Singular Quotes
- "Even people with Recon can be trash talking, xenophobic retards."
- — Halo-343
- "I just forget you're a girl General, you have a masculine writing style."
- — Fluffy83
- "Karl, go eat your English fish and chips wrapped in pages of Harry Potter"
- — Halo-343, angrily rebuking Forerunner's British ways
- "*Gasp* You spelled god with a capital letter! That's a bad, bad Atheist!"
- — Kougermasters scolding Halo-343
- "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue: In Soviet Russia, Poem writes You!"
- — Forerunner
- "Spam, Double Spam, Triple Spam, Overspam, Spamtacular, Spamocity, Spamamanjaro, Spamtastrophe, Spamacolypse, Spamionaire! Spamming Spree, Spamming Frenzy, Spamming Riot, Spampage, Unspammable, Spamvincible! All Spam Spree Medals EARNED!"
- — Tyler
- "*VideoGameChick sits on the floor, rocks herself back and forth whispering "duckies duckies duckies"*"
- — VideoGameChick
Full Quotes
Name Changing
=-= {Smoke} is now known as {Fire}
<Halo-343> Where there's Smoke there's Fire!
<Snipes450> :O
<Snipes450> i was gonna say that
<Spamhammer> :D
=-= Nicmavr is now known as {Water}
=-= Spamhammer is now known as Jello
<Halo-343> I don't get it.
=-= Snipes450 is now known as {Earth}
<{Water}> Water gunnuh put teh fire otu!
=-= Halo-343 is now known as Fridge_Magnet
=-= oed706 is now known as {Awesome}
<{Water}> Halo-343: We're joking around
=-= {Water} is now known as Ascy_Vamal
<Fridge_Magnet> As am I
=-= Jello is now known as Rockpaperscissor
<{Earth}> {Awesome}: ur not a element
- {Earth} quakes and kills {Awesome}
<{Fire}> lulz
=-= {Awesome} is now known as oed706
=-= Fridge_Magnet is now known as Buttered_Toast
- {Fire} flares up and roasts {Awesome}
- Buttered_Toast gets eaten by a passer by
<Rockpaperscissor> mmmmm......toast......
=-= {Earth} is now known as Nukeshoecockroac
<Nukeshoecockroac> whoever gets this ref gets 100000000000000000 points
=-= Buttered_Toast is now known as Nuke_the_Hippies
<oed706> who like my video? if you didn't see it heres the link
<Nukeshoecockroac> no? fine its from that 70s show
<Rockpaperscissor> Fez, and Hyde
<Rockpaperscissor> ?
<Rockpaperscissor> Now gimme my points.
<Nukeshoecockroac> Rockpaerscissor: YES, you win 100000000000000000000 points
<Rockpaperscissor> Is it sad that i know that?
<--| Nukeshoecockroac has left #halopedia ("im taking my points with me, no you dun have any")
=-= Rockpaperscissor is now known as Spamhammer
=-= {Fire} is now known as {Ice}
=-= {Ice} is now known as {Smoke}
=-= Nuke_the_Hippies is now known as Halo-343
Perfect Timing
<oed706> 343 is mental
<Halo-343> I know right
<oed706> brb
<oed706> still here
<-- oed706 has left ("CGI:IRC 0.5.9 (2006/06/06)")
<Halo-343> No you're not.
<Nicmavr> lawl
<Spamhammer> lol
Tony's Watching
Kouger> VERY colorful HotM:
<Kouger> (Look at the comments)
<Halo-343> K
<Halo-343> Lol, I'm very surprised Tony didn't delete all of that
<-- SPARTAN-984 has left freenode ("Java user signed off")
<Kouger> heh
<Halo-343> Spartan Down!
<Kouger> he's not as insane as everyone thinks he is
<Halo-343> Maybe, but take this somewhere else. He's in this channel.... watching.
<Kouger> I know.
<Kouger> Hi Tony!! :D
<Halo-343> I'm scared!
<Kouger> I'm not
<Halo-343> Neither am I. :)
<ashley> [citation needed]
<Kouger> lulz
Battle of Silence
Snore66 ( has joined #halopedia
<Halo-343> Hey Snore
<CF001> bbl
<-- CF001 has left freenode ("Java user signed off")
<Snore66> hey.
<Halo-343> :D
<Kouger> ...
