From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

May 9th
March 27, 2011

I am 6'3 in hight, I am 18, I am a great fan of the halo series, i enjoy drawing/sketching/painting/writing storys and playing a good shooter based game with a good plot like halo for example
I like a good sci-fi/action/thriller/horror and comedy.I dont mind with any other movie but i prefer the type of movies up above. The same goes with tv shows/series. I enjoy many types of music so I dont really have a fav. Hmmmm books... welll i hardly read books unless thier of the same subject as the things I like for example the halo books and graphis novels, the same goes with the gears of war books and graphic novels. But I dont mind reading in general, I just choose not to. I dont mind any game but i prefer shooters out of all of them, but i also like sci-fi/action/horror type games. I dont mind any other as long as the have a good plot. Hmmmm now that i can answer, i like the oxm (official Xbox 360 magazine) that playstation one and a hole lot of music ones as ell mostly metal hammer CHICKEN!!!! lol well im not really the meat eating type but chicken and fish i make the acception for apart from that i dont really eat in general either. But i enjoy eating when it comes to partys though COFFEE!!!! milo, any hot drik really, oh and the ocational fizzy/energy drink. practicly anything really
Playing the campaign or online with friends and family having a great time.
someone taking my kill and stopping me from getting an achievement
everything is just so aesome about halo, the gameplay is so amazing and wonderful hen the online is deadly and entence.