Episode 07: Who's Listening
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Episode 07: Who's Listening | |
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18:15 |
Episode 07: Who's Listening was the seventh full episode in the first season of the Hunt the Truth audio drama.[2] The episode was originally released on Soundcloud on May 9, 2015.
Official summary[edit]
“ | In scanning the slush, Ray makes an interesting discovery. Petrosky returns to tell a terrifying truth about the origins of the Spartan program. And FERO finally surfaces, helping concoct a plan to expose ONI’s ugliest secrets.[3] | ” |
Plot summary[edit]
After multiple failed attempts at contacting Mshak Moradi, Benjamin Giraud begins to get worried something might have happened to him. Ben gets contacted by Ray Kurzig and they arrange to meet. Ray tells him that he managed to uncovered an Office of Naval Intelligence record on Jacob Walker and found the supposed former soldier was neither retired nor in active duty. Ray also managed to analyze the voice from the recording of Ben's interview with Jacob, and matched it with the voice of Jacob in a commercial for a car dealership. With this revelation, Ben contacts Anthony Petrosky again, and asks him to reveal to him the rumors surrounding the SPARTAN-II program. Ben learns about the flash cloning and takes time to think over what the clones would have had to endure. To Ben's relief, FERO finally contacts him. She tells him Mshak has been tracking the "deep-space anomalies" he mentioned, and that she has a way to reveal what Ben has found. She tells him that in order to make an impact, he would need to tell powerful politicians who have been kept in the dark what he has found, and to have ONI brass in the same room so they don't have a chance to cover it up.[4]
Audio transcript[edit]
- Mshak Moradi (voicemail): Hello?
- Benjamin Giraud: C'mon, Mshak.
- Moradi (voicemail): Ah! If you think this is Mshak, think again! If it was Mshak-
- Giraud: What makes him think that these are funny? What makes him think that these are funny? Wait- you- this is what you choose to leave on your phone for- I mean it's not even funny. It's not funny!
- Moradi (voicemail): Good luck!
- Giraud: Mshak, it's- neither of them are funny!
- Giraud (voiceover): It had been three days since the Deon bomb. That friendly old boxing coach I interviewed? The guy who's facts weren't lining up? Turns out he'd been dead for seven years. Who had I spoken to? I had no idea. Whatever we'd thought this cover-up was, it now seemed like something far more sinister. Ray and Petra did the smart thing. They cut ties and left. Mshak was the only one that hadn't bailed.
- Giraud: God! You know what?! It's not funny, Mshak!
- Giraud (voiceover): Instead, he'd given me a potential break through. Apparently I was about to be contacted by FERO. A mysterious insergent with intimate knowledge of ONI's tactics and buried history. That was the good news. The bad news? I'd heard nothing since. FERO was a no-show, Mshak was AWOL, and I'd spent the past 72 hours listening to these two ridiculous prerecorded messages over and over.
- Giraud: Ya' know what?! Who do you think you're outsmarting?! I'm the only human in existence who wants to find you!
- Moradi (voicemail): Good luck!
- Giraud: (sigh)
- Giraud (voiceover): My team had been reduced to this man. In a weird way, I'd been comforted by the idea of Mshak's constant surveillance. I like knowing that at least somebody was out there, even if just to corroborate my existence.
- Giraud: Mshak, are you there right now? Are you listening?
- Giraud (voiceover): And now, he was gone. I was beginning to worry something had happened to him.
- Giraud: Mshak, are you listening?! Just tell me if- if you are!
- Moradi (voicemail): Wha- is that you?
- Giraud: Mshak?!
- Moradi (voicemail): (breathing heavily) I'm so glad you got through.
- Giraud: Oh man! Where have you been?!
- Moradi (voicemail): So now I can rub it in your face that you're now three whole days behind me!
- Giraud: Oh, come on! Oh my God! Oh my God, if I ever get a hold of him I'm gonna kill him.
- Giraud (voiceover): I'm Benjamin Giraud, and this is Hunt the Truth.
- Ray Kurzig (in call): Hey, Ben. It's Ray. Um, listen... is there any chance we can grab a drink?
- Giraud (voiceover): Ok, I was really glad to hear from Ray. With Mshak MIA, my imagination had been running wild. If anything had happened to either of them or Petra, that was on me. So getting this call was a huge relief. But, Ray's never been a "let's grab a drink" kind of guy. I rushed over to meet him at this dank dive bar near his place.
- Giraud: So, I'm here with Ray. And, uh, a lot of loud drunk people.
- Kurzig: (laughs) Think of all of them as providing cover, allowing us to talk in secret.
- Giraud: Exactly, exactly. And Ray is aware I'm recording this.
- Kurzig: Yes. I'm trying not to think about it honestly, but-
- Giraud: Oh- you- it's fine. So... why'd you hit me up?