<Snore66> ...
<Halo-343> ........
<{Smoke}> period (full stop) multiplied by 20.
<Kouger> Dot.
<Kouger> Dot.
<Kouger> Dot.
<Nicmavr> Looks like you just broke the pattern
<Halo-343> You just started a pause war!
<Halo-343> .......
- Kouger glares at Halo-343.
<{Smoke}> awkward silence
- Halo-343 continues to pause
<{Smoke}> ...
<-- SPARTAN-984 has left freenode ("Getting off...")
<Kouger> Look!
<Kouger> Look what you did!
<{Smoke}> THE GAME
<Kouger> Shame, shame on you!
<Halo-343> ......... (times infinity billion!) I win!
<Kouger> You KILLED SPARTAN-984 with your idiocity!
<Kouger> SHAME!
<{Smoke}> idiocity lulz
- Kouger shoves The Game up Smoke's @$$
<-- Snore66 has left freenode ("UHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!1")
We'll Tell You When You're Older
<Halo-343> Yea, I found the Covenant side to the story pretty interesting
<LO|Away> The thought of San 'Shyuum sex is kinda disturbing though...
<ElectricSquid> That's what I liked about Halo 2
<ElectricSquid> wait, whaaaaaaa?
<Halo-343> lol
Return of the Silence
<Namelesswonder> …
<Halo-343> ...
<{Smoke}> ...
<Halo-343> ..........................
<Namelesswonder> DotDotDot
<Halo-343> ...............(Times infinity billion)
<ashley> your mom
<Halo-343> Shhh! .....
* {Smoke} is away: work
=-= {Smoke} is now known as Smoke|NotHere
<Nicmavr> ohai ashley
<Halo-343> Settle down Nic. ........................
<ashley> rar
* Halo-343 is getting angry with the silence breaking
<Halo-343> ...
* Namelesswonder silence...silence...silence...(echo)
Halo-343> It's quiet.... too quiet.
<Solipsil> <<LINK CENSORED>> - Bring Victory!
<Halo-343> Subtank!!!!
<Solipsil> You clicked it?
<Halo-343> Yes, how could I have known?!!
* Nicmavr|Away struggles not to laugh... :P
<Solipsil> Now the channel is not to quiet. :P
* Halo-343 is desperately trying to shut it down
<Solipsil> Quite easy actually.
<ashley> lulz
<Nicmavr|Away> rar ashley
<ashley> rar Nic
<Nicmavr|Away> Halo-343: Just keep clicking ok on it
<Nicmavr|Away> Eventually, it'll close
<Halo-343> That's it?
<ashley> In Soviet Russia, OK clicks YOU!!
<Solipsil> Put your cursor on the left of the Ok Button.
<Solipsil> And keep on clicking it.
* Nicmavr|Away notes that the developers bite you in Soviet Russia
<Halo-343> Okay....
<Halo-343> Phew, thank you. Now never do that again :P
<Solipsil> :P
<Nicmavr|Away> XD
She's a He!
<VideoGameChick> guess what everyone
<Halo-343|Awayz> What?
<Gaijinsamurai> You're a "VideoGameDude"?
<Halo-343|Awayz> XD
<VideoGameChick> if that were the case, we'd have a problem
<VideoGameChick> =P
=-= Ghost_sangheili is now known as VideoGameDude
<VideoGameDude> its registered
<VideoGameDude> ghey
=-= VideoGameDude is now known as Ghost_sangheili
<{Smoke}> lmao
<Ascy_Vamal> lol
Kouger's Patriotism
<Spamhammer> Katzen: Officially, though unannounced Canada is part of the USA. you're like our younger brother, that still hides from the monkey in the closet.
<Katzen> :(
<Katzen> Canada is NOT part of the USA
<Katzen> and NEVER will be
<{Smoke}> lulz
<Katzen> so STFU
<Katzen> or ill kill u
<Katzen> violently
<Halo-343> XD
Old Tensions Arise
<Halo-343|Awayz> Well, it's wrong
<Halo-343|Awayz> I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be aggressive. Please forgive me.... or DIE!
-->| SPARTAN-077 (n=d07b32fb@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #halopedia
* Karl_Ludwig knows irish luck and so knows that a muder attempt would end up as a suicide ;)
* Spamhammer chooses death.
