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The M46 Light Anti-Aircraft Gun is a UNSCDF vehicle-mounted machine gun. The successor to the M41 LAAG, the M46 is used as the primary armament on the post-war M12 Light Reconnaissance Vehicle. Due to the removal of the original model's cooling system, and subsequent replacement with a larger gas chamber, the weapon is significantly more powerful than its predecessor. However, it can overheat if fired continuously. Also, the increase in compounded recoil has been known to severely decrease accuracy over long distances.[1]


The first appearance of the weapon is in the level Requiem, where intact Warthogs are conveniently found after the Forward Unto Dawn crashed onto the planet's surface. It can be utilized effectively in co-op, but requires the driver to man the gun personally in single player, limiting its effectiveness.

The weapon also makes a brief appearance on the level Infinity, and a more prolonged one on Reclaimer.


In the multiplayer, the LAAG can be a powerful weapon, as it has both anti-personnel and anti-armor capabilities. Its fast rate of fire allows it to focus down targets with relative ease, and it is reasonably accurate if used correctly.


Some disadvantages to operating the LAAG turret are; the lack of protection to the operator, which makes sniping an effective way to counter them, as well as the weapon's tendency to overheat, which can temporarily render it useless. The lack of accuracy at long distances can also be a significant problem.


  • The fact that the weapon is able to overheat is curious; since gatling weapons distribute heat evenly between multiple barrels, it is difficult for such a weapon to overheat.


List of appearances

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