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{{Seealso|Infection Form}}
[[File:HINF InfectionRender.jpg|thumb|300px|A render of an Infection match in ''Halo Infinite''.]]
'''Infection''' is a [[multiplayer]] gametype in ''[[Halo 3]]'', ''[[Halo: Reach]]'', ''[[Halo 2: Anniversary]]'', ''[[Halo 5: Guardians]]'',<ref>[ '''Josh Holmes on Twitter''']</ref> and ''[[Halo Infinite]]''. It is the official [[Zombie]] mode, modelled after zombie mode's popularity as a custom game in ''[[Halo 2]]''.{{Ref/Site|Id=S4Infection|URL=|Site=Halo Waypoint|Page=INFECTION OVERVIEW <nowiki>|</nowiki> SEASON 4|D=17|M=06|Y=2023}} In ''[[Halo 4]]'', the gametype was tweaked and renamed [[Flood (gametype)|Flood]].

<center>''Looking for the [[Flood]] [[Infection Form|Infection Form]]?''</center>[[File:Infection Symbol.svg|thumb|right|Infection Emblem]][[Image:infectionmedals.png|thumb|right|Infection Medals]]'''
Infection is a  [[multiplayer]] gametype in ''[[Halo 3]]''. It is the official [[Zombie]] mode after its popularity as a custom game in ''[[Halo 2]]''.
[[File:Infection Symbol.svg|thumb|Infection Emblem.]]
[[File:infectionmedals.png|thumb|Infection Medals.]]
Players in Infection matches are split into two teams: the Survivors and the Zombies. When a survivor dies, they switch to the zombie team. A survivor's goal is to remain alive (i.e. "uninfected") until the end of the round, while a zombie's goal is to kill (infect) as many survivors as possible. When only one survivor remains, that survivor becomes the "Last Man Standing." The Last Man Standing can be given unique player traits; typically, these include a waypoint revealing their location to zombies, making survival an extreme challenge.

The players who start a round as zombies are Alpha Zombies. The number of Alpha Zombies can be changed in the gametype options, and Alpha Zombies can be given unique player traits to distinguish them from standard zombies.
The object of the game is for the [[Humans]] and/or [[Sangheili]] to stay "uninfected" as long as possible while the zombies try to kill every living player. The number of players starting out as Zombies, "Alpha Zombies", can be changed in the options and are selected at random from the start. When a Zombie kills a "living" player, they are "infected" and they become a zombie. When there is just one living Human or Sangheili left, he/she is declared "Last Man Standing". [[Image:Blemo Sword.jpg|thumb|right|Zombies are often set to spawn with the classic Energy Sword.]] One way Infection is commonly played is that players will make custom maps with [[Forge]] where the living have a strong point equipped with camping locations to defend against the zombies. The zombies may also be killed with a headshot from a precision weapon but are extremely fast. A popular way to play Infection on [[Snowbound]] is where the humans try to defend the rock that they are at while fending off zombies.
Typically, the zombies have melee weapons at their disposal and are capable of killing survivors in a single blow. Survivors are given short- and medium-range firearms.