* Karl_Ludwig chooses Cake
<Spamhammer> Halo-343's death that is.
<Karl_Ludwig> Black Forest Gateau, that is
<Halo-343|Awayz> Karl, go eat your English fish and chips wrapped in pages of Harry Potter
<Karl_Ludwig> Halo-343|Awayz: go eat poisoned Potatoes ;)
<Spamhammer> Ahhhh the dulcet tones of Irish-English international relations.
=-= YOU are now known as Halo-343
<Karl_Ludwig> "National relations" if I have my way ;)
<Halo-343> Oh, that's it
* Halo-343 starts a rebellion in the North
<Spamhammer> Karl_Ludwig; You're gonna get the IRA on the board spamming us.
* Karl_Ludwig ends the rebellion by sending a single untrained man with a musket
<Spamhammer> Karl: It's the Irish not the French.
<Karl_Ludwig> LOL
<Spamhammer> You're better off with some Guiness and Whiskey.
* Halo-343 smothers Karl in fish and chips, drowns him in his own tea and throws him off Buckingham Palace
-->| APSsays (n=45eb91a2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #halopedia
* Halo-343 proceeds to destroy the Palace
* Karl_Ludwig throws Halo-343 directly in the path of the IRA bombings of Manchester... happy to see the irony if his fate
<Karl_Ludwig> *of
<Karl_Ludwig> Halo-343: she's irish, you know ;)
<Halo-343> That was distasteful, the bombing line
<Halo-343> And who's Irish?
<Lord_Bucket> Who cares
<Lord_Bucket> xD
* Karl_Ludwig ends the fight by sending a still alive Halo-343 back in time coicinciding with a Viking invasion
<Spamhammer> Being Irish is better than being Canadian sheesh!
<Halo-343> Don't let Kouger hear that
<Karl_Ludwig> lol
Don't Mess With Smoke.
Halo-343> MI6, always snooping around in places they're not wanted
<ShadowBroker44> the gun, not the british intelligence service
* Spamhammer unlocks armory and hands out various large caliber weapons to Halopedians.
<Halo-343> ShadowBroker44: Yea, the gun too :P
<ShadowBroker44> touche
<{Smoke}> Rifles can snoop around?
<Halo-343> They can now
<Spamhammer> brb
<{Smoke}> k
<{Smoke}> O_o
<ShadowBroker44> rifles have subtlety
<Halo-343> Except when they fire
* ShadowBroker44 SubtleRifle
=-= ShadowBroker44 is now known as SubtleRifle
<{Smoke}> I don't know, if I walk outside with my rifle, I'm pretty sure I'm going to catch some unwanted attention
<{Smoke}> Cops
<SubtleRifle> thats whats the rifle is for
<Halo-343> Just like how Bungie did
<SubtleRifle> except theres didnt work
<Halo-343> Yep
<SubtleRifle> and his does
* Halo-343 is scared of Smoke now
<SubtleRifle> aren't we all?
<Halo-343> Shhh! He'll shoot you
<SubtleRifle> smoke would be a worthy addition to the cabal
* {Smoke} readies a KABAR
<-- SubtleRifle has left freenode (Excess Flood)
<{Smoke}> Wow.
<Nicmavr> ...
<Halo-343> You killed him!
-->| SubtleRifle ( has joined #halopedia
<Halo-343> Oh, wait
More Murder
General57> i spent 2 minutes setting that up!
<Halo-343> XD
<Cat|Away> lol
<General57> how dare you!
<Halo-343> I smite you!
* Cat|Away pokes Nicmavr
<General57> i shall hunt you until the end of eternity!
<Cat|Away> we haz a problem
* Nicmavr pokes Cat|Away
<Cat|Away> OUCH!!!
* General57 yells a war cry and charges with a spear
<Cat|Away> ouch! ouch ouch ouch!
<Halo-343> Problem? Noez!
<Cat|Away> Why did you do that, Nicmavr!?
<Cat|Away> Why?
<Cat|Away> Ouch!
* General57 stabs Cat
<Nicmavr> lolol
<Cat|Away> It hurts@
<Cat|Away> Thats better
* General57 stabs again where the sun don't shine :P
<Cat|Away> being stabbed sure diverts one's attention from a poke, thats for sure
* Cat|Away cuts General57 in half.
