Uploads by Kougermasters

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
22:02, October 14, 2010 Platform.jpg (file) 1.53 MB Sandbox. Category:Sandbox Images
22:00, October 14, 2010 Halo Hologram.jpg (file) 145 KB Control Room of the second Installation 04.
21:59, October 14, 2010 Ghost Fly 03.jpg (file) 62 KB final flight of teh ghost
21:56, October 14, 2010 Imprisoned Monitor.jpg (file) 93 KB  
21:54, October 14, 2010 Dark Corridor.jpg (file) 107 KB near the new halo's pulse generator
21:52, October 14, 2010 Grunt Attack.jpg (file) 130 KB  
21:50, October 14, 2010 News-TwoSpartanOfficers14.jpg (file) 329 KB for my userpage
21:50, October 14, 2010 Control Room Entrance.jpg (file) 134 KB The entrance hall of Installation 04 (II)'s Control Room.
21:46, October 14, 2010 Snowy Ring.jpg (file) 202 KB Two barrier towers on The ark.
21:46, October 14, 2010 Distant Islands.jpg (file) 145 KB The Covenant
21:45, October 14, 2010 Sandbox Grifball.jpg (file) 1.13 MB High quality Grifball sandbox pic Category:Sandbox Images
21:45, October 14, 2010 PropaneTank-Full.jpg (file) 320 KB a propane tank
21:41, October 14, 2010 Dead Rat.jpg (file) 114 KB  
21:38, October 14, 2010 H3 Spiked Unggoy.jpg (file) 144 KB  
21:37, October 14, 2010 H3 MP Sandbox-Default ENV-02.jpg (file) 5.84 MB Higher Quality Sandbox picture. Category:Sandbox Images
21:34, October 14, 2010 Ghost Fly 01.jpg (file) 70 KB Teh flyin ghost!!
21:32, October 14, 2010 Ghost Fly 02.jpg (file) 68 KB mor ghost flying fun!!
21:31, October 14, 2010 Sheltered Valley.jpg (file) 279 KB A screenshot of Installation 00
21:30, October 14, 2010 H2 Terminal.jpg (file) 1.13 MB  
21:30, October 14, 2010 Installation 4 2 Construct.jpg (file) 167 KB Installation 04 (II) while being constructed.
21:30, October 14, 2010 Anti-Anti-Air.jpg (file) 162 KB A Hornet attacking an Anti-Air Wraith on the Covenant.
21:27, October 14, 2010 Damaged Monitor.jpg (file) 118 KB 343 Guilty Spark heavily damaged.
21:24, October 14, 2010 Barrier Covenant Battle.jpg (file) 155 KB  
21:23, October 14, 2010 FishInABarrel.jpg (file) 1.34 MB Sandbox Image
21:22, October 14, 2010 Leviathan.jpg (file) 135 KB A better shot of the Leviathan.
21:21, October 14, 2010 John 117 Master Chief Petty Officer.jpg (file) 215 KB  
21:16, October 14, 2010 Sandbox Tundra.jpg (file) 1.75 MB Category:Sandbox Images
21:13, October 14, 2010 Ark Desert Scenery.jpg (file) 129 KB Beautiful Ark Desert Vista.
21:13, October 14, 2010 Halo Zero Level Editor.PNG (file) 48 KB halo zero level editor screenshot
21:13, October 14, 2010 Final Grunt.jpg (file) 214 KB  
21:13, October 14, 2010 Barrier Tower.jpg (file) 145 KB  
21:10, October 14, 2010 H3 HighGround Bunker Overview.jpg (file) 316 KB A screenie of High Ground.
21:09, October 14, 2010 Flying Hornet Laser FuelRod.jpg (file) 116 KB Part of the Covenant.
21:08, October 14, 2010 H3 HighGround CommandCenter.jpg (file) 286 KB Inside the base of High Ground.
21:03, October 14, 2010 HR Hemorrhage Cave.png (file) 537 KB Blood Gulch in ''Halo: Reach''.
21:02, October 14, 2010 HR ForgeWorld Overview.png (file) 915 KB Blood Gulch in ''Halo: Reach''.
21:00, October 14, 2010 Reach Old timey.jpg (file) 166 KB  
20:59, October 14, 2010 Halo Reach Juicy.jpg (file) 218 KB  
20:59, October 14, 2010 Reach Next gen.jpg (file) 163 KB  
20:58, October 14, 2010 HaloReach - Hemorrhage04.png (file) 906 KB Blood Gulch in ''Halo: Reach''.
20:58, October 14, 2010 Brute Plasma Rifles ODST.jpg (file) 333 KB A pack of Brutes wielding Plasma Rifles in Halo 3: ODST.
20:56, October 14, 2010 Halo Reach Brute Pack.png (file) 350 KB A pack of Brutes from Bungie's Halo Reach Firefight Trailer.
20:55, October 14, 2010 Seven wood PGGA.jpg (file) 66 KB The PGGA emblem on the 7 wood.
20:55, October 14, 2010 Reach Purple.jpg (file) 150 KB  
20:54, October 14, 2010 Uplift Reserve 01.png (file) 3.53 MB Image for the Walkthrough.
20:52, October 14, 2010 Ascendant Justice.jpg (file) 165 KB Pious Inquisitor or Ascendant Justice.
20:50, October 14, 2010 Perfect Rocket.jpg (file) 152 KB An ODST destroys a Banshee with a well-aimed Rocket.
20:50, October 14, 2010 Red Light.png (file) 337 KB Red Light on Sandbox.
20:49, October 14, 2010 Kouger Killionaire.jpg (file) 213 KB Hell's Janitor, Open Season, Killing Frenzy, and Killionaire, courtesy of Kougermasters.
20:40, October 14, 2010 Halo Reach Colorblind.jpg (file) 144 KB  
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