*'''Zombie Killing Spree''' - Kill five zombies without dying.
*'''[[Zombie Killing Spree]]''' - Kill five zombies without dying.
*'''Hell's Janitor''' - Kill ten zombies without dying.
*'''[[Hell's Janitor]]''' - Kill ten zombies without dying.
*'''Infection Spree''' - Kill five humans without dying.
*'''[[Hell's Jerome]]''' - Kill fifteen zombies without dying. <small>(Not in Halo 3)</small>
*'''Mmmm Brains''' - Kill ten humans without dying.
*'''[[Infection Spree]]''' - Infect five humans without dying.
*'''Last Man Standing''' - Be the last human left alive in the round.
*'''[[Mmmm... Brains]]''' - Infect ten humans without dying.
*'''Is Quisnam Protero Damno''' - Kill fifteen humans without dying.  
*'''[[Thriller]]''' - Infect fifteen humans without dying. <small>(Not in Halo 3)</small>
*'''[[Last Man Standing]]''' - Be the last human left alive in the round.
==History by game==
===''Halo 2''===
While it was yet to be implemented as an official mode, Infection—simply called "[[Zombies]]"—first existed as a custom game played with honor rules in ''[[Halo 2]]''. In its original form, the Red Team were the humans and the Green Team were the Energy Sword-wielding zombies. Players would have to manually switch teams using the pause menu if they were killed by a zombie to join the infected. The maps [[Foundation]] and [[Headlong]] were particularly popular choices for this mode.{{Ref/Reuse|S4Infection}}
In 2023 it was discovered that Halo 2 once had an official internal version of Infection in development, among [[Cut Halo 2 gamemodes|other cut gametypes]]. This version of Infection featured team changing behavior similar to that found in the eventual Halo 3 variant, however was never released during Halo 2's tenure on Xbox Live. Files and further information about the modes were released through the [[Digsite]] project in 2024.{{Ref/Twitter|Id=Neo1|neoteaika|1750096246759678109|Neo Te Aika|Quote=Cool #Halo 2-Digsiteish thing I got permission to share! 🧵<br>Halo 2 once had more gametypes, including Infection & VIP (later appearing in Halo 3), Headhunter (Reach), and Medic (don't think we fully figured this one out)...<br>(glitchy HUD is a side effect of H2 Uncut dev tags)|D=26|M=01|Y=2024}}
===''Halo 3''===
Infection was introduced as an official mode in ''[[Halo 3]]''. While it was playable on-disc from launch day, it did not appear in Matchmaking until [[2007#October|October 31, 2007]] when a special Halloween playlist was introduced. This playlist permitted up to 13 players (it being [[wikipedia:13 (number)#Unlucky 13|an "unlucky" number]]) to play Infection. It was wildly popular and eventually became a frequently-recurring Double EXP Weekend playlist: [[Living Dead]]. Living Dead was ranked when it appeared on Halloween, and social on other occasions It offered a number of Infection gametypes, including "[[Save One Bullet]]" and "Brains."
Infection games also appeared in other Double EXP playlists such as Turkey Day, the [[2008]] Thanksgiving weekend playlist.
===''Halo: Reach''===
[[File:InfectionHumans.jpg|thumb|Human players holding a position in Infection.]]
''[[Halo: Reach]]'' introduced the [[Safe Haven]]s feature; maps had to be compatible with Safe Havens in order to support any Infection game variant, even when the Havens feature was disabled. ''Reach'' also introduced the "rebalancing" feature: if a zombie quit a match, a survivor would be forcibly converted to a zombie. ''Reach'' did not offer the Alpha Zombie feature on launch; it also did not offer the "Next Zombie" option due to technical limitations.
While Zombie Traits could be configured as normal, zombies' starting loadouts were harder to find: you had to edit the "Elite Loadouts" normally used for Invasion.
In the default Infection settings, zombies had the Evade [[armor ability]], a higher movement speed, and lower gravity, which allowed them to rapidly approach survivors so long as they did not jump; conversely, they had no shields, making them constantly vulnerable to headshots. Survivors spawned with both shotguns and magnums, but weapon pickup was disabled, leaving them unable to acquire more ammo; even when they ran out of ammo, they could sometimes survive using sword block, a game mechanic unique to ''Reach''. The default Safe Havens settings differed only slightly from Infection: survivors' damage output was reduced by half when outside of a haven, and survivors were granted invulnerability and standard damage output while inside of a haven. In May 2011, Bungie released an Infection game variant that implemented the Alpha Zombie feature; this variant's default settings gave Alpha Zombies unlimited sprint and forced color (red armor).
''Halo: Reach'' offered Living Dead as a standard playlist available from launch day. Changes to Infection's settings and gametype script were distributed through this playlist; players who wanted to experiment with Alpha Zombies had to play the variant in Matchmaking and then save it from their Temporary History. Small changes were made to Infection's settings over time; for example, zombies had their gravity increased to normal and their jump height increased, to allow them to jump higher without being "floaty" and excessively vulnerable in mid-air. For the most part, though, Living Dead maintenance focused on patching the most egregious exploits in the playlist's maps, the overwhelming majority of which were not designed or significantly customized with Infection gameplay in mind.
''Halo: Reach'' introduced three notable bugs; one of these was mitigated in Matchmaking, but none of them were ever truly fixed:
*If players were given limited lives and all zombies ran out of lives, the round wouldn't end properly. Infection's special round-end conditions (all survivors dead) still functioned, but otherwise, Infection was technically an FFA gametype and so used FFA round-end conditions. As such, in variants with limited lives, a round would only end if all zombies and all but one survivor ran out of lives. This meant that many popular Custom Games, such as Duck Hunt, had to be built "backwards," with the hunter implemented as a lone survivor and the prey as zombies.
*A [[wikipedia:Race condition|race condition]] would often occur when a survivor and a zombie traded kills in close quarters: the kills would sometimes register ''after'' the survivor changed teams, leading the game to count one of the kills as a betrayal. In many cases, the killed survivor would be given the option to boot, and vengeful players would often make use of that option. This is why Betrayal Booting was removed from the Living Dead playlist. It is not known how the later removal of Friendly Fire from the playlist affected this bug.
*A player's team assignment would often desynchronize from the server when they joined games in progress. New players would spawn as survivors, but they would appear as enemies to fellow survivors: the players already present would see the new player's gamertag in red and even gain aim assist on them.
===''Halo 4''===
{{Main|Flood (gametype)}}
[[File:Flood 1 (gametype).jpg|thumb|right|250px|A Flood player lunges at a survivor.]]
Released with the launch of ''[[Halo 4]]'', Flood was marketed as a successor to Infection, though the core gameplay remained largely identical and it is generally simply considered to be a variant of the Infection mode. In Flood, players are split into a Survivor team and a Flood team, and survivors must avoid being killed and converted to the Flood team. The principal difference between Flood and Infection is the addition of a new player model for the Flood: an infected Spartan's body was stripped of its hard armor plating and covered in a [[Flood]] carapace. Altered settings also gave Flood players a special armor effect that trailed behind them and a first-person screen effect that distorted their vision.
Flood featured several changes when compared to previous iterations of Infection:
*Flood players did not spawn with weapons and couldn't pick any weapons up; they attacked using a fleshy claw that behaved similarly to the energy swords used in Infection.
*Flood players were also incapable of sprinting.
*The mode's default settings dictated that two players would start on the Flood team, and rounds would last for three minutes.
*Flood players are equipped with energy shields, making it harder to kill them with headshots. Survivors would spawn with [[M45D Tactical Shotgun#M45D Tactical Shotgun|shotguns]] and [[M6H Personal Defense Weapon System|magnums]].
*Both teams had three loadouts to pick from, each of which offered a different armor ability.
A new public variant called Hivemind was added on [[2013#July|July 1, 2013]]. In Hivemind, Spartans appeared in their chosen colors, instead of the default green. Survivors start with Assault Rifles and Magnums, and are able to pick up other weapons around the map, including Shotguns. It takes two hits from a Flood to kill a survivor. Neither side has Armor Abilities.
===''Halo 2: Anniversary''===
[[File:H2A-InfectedSpartan.png|thumb|right|250px|A Flood-infected Spartan in ''Halo 2: Anniversary'' infection.]]
Infection returned as an official mode in ''[[Halo 2: Anniversary]]'', offering a number of new features:

Probably the hardest medal to obtain here is the Mmmm Brains medal, seeing as once a human is killed, they become a zombie, thus you have limited chances in even infecting some humans, let alone ''ten''. After ten kills, any killing sprees will receive the usual label such as Running Riot for a fifteen kill streak.
*Zombies used a unique Flood-infected player model, similar to ''Halo 4''<nowiki/>'s [[Flood (gametype)|Flood]]. ''In Halo 2: Anniversary'', the Flood infection was mostly contained within a Spartan's armor, but Spartans' heads were severely mutilated by [[Pod infector]]s.
*''Halo 2: Anniversary'' offered a unique Flood Energy Sword with a red hue, which was available in Forge and in game variant options. This weapon was designed specifically for use in Infection, and zombies were equipped with it by default.
*Infection offered unique settings for variants such as Cadre and Flight. Cadre allowed survivors to receive special player traits as long as they remained near each other, while Flight tasked survivors with carrying a bomb around the map and arming it at specific locations.

Is Quisnam Protero Damno was supposed to be the hardest medal to obtain. It was removed in the retail build because [[Bungie]] has deemed it impossible to obtain legitimately.
===''Halo 5: Guardians''===
Infection was added to ''[[Halo 5: Guardians]]'' as part of the [[Memories of Reach]] update.
*Spartans start with a Shotgun and Assault Rifle with low ammunition. Other weapons can be found in the field.
*Zombies use Energy Swords with a green tint and have a Pestilence effect.
*Alpha Zombies now have partial Active Camouflage and do not appear on the motion sensor.
*Both Spartans and Zombies can use boost thrusters, but Zombies cannot sprint.