* Halo-343 is watching the violence gleefully
* Cat|Away throws a spear through Halo-343 's head
<ShadowBroker44> ouch
<Cat|Away> You're not gleeful now, bitch.
<Cat|Away> ;)
* General57 stabs again
* ShadowBroker44 stabs Cat
* Halo-343 cannot watch anymore, because he is dead
* Cat|Away dies.
* General57 screams in pain as she registers she was cut in half
<General57> slow reaction time ;)
* Cat|Away respawns and shoves a wooden pole up thru ShadowBroker44
<Cat|Away> if you know what I mean
<General57> ...
<Cat|Away> ancient roman torture methods
<Cat|Away> FTW
<General57> wood rape?
<ShadowBroker44> wood doesnt affect me
* Cat|Away puts General57 in the bronze bull
<General57> ...
<Halo-343> K?
* Cat|Away ties ShadowBroker44 to a wheel and rolls it down a hill
<ShadowBroker44> inquisition!
<General57> >:O
<ShadowBroker44> Yipeeee!!!!
* Cat|Away shoots Halo-343 in the head.
* Halo-343 dies again
* ShadowBroker44 shoots cat
* General57 rips out of the bull and stuffs cat in it with a dog
* Cat|Away watches as ShadowBroker44 's body is ruthlessly crushed by the wheel
<ShadowBroker44> i bought life insurance :P
<Halo-343> XD
* Cat|Away jumps out of the hole that General57 made
<General57> XD
* General57 stuffs cat back in and nails a metal door over it
<General57> hah
* Cat|Away dies
* Cat|Away respawns
* Halo-343 rips out Cat|Away's skull and beats him to death with it
* Cat|Away dies
<General57> lolz
* Cat|Away respawns
* Halo-343 reminds him that is not physically possible
* Cat|Away kills Halo-343 with a gigantic statue of george Washington
* General57 cuts off one of cats ears
* ShadowBroker44 shoots cat with a silver bullet
* General57 pokes Halo-343 with the ear
* Cat|Away ears General57's head
<General57> ?
<ShadowBroker44> stick that in ur juice box and suck it
<General57> lol
* Halo-343 runs General over with a steamroller
* General57 stuffs cat's ear down Halo-343's throat
* General57 watches in satisfaction as he chokes to death
<Cat|Away> grrr
<Cat|Away> whenever i close the fridge
<Cat|Away> the freezer opens
* Halo-343 regurgitates the ear and beats General with it
<Cat|Away> and whenever i close the freezer
<Cat|Away> the fridge opens
* General57 cuts the ear in pieces
* ShadowBroker44 stabs himself
* Halo-343 beats Cat to death with his fridge
<ShadowBroker44> repeatedly
<Halopediaman> I'm Jessie Ventura, and the big brother is watching. You should arm yourselves, and attack your local government office becuase I'm paranoid.
=-= Halopediaman is now known as Tom|Away
* Cat|Away pushes the fridge, which falls on top of and crushes ShadowBroker44 Halo-343 and General57
* General57 takes out an AK-47 and shoots everyone
<General57> Die die die
<Cat|Away> you're dead
<Cat|Away> stfu
<ShadowBroker44> i can haz recon!
<Cat|Away> No...
* Halo-343 calls in a nuclear strike
<Cat|Away> no you cannot
<Cat|Away> UR ALL DAED
<Cat|Away> STFU
<Halo-343> I haz Recon
* General57 turns into a ghost
<Cat|Away> lol
<Cat|Away> Halo-343 got Recon the non-pussy way
<Halo-343> Yay me!
=-= Cat|Away is now known as Cat
<Cat> I'm too lazy to get it the pussy way
=-= General57 is now known as Ghostly_General
* ShadowBroker44 likes beef
* Cat yawns
* Ghostly_General stabs everyone with a ghostly dagger
-->| Kelly (freelancer19@Kelly.BirdNet.User) has joined #halopedia
<Kelly> Halo-343 must perish!! muahahaha
<Cat> gtfo
<--| Kelly has left #halopedia
<ShadowBroker44> thank god
<GIR> ShadowBroker44: my pleasure
<Cat> stupid bot
<Cat> has a mind of its own
<Cat> lmao
* Ghostly_General floats toward Halo-343
* Halo-343 wards her off with a cross
* Cat uses a vacuum to suck up Ghostly_General
<Ghostly_General> dangit
<Ghostly_General> ill kill you later
<Ghostly_General> im busy
<Cat> lol
Chuck Norris
<LO|away> "everytime somebody dosent enjoy this video, chuck norris dropkicks a baby kitten in the face"
<LO|away> Haha
<Halo-343> Lol
<Kouger> chuck norris sucks
* Kouger looks around nervously.
