Forum:How did you think up your username?

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Forums: Index Halopedia Forums How did you think up your username?


Hello Boys and...Caboose of Halopedia! I, KillerCRS (Or Kwarsh, as most of you know me) am here today to ask you a question. How did you think up of YOUR username? I suppose my story isn't really all that complicated, but I'll start.


I was on Newgrounds, thinking of an account name, when it hit me "Killer_Chris". I made that my name, but the guy who owned newgrounds said "No more underscores". So i was in the process of changing my name to KillerChris, but, someother asshole did before I clicked "Ok". Si I thought, and I was like: "Whoa, CRS looks like chris!" and I made it that. I've been using it on multiple websites ever since.

Now, to explain "Kwarsh". I was playing Halo 2, on Gravemind, when I challenged a Grunt to one-on-one. Apparently, he didn't want it that way, and he ran away making a Grunting noise that resembled "Kwarsh!". After that, and Ultra Grunt appeared, but he wouldn't shoot me, but was following me throughout the level. We got to the end, with the Ultra Elites with the Fuel Rod Guns, but an Angry Brute killed him. I was enraged, and punched an Elite in the back of the head, stealing his Energy Sword, and picking off Brutes one-by-one.

Your turn!
--Kwarsh and Qutar 'Radomee Gruntiness.jpeg Qutar.gif[Talk to me!] - [Stuff I've done!] 03:16, 24 March 2007 (UTC)


Well, I was thinking: Hmm, another wiki thing about Halo. Awesome! I should totally be Caboose, after all he is my favorite character in RvB (I was a relatively new fan at the time, having discovered the show only a few weeks prior) and Ta Da! Caboose was born!--Caboose File:Caboose.jpg Orange Juice and Cookies 03:21, 24 March 2007 (UTC)

The Chazz025

Go to newgrounds type in irving on the search bar, and watch the clip. That is were I got the name irving. Now The Chazz is a complete diffrent story, I had a weird dream about my friend sky diving with a bear named The Chazz. It was weird because the bears could talk and he was sky diving weird huh?, Peace.--The Chazz025 and Clan 04:05, 24 March 2007 (UTC)


Usually, my username is Nogard (dragon backwards) because I'm a fan of dragons. But because Halo is a fighting game, I made several more warrior-like names for accounts in Halo 1. As Halopedia was a Halo wiki, I decided to use one of the dragon-related ones, Dragonclaws, in place of Nogard. --Dragonclaws(talk) 06:04, 24 March 2007 (UTC)

RR's Derivations

  • On some day in April or May 2006, RR decided to join Wikipedia to edit the Imperial-class Star Destroyer article. Sad, yes, but he shored that up by helping out with a lot of the biology and chemistry pages. =D He wanted to edit ASAP...and he thought of a random name: Relentless. But he felt that would be too aggressive...and instead of rewriting it, RR was dumb enough to make it even more aggressive by making a second word: Rogue. Except he spelt it wrong, and only when he ran for administratorship did two peoples point out that it was a mispelling - RelentlessRouge (supposed to be RelentlessRogue
  • RR then joined the h2wiki (Halo 2 multiplayer tactics, sister to Halopedia), but spelled it correctly, and his name there was RelentlessRogue.
  • RR was still a major contributor to Wikipedia, working substantially on Halo articles. When the AfD process came around (Articles for Deletion - an utterly stupid process, as agreed by Sansee, a Wikia global administrator), the plasma torpedo and MAC gun articles were to be deleted. RR had in fact written the plasma torpedo article and made significant changes to the MAC gun article. RR searched for a place to move them before they were deleted...Halopedia! RR joined quickly as RelentlessRogue, transferred the bewildered articles. If you see my 1st talk archive, you can see indeed that I was RelentlessRogue. And no fancy sig. =D This was in July 2006.
  • After his vacation in August 2006 in France (where he edited the Covenant Destroyer, Covenant Cruiser, Template:Cleanup, etc... pages from a laptop with Frenchy all over it =D), he took a prolonged break from Halopedia, and instead spent his time at Wookieepedia as RelentlessRecusant...see the story at the next bullet point under the name
  • RR came back in maybe...September 2006? November 2006? However, he didn't want to continue as RelentlessRogue...RR is a major Star Wars fan, and read that the 850-meter Recusant-class light destroyer was a C.I.S. starship featured in Star Wars: Episode III (Star Wars: Cross-Sections, Episode III), and was enlightened and obsessed by Recusant. Relentless + Recusant = RelentlessRecusant. =D


Ghost Inside the Machine (Whisper through the Storm) (My Journeys) (Omens) 18:51, 20 March 2007 (UTC)


i used abbreviations of my first and last name, but i put two periods instead of spaces, and to make it 7 characters long.

The Lieutenant General 20:24, 22 March 2007 (UTC)

Darth Gree

I was first on sw fanonpedia as Darth Gree(didn't know it also was on diffrent wikias.). Something star wars but not to diffrent and I was a Gree fan and a sith fan. I then went here and noiticed"Darth Gree" so for my sig I changed the sig name to Spartan 104 for a short time and then my more recent nickname Envy Skull Effects to comprimise with the pic showen(gold spartan with ESE up top.).Envy Skull Effects File:ESE.JPG 20:31, 22 March 2007 (UTC) that it was still Darth Gree.

