Forum:This wiki's approach to tricks/glitches/stunts in the Halo games

Forums: Index General Discussion This wiki's approach to tricks/glitches/stunts in the Halo games

So way back in 2009 I tried to renovate the way this wiki documented/dealt with tricks/glitches/stunts in the Halo games (three words for the same things, pretty much). I was met with fierce opposition and my edits being removed or rolled back. The result was a single consolidated article for "Stunts" (basically everything I knew about in the Halo games) while numerous smaller articles existed for "Glitches".

So I come here bearing news. I recently released UST - a massive Halo: Combat Evolved project to document and make tutorials for 400 stunts on a single map in Halo: Combat Evolved - Blood Gulch. So, given the fact that I now have enough material to back up anything I say about tricks/glitches/stunts in good ol' Halo Uno, I'm returning here to talk about how this wiki approaches the documenting of tricks/glitches/stunts in the Halo games.

Is the wiki's approach to have an individual article for EVERY glitch in each game? A single article for every phenomena which is responsible for the glitches in the Halo games? Or maybe just one single article about glitches in all the Halo games? (which will likely be a wall of text a mile long) What's the policy, and why? You can also see my -very incomplete- wiki on Halo Stunting here, and include that in the considerations on this topic.

Matortheeternal (talk) 19:51, 7 August 2014 (EDT)

The wiki's approach in this case is to document every significant glitch in each game. The very reason why there is only one consolidated article on stunts is already addressed in the article itself: "Many stunts are the results of unintended and unanticipated quirks in the Halo games, and often result in the kind of bizarre phenomena that one tends to see when performing glitches. Unlike glitches, however, they are not all the results of specific errors." Underlined for emphasis. One of many reasons why glitches are covered widely is due to their game-breaking nature, something so significant that it would have an adverse effect on player's gaming experience. Smaller glitches are normally prevented from having its own articles, only to be included in certain article's trivia section whenever appropriate.— subtank 21:49, 12 August 2014 (EDT)