- Kurzig: Well, my scavenger finally got back to me. He had been waiting on some additional military records on Walker.
- Giraud (voiceover): I did not see that coming. I figured Ray would want to stay as far away from the topic of government cover-ups as possible. But if he was talking, I was all ears.
- Giraud: And?
- Kurzig: All the ONI military records still check out.
- Giraud: ONI handles all military records so...
- Kurzig: Well, almost all.
- Giraud (voiceover): Ray explained that every enlisted soldier has to sign an affidavit that their service was voluntary. That way later on, if some grieving family member tries to claim it was involuntary, ONI is covered. But the office created to handle all those records... is a rubber-stamp joke. Of the roughly two hundred thousand involuntary service claims they've received over the years, they have ruled the exact same way: family loses, ONI wins. Every single time. The process is so automatic, Ray says that when his guy pulled the records, it was the first request the system had received from a human being in fifty years. And Ray was giddy, so I knew he was going to deliver the punchline.
- Kurzig: One hundred and eighty days after a soldier's service period ends, the system is supposed to refile the record from active duty to retired.
- Giraud: No.
- Kurzig: Yes.
- Giraud: Walker's records weren't retired.
- Kurzig: And they weren't active either.
- Giraud: What?
- Kurzig: Jakob Walker is the only soldier in the entire military database that is neither active, nor retired.
- Giraud: They missed that? How could they miss that?
- Kurzig: (laughs)
- Giraud: Nobody checks?!
- Kurzig: Nope. Nobody but me.
- Giraud: (laughs)
- Giraud (voiceover): Ray had caught ONI in a major admin snafu. And I guess he was on a role, because what he said next blew my mind. Mild mannered analyst, Ray Kurzig, had used my recording of Walker's voice as a template to scan the slush... for voice matching audio. That was straight up pirate stuff.
- Giraud: You what?! Ray.
- Kurzig: (laughs)
- Giraud: You're an animal right now. Who are you?!
- Kurzig: (laughs)
- Giraud: (laughs)
- Kurzig: Oh, you are gonna love what I found, Ben.
- Jakob Walker (commercial): Get ready to take back the road, Ganymede. This is your chance to be one of the first on the planet to have your very own
- Giraud: No.
- Kurzig: Here is our boy, Jakob, nineteen years ago hawking utility vehicles for some random dealership!
- Giraud: Oh my goodness. It's a commercial?
- Kurzig: Yeah. He's an actor.
- Jakob Walker (commercial): Visit or call a qualified dealer. It's beauty, and the beast.
- Commercial (Pig oinks)
- Giraud: (laughs)
- Giraud (voiceover): I couldn't believe it. I was listening to one of the military sources ONI provided me doing a commercial... for a Hog dealer on Ganymede, when records had him stationed on the other side of human space. ONI had completely faked Walker, and Ray had caught the stupid bastards red-handed.
- Giraud: That's incredible! (laughs)
- Kurzig: (laughs)
- Giraud (voiceover): Sitting there, having that drink, all the frustrations and anxiety that had been blaring in my face for weeks... started to fade. We ordered another round. Ray was actually being funny! I don't even think we were talking about the story anymore, and for a little bit, I felt... normal. It didn't last though. Implications were percolating in the back of my mind and it wasn't long until it all came roaring back. If Walker's boot camp stories weren't real, then the fog around the Chief's origins extended beyond his fabricated age sixteen enlistment. How far did it go? Where did the truth even begin? All I knew at this point was who I had to speak to the moment I walked out of that bar. It was the only person that Walker's tale had contradicted, and it was somebody I had totally blown off. I just hoped Anthony Petrosky would take my call.
- Anthony Petrosky (in call): (laughs) Oh so now, now you want to hear my story, huh?
- Giraud: Yeah. Yeah, hey. Look I owe you an apology.
- Petrosky (in call): Mhm.
- Giraud: When we spoke, I didn't know what to believe and I...
- Petrosky (in call): (sighs)
- Giraud: I really should have given you the benefit of the doubt.
- Petrosky (in call): Ok, ok, ok, just don't- don't get too weird, alright?
- Giraud (voiceover): It was awkward, but after a few minutes, Petrosky eventually started warming up.
- Petrosky (in call): I, uh... I've been listening to your story.
- Giraud: Really? What do you think?
- Petrosky (in call): Well, I mean, ONI's lying. (laughs)
- Giraud: (laughs)
- Petrosky (in call): It's disgusting, ya' know. They just- they just make up whatever the hell they want like we're all stupid or something, ya' know, like "Oh, where's the problem? Deep space? Well lets just throw a glassed planet at it, toss in some Insurrectionist bad guys and story's good to go", ya' know? It's ridiculous. So ridiculous. All your outer colonies people know, the listeners. Man, they're tearing that crap down. It's great. It's great.