<ShadowBroker44> bye bye
<Kouger> See? He didn't get me! I'm perfectly s---
<--| Kouger has left #halopedia ("AAAAAAAAAAAARGH")
-->| Kouger ( has joined #halopedia
<ShadowBroker44> this reminds of the time when i messed with smoek
<--| stew has left #halopedia
=-= Mode #halopedia +v Kouger by {Smoke}
<ShadowBroker44> *somke
<ShadowBroker44> **smoke
<Kouger> ohai
Decision Making
<Halo-343> I'm bored..... Entertain me!
<Halo-343> :P
<Shuttle> How!? :S
<Halo-343> I'm kidding
<Shuttle> I know :P
<Halo-343> But not about the bored thing....
<Halo-343> I'm conflicted between watching the season finale of House, or Star Trek
<Halo-343> The movie that is
<Halo-343> I would flip a coin, but I have no money...
<Halo-343> Maybe if the coin was imaginary....
<Halo-343> I've got it!
<Halo-343> Fire!
<Shuttle> I'd say Star Trek
<Halo-343> Yea, but I can tell that you either never seen House, or don't like it
<Halo-343> *You've
<Shuttle> I haven't seen either
<Halo-343> lol
G.I. Joe
<Halo-343> Now you know!
<Halo-343> And knowing is half the battle!
<Halo-343> G.I. Joe!
<Jug6ernaut> whats the other half?
<Tyler|> Action...
<Halo-343> Meh, kicking them in the groin
Shakespeare Interrupting
<Halo-343> ....
<Halo-343> Nicmavr, Nicmavr, where art thou Nicmavr?
<Nicmavr> On teh fone! >:(
<Halo-343> Lol, sorry
The Life of the Party
<--| Lord_Kouger has left #halopedia ("THE FLYIN KITTEHZ GOT MEH!")
<Halo-343> May he rest in peace...
<General57> Never!
<General57> LETS parteh!
<Halo-343> Yay!
* Halo-343 starts a party
* General57 starts drinking champagne
<General57> heavily
<Halo-343> lol
* General57 gets drunk
<General57> hai thar mah fwiends...
<Ghost_sangheili> General57: no being jailbait
* Halo-343 kicks her out, as she is drunk
<General57> how bot some shots?
<General57> lol
<Halo-343> lol
A Lesson In Life
Note: the Spammer's actual nickname has been redacted.
<Spammer> Anyway, if you have any further questions, please form an orderly line as I can't respond to everyone at once.
* Cheifschick rolls eyes.
<VideoGameChick> do u have any fun ?
<Halo-343> Get a job
<Tyler|> lol
<VideoGameChick> like. do u ever get out and go play put put golf
<Halo-343> lol
<Cheifschick> lol
<Cheifschick> VGC
<VideoGameChick> sounds to me like u need a day in the sun pal
<Cheifschick> that was priceless!
<VideoGameChick> lol
The Anti-Jar Jar Binks League
Fixer40> He and his younger brother watch star wars and their favorite character is (get ready to hurl and cough):
<Fixer40> Jar, Jar, Binks.
<Halo-343> >:(
<Snipes450> NO
<Halo-343> Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!
<Fixer40> because they
<Snipes450> jeez
<Fixer40> "Think he's funny"
<[Smoke]> veryangryface
<Halo-343> Sweet Jesus...
Gender Confusion
<Snipes450> FIELDS72: there is actually a few girls on #halopedia
<KizoriKitagawa> Yep
<FIELDS72> take a chill pill
* Syd_Barrett raises her hand.
<FIELDS72> shit
* Snipes450 looks at Subtank
* Syd_Barrett looks at Subtank
<Halo-343> Syd_Barrett: orly?
<LO|away> People making babies so young these days
<Snipes450> Syd_Barrett: copier :P
<KizoriKitagawa> ChanServ, Subtank, ashley, charitwo, Fluffy83, Halo-343, Mary-Kate, Stephen-, Syd_Barrett, and unilinky.
