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== Campaign Quotes ==
"Hey, where's the fight at?"<br />-Beginning of [[Kizingo Boulevard]], to a squad of [[Marines]] retreating from a [[Wraith]].
== Campaign ==
===[[Prepare to Drop]]===
*"[[UNSC Navy|The Navy]] put up a good fight." - Onboard the ''[[UNSC Say My Name]]'', commenting on the [[Battle of Earth]], seen on a [[Holography|holo]]-table.
*"What the hell kind of armor was she wearing?" - to [[Kojo Agu|Romeo]], after seeing [[Captain]] [[Veronica Dare|Dare]] and her [[ODST Ballistic Battle Armor#Recon|armor]].
*"Oh, brother..." - To himself, after [[Edward Buck|Buck]] tells the [[Unidentified Shock Trooper squad|squad]] that Dare is taking over the command of the squad.
*"We're way off course!" - Inside his [[SOEIV]], after Dare changes the team's landing coordinates.
*"But we're gonna miss the [[Solemn Penance|carrier]]!" - To Dare, who tells him they are going exactly where she needs to be.
*"Covenant just set off a [[Nuclear Weapon|nuke]]?!" - After [[Taylor Miles|Dutch]] reports radiation in the area, which is actually from the carrier's [[Slipstream Space|Slipspace rupture]].
===[[Kizingo Boulevard]]===
*"Hey, where's the fight at?" - In the streets of [[New Mombasa]], to a squad of [[Marines]] retreating from a {{Pattern|Zurdo|Wraith}}.
*"Son of a gun!" - After narrowly escaping from a [[Plasma Mortar]] shot, but hit in the head by a barrel from the explosion the mortar made.
*"Wait for me!" - To the squad of Marines, one of them telling him to get out of the way.
*"Sure! As long as I get to drive the [[M808B Main Battle Tank|tank]]!" - After a Marine tells him to get to the Rally Point.
*"Dutch! What are you doing up there?!" - To Dutch, near the Rally Point.
*"We got any heavy weapons for that Wraith?" - At the Rally Point, under fire from a Wraith.
*"My vote? Hold up, wait for back up." - To Dutch, after clearing the area and discussion with Dutch.
*"Aw nuts..." - In response to Dutch's comment about being overruled.

