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There is more information available on this subject at Confederation on the English Wikipedia.

A confederation is an alliance, union, or league.[1]

The European Union on the human homeworld of Earth is a democratic confederation.[2] The Unified Earth Government (UEG) was supposed to be a confederation of independently governed planets, however the interference of the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) made many Outer Colonies and some Inner Colonies doubt this.[3]

The Covenant was also considered a confederation of multiple species[4] while the Banished were a multi-species confederation of raiding clans and pirate bands.[5]


  1. ^ Halo Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Halo Universe, Glossary, p. 244-245 (2009)
  2. ^ Halo Encyclopedia (2009 edition), Earth, p. 284-285, (2009); p. 296-297 (2011 edition)
  3. ^ Halo Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Halo Universe, Humans - Colonization, p. 42-43 (2011)
  4. ^ Halo Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Halo Universe, Introduction - The Covenant, p. 14-15 (2011)
  5. ^ Halo: Divine Wind, chapter 1