<Stephen-> orly
<KizoriKitagawa> All girls.
<Fluffy83> WUT?
<Syd_Barrett> YARLY
<Fluffy83> not a girl
<FIELDS72> most 15 year olds are getting nocked up these days
<charitwo> no
<Halo-343> I'm a DUDE!
<ashley> heh
<Syd_Barrett> I'm not.
<Syd_Barrett> :P
<Snipes450> KizoriKitagawa: rofl
<FIELDS72> homo
<Fluffy83> I am quite the man
<KizoriKitagawa> No, your a Woman, Syd. ;)
<Syd_Barrett> Indeedy! *Dances*
<ashley> *you're
<FIELDS72> biznoch
<Fluffy83> *your mother
<KizoriKitagawa> [14:22] <FIELDS72> homo
<KizoriKitagawa> [14:22] <Fluffy83> I am quite the man
<KizoriKitagawa> Quite the irony...
Half-Life Homages
<Forever_Autumn> [Lambda]: You left this at Black Mesa...
<Cheifschick> have you guys seen the shoplifting bird video?
* Forever_Autumn throws [Lambda] a Crowbar
<Syd_Barrett> Was, [Lambda].
=-= Syd_Barrett is now known as Beth_Freeman
<Forever_Autumn> Gah!
* Beth_Freeman crowbars Forever_Autumn
<Cheifschick> lol
* Forever_Autumn runs about like a crazed grunt...
<-- Ajax_013 has left freenode (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* Forever_Autumn sticks Beth_Freeman
* Forever_Autumn runs into cover
--> Ajax_013 ( has joined #halopedia
<[Lambda]> Lol, Beth_Freeman
* Beth_Freeman explodes, and survives.
=-= Forever_Autumn is now known as Gavin_Cross
=-= [Lambda] now known as Aaron_Breen
* Gavin_Cross takes the crowbar from the Lift Shaft
<-- BeZerk has left freenode (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
<-- mohammed1 has left freenode (Quit: CGI:IRC)
* Aaron_Breen establishes an alien dysotopia with himself as supreme ruler
* Beth_Freeman is taken by a mystrious man
* Aaron_Breen hints in a monologue that he knows this man
* Beth_Freeman makes Breen go explody.
* Gavin_Cross causes another Resonance Cascade... Then gets cught in a Harmonic Reflux...
--> BeZerk (~MrEd@about/apple/iPod/BeZerk) has joined #halopedia
* Aaron_Breen 's death is never explicitly seen, leading Beth_Freeman to suspect that he is alive in another body, supported by a previous conversation
* Beth_Freeman drives around the countryside with a possible love intrest.
* Gavin_Cross doesn't know where the hell he is?
* Aaron_Breen conspires with psychic alien maggots that can fly
* Gavin_Cross hopes he managed to escape the Nuclear blast at the Black Mesa Research Facility
* Beth_Freeman meets Alien Maggot in a barn, and nearly dies.
=-= Aaron_Breen is now known as Aaron_Shepherd
=-= Gavin_Cross is now known as Colin_Green
<SocPuppet> Title: Brainz r nomz. (at
* Aaron_Shepherd is put into stasis by a "G-Man" at the end of his adventure, due to a third party's lack of imagination, opting to mimic the full game's ending
* Colin_Green dies on Xen...
* Aaron_Shepherd disarms a nuke
=-= Colin_Green is now known as The
=-= The is now known as G-Man
* G-Man rearms the Nuke
* Aaron_Shepherd is pissed, further more by the fact that G-Man kidnaps him
* G-Man Kidnaps Aaron_Shepherd
* G-Man meets Beth_Freeman
<G-Man> Time To Choose...
* Beth_Freeman runs into the portal
<G-Man> Verry Good! I will see you just up ahead...
=-= G-Man is now known as Forever_Autumn
=-= Aaron_Shepherd is now known as Eli_Vance
<Forever_Autumn> Well, It looks like we won't be working together... No Regrets...