Anaba 'Eesoree

I went on HBO and they gave me a retarded name which I still use...--Gerzam File:Gerzam.jpg [Communications] [Past Battles] 13:20, 24 March 2007 (UTC)


Ah the history of my name. Tis been so long. Our story begins in the latter half of 2002. I am in eighth grade. At the beginning of the school year, I met a group of guys who produced video games on the side. I promptly joined. We originally called ourselves Juvenile Industries. It was founded by Bear and included myself, FrozenFish, TheEvilOctupusMan, I-N00B, and AgentSanaiha. We had a couple game ideas, our main one being something Bear thought up where you played a square that played the saxaphone, and you battled many circles (representing the masses). The final boss was The Onhcet (techno backwards). We never got around to making it though. Not long after creation, Bear met Monkey, and together, they created Crazy Donut Productions, which included all of those in Juvenile Industries and added Monkey as a co-founder. Around this time, we began work on Kill Zone (I would like to note here that we chose that name for our game long before Sony changed their game Kin to Killzone; we did not copy them, if anything, they copied us). Bear informed me that at the end of the game in the credits it would use screen names rather than real names. He told me I needed one. At the time, my only screen name was Crazy Donutian, at my first forum, ACC. Of course, since we were all Crazy Donutians, that wouldn't work. My next screen name, at EH (R.I.P.) was based on my name, Brandon Rebuga. However, that didn't work well either. So I began playing with things. At one point, I thought about Bob the Bringer of Doom, who was also named Robert Mood (because mood is doom backwards). I then began playing with backwards stuff. I came up with Robert Rotaretilbo (obliterator) and Robert Espylocopa (apocolypse). I liked saying Rotaretilbo better, and I cut the Robert. When I got Battlefield Vietnam (my first PC FPS and the end of my console only gaming), I used Rotaretilbo as a screen name.

As for Master Gunnery Sergeant Hank J Wimbleton IV, he is a character in my fanon. The name is derived from several things. First, I have always liked the sound of Master Gunnery Sergeant, and I like the Marine Corps. Second, Hank J Wimbleton is the star of one of my favorite flash animation series (Madness Combat). Finally, I added IV to the end to show that this was not the Hank of the 21st century. I chose 4 because it is my lucky number.

--Master Gunnery Sergeant Hank J Wimbleton IVCOM 17:10, 24 March 2007 (UTC)


Well I was born January 18... and... oh it's about my username... right. Well I used to be at a wiki called HRWiki, where I came up with my name. First I thought about my favorite characters from that wiki and I combined their names. One of the names was Homestar, then another was Strong Bad. So I thought: H*(Homestar) and Bad (Strong Bad). And there it is.--H*bad 17:29, 24 March 2007 (UTC)


Well, James is my actual name and I figured since spartan-James is one of the few spartan actually MIA, and it is speculated that he was the first spartan, I chose James-001. Peace. Contact me · File:MA5C Animation.gif · James-001 · File:Arbiterhalo.jpg · Find me 19:29, 24 March 2007 (UTC)

Darth tader

I made a small little comic series with tater tots and my main character was Darth tader, so thats how. Darth tader,Talk to the Tader,My work 20:54, 24 March 2007 (UTC)


That was alsoa range of toys. They were potato men, but with a star wars theme. one was Darth Tater! Template:UserForerunner


I point out the obvious. A lot. -- TheObviousOne 23:02, 24 March 2007 (UTC)


It all began with Halo Wars ..... Sadly I do not remember when but around the time when I discovered the Halo Wars RTS site I had recently played the Xbox game ''Spartan Total Warrior''. The final boss was an amazing looking god called Ares. Who happened to be the God of War in greek. So as it was I chose Ares. However unfourtunately someone had taken that name. Thus I added .117 to the end of my nam in the Halo Spirit. It's like walking down memory lane..... and now this thing isn't letting me sign my name. strange.


People call me "Ed" at school (No, it's not my real name) and I was "ED" at old.halopedia. But when we transferred to new.halopedia, "Ed" was already taken by someone else on the network, so ED has become my primary contributing name on Halopedia and Starcraft Wiki. I also own the username "Ed!" for obvious reasons.


It all began with star wars episode 3...I saw that movie and I said wow grievous was cool in that movie so I started using that name and then I made up a random number "797" so then I put them together and voila Grievous797 was created!Template:Signature3/Grievous797


I was at HBO, and I wasn't logged in, but I wanted to post (long time ago, as you hopefully know). But I also wanted to be distinguished from other guests, so I typed in Guest, then made it Guesty, since I always put -y on the end of nouniess and adjectivies and other wordies. Then I thought that's too weird (LOL!), so since I'm a person it should have Persony too. But I'm not REALLY a person, I'm more of a thing... so I put Thingy on it too. Then eventually I registered. Güéߣ¥-éҐøñ¥-ħîИg¥ 23:48, 30 March 2007 (UTC)


It had been a long running joke between me and some friends about how Rocky Balboa was god and how, prior to the release of Halo 2, an Invisible Grunt would be comparable in power to the aforementioned Italian. We ended up coming to the realization that a combination of the two would create an existence ending entity the likes of which had never been seen. I created the moniker "GruntyBalboa" and have been using it for years now, the successor to my old name of InvisibleGrunt.

