User:Lian 512
From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

Eterna CMU(under same username) the syndicate project
January 24, 2013

Kinect Adventures, Tron: Evolution, De Blob 2, Quantum of Solace, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (first one), Call of Duty: Black Ops, COD: Black Ops II, Minecraft, Halo Wars, Halo: Reach, Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, Halo: 2 Limited Edition, Halo: 3 ODST, Halo: 3, Halo: 4 Pre-Order. About 5 more Kinect games
Pending (lots of good ones) (NOT fav: On Halo Reach, at the spire, (campaign) jump down with jet pack and fuel rod. Enemies are busy with Jorge and I spam on the 5 Unggoy under the spire, hit the cluster and Elite, go up lift, as soon as I jump I open up on a squad and jetpack, another line is made, Elite dodges right into rod that hits crater from last run BOOM!!!:) It was also very satisfying to beat Halo: 3 ODST, Reach and 4 on Legendary. Halo 3 is a very casual work in progress. I am a bit too unused to Halo Wars,CE, and 2 to try them soon, but I will eventually. ( Maybe not Halo: 2)
Halo:Reach, Lone Wolf. (Dying) Getting Bandanna skull in silent cartographer. (Hard) Lone Wolf wins title ten-fold. Red vs Blue, Season 10, Episode 22. When the Director shut of everything and picked up the pistol, I cried. I have only been that sad a handful of times.(my eyes are wet writing this) :(
I love Halo:--(title here)--. I am prone to restart in campaign until I get something perfect. (Like on Legendary in halo 4 Ivanoff station, I died many times trying to activate the shield while a phantom was inside and escape with just a hologram, sticky detonator, and AR or DMR against elites, jackals, grunts, and the phantoms of course.) I succeeded, but I don't think others will like it when I restart EVERY time I die or a marine dies or that elite was 2cm too far to the right so I'm trying to stop that habit (done) (along with saving that power weapon the entire level (yes, I may even do so on mythic difficulty as I do on legendary already). One last thing, I have watched every Red vs Blue episode and cried at the season 10 finalie.