- Giraud: Oh, I know.
- Giraud (voiceover): I knew exactly what question I had to ask Petrosky, but I didn't want to ask it. If I was being honest, I've been avoiding it my entire career. The Spartan program had a dark, dark cloud around its origins. Civilians had no idea, but soldiers had always whispered about it in the ranks. Even the few scattered details I'd gleaned during my years reporting from the front had been enough to convince me that this was one stone I didn't want to overturn. I was embarrassed to admit I'd just avoided it, but I couldn't avoid it anymore. Anthony would tell me everything. I just had to get the courage to ask and when I did, here's what he said.
- Petrosky (in call): (sighs) Look, all I heard was rumors but everybody whispers about it. Ya' know, ONI kidnapping little kids, leaving behind decoys to cover their tracks. Those clones... clones that were doomed to get sick and die. And all the families thought they were burying their kids. But really though, their little kids where now government property, kept by ONI, training to be Spartans for years. And then when they're barely like teenagers, they start biologically augmenting them, which is just a fancy way of- of saying they tore the kids to pieces and rebuilt them with tech. Whatever tweaks could give the government tactical advantage. Jesus, man. Survival rate on something like that, it... but- but the kids who did live through it, ya' know, ONI eventually cut them loose just... sent them out the clean up the ugly in the galaxy. Ya' know all top secret: "the Spartans are super-classified so hush, hush soldier." But then the Covenant showed up. Earth got a front row seat and all of a sudden you got people throwing parades for them, kneeling at their feet: the pinnacle of humanity. But they're not human. Nobody really knows what the hell is under those Spartan masks, but sure as hell not a hero. It's not a person, whatever they are... it ain't us.
- Giraud (voiceover): That was the story I never wanted to hear. I couldn't prove it. I couldn't report it as more than just rumors, but his story was the only explanation I'd heard since this mess began that actually made sense with the facts and it gave ONI more than enough motive to bury the truth, because the truth was a nightmare. The truth was treason, planned and carried out in the shadows with impunity. When you let those in power operate in the dark for long enough, sometimes the dark creeps in. Without checks and balances, it's in our nature to cut corners in the name of efficiency. Trim off pieces of our humanity a chunk at a time, justifying every cut until eventually all your left with is horror. By coming forward, Anthony had just broken a rigid code of silence. I asked him why.
- Giraud (voiceover): Don't- don't you have, like a... a code of conduct or something that you have to follow?
- Petrosky (in call): Whose code, huh? ONI's? (chuckles) Yeah, I don't care about that. Look, I don't blame that John kid, Master Chief, whatever the hell they call him. Just did as the masters programmed him to do. Now ONI- ONI that's the boogeyman. Some sadist CPO wants to test out his Spartan toy so he oils it up with the blood of my brothers?! No man, no I'm not keeping quiet for them.
- Giraud: Aren't you afraid of retaliation?
- Petrosky (in call): What are they gonna do? Tell me. What, are they gonna make my life suck? Even more than it does? It's too late. I mean, I understand Ben, you haven't- you haven't seen where I live, what my house is like. But let me just tell you this: you might prefer the shelter. I eat canned proteins, man. I am one missed check away from living on the streets all the damn time. I got, I got this, I got a titanium arm. Huh? Vets' benefits? On this planet, it's a joke. And this is how they repay me for running through their meat grinder for fifteen years, for laying down your life every damn day for them, and you think I owe them some kind of responsibility to be quiet? No, I don't owe them a damn thing, not after what I've been through.
- Giraud: Uh, yeah good thanks. I uh- I got to go. I got to go.
- Giraud (voiceover): I'm sure this sounds callous of me but as Petrosky described his hardships, I was drifting away. His story had left me dazed. I said I wasn't feeling well; I had to go. He understood.
- Petrosky: Alright. I hope it, uh... I hope it helps, ya' know.
- Giraud: It did, it did. Thanks.
- Giraud (voiceover): I needed to step back and look at the full picture of what ONI had done, but my mind just wouldn't do it. Instead, I was fixated on one odd piece: the doppelgangers made to replace the kidnapped kids. Out of the disgusting quilt Petrosky had laid out, I was stuck imagining the tragic life of one of these clones. They were human, they were created in a lab, altered so their bodies grew painfully fast, their bones stretching by the hour, newborns inflated into six year olds. Someone taught them to walk, to speak. Did their handlers touch them? Did anyone look in their eyes? Did they have names? When it was time, ONI plopped them into some other kid's life, leaving them alone in a dark unfamiliar room in a bed that was probably still warm. In the morning, a family would walk in, strangers who wouldn't even know to explain any of this to them. No one would comfort them, they were completely lost. And then, these small children would begin to die. Breaking, withering away surrounded by confused heartbroken strangers who were powerless to help them, all the doctors making frantic attempts to stop the spreading rot from eating this little terrified person alive. It was all just desperate wailing against the inevitable and they would be forced to endure all of it, because no one knew the truth, that these children had lived in chaos until they died in excruciating pain because someone had designed them to do just that. The nightmare the clones endured was not a byproduct of ONI's plan, the nightmare was the plan.