===''Halo Infinite''===
On October 31, 2007, a specialized Halloween matchmaking playlist was available, which played this game mode with up to 13 players (it being an "unlucky" number). This game type's popularity allowed it to become a "regular" among Double EXP Weekend games. It was repeated again on October 31 2008, but unlike other occasions, the October 31 2007 and 2008 ones were Ranked. The others were mainly Social.
Infection was added to ''[[Halo Infinite]]'' with the release of [[Season 04: Infection]], a season themed extensively around the mode. A permanent Infection matchmaking playlist was introduced to the game at the start of the season.{{Ref/Reuse|S4Infection}}{{Ref/YouTube|Id=S4Live|mkTXZWFVUu0&t|HALO|Season 4: Infection Preview Livestream <nowiki>|</nowiki> Halo Infinite|D=17|M=06|Y=2023}}

==Double EXP Weekend==
The mode is canonized in-universe as the [[Banished]]-aligned [[Smart AI|AI]] known as [[Iratus]] infecting the armor of trainees at the [[Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science]]. This is reflected in the [[Holography|holographic]] components added to infected Spartans' armor. Alpha Infected feature more over Iratus-themed holograms over their helmets and armor, while Beta Infected feature more subtle holographic elements. With default settings, all infected Spartans spawn with a unique red energy sword similar to a [[Bloodblade]]. The official multiplayer maps in ''Halo Infinite'' received variants with Infection-specific changes. The maps are overtaken with distortions and digital lightning to convey the theme of this incarnation of Infection, they have dead Spartans on the ground, new areas to hide, and other paths that might be blocked off by crates that could leave the player at a dead end.{{Ref/Reuse|S4Infection}}{{Ref/Reuse|S4Live}}
On April 10th, 2008, the playlist came back for a Double EXP Weekend as [[Living Dead]], also starting with exactly 13 players. Living Dead also appeared on the weekend of May 22 and on the 28th August. Living Dead is a Double EXP Weekend game with many games. Infection games have also appeared in other Double EXP playlists such as Turkey Day, the 2008 Thanksgiving weekend playlist.

