SPARTAN-225's board
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I go to middel school, so when you said you go to school, I thought that you ment middel school. Just so you don`t think i am a rapest or something.
I'm not sure if mentioning that is necessary, since we don't know that for certain. It's just the most likely conclusion judging by the cover. Plus, since they were on Earth for two weeks, it would seem odd if they didn't receive the Mark VI at any point.
Nope. The only parts of the book where John interacts with the other Spartans happen years before the Mark V or Mark VI were even created. Fred, Will and Linda most likely obtained the Mark VI during their stay on Earth and John never went to Onyx where he'd have a chance to meet anyone wearing SPI armor. The Mark VI Spartan in the cover is most probably Fred or Will since Linda would be more likely to use a sniper rifle.
Why is that on every new users talk pages there is a welcome from you just curious and is it a template???