Talk:Winter Contingency
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Change Objectives?[edit]
I see that the objectives of this level are very specific:
- Locate distress beacon
- Investigate local structures
- Engage hostile forces
- Locate missing trooper squad
- Recon east valley
- Defend evac zone
- Evac to relay outpost
- Advance into relay outpost
- Defend outpost entrance
- Fallback into outpost
- Eliminate hostiles inside outpost
Why don't we just follow the old format? For example, in the level The Covenant, instead of typing down "Deactivate First Tower" and "Deactivate third tower", we wrote "Stop and kill the Prophet of Truth." I find the old way to be easier to understand. Why don't we change this level to "Eliminate hostiles in Visegrad and Reactivate the Relay." or something like that? I'm also talking about the other levels of Halo: Reach. Thanks. S331 03:04, 27 January 2011 (EST)
- I agree. That makes a lot more sense than listing every specific objective. Changing it is fine by me. --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 08:28, 27 January 2011 (EST)
Unnamed Discussion[edit]
I have looked through the sources and there was no mention of those species being in the level. --SPARTAN-125 Cally99117
Ah, I agree those sources confirm nothing, but if this is the first level, those species are in this level. They can be seen in many other sources. Helljumper U T C
- After digging through a bunch of old articles, I found where it specifically says that Bungie demonstrated Winter Contingency to multiple media outlets (more than half-way down the page): --TDSpiral94 11:35, July 17, 2010 (UTC)
- By the way, I only chose the GameInformer source because it had screenshots of the various species within Winter Contigency. --TDSpiral94 11:37, July 17, 2010 (UTC)
- The image in the postgame report shown on confirms that it's the same location that was showcased to GI and others early on this year. Other screenshots taken at the level clearly show grunts, skirmishers, etc. They wouldn't have two levels set in the exact same location. The name of the level is also an obvious giveaway that it's the level where Covenant presence on Reach is first discovered, and thus, the level that was described in GI. --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 12:09, July 18, 2010 (UTC)
Mythic skull[edit]
In the post-game carnage report it says that the Bungie employees played with all applicable campaign Skulls activated. But where is the Mythic skull ? Thecovenant2 10:15, July 31, 2010 (UTC)
Why Insurrectionists?[edit]
This has been bugging me for a while,(since the level was first revealed in GameInformers magazine) but I was wondering why the sabotage is assumed to be by Insurrectionists when everyone on Reach clearly knows there is a Covenant attack going on. A huge ball of falling plasma should be a tip-off... Tuckerscreator' 20:49, August 1, 2010 (UTC)
- The level takes place before the invasion is made known. Noble Team encounters a vanguard of the invasion force who have disabled the comm relay. The Game Informer article, as well as a recent article on IGN, make this quite clear. The VGA trailer seems to ignore the level completely, apparently taking many dramatic liberties for the sake of spectacle. Of course, such trailers have never been canon, and the same scene in the final game will likely be quite different. --"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have." -Thomas Jefferson 21:00, August 1, 2010 (UTC)
Ah. Shame,(I thought they once said that the trailer was meant to be the opening campaign cutscene.) but at least it should be all for the best.Tuckerscreator' 20:10, August 5, 2010 (UTC)
Level Order[edit]
Winter Contingency is the first level, as stated in this article -, and on the bugie weekly update sourced in the article. Please provide a source before stating that it is the seccond level, and be aware that even if it is, it is not followed by nightfall, as stated in the article linked above. -- The Storm 59 01:41, August 5, 2010 (UTC)
Page details[edit]
When was this level revealed? There aren't any sources for this game, nor any mention anywhere about this level. Where did this information come from? NarutoROCKS189 03:49, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
- The level was revealed at Gamescom 2010 in Germany. It's the second reference in the "Sources" section.
// ŝтŕγκęŕ [ COM | LOG/M | LOG/S ] 17:36, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
Hey guys! I've just watched a video about level Winter Contingency and read the transcript on this page, and - after fighting off my embarassment - I've decided to call your attention that the civilians hiding and found by Noble Team in Visegrad speak Hungarian instead of Russian. I'm a native Hungarian, so I recognised readily my mother tongue. Though the guy speaks Hungarian in a rather awkward way, it's somewhat audible. I made a transcript for what he's saying, along with the English translation - I hope you guys will include it in the transcript. I put in brackets what I couldn't make out, and write what I thought to be the most possible. Here's what he's saying:
Farmer: - Én nem csináltam semmit! (I didn't do anything!)
Farmer: - Ne lőjön! Ne lőjön! (Don't shoot! Don't shoot!)