==Popular Custom Gametypes==
''Halo Infinite''{{'}}s version of Infection also features some gameplay changes:
*'''Braaaains'''- The basic Infection game type, where zombies jump a little higher and run a little faster than usual, but have no shields and have little health. Humans must survive as long as they can. Best on maps where humans can barricade themselves. This gametype is on Halo 3 matchmaking playlist DLC FFA(Retired for now), Rumble Pit and DoubleXPWeekend Living Dead (Ranked and Social) playlists.
*Survivors spawn with a [[VK78 Commando]] and a [[CQS48 Bulldog]], as well as several [[Threat Sensor]]s.{{Ref/Reuse|S4Live}}
*'''Christmas- '''The person that is infected is red (for Santa) and the humans are in houses and Santa can get in through chimneys. However, Humans can get out as mongeese are outside by the wall. If a Human gets infected, he will be green, for an elf. Infected people jump very high. Humans, jump as high as real life.
*Alpha Infected retain the partial Active Camouflage from ''Halo 5: Guardians'' and they now also have several [[Shroud Screen]]s.{{Ref/Reuse|S4Live}}
*'''Cops & Robbers'''- The Zombies are "Cops" and the Humans are the "Robbers". Cops have to make sure the Robbers stay in jail and do not reach the "outside" area where weapons are available to them.
*Maps may feature ammunition crates that allow survivors to replenish their ammo reserves.{{Ref/YouTube|Id=S4Trailer|DyvwxoRtfH0|HALO|Season 4: Infection Trailer <nowiki>|</nowiki> Halo Infinite|D=17|M=06|Y=2023}}
*'''Fuzz & Robbers'''- Similar to cops and robbers, the cop is the zombie and the robbers are the humans, the cop has a Warthog (police car) and the robbers have Mongeese; the copper is either very strong or invincible other than assasinations. The cop has a shotgun and kills robbers attacking him or breaking any laws (depending on the cop) and the robbers work together to kill him.
*'''Fat Kid'''- A rather popular infection gametype where the [[Alpha Zombie]] is close to invincible but walks very slowly, and the infected zombies are extremely fast but have extremely low health.
*'''Bull Dome'''- The zombie gets in a [[Chopper]] and tries to splatter the Humans.
*'''Rage'''- Based off of 28 Days Later, this gametype simulates the movies as close as possible. The zombies are red (to represent blood the Infected are covered in), sprint fast, and can jump slightly higher than a normal. Humans have limited ammo, have the ability to spring, and can only jump like a normal human would (gravity = 125%). Radar and friendly tags are disabled to give a sense of confusion, that you don't know where the enemy may spring out on you, and that you don't know whose allied or Infected, so be careful who you aim at (hint: look for the "blood" on the Infected). Zombie start ratio is 75%, but they only have two lives, for quick, concise rounds that give you the feeling that these aren't zombies like they are in the movie. Humans also become Infected than only need to be killed once. Since these technically aren't zombies, one headshot or a few body shots will put an infected down.
*'''Ducks'''- A game type that has 1 Zombie in a closed off room with a [[Sniper Rifle]]. The humans are yellow, like ducks, and have to run up ramps to a teleporter, which leads to the zombie, and try to kill him. The humans have only one life. The zombie's objective is to kill all the "ducks".
*'''Predator'''- A game type where the zombie has [[Active Camouflage]], is fast, but has extremely low health. Usually, the zombie is armed with an Energy Sword.
*'''Jenga'''- A game type that has 5 man cannons aimed at a floating tower over the edge of the map. This tower resembles the tower in the board game "Jenga." The objective of the Zombie(s) is to push objects into the man cannon in efforts to knock down this tower and send the humans to their death.
*'''Sharks'''- This is where the players start atop towers above the water. The zombie must knock down the towers in order to get to his prey. You can jump from tower to tower but it requires skill.
*'''AVP'''- Another popular gametype in which the Zombies have no shields and barely any health, and are outfitted with Energy Swords. The Last Man Standing has extra damage resistance, and if it is played on the special Ghost Town AVP variant, special FX effects orbs will be periodically released to make Ghost Town darker, simulating nightfall.
*'''Jurassic Park'''- A popular gametype played on the larger maps such as Sandtrap and Avalanche where there is either one or two "raptors" that begin. The Humans' best bet to survive is that they get into a vehicle and drive with one driving and one on turret. Passengers are advised not to go on since they usually get picked off first. Raptors have no shields with 300% speed and 50% gravity. Used with edited down versions of maps where only Gauss Warthogs and/or Mongooses are available.
*'''Zombie Survival'''- A Halo 3 game that is almost exactly the same as Zombies from Halo 2, and similar to the "Braains" variant from Halo 3. Humans are Red, have Shotguns and Pistols and normal jump, speed, health and shields. Zombies are Green and have 200% health but no shields, as well as Energy Swords and slightly higher speed and jump. The game is fair and fun among people who have played it.
*'''Zombie SWAT'''- A game variant in which the Zombies carry Energy Swords and have no shields and 10% health. However they do have 300% speed and 50% gravity. The Humans have a [[Battle Rifle]] and Magnum pistol. It is played on any map with no weapons. The only way to get ammo is to either betray your teammates or pick it up from their dead bodies. Betrayal does not make them a zombie. The game starts with only 2 zombies.
*'''Ghostbusters'''- A variant where humans have no shields but are invisible, and the zombie is invincible. The humans have plasma pistols or swords, depending on the type you are playing, and the zombies have shotguns and pistols, Only the humans can see their allies. The ghosts (humans) must try to assassinate the ghostbuster (zombie) without dying, and the ghostbuster must kill the ghosts to make more ghostbusters. Best played on maps with hiding places, like Hide/Seek Town.
*'''Hunter'''- Hunter is a different way of playing of playing Alpha Zombie and Save One Bullet. In this the Alpha Zombie, or the Hunter, is completely invisible can jump high and travels very fast. He has high health but when you kill him you earn 15 points. When setting up this game give the Hunter a Shotgun or Gravity Hammer for massive destruction. The people the Hunter infects are extremely slow, can't jump high, use only the Energy Sword, and have low health. Whatever you do stay away from the Hunter and kill his minions for fast and easy points. This setting is best for when you are camping out in a small bunker with at least two entrances. This is a great game because the Hunter provides a challenge while the other infected players are very weak giving out easy points. All Spartans/Elites use Shotguns and Magnums with limited ammo and with no weapons on the map. They also can only use two fragmentation grenades but they can't pick up any more or do anything to try and get more unless they kill themselves or are betrayed. It is recommended that you keep one grenade in case you need to suicide to escape the Hunter.
*'''Bad News'''- In this setting all players wield a Shotgun and a Magnum and have normal health and shields. However the Alpha Zombie carries a Sniper Rifle and has to try and pick off the humans. Whenever a player is infected they are given a Battle Rifle so they can help the Alpha snipe off the remaining players. For all of you humans it would be a good idea to take cover and hide forcing the zombies to come and find you. Eventually they may get so close to you, you may bring them down with your Shotgun. Also, try to stay in small groups of two or four so not of all of you will get killed at a time. This is a great game mode for hiding in a bunker. Also there are no weapons on the map so all players have to be very careful with ammo, and they only get two Fragmentation Grenades and a Plasma Grenade. The Plasma Grenade is meant for suicides and betrayals if the zombies are going to kill you or a friend.
*'''Apocalypse'''- Use [[Forge]] mode and build a wall with respawn points behind it set to only spawn humans and several more further away from the wall set to respawn zombies only. You can put any weapons by the wall but set them with tons of ammo but no respawn rates. Also build the wall out of movable objects that never respawn. Also set up two or three turrets that won’t respawn either. Now set the game to infection and have the zombies use Energy Swords or another close range weapons. Give them a bit more shields and health then the humans or it will be slaughter. Optional settings: In order to make it a bit easier for the zombie give them more speed and less gravity. Don’t make the zombies respawn within firing range. Place a spawn point outside the wall so a human respawns in zombie territory so they can have another minion to help them. Set up small guard towers with snipers in them to help defend against the zombies. Set up [[Fusion Coils]] to never respawn but place them in strategic points, when over-whelmed by zombies (This may be rare) shoot the fusion coils to cause massive zombie damage.
*'''NOTLD'''-Stands for "Night of the Living Dead," based off the popular movie. This is probably the most lifelike zombie game created. The zombies have 50% speed and 150% gravity and 1000% health but no shields, making it necessary to shoot them in the head. Humans have 90% speed and 150% gravity and spawn with Magnums that have limited ammo. Humans can pick up other weapons, but they are not much use.
*'''Grif Zombies'''- A gametype made by a player that was a fan of [[Grifball]] and made Grif Zombies. Zombies are very fast and can jump very high but have only 10% health, they carry energy swords and are, of course, orange. Ammo was infinite, but the player changed the rules so humans only have limited ammunition. This was to stop people camping in certain spots too long. Humans begin with an energy sword and a Magnum.
*'''Close the Door'''-A Gametype and map on [[High Ground (Level)]] where the humans hide in the base which has customized movable doors which the Humans can close and the Zombies have to break through these doors to get to the Humans.
*'''I Am Legend'''-A common gametype which has spawned many clones and revamps it is universally a remake of the climactic ending scene from I Am Legend where the Infected attack Robert Neville's house.
*'''Hide/seek'''- a new gametype used on a map with many hiding places such as Hide/seek town. in this game the person who is "it" (the zombie)is invincible, save assassination, and must find the humans who are hiding. the humans either have poor or no active camo. they have 50% gravity and no shields. the humans are armed with a plasma pistol and cannot pick up weapons.they move at 150% speed. the zombie has normal gravity, speed, weapon pickup, and vehicle use.
*'''Teacher'''-A game where there is one teacher and a bunch of students. The students have to do what the teacher says or otherwise, the student will be killed by the teacher. The student can risk escaping school, or stay and try to be a good student. The only way to kill a teacher is to assassinate them.

