Uploads by Modern day Vercetti

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
20:03, October 14, 2010 H3 TheCovenant Water Panorama.jpg (file) 525 KB Panorama of the air battle that raged during the level The Covanant.
19:56, October 14, 2010 H3 TheCovenant Island Panorama.jpg (file) 1.12 MB Panorama of the level The Cobenant
19:51, October 14, 2010 H3ODST TayariPlaza Panorama.jpg (file) 610 KB Tayari Plaza-270 degrees
19:47, October 14, 2010 H3 TheCovenant Towers Panorama.jpg (file) 925 KB Panorama of the level The Covenant showcasing the Second and Third Towers, as well as the air battle that took place around them.
19:21, October 14, 2010 Noble Six avatar.png (file) 34 KB  
19:20, October 14, 2010 H3ODST TayariPlaza Courtyard Panorama.jpg (file) 494 KB Inner Courtyard of Tayari Plaza
19:13, October 14, 2010 New and Old Mombasa Skyline.jpg (file) 1.02 MB Mombasa Skyline Panorama taken during Uplift Reserve
19:09, October 14, 2010 Old Mombasa.jpg (file) 232 KB Close-up Panorama of the Old Mombasa skyline.