Talk:Kmiro'sish-pattern Lich

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So...This is essentially a flying Scarab, huh? Missing Mandible 15:31, 30 October 2012 (EDT)

No. It's basically a gigantic Phantom. --Courage never dies. 15:41, 30 October 2012 (EDT)
What I mean is that it is more than just heavily armored and it completely pulverizes any enemy opposition. It's an uber vehicle, like the Scarab... and it flies.
I should say that I intended my original question was more of a rhetorical one. Missing Mandible 15:52, 30 October 2012 (EDT)
Oh. In that regard, then, I would say that is kind of like a flying Scarab. Maybe it's similar to the Covenant air artillery that was cut from Halo Wars. --Courage never dies. 16:08, 30 October 2012 (EDT)
After playing through the campaign, I realized that it truly is a Flying Scarab, in both it's weaponry and the way it is taken out. Missing Mandible 20:47, 6 November 2012 (EST)
What kind of weaponry does it have? I don't see it shoot a behemoth laser. 20:30, 9 November 2012 (EST)
In terms of gameplay it's like the Halo 2 Scarab, it doesn't fight you. You just board it and destroy it. I think, given that we actually got to fight Scarabs in Halo 3, that we'll be fighting some of these in Halo 5 and later. Alex T Snow 06:13, 11 November 2012 (EST)


I noticed the confusion about how the name seems to come out of nowhere. This is from the Waypoint interactive guide: "Deployment platforms such as the Lich are rarely documented in human combat, as encounters with the vehicle usually result in its complete domination of all resisting forces." This explains why no one knew what it was at first, and also why it already has a UNSC name. Alex T Snow 08:10, 13 November 2012 (EST)

I personaly think that, because of the craft's capabilities, only a few people are able to identy it. I'm sure that once Chief and co. arrived back at the Infinity, they were told what it was. It is labeled as Type-56, meaning that it was documented a year prior of the events in Halo 4. Missing Mandible 19:58, 21 November 2012 (EST)

Main Gun

I find myself confused about what the Lich's main cannon is. The article and the Waypoint Guide identify it as a 'Plasma Autocannon' and in-game its beam is similar to a Scarab's Focus Cannon. But what confuses me is that, as best as I can tell, the beam does nothing at all to anything except the Mammoth. During a Legendary run with a friend I stood in front of the beam and took a only a tiny notch of shield damage (which may have actually been from a Ghost). Is it scripted to only affect the Mammoth? Has anyone worked out what 'PEW/M' means? Captain Baird Comm-LinkService Record 22:18, 15 November 2012 (EST)

IIRC It only fires once and it's a scripted event, right? It probably does no damage because while it's supposed to look like a weapon, in terms of how the game works it's technically not. Alex T Snow 23:33, 15 November 2012 (EST)


I just played a bit of Reclaimer and while fooling around with the rocket turret on the Mammoth and found that the Lich started to evade as far as ten meters and sometimes moved about twice as far off the ground as normal. It did so with or without the gravity lift on, it works normally other than doing splash damage when it slams into you, you fall when the lift moves out from under you, and your corpse follows the gravity lift when you die on the fins while coming up it. Ok, this does happen according to the game engine. Should this be mentioned and if so, how???--Lian 512 (talk) 22:18, 25 February 2013 (EST)

Of course, this would be shortened to Trivia: unlike the Phantom, the Lich will dodge if shot, especially if shot with heavy weapons. It will do so with or without it's gravity lift on, this will cause the lift to move.--Lian 512 (talk) 13:16, 2 March 2013 (EST)