From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

December 16, 2010

Just your average teen not much to say really except I am a Huge Halo fan who has followed the series from start to finish.
All Star Wars films. Princess Mononoke the most awesome amine film I have ever seen, seriously watch it. the Matrix trilogy, I am Legend, Pirates of the Caribbean films, Alien/Predator films, the Disney classics and Lord Of the rings trilogy. Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe, Merlin, Simpsons, Doctor Who, Nature documentaries, Primeval, Big Bang Theory, How I met Your mother, Scrubs and Friends to name but a few. I don't have any particular genre but rather a mixture like Rock, Metal, Alternative, Folk, Rap, a bit of Hip pop, Gospel/Religious and some Celtic/Welsh revival. my tastes are pretty broad to say the least. Lord Of the Rings, Hobbit, Harry Potter, Inheritance Cycle, Star Wars, Gears of War and Halo novels, Narnia, Young Samurai series and Tales of Earthsea. All of the Halo games of course. Gears of War 1 and 2. Dead Space. Fallout 3, Fable 2, Ninja Blade, Modern Warfare 2, Republic Commando, King Kong, Turok 2008 release, Army of Two: 40th day, Crackdown and Red Dead Redemption. Marvel comics like Spider-man, X-men and Batman etc. Xbox 360 magazine, Empire and newspapers like the Times and the Independent. Pizza and cheeseburger please LoL. Pretty much whatever tastes and smells nice like bacon or chicken you know whatever works. but I will not and shall not touch spicy food! sorry but I just can't stand it, its always so hot man. Veg is ok too. LoL Coke, Sprite, Fanta including all of the variants. Squash and water if I really need a drink otherwise I don't touch the stuff LoL. Hot coco and marshmallows.
My favorite Halo moment has to be assassinating an Elite for the first time. I kept replaying that level in Reach to try new moves, man good times. Oh and watching the Halo 4 trailer, the longest time I ever went without saying anything. no words can describe that epicness.
First time I played online multiplayer slayer mode I completely sucked at it. after about an hour and half of playing i had only two kills and 33 deaths, man it was so humiliating. Well it was my first time playing at and i got better in the end.
I personally think that elites are the most badass aliens in Halo and completely curb stomp those stupid Brutes. oh and johnson is awesome!