From Halopedia, the Halo wiki
Documentation for this module may be created at ModuleDoc:Stats/REQ
local utils = require( 'Module:Utils' )
local infocard = require( 'Module:Infocard' )
local templates = require( 'Module:Stats/REQ/H5G/TEMPLATES' )
local p = {}
function p.infocard( frame )
-- Return an error if no card name is given
if frame.args[1] == nil or frame.args[1] == '' then
return utils.error( 'Please specify a card name!' )
-- Load the REQ data from the correct module page
local card = tostring( frame.args[1] )
local data = utils.loadDataIfExists( 'Module:Stats/REQ/H5G/' .. card )
-- Return an error message if it does not exist
if data == nil or type( data ) ~= 'table' then
return utils.error( 'Invalid REQ card "' .. card .. '"! Is there a typo in the name?' )
-- Retrieve the category
local category = data[ 'category' ]
-- Return an error message if the REQ card does not match a known category
if category == nil
or templates[ category ] == nil
or type( templates[ category ] ) ~= 'function' then
return utils.error( 'Internal data on REQ card "' .. card .. '" invalid!' )
-- Create the infocard
local card = 'REQ information' )
-- Pass the card to the relevant template, for it to be filled out
templates[ category ]( card, data )
-- Render the card and return
return frame:preprocess( card.render() )
return p