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Rion Forge

Revision as of 00:29, September 23, 2016 by NightHammer (talk | contribs) (I didn't realize how bad it was, hopefully no one was reading it legitimately hoping to learn from it. Shows what my editing process is like I suppose. I'll finish this tomorrow then.)


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Rion Forge
Biographical information




c. 2525

Personal details





Hair color:


Political and military information






"Good reputation. Eighty-five percent success rate. Best salvage ship out there… Not bad for a thirty-two year old military brat from Earth."
— Kip Silas

Rion Forge is a human salvager captain of Ace of Spades, operating out of New Tyne on Venezia.


Early life

Rion Forge was born on Earth to UNSC Marine Corps non-commissioned officer John Forge in around 2525, raised as a military brat though she hardly considered herself one. She had a rough relationship with her mother, who rarely spoke with Rion's father, though she was close with her aunt Jillian. Due to her father's career and the beginning of the Human-Covenant War, Forge rarely saw her father as he participated in battles against the Covenant throughout human space, though she often remained in contact with him. On August 17, 2530, at age five, Forge went with Jillian to see her father at an officer's lounge, having last saw him six months prior. The two were approached by the drunk Lieutenant Prosser, who aggressively flirted with Jillian. After the officer enraged Jillian, she struck him and, in turn, Prosser shoved her against a wall and pressed down on her throat. John intervened and attacked Prosser, leading to his incarceration for assaulting a senior officer. However, Admiral Preston Cole ensured that the investigation was fair and just, leading to Prosser receiving a court-martial while John was assigned to UNSC Spirit of Fire.

In early 2531, after the UNSC lost contact with Spirit of Fire, her grandfather informed Forge that her father had been "lost". The loss of her father and uncertainty of his fate had a profound affect on her, with members of her family, and her pediatrician and physiologist, diagnosing her with various disorders and labels as she aged, including Childhood Traumatic Grief, posttraumatic stress disorder, and anxiety. Eventually, she became disillusioned with the Unified Earth Government and UNSC, turning to a career of independent salvaging in hopes of locating Spirit of Fire.

Salvaging career

Centering her operations in New Tyne on the independent world of Venezia, Forge often worked along the Via Casilina Trade Route. Since about 2500, Forge used the Mariner-class transport ship Ace of Spades as her vessel of operations. Ace was crewed by a handful of individuals that she trusted, including former Marine Cade. All of the money she earned from her career went towards upgrading her ship. In around 2555, Forge was in the mining slums of Aleria when siblings Lessa and Niko attempted to hack into her commpad. Rather than turn them other to the authorities, Forge recruited both of them into her crew. Forge found success in her career, creating what she described as a "lovely little circle of profit", as her jobs provided her profit to keep her crew satisfied, her ship operational, and her informants eager to continue dealing with her. Forge soon became one of New Tyne's most notable salvagers. She often traded with Nor Fel, a T'vaoan who owned a clearing house business that bought goods obtained by Forge. The two enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship, with Fel providing Forge with information on large salvage finds before her other clients. Rarely did Forge report her findings to the UNSC under their Salvage Directive.

In December of 2556, Forge participated in a four-way bidding war for a small piece of Forerunner navigational databoard at a small bazaar on Komoya. After winning the bidding war, she sold the databoard for a large profit, despite the damage the device had sustained. Shortly after, Forge discovered information on a Forerunner Luminary, which she began working towards locating. Around this time, she took on Kip Silas as a recruit engineer among her crew. In January 2557, after spending six weeks away on their last job, Forge and her crew returned to Venezia to sell their salvage, including a stasis field generator to Fel and a small lot of Type-25 Spikers and Type-51 carbines to a Sangheili, bringing in a decent amount of profit.

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Roman Blue

After completing her most recent business, Forge spoke with Fel about a salvage job on something large that would provide a massive amount of profit. Fel sent her to meet with Rouse at the bar Tiny Birds, who would provide her with more information in exchange for a cut of the profit. At the bar, in exchange for ten thousand credits and fifteen percent of the sale, Rouse provided her with the salvage job's location—at the abandoned Chi Rho's moon of Eiro in the Ectanus 45 system.

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Personality and traits

Forge has been described as reckless and volatile Forge found enjoyment in her career as a salvagers, believing that she was good at it. She created her own way to success in the business, never hesitating to take more drastic actions to remain one of New Tyne's most notable salvagers. Forge presented herself as neutral, believing her business depended on it. She avoided politics, religion, and rebellions, though she sometimes recalled how her family would have disagreed with her refusal to take a side.

Despite her success as a salvager, Forge found that her career often left her engaging in sales and transactions that left her with feelings of doubt and misgivings, believing that these deals betrayed what honor, integrity, and loyalty she had left. She referred to these dealings as dark karmic tally marks that put a few kinks in her otherwise successful and enjoyable career. Each time she sold weapons to a former member of the Covenant, Forge felt a nagging sense of betrayal, despite the empire's demise and her lack of loyalties to the Unified Earth Government. To avoid such feelings during the deals, Forge would always have a few drinks at Stavros' bar in New Tyne after ending the transaction.

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List of appearances


  1. ^ Halo: Fractures, "Into the Fire", page 241 (Google Play edition)