- FERO: Did you hear an unpleasant story?
- Giraud (voiceover): It was still dark outside when I was awakened by that voice. I live alone and someone was calling me from the shadows. "Ben, come in here." I was petrified. Then I realized it was coming in over one of the networks. My communications system had been hacked. I started recording. FERO was finally here. And apparently, she let herself in.
- FERO: Did you listen this time?
- Giraud: Yes, I did. I feel like if people knew this story, if we could prove the cover-up, it could really start a fire.
- FERO: Maybe, but you only have so much reach. With ONI controlling 90% of communication, that fire may take a while to spread, and we're not sure we have that much time, not with what's coming.
- Giraud: What? What's coming?
- FERO: The anomalies in deep space, your friend Mshak has been tracking. We don't know what it is yet, but it's getting stronger. Peices are moving up there and we have to move faster.
- Giraud: Ok, how?
- FERO: There are friendly ears in the UEG, people who have been kept in the dark, many of them with real power, and if they heard your story... they would come down hard.
- Giraud: Who are you talking about? Politicians? Wha-wha-who's ONI been keeping in the dark?
- FERO: There are high ranking senators who don't know about any of this. You need to tell them. Speak truth to power. Get ONI brass in the same room when you do it so they don't have a chance to spin it, and the senators will be able to blow it all up, right there.
- Giraud: Ok, but wh-what am I gonna do? Arrange a round table with ONI chiefs and senate leadership? Even if those people ever where in the same room, they wouldn't invite me over to ambush half of them! I don't see the opportunity.
- FERO: We create the opportunity.
- Giraud: How?
- FERO: By creating panic. We give the public a hard truth: ugly information that ONI can't contain.
- Giraud: The cover-up, the Spartan program.
- FERO: No, that's what will ignite the senators. The public needs a headline, imminent and explosive. Your story will make waves in the outer colonies, but on Earth and everywhere else, it's too complex and historical to cut out the noise. We don't have time for a slow burn. The public needs to hear a simple message, that we all might be about to die... and that's what we'll give them.
- Giraud (voiceover): FERO was a force of nature, and something big was about to happen. It would get sympathetic politicians and ONI leadership all in the same room and set the table for me to lay out my proof, expose the cover up... and blow it all open.
- FERO: ONI will be right where you want them, and then I'll open the door. And once you're in, you go for the throat.
- Giraud (voiceover): Please join me for the next episode of Hunt the Truth.
Blog posts[edit]
The following blog posts were released on the Hunt the Truth Tumblr blog for Episode 07's release.
False Advertising[edit]
![]() I couldn’t believe my ears. From hocking Hogs on Ganymede to shilling fake stories about the Master Chief, Walker’s taken us all for a ride.[5] |
![]() Benjamin (Blog): I jumped to my feet when the voice buzzed in, stinging my ears from the other room. She was finally here. [6] |
- Keegan-Michael Key as Benjamin Giraud[7][8]
- Phil LaMarr as Ray Kurzig[7][8]
- Troy Baker as Anthony Petrosky[7][8]
- Kumail Nanjiani as Mshak Moradi[7][8]
- Janina Gavankar as Maya Sankar (aka "FERO")[7][8]
- ^ Apple Podcasts, HUNT the TRUTH (Retrieved on May 23, 2024) [archive]
- ^ Soundcloud, S1.07. WHO's LISTENING (Retrieved on May 13, 2024) [archive]
- ^ Tumblr, HUNT the TRUTH - Episode 07. Who's Listening (Retrieved on Jun 25, 2016) [archive]
- ^ Halo Waypoint, Canon Fodder - Artificial Antiquities (Retrieved on Dec 23, 2019) [archive]
- ^ Tumblr, False Advertising (Retrieved on Jun 25, 2016) [archive]
- ^ Tumblr, Contact (Retrieved on Jun 25, 2016) [archive]
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e Xbox Wire, Halo 5: Guardians #HuntTheTruth – Has the Master Chief Gone AWOL? (Retrieved on May 10, 2024) [archive]
- ^ Jump up to: a b c d e Halo Waypoint, Canon Fodder - Witness Projection (Retrieved on Dec 23, 2019) [archive]
External links[edit]
Preceded by Episode 06: Boxing Story |
Hunt the Truth episodes Episode 07: Who's Listening |
Succeeded by Episode 08: Drip, Drip, Drip |