• The Jovian Moons Campaign begins: Jovian Frieden secessionist attacks on United Nations colonial advisers on the moon Io lead to three months of fighting between the United Nations military and Jovian Frieden forces. Though this is not the first armed conflict in the Sol System, it is easily one of the bloodiest, and is generally considered to be the spark of increased friction and militarization that followed. The conflict escalates tensions, as Earth's national governments, many of which sponsored colonies within the Sol system, begin fighting proxy wars off-planet. As these continue, tensions on Earth mount, leading to a number of armed conflicts on Earth itself.[1]
    • Conflicts of particular historical importance included the Jovian Moons Campaign, The Rain Forest Wars, and a series of clashes on Mars. As overpopulation and political unrest on Earth increased, a number of new political movements formed. The most noteworthy dissident movements of the period were the "Koslovics" and the "Frieden" movement.
    • The Koslovics—supporters of neo-Communist hardliner Vladimir Koslov, sought a return to the glory days of Communism and the elimination of corporate and capitalist influence, particularly in orbital facilities and off world colonies.
    • The Frieden movement was a resurgence of fascism, springing from anti-Koslovic sentiment that had taken root in the Jovian colonies (largely backed by Unified German Republic corporations, frequent targets of Koslovic "workers' crusades"). "Frieden" literally means "peace", in this case; they believed that peace could be achieved only once the "oppressors on Terra Firma" were eliminated.[1]


  1. ^ a b Xbox.com/Halo - Timeline