==Tactics and tips==
*If you are making an Infection game, try to make it very balanced. For example, give the zombies 200% health but no shields and only slightly higher speed and jump. In turn, give humans [[Shotgun]]s and Pistols with limited ammo. Also, when making [[Forge]] maps, if you make a hiding room for humans don't make it impossible for zombies to get in, i.e. a narrow choke point. Instead, give the room two entrances the humans must work together to guard. Also, another fun thing to do is put breakable or movable items such as barrels and palettes in front of doors to barricade them.
[[File:Blemo Sword.jpg|thumb|250px|Zombies are often set to spawn with the classic Energy Sword.]]
*If you are making a one-shot kill game (zombies have 10% life and no shields but run fast), a fun and fair thing to do is to give them guns like [[Assault Rifles]] instead of energy swords.
[[File:LastManCamper.jpg|thumb|250px|A player [[camping]] in an Infection game.]]
*When Forging on a certain map, a good tactic is to put teleporters in the map.  One in every corner will confuse the zombie, and sending him to different places where they don't want to go can throw them off, giving you enough time to kill the zombie when when it walks by below you.  Usually while the zombie is wandering around you should hide, and when you can see it from your hiding place, shoot it.
*If you are building an Infection game, try to make it balanced. Consider giving the zombies 200% health and no shields, with a slightly higher speed and jump; in turn, try giving the survivors shotguns and pistols with limited ammo. When [[Forge|forging]] maps, be careful to make sure that survivors can't camp in a room with a single entrance; try and force the survivors to work together to guard a location.
*Infection is based on the fan-made Halo 2 gametype "Zombies". This game relied on honor rules, as it was an altered version of Team Slayer (Players were not automatically added to the zombie team; Switching over had to be done manually).
**It's often fun to barricade doors with movable or breakable items, such as barrels and pallets, when designing maps.
*In Halo 2, the most popular map for Zombies is Foundation. A good Zombie tactic on Foundation is to enter the game with an Elite player model, and walk backwards into a room so that the humans have a harder time shooting you. This works best if a large group of humans is hiding in one room, and a large group of zombies is trying to enter.
*Survivors can work together to bait zombies into a trap, to earn more kills. Survivors can hole up in an easily-defended location, wait for zombie attacks to lull, and send out one player to serve as bait. The bait player would try to lure zombies into the base, where the zombies would be killed by overwhelming force.
*Regular zombies use Energy Swords, and cannot pick up weapons. With a [[Energy Sword]] a zombie cannot hit you without getting extremely close to you.  So its a good idea to get high range weapons in your possession.
*In Halo 3, a survivor could escape infection and respawn elsewhere if they committed suicide while under attack. In ''Halo: Reach'', however, players that commit suicide will be infected.
*If you are playing as a zombie, it's a good idea to put on [[Active Camo]], so you can sneak up unnoticed or stalk them from behind, making sure they don't see you.
*Survivors should try to avoid using melee weapons against zombies unless they're very skilled with those weapons; zombies will also have melee weapons, so the odds of survival are generally about even. Zombies can afford to die; survivors cannot.
*Yet another tactic that the "living" use is called "baiting". The human players gather in a small, confined space; preferably one with only one opening. Whenever the zombies' attacks lull, the humans send out a freelancer, known simply as "bait". The "bait" will attempt to lure the zombies closer to the human stronghold, where an unhappy death awaits any undead". Not usually used because hiding in one spot for the entire game is not very fun for the humans, and getting constantly killed by the humans is not too entertaining for the zombies.
*For games with regular damage and shielding, get a [[Shotgun]], dual [[Maulers]], [[Sniper rifle]], or [[Beam rifle]], then get in a room with one exit. Stand next to the door and shoot any undead that look in the room. Put the snipers at head level. It is suggestible to get some grenades and, if possible, a trip mine. The trip mine will keep zombies from entering the room, they cannot shoot it and only way to get in is to have one die again.  
*Try to not use [[Gravity Hammers]] or [[Energy Swords]] when possible, in most types the zombies have one or both of these weapons and such close range combat would result in you being killed often. A [[Shotgun]] or dual [[Maulers]] is a better choice in this game.
*If you are playing on any of the LEVELS map also known as Chubby Stadium, you should watch out if you are on a turret in the hallways because the Gravity Hammer can travel through walls and kill you.
*Sometimes it is a good idea to commit suicide if your group is under assault by a large zombie hoard. Especially if their are only 2 of you left. Try not using spike grenades to kill yourself so the explosion won't hurt your team mates. Any other grenade is preferable.
*In Jurassic Park it is advised that once you are either last man standing or are down to two people left on Sandtrap that you go to the elephant and hold up in the "cockpit"
*In Infection, sometimes it helps to betray a teammate. If a teammate of yours is cornered by zombies, and he wants to be the last man, betray him! He will not become a zombie! Make sure he knows why you betrayed him. If you don't, he will get mad. If you do, he will most likely say thanks.
*A team that regroups in a single area and holds their position in a well defensible location has a much higher chance of surviving.
*A team that regroups in a single area and holds their position in a well defensible location has a much higher chance of surviving.
*Conserving ammunition is key in all infection game types, therefore weapons that either fire single shot or bursts such as a Battle Rifle or Carbine are vital if a team is to survive.
*Conserving ammunition is key in all Infection game types. Most players tend to aim for the one spot where it will do the most damage, the head. However, even though zombies are vulnerable to headshots in most gametypes, the head is a small target and can be difficult to hit at range. Headshots use less ammo than body shots, but body shots use less ammo than repeatedly missing the head.
*Accuracy and shot placement are equally important; most players tend to aim for the one spot where it will do the most damage, the head. However, from long range, targeting this part of the body can be tricky, even though the head is less shielded and armored when compared to the rest of the body, it is also a small target. Shooting at the center of mass, the torso or legs, guarantee's better chances of success. In addition, jumping or crouching makes shot placement on the head difficult; the main body isn't as easy to conceal or dodge with.
*Never use Armor Lock in Infection. This only makes it easier for the zombies to swarm around you and wait until you pop back up for the kill.
*Try to avoid using attached turrets where possible, as they leave you unable to move and exposed from behind and to the sides. Only use turrets if you are sure that your team can hold your flanks.
*It is common practice for survivors to camp at an exploitable part of the map, where they pick off zombies with relative ease. Though some of these areas have been eliminated from Matchmaking through updates, many remain that are simply normal areas of the map that are easy to reach but unbelievably hard to conquer when faced with a strong team of survivors.
*Survivors are not able to pick up ammo, forcing them to pace their shots. In some cases, the last player gets infected before time runs out due to lack of ammo.

