Uploads by Enough Redshirts

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
10:40, April 17, 2019 FoR TAS Mendez full.jpg (file) 18 KB Higher quality
10:25, April 17, 2019 Halo Wars - snow marine.jpg (file) 50 KB Slightly better quality
22:10, April 16, 2019 TFOR Animated Insurrectionists.jpg (file) 41 KB Reverted to version as of 23:08, April 16, 2019 (EDT)
22:04, April 16, 2019 TFOR Animated Insurrectionist.jpg (file) 45 KB Better quality
22:02, April 16, 2019 TFOR Animated Insurrectionist Guards.jpg (file) 11 KB Slightly larger and easier to see.
09:35, April 14, 2019 Headhunters Roland camo.jpg (file) 216 KB Roland-B210 with camouflage active. Category:Images of SPI Armor Category:Images of SPARTAN-IIIs
08:59, April 14, 2019 Halo 2A Marine Pilots.jpeg (file) 220 KB Sergeant Johnson behind two UNSC Marine pilots. Category:Images of UNSC Marines Category:Images of Avery Johnson
08:44, April 14, 2019 H2A - ODST model back.jpg (file) 280 KB A model of an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper for Halo 2: Anniversary back view. Category:Images of ODST armor Category:Images of ODSTs
22:44, April 13, 2019 Halo 2A Johnson turnaround.jpg (file) 218 KB Turnaround of Halo 2: Anniversary character model of Avery Johnson Category:Images of Avery Johnson
22:01, April 13, 2019 TML - Lopez full armor.jpg (file) 85 KB Zhao Heng Lopez full armor. Category:Images of UNSC Marines
21:36, April 13, 2019 FOR BC 3 URF soldiers.jpg (file) 90 KB Two URF workers and two URF soldiers Category:Images of Insurrectionists
09:03, March 17, 2019 Nightfall Sedra Guard armor.jpeg (file) 42 KB Sedran Colonial Guard uniforms