Jorge: - Mit kerestek itt? (What are you doing here?)
Farmer: - Csak nem akartunk meghalni. (We just didn't want to die.)
From here the lines he speaks are quite confusing, sounds like he's telling it in half Hungarian, half English:
Farmer: - Tegnap [láttam] a szomszédot és a családját. (Yesterday, I saw my neighbor and his family.)
[I couldn't make the next sentence out, if someone else can understand it, they're free to correct me.]
Farmer: - Valami megölte a fiamat. (Something's killed my son.)
Just after Carter says: "Copy that. Get him back inside.", Jorge says:
- Azt mondtam, befelé! Get in! (I said get in! Get in!) {rather intimidating from him, to be honest}
This is not the first case when Hungarian language appeared in Halo canon. First in the We Are ODST live-action movie, then on Bungie's CAA Factbook, where Reach's two moons are given names of ancient and mythical Hungarian animals, Turul (the mythical falcon of the ancient Hungarians) and Csodaszarvas (the mythical stag). Also, two city names given to cities on Reach are of Hungarian origin: Ezhtergom (written as Esztergom, which was the capital of Hungary for centuries before Budapest) and Visegrad (I know, there's a number of settlements with this name in Europe, but it's also an important historic town in Hungary, just FYI).
Huh, well, after bombing you with all these, I want to say that Hungarian fans are - after recovering from the shock of hearing their rarely-spoken language IN the most promising Halo game to be released - very proud and eager to try it. I, myself, are obsessed with translating Halo games into my language, and made - reportedly quite good - Hungarian transcripts of Halo 1-2-3, and for some Halo trailers, too (for the recent Reach ones, too). At the present time, I'm translating ODST, hoping to finish it sooner or later. I'm reading Halopedia all the time when I'm stuck with my "work", so I consider it the official "workshop" of the Halo canon. I salute you, Editors of Halopedia. Keep up the great work!
Full clip during cinematic[edit]
I had a full clip in my AR during that one cinematic last time I played this level. Might it only be 7 rounds on certain difficulties, a coincidence, or was the full clip a result of a glitch? A.O.A., Administrator of Ace Combat Fanon 12:02, 24 October 2010 (EDT)
Query about the Zealots[edit]
1) Was the Covenant presence in Visegrad only to easily overpower the Army troops and civilians and assume control of the Relay, so the Zealot advance team could take over and get the Forerunner information?
2) Why did the Elite Zealots only drop down and attack Noble Team several minutes AFTER they entered the room with the researcher. Since they wanted the researcher's data so badly, why would they kill him (in the ONI: Sword Base level Carter states "he died with a Covenant Energy Sword through his abdomen") and then just leave him there? Surely they'd want to be guarding that room a lot? (Having said that they might not know where the important data was, and were scouting out the whole facility).
White Armor Trooper?[edit]
Every time I play this level, once I reach where the Army soldiers are found dead, the one trooper who is pinned against the wall is wearing all white armor. The others aren't wearing this uniform, and the armor is what shade it would be expected to be in the low-light conditions. So I've ruled out this being a glitch of lighting. I don't know what it means, though it has crossed my mind that said trooper may be something like a chaplain. Again, all the other troopers are wearing regular BDU's, so unless he was assigned bleached armor and clothing by some fluke and was forced to use it, it is unlikely that this is a meaningless color variation. --Delta1138 SnooPING AS usual I see 15:57, 15 April 2011 (EDT)
Location where you defend the troops changes[edit]
I noticed the location where you save the troops on the level is not always the same. I don't know if it's random or based on difficulty, but when I played the level on legendary, I was sent to one of the buildings rather than the hill. Perhaps Bungie felt the hilltop was too hard to defend on legendary.--Darth Oblivion 09:28, 4 July 2011 (EDT)
- From my experience, it depends on where you go first. If you go to the river first, the troopers will probably be in the buildings. If you go to the buildings first, the troopers will probably be near the river. Bungie didn't want us to skip parts of the level... Alternatively, that means Bungie gave us an option. If we find the hill hard to defend on Legendary, we can choose to go defend the building instead. Which reminds us, we didn't put this in the page now did we? —S331
(When I played Halo: CE, we didn't have any fancy-shmancy armor abilities...) 09:47, 4 July 2011 (EDT)
Winter Contingency Vacation?[edit]
I saw in the "Glitches" section of the article a mention of a way to get out of the boundaries of the map via a falcon/spirit dropship combo. Does this count as a vacation, due to the fact you can exit the intended "hard barrier" of the map, or is it something else? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm new here. --Spartan B004 10:26, 20 July 2023 (EDT)