*There is an Infection medal called ''MMM... Brains!'', this refers to the classic [[Zombie]] horror generality, in which Zombies feed on [[Human]] brains and other parts of their body.
*"Infection" is based on the popular custom gametype in ''Halo 2'' known as "zombies". Zombies was based on Team Slayer, with the Red team being humans and the Green team being zombies. The humans could only use human weapons, and the zombies could only use [[Energy Swords]]. The game began with just one or two zombie players, who would attempt to hunt down and kill the humans. When a human was killed by a zombie, they would have to change teams and become a zombie. Since there were no facilities in ''Halo 2'' Custom Games to limit what weapons each team could use or to force players to switch teams upon death, zombie gametypes relied on honor rules.
*In Matchmaking, Infection can be played in the [[Rumble Pit]] playlist, and it also appears as a Double EXP weekend now and then.
*Halo 3's [[Mythic Map Pack]] introduced Achievements specifically for Infection: [[Delicious Brains]] was awarded to zombies who infected two survivors during a round, and [[Zombie Repeller]] was awarded to survivors who killed two zombies during a round.
*The Infection gametype is the most popular gametype in custom games as it can only normally be played in custom-made games.
*In ''Halo: Reach'' Custom Games, the Safe Havens feature was used to create Infection maps that put players on a linear progression: survivors had to traverse a linear path, such as a series of city streets, and reach a Haven placed at the end of the map to win; zombies spawned at a central hub and could use teleporters to access any part of the path. This gameplay was enforced by only crediting survivors for kills scored from inside of a Safe Haven. It was common for settings to be tweaked so that survivors took two or three hits to kill, but did not regenerate their shields or health without the use of a [[health pack]].
*It has been suggested that Bungie make the zombies a [[Flood]] [[Combat Form]]. The idea was rejected by Bungie, who said that it made the zombie less "creepy."
*It is possible for a survivor to acquire an Energy Sword in ''Halo: Reach'', as seen [ here]. For this to happen, a host migration must occur right as a survivor is infected and respawns as a zombie. When the game starts again, there's a chance that the player will turn back into a survivor, but will keep the zombie loadout.
*"Infection" is based on the popular custom gametype in [[Halo 2]] known as "Zombies". Zombies was based on Team Slayer, with the Red team being Humans and the Green team being Zombies. The Humans could only use human weapons, and the Zombies could only use [[Energy Swords]]. The game began with just one or two Zombie players, who would attempt to hunt down and kill the Humans. When a Human was killed by a Zombie, they would have to change teams and become a Zombie. Since there were no facilities in [[Halo 2]] custom games to limit what weapons each team could use or to force players to switch teams upon death, Zombie gametypes relied on Honor Rules.
*Many people have made [[machinima]] using the Infection Gametype.
*New, but simple to obtain [[achievements]] are made just for Infection on the [[Mythic Map Pack]], they are [[Delicious Brains]], and [[Zombie Repeller]]. Delicious Brains is awarded when the player infects 2 humans, and Zombie Repeller is awarded by getting 2 zombie kills as a human.
*In the Halo 3 game manual, it is incorrectly stated that players play as the [[Flood]] when infected. It may be possible that [[Bungie]] had originally planned to include the [[Flood]] in Infection, or it could simply be a typo.

File:H3 Isolation Swords.jpg|First-person view of an infected player in ''Halo 3''.
File:H3 Isolation Infection.jpg|First-person view of a player pursued by infected players in ''Halo 3''.
File:H3 RatsNest Infection.jpg|An infected player approaches a player from behind in ''Halo 3''.
File:HTMCC-HR Infection Sword Base.jpg|Three infected players approaching a player in ''Halo: Reach''.
File:H5G-Infected.png|An infected player in ''Halo 5: Guardians''.
File:H5G-InfectedSwordHUD.png|The HUD of an infected player in ''Halo 5: Guardians''.
File:H5G-Infection.png|A match of Infection in ''Halo 5: Guardians''.
File:HINF Concept Infection.jpg|Concept art of Infection in ''Halo Infinite''.
File:HINF Concept AlphaBetaInfected.jpg|Concept art of the different holographic effects for Alpha and Beta Infected in ''Halo Infinite''.
File:HINF Concept InfectedSword.jpg|Concept art of the unique Infected energy sword in ''Halo Infinite''.
File:HINF-GlitchedInfection.png|A glitched game of Infection during the [[Winter Update]] in ''Halo Infinite''.
File:HINF-S4InfectionSpartans.jpg|An Infected Alpha charging at two Survivors in ''Halo Infinite''.
File:HINF-DoubleInfectedSpartan.png|An Infected Alpha with Flood cosmetics on [[Streets]].

==Related Pages==

*[[Halo 3 Infection Game Type Options|Infection Settings]]
==See also==
*[[Alpha Zombie]]
*[[Alpha Zombie]]
*[[Hide and Seek]]
*[[Flood (gametype)]]
*[[Save One Bullet]]
*[[Custom game]]s

[[Category:Halo 3]]
[[Category:Multiplayer gametypes]]
[[Category:Halo 3 gametypes]]
[[Category:Halo: Reach gametypes]]
[[Category:Halo 2: Anniversary multiplayer gametypes]]
[[Category:Halo 5: Guardians gametypes]]

Latest revision as of 06:00, August 12, 2024

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A render of an Infection match.
A render of an Infection match in Halo Infinite.

Infection is a multiplayer gametype in Halo 3, Halo: Reach, Halo 2: Anniversary, Halo 5: Guardians,[1] and Halo Infinite. It is the official Zombie mode, modelled after zombie mode's popularity as a custom game in Halo 2.[2] In Halo 4, the gametype was tweaked and renamed Flood.


Infection Emblem.
Infection Medals.

Players in Infection matches are split into two teams: the Survivors and the Zombies. When a survivor dies, they switch to the zombie team. A survivor's goal is to remain alive (i.e. "uninfected") until the end of the round, while a zombie's goal is to kill (infect) as many survivors as possible. When only one survivor remains, that survivor becomes the "Last Man Standing." The Last Man Standing can be given unique player traits; typically, these include a waypoint revealing their location to zombies, making survival an extreme challenge.

The players who start a round as zombies are Alpha Zombies. The number of Alpha Zombies can be changed in the gametype options, and Alpha Zombies can be given unique player traits to distinguish them from standard zombies.

Typically, the zombies have melee weapons at their disposal and are capable of killing survivors in a single blow. Survivors are given short- and medium-range firearms.