"Sure! As long as I get to drive the [[M808B Main Battle Tank|tank]]!"<br />-In response to an order given in [[Kizingo Boulevard]].
===[[ONI Alpha Site]]===
*"Hey, you wanna do this? Be my guest. But this, ain't a job you wanna rush." - To Dutch, who tells him to hurry up, said as he arms a [[M168 Demolition Charge|detonator]] on the bridge leading to the [[ONI]] facility [[Alpha Site]].
*"Come on, tough guy, we gotta blow this bridge." - To Dutch, after arming the last charge at the middle of the bridge.
*"Dutch, arm the other charges!" - To Dutch, telling him to arm the last two charges.
*"Forget about 'em, we got explosives to set!" - To Dutch, who looks back at the assaulting Wraiths.
*"Follow me, arm the charges!" - To Dutch.
*"Dutch, ignore those tanks!" - If the player, as Dutch, fights the advancing [[Covenant]] troops.
*"I got this one, Dutch, you do the rest!" - If the player walks past the first charge.
*"Great, I got to do everything myself?" - If the player walks past the second charge.
*"That's the last one Dutch! Everyone, behind those barriers, bridge is set to blow!" - To the group, after the last two charges are armed.
*"Watchtower Dutch, get up there and pull the trigger!" - If the player doesn't climb up the ladder leading to the watchtower.
*"What's the hold up, Dutch? Blow this sucker sky high!" - If the player doesn't trigger the charges using the laptop.
*"Woo-hoo! Yeah! That's the way!" - Enthusiastically, as the bridge leading to ONI Alpha Site detonates, killing all Covenant troops on it.
*"Aw man, Covenant landing on the other side of the wall!" - Said as the [[NMPD]] officers and remaining Marines enter ONI Alpha Site's courtyard.
*"C'mon Dutch, those cops aren't going to last long against Brutes! - If the player doesn't go under the wall leading to the courtyard.
*"Over here Dutch, into the tunnel, under the wall!" - If the player still doesn't follow the group into the courtyard.
*"Go, Dutch! We gotta keep the Covenant away from that building." - To Dutch, as they enter the courtyard, encountering Covenant troops, including a pair of [[Hunter]]s.
*"More [[Phantoms]], look sharp!" - During the fight in the courtyard.
*"Dutch, inside the building! ''Now!''" - To Dutch, as the survivors enter the ONI facility.
*"Wait, what? More explosives?" - Inside the facility, after hearing a Police Sergeant ordering Officers to arm ''more'' detonators.
*"The only thing I don't like, is that our butts are currently inside this facility." - After Sergeant tells him and Dutch they can "jump [their] butts back into orbit" if they don't want to follow the orders of detonating the building.
*"Dutch, scan right!" - To Dutch, during the fight inside the facility.
*"They're pouring into the left!" - To the group during the fight.
*"Right side, Dutch!" - To Dutch, who uses a turret to clear the area.
*"That's the last of 'em Dutch, come back to my position!" - To Dutch, as the fight inside the facility comes to an end.
*"Alright, that's it. Transfer the detonation codes to my [[COM]]. If anyone's takin' this place out, it's gonna be me." - After an officer arrives in an [[elevator]], telling the group there are enough detonators to blow the building twice.
*"I love blowing crap up Dutch, but this situation sucks." - To Dutch, as they ascend to the building's rooftop. Only heard with [[IWHBYD skull (Halo 3)|IWHBYD Skull]] activated.
*"Finally, a good reason to blow this building up!" - When a Police officer tells Dutch the city's underground tunnels are filled with [[Yanme'e|Drones]].
*"There's [[D77C-NMPD Pelican Dropship|our ride]]! Go! Go! Go!" - To Dutch, after clearing the rooftop of Covenant troops.
*"Let's get outta here Dutch come on! - If the player doesn't board the Pelican.
*"Building's lost. Nothing more we can do." - If the player still doesn't board the Pelican.
*"Dutch, I thought you wanted to leave." - If the player doesn't board the Pelican after the previous quote.
**Or, with IWHBYD Skull activated: "Dutch, you dumbass, get aboard!"
*"Sure do!" - In response to the Police Officer onboard the Pelican, who asks do they know a [[Gunnery Sergeant]] named Buck.
*"This day ain't turnin' out so bad after all!" - Said as the Pelican zooms away from the exploding facility.
===[[NMPD HQ]]===
*"Welcome aboard, ladies! First stop: anywhere but here!" - To Buck and Romeo, as their Pelican lands on one of the many landing pads located near the rooftop of the [[NMPD headquarters]].
*"Gunny, we've moved one of those construction cranes — made a bridge to our location." - Through radio to Buck, who fights numerous Covenant troops with Romeo to get to the Pelican's crash site.
*"Not for long, Phantoms inbound!" - After Dutch reports their current status to Buck, saying except for the pilots, the rest of them are fine.
