SPARTAN-IIIs were Offered to be Integrated into the SPARTAN-IV Program

Was it ever stated they accepted or rejected the offer? --Revan's Exile 22:40, 18 November 2011 (EST)

That hasn't been explained yet. It'll probably be discussed in the next novel.--Killamint 15:13, 17 January 2012 (EST)

Mention of the Narrative Multiplayer?

We now know that Halo 4 will have some sort of narrative to the multiplayer, so I'm adding a mention of that to the article, ok? Infernal-Blaze 15:18, 6 March 2012 (EST)

Seems redundant to me. The Halo 4 article states that Spartan-IV's will be usuable in multiplayer so there's no need to state that here. Just like Halo: Reach, we play as Spartan-III's but there's no mention of that on the Spartan-III page, so I don't see a reason for it here either. Maybe it can be featured in a "Trivia" section but not the canon section.--Killamint Comm 11:40, 28 July 2012 (EDT)

Seriously? No confirmation of IVs wearing Mark VII?

I thought it was rather obvious that the Mark-VII would be used on the Spartan-IVs. There's seriously no confirmation in Glasslands or anywhere?--File:PENGUIN4.gifFluffyEmoPenguin(ice quack!) 16:58, 6 May 2012 (EDT)

We also thought it was obvious the Chief was wearing Mark VII. He is not. We can't assume things. All will be revealed in time. -- Specops306 Autocrat Qur'a 'Morhek 05:03, 7 May 2012 (EDT)

Gender Difference

This just crossed my mind, but will Halo 4 have gender differences for Multiplayer SPARTANs, like Bungie did in Reach? -User:Yoonhyuk-740

Given there's male and female characters in Spartan Ops, there will likely be gender differences.--Spartacus TalkContribs 23:07, 24 October 2012 (EDT)
Body type, slight armor differences (size), and voice are all unique to women. Grizzlei

Active Sex Drive

Due to the augmentation process of the Spartan II's and Spartan III's they had no sex drive, should it be mentioned that the Spartan IV's still have theirs as stated by Paul DeMarco in the Departure cinematic where he says "oh Madsen and me,we were just making sure that the laddies of Rio de Janeiro felt safe and secure" as a possible dirty joke? SPARTAN-225 18:48, 19 November 2012 (PST)