GruntyBalboa 23:05, 1 April 2007 (UTC)

Spartan 1138

Well it first started as Delta 38 from Republic Commando. Then I expanded it to Delta 1138. Then I found Halo and now you have the one and only Spartan 1138. Occasionally there will be a MCPO in front to give some rank.--Spartan 1138 01:37, 2 April 2007 (UTC)


I was tired of not being recognized for things that I did on the internet, and the fact that I don't yet have myspace, xbox live, IM, etc. So, as a Rabid (capitolized) Halo fan, I figured a good place to take my place among the ranks of those with user names would be halopedia. On 3, 1...2...3...AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

Now then, the etymology begins with my parents. When Mom and Dad were still dating and they were on a ski trip in Jellystone National Park. On the sign was a picture of Yogi and Booboo, they were bears. Dad tells Mom that it looked like them. Ever since, Dad calls Mom Booboo, and Mom calls Dad Yogi. It follows that my family addopted a sort of bear theme. We refer to ourselves as a "bear clan". I am Ryan bear or Little bear, as in goldilocks and the three bears. blah blah blah. Anyway, "ursus" is I think greek or latin for "bear", and they are also a symbol for strength and bravery.

The space is actually an underscore that doesn't show up.

The "trooper" part is simply because I am a fan of the Republic (star wars) and their clone troopers.

153 is the number you get when you add the numbers coresponding to each letter of my name Ryan Winstead.

Thus, you get Ursus trooper153


It was my email.

Actually, I've been drawing these little comic characters and their variations known as Dudes. Dude has essentially been my logo and trademark between me and my friends. I frequently draw variations according to who I'm imitating, and they've kinda become my drawing style. Dude984 [Communications]-[Contributions]File:Dude avatar copy.gif 01:36, 22 May 2007 (UTC)


I am a big fan of Dragons,mythical beings, and fantasy(you now have a rival Dragonclaws!)Iwas thinking of a Dragon sort of name but I noticed there was a few already, soooo.... I thought of something I like more. A WRAITH is a mythical ghostmade of Dark Matter, they are silent killers, the monsters under the bed, the nightmare in your dreams.....It fits my Sniper/Assasin role I always use --File:Wraith.png WRAITH COMM CONTRIBS 20:05, 25 May 2007 (UTC)


Hmm. I was quite young when I made choosenow. I believe it was back in the day when I still played Runescape (this was when Runescape had just come out, I quit after about 7 days xD). Every name seemed to be taken (I wasn't very original then...), so I guess I was remonstrating myself or something and telling somebody to "choose now". I have no idea. Anyway, something along those lines. It's funny, cause I played Runescape for very little, yet now I use this name for everything. Online games, xfire, etc. The nickname lil azn man comes from a)the song and b)the fact that I'm little, asian, and male. lil azn man 23:57, 22 May 2007 (UTC)

Mind if I ask, but have you ever heard of the Rockman.EXE Undersquare? Because being called "azn" sounds awfully familiar. Respect them Grunts, MouseFile:XtremeBoxer1.jpg 00:18, 23 May 2007 (UTC)

Mouse among men

Simple. I thought of the saying "Are we men, or are we mice!?" Reverse that and you have Mouse among men. As for "Mouse", well, see here. Respect them Grunts, MouseFile:XtremeBoxer1.jpg 00:18, 23 May 2007 (UTC)

Master Chief Petty Officer

Made up randomly, I decided to use Spartan117 but its unavailable, so I designed my user name as a rank in the UNSC. ΜΆŜΤΈŖČΗέÏΣΡΈΤΤΥОΓΓïČëŗ 04:56, 24 May 2007 (UTC)


Didn't feel like using any other alias, so just pulled some phoenetic alphabet out, using my two initials.


Well, 7 is my favorite number (me and Bungie can relate), it's also my lucky number too, so I made a extremely lucky account! (unfortunatley, It hasn't got me much fame on here, unlike everyone else, their famous!)

--SPARTAN-077(Talk)File:Char riza.jpg 22:40, 24 May 2007 (UTC)


mine started when my army went on h2 xbox live and i'm there leader.oh and we have over 347 ppl in my amrmy. you can visit our site at


Well, I'm a fan of halo ---> Halofan!


Yeah my name, I have always when I went out to go play star wars or halo or something I would be Stryker. And then it hit me that he needed a first name so I made it Keth cause I like the name kieth but it didn't sound right. So here I am the one and only Keth Stryker. File:Master Chief.jpgStryker COMM My StuffFile:Coffeebreak.jpg 12:11, 2 June 2007 (UTC)