*"We're gonna get you outta here." - To Romeo, who gets badly injured by a [[Brute]] [[Chieftain]]'s [[Gravity hammer (fiction)|gravity hammer]].
===[[Kikowani Station]]===
*"'re gonna wanna see this." - To Buck through COM, after scouting inside [[Kikowani Station (location)|Kikowani Station]].
*"This means we're screwed, right?" - to Buck, who arrives in his location after filling Romeo's wound with [[Biofoam]] at the station's entrance.
*"Gunny, I can fly a Pelican, but a Phantom? It's been years since I even ran a simulation!" - To Buck, who gestures him that he will pilot a Phantom to get the four [[ODST]]s out of the city.
*"Gunny, more of those [[Huragok|floating squids]]. Should we smoke 'em?" - To Buck as they draw close to the docked Phantom.
*"Here comes nothing!" - Said as he enters the Phantom's troop bay through the [[Gravity lift]].
*"Ugh, cabin secure. Flight controls read green across the board...well, purple, but she's good to go...I think." - To Buck, after killing the Phantom's pilot.
*"On my way." - Said as he flies the Phantom to Romeo and Dutch.
*"All set back there?" - To Romeo and Dutch, who mans the [[Pek-pattern plasma cannon|Plasma Cannon]]s located at the Phantom's side.
*"I bet the Captain would have knew." - To Buck, who reports that there are many Covenant at the Slipspace crater. Only available if the player, as Buck,  flies up to the top of the station.
*"Head through the tunnel Gunny. Go on Gunny take the lead! Everyone watch their elbows, its gonna be a tight squeeze." - To Buck, as they enter a tunnel.
*"I don't think it actually says that, Dutch." - Doubtfully to Dutch's comment that good book says payback's a bitch.
*"Damn! Covenant must've locked the door to the next area. I see an override switch Gunny. Hang on, I'll set a beacon." - In front of a locked tunnel door.
*"We're stuck here until you open that door, Gunny!" - If the player stalls outside the locked door.
*"Roger that, following your lead." - After Buck opens the locked door manually.
*"Gunny, another locked door, hit the override." - To Buck, in front of another locked door.
*"Damn, door's jammed. Must've lost power." - After Buck presses the override, but only a small door opens.
*"Gunny, check the far end of the tunnel, might be a back up generator." - To Buck, who clears the tunnel of Covenant troops.
*"I bet there's a generator right here! Let me place a beacon." - If the player stalls inside the tunnel.
*"That did it! Door's open." - After Buck opens the door manually.
*"Head into the tunnel, before [[Deutoros-pattern Scarab|another one]] shows up." - After Buck destroys a Scarab blocking their way to the city's exit.
===[[Coastal Highway]]===
*"Sky's kind of crowded, Gunny." - To Buck, who reunites with Dare and the [[Rookie]] in the [[Superintendent]]'s core and has return to surface for extraction.
*"Have to reroute, Gunny, the whole damn city's on [[Glassing|fire]]!" - To Buck, who asks for his ETA.
*"Whoo-yeah! Line 'em up, boys!" - Said as the captured Phantom enters [[Uplift Nature Reserve]]'s entrance, also where Buck, Dare, the Rookie and their assest, an [[Quick to Adjust|Engineer]] that absorbed [[Vergil]], are holding their position at.
*"Aw, come on! I don't want one of those things in here!" - To Buck, who tells him the Engineer is joining him in the Phantom's cockpit. Last line said in Campaign.
===Gameplay Quotes===
*"That was a massacre! No, a slaughter! It was a massacre slaughter kill!" -When the player gets a double kill.
*"Watch it, Benedict Arnold!" - Rare, IWHBYD possibly needed. When attacked by player.
*"Is that all you bloody got?" - IWHBYD possibly needed.
*"Hey! I thought we were friends." - When attacked by the player.
*"That hurt! ...and my feelings, too." - When attacked by the player.
*"I... loved him!" - When the player kills a fellow ally.
*"Let him go tell his [[Covenant|buddies]] the bad news."
*"Sorry, buddy." -When pausing to look at a dead [[Unggoy|Grunt]].
*"I'm gonna rip out your heart and show it to your dying eyes!"
*"I know, I have beautiful eyes, right?" - Rare, IWHBYD possibly needed. When the player stares at Mickey closely for a while.
*"Look out! Banshee!" - When seeing a Banshee while retreating to the side of bridge.
*"Banshee is comin' down!" - When seeing Dutch makes an immediate kill to Banshee.
*"See Dutch? This is what happened when you do quick kill" - After player kills drones quickly while the elevator is halfway up to the top floor on ONI Alpha Site.
*"Hehey, you really want to trade. Okay, but no one can accuse me for it. Okay?" - When player trade weapons with Mickey.
*"He got covered, let it go! We got them back" - When Mickey saw Brutes gets cornered and take cover.
*"He's trapped!" - When Mickey saw Brute was trapped.
*"There he is!" - When spotting enemy hiding.

