
S. Legowski

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S. "Legs" Legowski
Personal details





Hair color:


Political and military information


United Nations Space Command


Lance Corporal


S. Legowski, also known as Legs, is a Lance Corporal in the UNSC Marine Corps and a member of the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers.


Battle of Netherop[edit]

Main article: Battle of Netherop (2559)

In November 2559, during the Cortana's reign over the galaxy, Legowski was a part of Tango Team, an ODST force under the command of Spartan Olympia Vale and Gunnery Sergeant "Mama" Grim Bear that was deployed to the world of Netherop aboard the Point Blank-class prowler UNSC Hidden Point. Their aim was to recover the Divine Hand, a weapon that could be used to destroy Cortana's Guardians. Legowski was deployed towards the surface of the planet in a D102 Owl insertion craft alongside Vale, Grim Bear, Keely Iyuska, Rosa Fuertes, P. Barnes, and the other 12 ODSTs of Tango Team. During their descent, the Divine Hand was fired by Nizat 'Kvarosee and the Defenders of the Sanctum, destroying the 40 Pelican dropships accompanying the Owl and leaving Tango Team the only ones to reach the planet's surface.[2] Upon landing at the summit of the tel were the weapon had fired, Legowski and Barnes scouted ahead on a Mongoose to try to find a route down to the crater so they could infiltrate it. Upon reaching the base of the mountain, they found the ground to be semi-solid and impassible on foot and by vehicle. They then regrouped with the main force and eventually helping Vale unearth a tunnel at the top of the slope. Tango Team was then ambushed by the Defenders of the Sanctum as the Covenant Castaways opened up a tunnel directly below their landing zone. Legowski helped fend off the ambush, but during their retreat a tunnel was opened up beneath her feet, dropping her into the depths of the tel.[1]

Legowski remained incapacitated for a majority of ensuing fighting, as she was buried somewhere deep underneath the tel. She was eventually recovered by Fuertes, who had tapped into the power of the tel and was led to her while tunneling through the structure.[3] She then followed Rosa up to the surface, and despite some tension existing between the two they were able to regroup with Grim Bear and Second Squad. After a word with the Gunnery Sergeant, Legowski joined a makeshift defense line set up in response to a sudden Banished orbital insertion.[4] She then witnessed the delegation between Arbiter Thel 'Vadam and Warmaster Atriox, where the vacuum energy condenser which powered the Divine Hand was ceeded to the Banished. After the confrontation, Legowski was evacuated from Netherop alongside the rest of the surviving human and Sangheili forces via their Owl dropship to a group of waiting D81-LRT Condor long-range dropships, which took them into slipspace.[5]

Personality and traits[edit]

Legowski was described as to have blonde hair that was not quite contained by her helmet, causing it to spill out a little on the sides in wisps.[1]


Legowski has been seen outfitted with a set of standard ODST armor while wielding a BR55 battle rifle, an M305 grenade launcher, and an M7 SMG.[1]

List of appearances[edit]


  1. ^ a b c d Halo: Outcasts, chapter 10
  2. ^ Halo: Outcasts, chapter 8
  3. ^ Halo: Outcasts, chapter 16
  4. ^ Halo: Outcasts, chapter 22
  5. ^ Halo: Outcasts, chapter 26