* Eli_Vance is retconned into a full character
* Beth_Freeman watches Eli die by Combine Advisors
<-- Cheifschick has left freenode (Quit: If your not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space)
* Eli_Vance is killed by the Space Maggots
* Forever_Autumn gets shipped off to another game series
=-= Eli_Vance is now known as Halo-343
* Halo-343 is out of Half-Life homages
Ping Power
<Halo-343> ...
<Halo-343> [Smoke] Nicmavr Subtank ashley Aeolus Ajax_013 BeZerk charitwo Chris___ FalseProphet Glaug-Eldare goose joeyaa KB1JWQ LO|away Mary-Kate Pinky S-118 S-118|Away sekrit Snipes450 SocPuppet stephen- Syd_Barrett TrooperCooper unilinky VideoGameChick wimt
<Syd_Barrett> OW
<goose> fuck off
<[Smoke]> wha -
* Syd_Barrett murders Halo-343
<Nicmavr> lolpingz
<Halo-343> Lol, that livened things up
<goose> Halo-343:
<SocPuppet> Title: How To Commit Suicide (at
<VideoGameChick> goose shh
<VideoGameChick> no need for that
<Halo-343> See, I got things going again :)
<-- KB1JWQ has left #halopedia ("I came, I saw, I /parted")
<Nicmavr> O_o
<-- goose has left #halopedia ("following suit. KB1JWQ++")
<Halo-343> ?
<Halo-343> Is it something I said?
<TrooperCooper> D:
<Syd_Barrett> YES>
* Nicmavr slaps Halo-343. *probably*
<Halo-343> Lol, good
Diet Advice
<VideoGameChick> LO buying shit for u guys is harder than buying shit 4 us
<roguesmiler> You don't need to buy shit for us guys.
<VideoGameChick> and besides, gifts arent always the best thing
<VideoGameChick> and another thing, when u eat a whole jar of pickles, u get bloated u can hardly see ur goddamn feet
<Halo-343> XD
<VideoGameChick> lol
<Halo-343> Where the hell did that come from?
<LO|away> I don't even like pickles
<VideoGameChick> its happened before x)
<VideoGameChick> and pickles are good
General Mother
NOTE: Halo-343 is [Lambda].
<General5_7> you are a disgrace to mothers everywhere!
=-= General5_7 is now known as UrMom
<[Lambda]> lol
<Snore66> .....
=-= UrMom is now known as Ur_Mom
<Ur_Mom> why are they all registered?
=-= Ur_Mom is now known as Ur__Mom
<Ur__Mom> there we go
<[Lambda]> lol
<Snore66> I wonder why...
<Ur__Mom> Halo 343, why arent you in bed??
<Ultra_Force> He doesn't want to sleep.
<Ur__Mom> ive told you a MILLION times to go
<[Lambda]> Ur___Mom: Because I'm Jesus
<Ur__Mom> now GO before i ground you
<[Lambda]> Ah, okay...
<Snore66> Oh I'm scared....
* [Lambda] slumps sadly off to bed
* Ur__Mom smacks Snore with a cane
* Ur__Mom looks at Lambdas computer
<Ur__Mom> GASP
<Ur__Mom> what are you looking at??
<[Lambda]> The IRC
* Ur__Mom reads the websiter URL
<[Lambda]> It's an IRC
<Ur__Mom> www...
* Snore66 quietly locks his door and play video games in his room with his light turned off.
<Ur__Mom> wtf?
<[Lambda]> XD
<Snore66> XD
* Ur__Mom begins crying
<Ur__Mom> WHY
<[Smoke]> O_o
<Ur__Mom> i even had a girl picked out for you!
<Ultra_Force> lolz
<Snore66> :)
<[Lambda]> Ur___Mom: Are you high?
<Ur__Mom> no!
* Ur__Mom hides a needle
<[Lambda]> lol
* Snore66 continues playing video games.
<Ur__Mom> of course not!
<Ur__Mom> i have to be a good example
<Ur__Mom> now STOP BEING GAY
<[Lambda]> Ur__Mom: No u
* Ur__Mom begins smacking Lambda
<Snore66> XD
<Ur__Mom> I'm making sure that all of your friends are girls
<Ur__Mom> no more guyfriends!
<Ur__Mom> now i know what you do with them at night...
<[Lambda]> This is just getting weirder and weirder
<Ur__Mom> lol
<[Lambda]> Ur__Mom: Go back to Germania you Nazi!!
* Ur__Mom takes a swig of beer