"If anybody's gonna blow this place, it's gonna be me!" -When [[Dutch]] and Mickey are told to destroy the [[ONI Alpha Site]].
== Firefight Quotes ==
*"I killed him in the face!" -When scoring a [[headshot]].
"That was a massacre! No a slaughter! It was a massacre slaughter kill!" -When you get a double kill on ONI Alpha Site. (same line from Halo 3)
*"Right between the eyes!" -When scoring a headshot.
*"Bullet, meet head. Head, meet bullet." -When scoring a headshot.
"Let him go tell his [[Covenant |buddies]] the bad news."
*"Enjoy the extra nose hole!" -When scoring a headshot.
*"That's a stain that won't go away!" -When landing a [[Anskum-pattern plasma grenade|plasma grenade]] throw.
"I'm gonna rip out your heart and show it to your dying eyes!"
*"What now, little aliens?" -After killing a [[Brute Captain]].
*"Zing!" -When scoring a headshot.
"Fast, silent, deadly." -When you [[Assassination|assassinate]] an enemy.
*"You guys must be the Covenant B-team" -When scoring a multi-kill.
*"Get stuck, BEEATCH!" -When sticking an enemy.
"My vote, hold up, wait for backup."
*"Not good." -When stuck or betraying a teammate.
*"Don't kill me!" -When stuck.
== Situational Responses ==
*"Maybe we could talk this out" -When stuck.
*"Oh goddammit-" -When stuck.
"Killed him in the face!" -When scoring a [[Headshot|headshot]].
*"Your mama never loved ya and she dresses you funny." -IWHBYD skull may be needed.
*"It's the gift that keeps giving!" -When multiple enemies are killed with an explosive.
"Right between the eyes!" -When scoring a headshot.
*"You will cease to live very soon!" - When throwing a grenade.
*"I'm about to end your life!"
"Bullet, meet head. Head, meet bullet." -When scoring a headshot.
*"I saw my life flash before me. It sucked."
*"I throw like a girl!" - When throwing a grenade. (rare)
"Enjoy the extra nose hole!" -When scoring a headshot.
*"How did you ever get off your planet?" - When killing multiple enemies in a row.
*"Fast, silent, deadly." - After [[Assassination|assassinating]] an enemy.
"That's a stain that won't go away!" -When landing a [[Plasma Grenade|plasma grenade]] throw.
*"Cover me, reloading!" - When goes to cover while reloading.
*"Ha-Ha!" - When throwing Anti-Personel Grenade in surprise.
"What now little aliens?" -After killing a [[Brute Captain]].
*"Swapping magz!'
*"Cover me, reloading"
"Zing!" -When scoring a headshot.
*"Blind spot!" - Headshotting Brute by meleeing its head.
*"On my last mag" - On his last mag, usually rare when he add it with sarcastic laugh.
"You guys must be the Covenant B-team" -When scoring a multi-kill.
*"Use the crosswalk, jackass!" - When splattering an enemy with a vehicle.  
"Get stuck, BEEATCH!" -When sticking an enemy.
"Not good." -When stuck or betraying a teammate.
"Don't kill me!" -When stuck.
"Maybe we could talk this out" -When stuck.
"Oh goddammit-" -When stuck.
"Your mama never loved ya and she dresses you funny." -IWHBYD skull may be needed.
"It's the gift that keeps giving!" -When multiple enemies are killed with an explosive.
"Is that all you bloody got?" -IWHBYD possibly needed.
"Dutch you dumbass get in the Pelican!" - When you stall to get into the [[Pelican]] on ONI Alpha Site.
"Sorry, buddy." -When pausing to look at a dead [[Unggoy|Grunt]].

