From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

July 8th, 1995
August 23, 2014

I'm a 29 year old night-shift worker at a local retail store - my sleep schedule is crazy so I can be on here literally any time :P - and I'm a massive Halo fan. Have been with the series since 2001 and have always loved the expansive universe and lore of the series and I've stuck with it through thick and thin *cough* Halo 5 *cough* and always find myself coming back.
Gaming, primarily PC nowadays, but I also own an Xbox Series X. Also love to read and I occasionally write fanfiction for Halo over on Currently writing a fan-novelization of Halo 2.
Outside of that... not too much haha.
Beating Halo 2 on Legendary difficulty, solo when I was younger.
More recently, finishing all of the games on Halo MCC on LASO difficulty. So difficult but the feeling of accomplishment you get for finishing it is so, so worth it.
Halo 5's story and what it did to the lore. Aaaaand the state that Infinite launched in.
Generally prefer the campaigns to multiplayer in Halo (even though I put a lot of time into Halo 5's multiplayer.)
I'm also a massive fan of the Mass Effect series, as well as Skyrim, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, the GTA series, Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2, Fable 1-3, and a lot of the Call of Duty and Gears of War campaigns.
I'm a natural night-owl so my current job suits me perfectly.
Massive coffee addict.