Escape (Halo Wars level): Difference between revisions

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*'''Forge''': "Copy that. Get our people out of here, I'm blowing the core!"
*'''Forge''': "Copy that. Get our people out of here, I'm blowing the core!"

[ '''{''One Less Sun in The Universe''}''']
[ '''{''One Less Sun in The Universe''}''']

''Cinematic starts with Spirit of Fire seen facing toward the artificial sun which is beginning to degenerate. Camera gradually pans to the bridge where Cutter and Anders are gazing out the window.''
''Cinematic starts with Spirit of Fire seen facing toward the artificial sun which is beginning to degenerate. Camera gradually pans to the bridge where Cutter and Anders are gazing out the window.''
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''Spirit of Fire accelerates toward the artificial sun as a several pieces of the planet are pulled into it. The ship circles perilously close to the sun, burning it's edges as blinding light floods into the bridge. Spirit of Fire successfully slingshots around the sun and accelerates through the exit passage. It bursts out of the planet just as it begins to collapse. As the ship speeds away the planet begins to implode, then suddenly explodes outward along its horizontal axis.''
''Spirit of Fire accelerates toward the artificial sun as a several pieces of the planet are pulled into it. The ship circles perilously close to the sun, burning it's edges as blinding light floods into the bridge. Spirit of Fire successfully slingshots around the sun and accelerates through the exit passage. It bursts out of the planet just as it begins to collapse. As the ship speeds away the planet begins to implode, then suddenly explodes outward along its horizontal axis.''

[ '''{''The End''}''']
[ '''{''The End''}''']

''The camera pans over Marines and Navy personnel in [[Cryo-chamber|cryo-chambers]].''
''The camera pans over Marines and Navy personnel in [[Cryo-chamber|cryo-chambers]].''