Latest revision as of 14:06, October 12, 2022


Prepare to DropEdit

  • "The Navy put up a good fight." - Onboard the UNSC Say My Name, commenting on the Battle of Earth, seen on a holo-table.
  • "What the hell kind of armor was she wearing?" - to Romeo, after seeing Captain Dare and her armor.
  • "Oh, brother..." - To himself, after Buck tells the squad that Dare is taking over the command of the squad.
  • "We're way off course!" - Inside his SOEIV, after Dare changes the team's landing coordinates.
  • "But we're gonna miss the carrier!" - To Dare, who tells him they are going exactly where she needs to be.
  • "Covenant just set off a nuke?!" - After Dutch reports radiation in the area, which is actually from the carrier's Slipspace rupture.

Kizingo BoulevardEdit

  • "Hey, where's the fight at?" - In the streets of New Mombasa, to a squad of Marines retreating from a Zurdo-pattern Wraith.
  • "Son of a gun!" - After narrowly escaping from a Plasma Mortar shot, but hit in the head by a barrel from the explosion the mortar made.
  • "Wait for me!" - To the squad of Marines, one of them telling him to get out of the way.
  • "Sure! As long as I get to drive the tank!" - After a Marine tells him to get to the Rally Point.
  • "Dutch! What are you doing up there?!" - To Dutch, near the Rally Point.
  • "We got any heavy weapons for that Wraith?" - At the Rally Point, under fire from a Wraith.
  • "My vote? Hold up, wait for back up." - To Dutch, after clearing the area and discussion with Dutch.
  • "Aw nuts..." - In response to Dutch's comment about being overruled.

ONI Alpha SiteEdit

  • "Hey, you wanna do this? Be my guest. But this, ain't a job you wanna rush." - To Dutch, who tells him to hurry up, said as he arms a detonator on the bridge leading to the ONI facility Alpha Site.
  • "Come on, tough guy, we gotta blow this bridge." - To Dutch, after arming the last charge at the middle of the bridge.
  • "Dutch, arm the other charges!" - To Dutch, telling him to arm the last two charges.
  • "Forget about 'em, we got explosives to set!" - To Dutch, who looks back at the assaulting Wraiths.
  • "Follow me, arm the charges!" - To Dutch.
  • "Dutch, ignore those tanks!" - If the player, as Dutch, fights the advancing Covenant troops.
  • "I got this one, Dutch, you do the rest!" - If the player walks past the first charge.
  • "Great, I got to do everything myself?" - If the player walks past the second charge.
  • "That's the last one Dutch! Everyone, behind those barriers, bridge is set to blow!" - To the group, after the last two charges are armed.
  • "Watchtower Dutch, get up there and pull the trigger!" - If the player doesn't climb up the ladder leading to the watchtower.
  • "What's the hold up, Dutch? Blow this sucker sky high!" - If the player doesn't trigger the charges using the laptop.
  • "Woo-hoo! Yeah! That's the way!" - Enthusiastically, as the bridge leading to ONI Alpha Site detonates, killing all Covenant troops on it.
  • "Aw man, Covenant landing on the other side of the wall!" - Said as the NMPD officers and remaining Marines enter ONI Alpha Site's courtyard.
  • "C'mon Dutch, those cops aren't going to last long against Brutes! - If the player doesn't go under the wall leading to the courtyard.
  • "Over here Dutch, into the tunnel, under the wall!" - If the player still doesn't follow the group into the courtyard.
  • "Go, Dutch! We gotta keep the Covenant away from that building." - To Dutch, as they enter the courtyard, encountering Covenant troops, including a pair of Hunters.
  • "More Phantoms, look sharp!" - During the fight in the courtyard.
  • "Dutch, inside the building! Now!" - To Dutch, as the survivors enter the ONI facility.
  • "Wait, what? More explosives?" - Inside the facility, after hearing a Police Sergeant ordering Officers to arm more detonators.
  • "The only thing I don't like, is that our butts are currently inside this facility." - After Sergeant tells him and Dutch they can "jump [their] butts back into orbit" if they don't want to follow the orders of detonating the building.
  • "Dutch, scan right!" - To Dutch, during the fight inside the facility.
  • "They're pouring into the left!" - To the group during the fight.
  • "Right side, Dutch!" - To Dutch, who uses a turret to clear the area.
  • "That's the last of 'em Dutch, come back to my position!" - To Dutch, as the fight inside the facility comes to an end.
  • "Alright, that's it. Transfer the detonation codes to my COM. If anyone's takin' this place out, it's gonna be me." - After an officer arrives in an elevator, telling the group there are enough detonators to blow the building twice.
  • "I love blowing crap up Dutch, but this situation sucks." - To Dutch, as they ascend to the building's rooftop. Only heard with IWHBYD Skull activated.
  • "Finally, a good reason to blow this building up!" - When a Police officer tells Dutch the city's underground tunnels are filled with Drones.
  • "There's our ride! Go! Go! Go!" - To Dutch, after clearing the rooftop of Covenant troops.
  • "Let's get outta here Dutch come on! - If the player doesn't board the Pelican.
  • "Building's lost. Nothing more we can do." - If the player still doesn't board the Pelican.
  • "Dutch, I thought you wanted to leave." - If the player doesn't board the Pelican after the previous quote.
    • Or, with IWHBYD Skull activated: "Dutch, you dumbass, get aboard!"
  • "Sure do!" - In response to the Police Officer onboard the Pelican, who asks do they know a Gunnery Sergeant named Buck.
  • "This day ain't turnin' out so bad after all!" - Said as the Pelican zooms away from the exploding facility.


