Michael Crespo/Quotes

< Michael Crespo
Revision as of 00:52, February 12, 2010 by Ultra Force (talk | contribs) (Whole page is a mess, I had to fix so many mistakes...)

Campaign Quotes

"Hey, where's the fight at?"
-Beginning of Kizingo Boulevard, to a squad of Marines retreating from a Wraith.

"Sure! As long as I get to drive the tank!"
-In response to an order given in Kizingo Boulevard.

"If anybody's gonna blow this place, it's gonna be me!" -When Dutch and Mickey are told to destroy the ONI Alpha Site.

"That was a massacre! No a slaughter! It was a massacre slaughter kill!" -When you get a double kill on ONI Alpha Site. (same line from Halo 3)

"Let him go tell his buddies the bad news."

"I'm gonna rip out your heart and show it to your dying eyes!"

"Fast, silent, deadly." -When you assassinate an enemy.

"My vote, hold up, wait for backup."

Situational Responses

"Killed him in the face!" -When scoring a headshot.

"Right between the eyes!" -When scoring a headshot.

"Bullet, meet head. Head, meet bullet." -When scoring a headshot.

"Enjoy the extra nose hole!" -When scoring a headshot.

"That's a stain that won't go away!" -When landing a plasma grenade throw.

"What now little aliens?" -After killing a Brute Captain.

"Zing!" -When scoring a heashot.

"You guys must be the Covenant B-team" -When scoring a multi-kill.

"Get stuck, BEEATCH!" -When sticking an enemy.

"Not good." -When stuck or betraying a teammate.

"Don't kill me!" -When stuck.

"Maybe we could talk this out" -When stuck.

"Oh goddammit-" -When stuck.

"Your mama never loved ya and she dresses you funny." -IWHBYD skull may be needed.

"It's the gift that keeps giving!" -When multiple enemies are killed with an explosive.

"Is that all you bloody got?" -IWHBYD possibly needed.

"Dutch you dumbass get in the Pelican!" - When you stall to get into the Pelican on ONI Alpha Site.

"Sorry, buddy." -When pausing to look at a dead Grunt.