History by game[edit]

Halo 2[edit]

Main article: Zombies

While it was yet to be implemented as an official mode, Infection—simply called "Zombies"—first existed as a custom game played with honor rules in Halo 2. In its original form, the Red Team were the humans and the Green Team were the Energy Sword-wielding zombies. Players would have to manually switch teams using the pause menu if they were killed by a zombie to join the infected. The maps Foundation and Headlong were particularly popular choices for this mode.[2]

In 2023 it was discovered that Halo 2 once had an official internal version of Infection in development, among other cut gametypes. This version of Infection featured team changing behavior similar to that found in the eventual Halo 3 variant, however was never released during Halo 2's tenure on Xbox Live. Files and further information about the modes were released through the Digsite project in 2024.[3]

Halo 3[edit]

Infection was introduced as an official mode in Halo 3. While it was playable on-disc from launch day, it did not appear in Matchmaking until October 31, 2007 when a special Halloween playlist was introduced. This playlist permitted up to 13 players (it being an "unlucky" number) to play Infection. It was wildly popular and eventually became a frequently-recurring Double EXP Weekend playlist: Living Dead. Living Dead was ranked when it appeared on Halloween, and social on other occasions It offered a number of Infection gametypes, including "Save One Bullet" and "Brains."

Infection games also appeared in other Double EXP playlists such as Turkey Day, the 2008 Thanksgiving weekend playlist.

Halo: Reach[edit]

Human players holding a position in Infection.

Halo: Reach introduced the Safe Havens feature; maps had to be compatible with Safe Havens in order to support any Infection game variant, even when the Havens feature was disabled. Reach also introduced the "rebalancing" feature: if a zombie quit a match, a survivor would be forcibly converted to a zombie. Reach did not offer the Alpha Zombie feature on launch; it also did not offer the "Next Zombie" option due to technical limitations.

While Zombie Traits could be configured as normal, zombies' starting loadouts were harder to find: you had to edit the "Elite Loadouts" normally used for Invasion.

In the default Infection settings, zombies had the Evade armor ability, a higher movement speed, and lower gravity, which allowed them to rapidly approach survivors so long as they did not jump; conversely, they had no shields, making them constantly vulnerable to headshots. Survivors spawned with both shotguns and magnums, but weapon pickup was disabled, leaving them unable to acquire more ammo; even when they ran out of ammo, they could sometimes survive using sword block, a game mechanic unique to Reach. The default Safe Havens settings differed only slightly from Infection: survivors' damage output was reduced by half when outside of a haven, and survivors were granted invulnerability and standard damage output while inside of a haven. In May 2011, Bungie released an Infection game variant that implemented the Alpha Zombie feature; this variant's default settings gave Alpha Zombies unlimited sprint and forced color (red armor).

Halo: Reach offered Living Dead as a standard playlist available from launch day. Changes to Infection's settings and gametype script were distributed through this playlist; players who wanted to experiment with Alpha Zombies had to play the variant in Matchmaking and then save it from their Temporary History. Small changes were made to Infection's settings over time; for example, zombies had their gravity increased to normal and their jump height increased, to allow them to jump higher without being "floaty" and excessively vulnerable in mid-air. For the most part, though, Living Dead maintenance focused on patching the most egregious exploits in the playlist's maps, the overwhelming majority of which were not designed or significantly customized with Infection gameplay in mind.

Halo: Reach introduced three notable bugs; one of these was mitigated in Matchmaking, but none of them were ever truly fixed:

  • If players were given limited lives and all zombies ran out of lives, the round wouldn't end properly. Infection's special round-end conditions (all survivors dead) still functioned, but otherwise, Infection was technically an FFA gametype and so used FFA round-end conditions. As such, in variants with limited lives, a round would only end if all zombies and all but one survivor ran out of lives. This meant that many popular Custom Games, such as Duck Hunt, had to be built "backwards," with the hunter implemented as a lone survivor and the prey as zombies.
  • A race condition would often occur when a survivor and a zombie traded kills in close quarters: the kills would sometimes register after the survivor changed teams, leading the game to count one of the kills as a betrayal. In many cases, the killed survivor would be given the option to boot, and vengeful players would often make use of that option. This is why Betrayal Booting was removed from the Living Dead playlist. It is not known how the later removal of Friendly Fire from the playlist affected this bug.
  • A player's team assignment would often desynchronize from the server when they joined games in progress. New players would spawn as survivors, but they would appear as enemies to fellow survivors: the players already present would see the new player's gamertag in red and even gain aim assist on them.

Halo 4[edit]

Main article: Flood (gametype)
A Flood player lunges at a survivor.

Released with the launch of Halo 4, Flood was marketed as a successor to Infection, though the core gameplay remained largely identical and it is generally simply considered to be a variant of the Infection mode. In Flood, players are split into a Survivor team and a Flood team, and survivors must avoid being killed and converted to the Flood team. The principal difference between Flood and Infection is the addition of a new player model for the Flood: an infected Spartan's body was stripped of its hard armor plating and covered in a Flood carapace. Altered settings also gave Flood players a special armor effect that trailed behind them and a first-person screen effect that distorted their vision.

Flood featured several changes when compared to previous iterations of Infection:

  • Flood players did not spawn with weapons and couldn't pick any weapons up; they attacked using a fleshy claw that behaved similarly to the energy swords used in Infection.
  • Flood players were also incapable of sprinting.
  • The mode's default settings dictated that two players would start on the Flood team, and rounds would last for three minutes.
  • Flood players are equipped with energy shields, making it harder to kill them with headshots. Survivors would spawn with shotguns and magnums.
  • Both teams had three loadouts to pick from, each of which offered a different armor ability.

A new public variant called Hivemind was added on July 1, 2013. In Hivemind, Spartans appeared in their chosen colors, instead of the default green. Survivors start with Assault Rifles and Magnums, and are able to pick up other weapons around the map, including Shotguns. It takes two hits from a Flood to kill a survivor. Neither side has Armor Abilities.

Halo 2: Anniversary[edit]

A Flood-infected Spartan in Halo 2: Anniversary infection.

Infection returned as an official mode in Halo 2: Anniversary, offering a number of new features:

  • Zombies used a unique Flood-infected player model, similar to Halo 4's Flood. In Halo 2: Anniversary, the Flood infection was mostly contained within a Spartan's armor, but Spartans' heads were severely mutilated by Pod infectors.
  • Halo 2: Anniversary offered a unique Flood Energy Sword with a red hue, which was available in Forge and in game variant options. This weapon was designed specifically for use in Infection, and zombies were equipped with it by default.
  • Infection offered unique settings for variants such as Cadre and Flight. Cadre allowed survivors to receive special player traits as long as they remained near each other, while Flight tasked survivors with carrying a bomb around the map and arming it at specific locations.