  • "Welcome aboard, ladies! First stop: anywhere but here!" - To Buck and Romeo, as their Pelican lands on one of the many landing pads located near the rooftop of the NMPD headquarters.
  • "Gunny, we've moved one of those construction cranes — made a bridge to our location." - Through radio to Buck, who fights numerous Covenant troops with Romeo to get to the Pelican's crash site.
  • "Not for long, Phantoms inbound!" - After Dutch reports their current status to Buck, saying except for the pilots, the rest of them are fine.
  • "We're gonna get you outta here." - To Romeo, who gets badly injured by a Brute Chieftain's gravity hammer.

Kikowani StationEdit

  • "'re gonna wanna see this." - To Buck through COM, after scouting inside Kikowani Station.
  • "This means we're screwed, right?" - to Buck, who arrives in his location after filling Romeo's wound with Biofoam at the station's entrance.
  • "Gunny, I can fly a Pelican, but a Phantom? It's been years since I even ran a simulation!" - To Buck, who gestures him that he will pilot a Phantom to get the four ODSTs out of the city.
  • "Gunny, more of those floating squids. Should we smoke 'em?" - To Buck as they draw close to the docked Phantom.
  • "Here comes nothing!" - Said as he enters the Phantom's troop bay through the Gravity lift.
  • "Ugh, cabin secure. Flight controls read green across the board...well, purple, but she's good to go...I think." - To Buck, after killing the Phantom's pilot.
  • "On my way." - Said as he flies the Phantom to Romeo and Dutch.
  • "All set back there?" - To Romeo and Dutch, who mans the Plasma Cannons located at the Phantom's side.
  • "I bet the Captain would have knew." - To Buck, who reports that there are many Covenant at the Slipspace crater. Only available if the player, as Buck, flies up to the top of the station.
  • "Head through the tunnel Gunny. Go on Gunny take the lead! Everyone watch their elbows, its gonna be a tight squeeze." - To Buck, as they enter a tunnel.
  • "I don't think it actually says that, Dutch." - Doubtfully to Dutch's comment that good book says payback's a bitch.
  • "Damn! Covenant must've locked the door to the next area. I see an override switch Gunny. Hang on, I'll set a beacon." - In front of a locked tunnel door.
  • "We're stuck here until you open that door, Gunny!" - If the player stalls outside the locked door.
  • "Roger that, following your lead." - After Buck opens the locked door manually.
  • "Gunny, another locked door, hit the override." - To Buck, in front of another locked door.
  • "Damn, door's jammed. Must've lost power." - After Buck presses the override, but only a small door opens.
  • "Gunny, check the far end of the tunnel, might be a back up generator." - To Buck, who clears the tunnel of Covenant troops.
  • "I bet there's a generator right here! Let me place a beacon." - If the player stalls inside the tunnel.
  • "That did it! Door's open." - After Buck opens the door manually.
  • "Head into the tunnel, before another one shows up." - After Buck destroys a Scarab blocking their way to the city's exit.

