  • Weapon: "It's gonna be okay. We're with the Master Chief. He'll make it okay. (to the Chief) Won't you?"

The Chief doesn't answer.

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