Halo 5: Guardians[edit]

Infection was added to Halo 5: Guardians as part of the Memories of Reach update.

  • Spartans start with a Shotgun and Assault Rifle with low ammunition. Other weapons can be found in the field.
  • Zombies use Energy Swords with a green tint and have a Pestilence effect.
  • Alpha Zombies now have partial Active Camouflage and do not appear on the motion sensor.
  • Both Spartans and Zombies can use boost thrusters, but Zombies cannot sprint.
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Halo Infinite[edit]

Infection was added to Halo Infinite with the release of Season 04: Infection, a season themed extensively around the mode. A permanent Infection matchmaking playlist was introduced to the game at the start of the season.[2][4]

The mode is canonized in-universe as the Banished-aligned AI known as Iratus infecting the armor of trainees at the Avery J. Johnson Academy of Military Science. This is reflected in the holographic components added to infected Spartans' armor. Alpha Infected feature more over Iratus-themed holograms over their helmets and armor, while Beta Infected feature more subtle holographic elements. With default settings, all infected Spartans spawn with a unique red energy sword similar to a Bloodblade. The official multiplayer maps in Halo Infinite received variants with Infection-specific changes. The maps are overtaken with distortions and digital lightning to convey the theme of this incarnation of Infection, they have dead Spartans on the ground, new areas to hide, and other paths that might be blocked off by crates that could leave the player at a dead end.[2][4]

Halo Infinite's version of Infection also features some gameplay changes:

Tactics and tips[edit]

Zombies are often set to spawn with the classic Energy Sword.
A player camping in an Infection game.
  • If you are building an Infection game, try to make it balanced. Consider giving the zombies 200% health and no shields, with a slightly higher speed and jump; in turn, try giving the survivors shotguns and pistols with limited ammo. When forging maps, be careful to make sure that survivors can't camp in a room with a single entrance; try and force the survivors to work together to guard a location.
    • It's often fun to barricade doors with movable or breakable items, such as barrels and pallets, when designing maps.
  • Survivors can work together to bait zombies into a trap, to earn more kills. Survivors can hole up in an easily-defended location, wait for zombie attacks to lull, and send out one player to serve as bait. The bait player would try to lure zombies into the base, where the zombies would be killed by overwhelming force.
  • In Halo 3, a survivor could escape infection and respawn elsewhere if they committed suicide while under attack. In Halo: Reach, however, players that commit suicide will be infected.
  • Survivors should try to avoid using melee weapons against zombies unless they're very skilled with those weapons; zombies will also have melee weapons, so the odds of survival are generally about even. Zombies can afford to die; survivors cannot.
  • A team that regroups in a single area and holds their position in a well defensible location has a much higher chance of surviving.
  • Conserving ammunition is key in all Infection game types. Most players tend to aim for the one spot where it will do the most damage, the head. However, even though zombies are vulnerable to headshots in most gametypes, the head is a small target and can be difficult to hit at range. Headshots use less ammo than body shots, but body shots use less ammo than repeatedly missing the head.
  • Never use Armor Lock in Infection. This only makes it easier for the zombies to swarm around you and wait until you pop back up for the kill.
  • Try to avoid using attached turrets where possible, as they leave you unable to move and exposed from behind and to the sides. Only use turrets if you are sure that your team can hold your flanks.
  • It is common practice for survivors to camp at an exploitable part of the map, where they pick off zombies with relative ease. Though some of these areas have been eliminated from Matchmaking through updates, many remain that are simply normal areas of the map that are easy to reach but unbelievably hard to conquer when faced with a strong team of survivors.
  • Survivors are not able to pick up ammo, forcing them to pace their shots. In some cases, the last player gets infected before time runs out due to lack of ammo.


  • "Infection" is based on the popular custom gametype in Halo 2 known as "zombies". Zombies was based on Team Slayer, with the Red team being humans and the Green team being zombies. The humans could only use human weapons, and the zombies could only use Energy Swords. The game began with just one or two zombie players, who would attempt to hunt down and kill the humans. When a human was killed by a zombie, they would have to change teams and become a zombie. Since there were no facilities in Halo 2 Custom Games to limit what weapons each team could use or to force players to switch teams upon death, zombie gametypes relied on honor rules.
  • Halo 3's Mythic Map Pack introduced Achievements specifically for Infection: Delicious Brains was awarded to zombies who infected two survivors during a round, and Zombie Repeller was awarded to survivors who killed two zombies during a round.
  • In Halo: Reach Custom Games, the Safe Havens feature was used to create Infection maps that put players on a linear progression: survivors had to traverse a linear path, such as a series of city streets, and reach a Haven placed at the end of the map to win; zombies spawned at a central hub and could use teleporters to access any part of the path. This gameplay was enforced by only crediting survivors for kills scored from inside of a Safe Haven. It was common for settings to be tweaked so that survivors took two or three hits to kill, but did not regenerate their shields or health without the use of a health pack.
  • It is possible for a survivor to acquire an Energy Sword in Halo: Reach, as seen here. For this to happen, a host migration must occur right as a survivor is infected and respawns as a zombie. When the game starts again, there's a chance that the player will turn back into a survivor, but will keep the zombie loadout.



  1. ^ Josh Holmes on Twitter
  2. ^ a b c d Halo Waypoint, INFECTION OVERVIEW | SEASON 4 (Retrieved on Jun 17, 2023) [archive]
  3. ^ Twitter, Neo Te Aika (@neoteaika): "Cool #Halo 2-Digsiteish thing I got permission to share! 🧵
    Halo 2 once had more gametypes, including Infection & VIP (later appearing in Halo 3), Headhunter (Reach), and Medic (don't think we fully figured this one out)...
    (glitchy HUD is a side effect of H2 Uncut dev tags)"
    (Retrieved on Jan 26, 2024) [archive]
  4. ^ a b c d YouTube - HALO, Season 4: Infection Preview Livestream | Halo Infinite (Retrieved on Jun 17, 2023)
  5. ^ YouTube - HALO, Season 4: Infection Trailer | Halo Infinite (Retrieved on Jun 17, 2023)

See also[edit]