Coastal HighwayEdit

  • "Sky's kind of crowded, Gunny." - To Buck, who reunites with Dare and the Rookie in the Superintendent's core and has return to surface for extraction.
  • "Have to reroute, Gunny, the whole damn city's on fire!" - To Buck, who asks for his ETA.
  • "Whoo-yeah! Line 'em up, boys!" - Said as the captured Phantom enters Uplift Nature Reserve's entrance, also where Buck, Dare, the Rookie and their assest, an Engineer that absorbed Vergil, are holding their position at.
  • "Aw, come on! I don't want one of those things in here!" - To Buck, who tells him the Engineer is joining him in the Phantom's cockpit. Last line said in Campaign.

Gameplay QuotesEdit

  • "That was a massacre! No, a slaughter! It was a massacre slaughter kill!" -When the player gets a double kill.
  • "Watch it, Benedict Arnold!" - Rare, IWHBYD possibly needed. When attacked by player.
  • "Is that all you bloody got?" - IWHBYD possibly needed.
  • "Hey! I thought we were friends." - When attacked by the player.
  • "That hurt! ...and my feelings, too." - When attacked by the player.
  • "I... loved him!" - When the player kills a fellow ally.
  • "Let him go tell his buddies the bad news."
  • "Sorry, buddy." -When pausing to look at a dead Grunt.
  • "I'm gonna rip out your heart and show it to your dying eyes!"
  • "I know, I have beautiful eyes, right?" - Rare, IWHBYD possibly needed. When the player stares at Mickey closely for a while.
  • "Look out! Banshee!" - When seeing a Banshee while retreating to the side of bridge.
  • "Banshee is comin' down!" - When seeing Dutch makes an immediate kill to Banshee.
  • "See Dutch? This is what happened when you do quick kill" - After player kills drones quickly while the elevator is halfway up to the top floor on ONI Alpha Site.
  • "Hehey, you really want to trade. Okay, but no one can accuse me for it. Okay?" - When player trade weapons with Mickey.
  • "He got covered, let it go! We got them back" - When Mickey saw Brutes gets cornered and take cover.
  • "He's trapped!" - When Mickey saw Brute was trapped.
  • "There he is!" - When spotting enemy hiding.

Firefight QuotesEdit

  • "I killed him in the face!" -When scoring a headshot.
  • "Right between the eyes!" -When scoring a headshot.
  • "Bullet, meet head. Head, meet bullet." -When scoring a headshot.
  • "Enjoy the extra nose hole!" -When scoring a headshot.
  • "That's a stain that won't go away!" -When landing a plasma grenade throw.
  • "What now, little aliens?" -After killing a Brute Captain.
  • "Zing!" -When scoring a headshot.
  • "You guys must be the Covenant B-team" -When scoring a multi-kill.
  • "Get stuck, BEEATCH!" -When sticking an enemy.
  • "Not good." -When stuck or betraying a teammate.
  • "Don't kill me!" -When stuck.
  • "Maybe we could talk this out" -When stuck.
  • "Oh goddammit-" -When stuck.
  • "Your mama never loved ya and she dresses you funny." -IWHBYD skull may be needed.
  • "It's the gift that keeps giving!" -When multiple enemies are killed with an explosive.
  • "You will cease to live very soon!" - When throwing a grenade.
  • "I'm about to end your life!"
  • "I saw my life flash before me. It sucked."
  • "I throw like a girl!" - When throwing a grenade. (rare)
  • "How did you ever get off your planet?" - When killing multiple enemies in a row.
  • "Fast, silent, deadly." - After assassinating an enemy.
  • "Cover me, reloading!" - When goes to cover while reloading.
  • "Ha-Ha!" - When throwing Anti-Personel Grenade in surprise.
  • "Swapping magz!'
  • "Cover me, reloading"
  • "Blind spot!" - Headshotting Brute by meleeing its head.
  • "On my last mag" - On his last mag, usually rare when he add it with sarcastic laugh.
  • "Use the crosswalk, jackass!" - When splattering an enemy with a vehicle.