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posted 13 years ago

According to Isaac Hannaford, the Sabre pilots we see in LNoS were initially intended to be ODSTs in special vacuum-manouvering gear.

posted 13 years ago

(please ignore the excessive amount of punctuation >.>)

posted 13 years ago

Ahhh yes, have you seen my post on the Geas talk page?

posted 13 years ago


posted 13 years ago

About your post on Forerunner's wall:

But don't forget that the San 'Shyuum were the EXACT same way before. It was the Forerunner technology that made them dependent and lazy. So technically the same thing could happen to humans. It would be ideal for humans to discover it by themselves, then they will understand the technology more "deeply", but more than that, IMPROVE upon it and discover new things (kinda like Mass Effect, they know exactly how it works, and can modify it to some extent. But since they didn't discover it by themselves it stops them from INNOVATING it, making new thing, and discovering new technologies in general). But humans will undoubtedly use Forerunner technology and not stop, but at least somewhat hinder their innovation capabilities. But, humanity will spend so much time adapting to and researching Forerunner technology that this "slowing down rate" will not have any effect for MILLENNIA, if not more. Besides, it's not like it's necessarily a BAD thing. There's no need to improve when you're already at the top.

posted 13 years ago

Looking back at my old Government and Politics work, it would seem that a Secretary of State is an elevated ministerial position, whose organization (instead called a "department") is responsible for things that require direct government intervention. In Britain, foreign affairs and the payment of benefits are part of the "Department for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs" and the "Department for Work and Pensions".

Now, we seem to have a "Minister of the Colonies" ("Colonial Minister", for short). His ministry, in a parlimentary sense, doesn't have as strong a control over the colonial governings than the Secretary of Defense has on the military. Of course, this is all theory; like Britain, redundant positions may still remain for decades after their usage has ended - we know of the colonies' apparent independence, but this could simply be a leftover.

Moving on, I am confused as to why the defence representative is a Secretary; the military was much more independent of the government, even taking over in places. This is either because Bungie based their UEG on a presidential system whereby all Secretaries are merely Presidential advisors, or we can say that this is also an outdated title that wasn't changed to flow with the "modern world".

posted 13 years ago

According to the "David Agnoli" article, there is a "Minister for the Colonies" within the UEG. Would you say that this is evidence of a parliamentary system? Take note that the title has existed on Earth in the 20th century (this is particularly important, as there is a real-world example of the same thing). Much more striking is that such a title existed in the author's home nation.

posted 13 years ago

"By the mid-26th century, they would have been rated as a Tier 3 race, though it is possible they may have advanced to a higher Tier 2 after the Human-Covenant War by means of weapons research and development." - introductory paragraph to "Human".

I was wondering - is there a clear border between a race being at a Tier-2 stage of development and simply having Tier-2 assets? I'm finding the Halopedian logic somewhat flawed, and will give in-universe and real-life examples below.

The Sangheili, for instance, appear to have been a Tier-3 civilization before their war with the San 'Shyuum. When in the Covenant, they used the San 'Shyuum's advanced technology, but had to knowledge of how to replicate it, themselves. In fact, this lack of knowledge meant that their civilization was on the verge of collapse after 2552, as everyone who actually knew how their vessels worked were now dead.

Now here's a real-world example. All non-human simians are at a Tier-7 level of technology, but are capable of using digital cameras - Tier-5 technology applied to a Tier-6 device. By Halopedia's logic, the cavemen living near Kilimanjaro are comparable to 20th century humanity. Now for a human example that, I feel, compares to the Covenant. The Sentinelese are an Indian peoples who fit all the trademarks of a Tier-7 society; however, because they are Indian, by our logic they should be a Tier-5 community (and just like the Covenant, India is only at Tier-5 because it relied on other peoples' technology to speed-up its development).

Therefore, I feel the need to make a specific border between having the capability of undertanding, designing and manufacturing objects related to a particular tier, and just using someone else's technology to get by in life.

posted 13 years ago

I agree with your retrieval observation; I had completely forgotten that Huragok had this important role. I was under the impression that the "incompetent that lose the Ascendent Justice" was Thel, and that he was held responsible for its loss. His fleet did fail to protect it, after all (Based on the small size of the battlegroup detected by Cortana, it appears that the larger fleet evacuated). As the development of new technology is only authorized by the Prophets, the appearence of a Covenant AI onboard would make the Ascendent Justice even more important; I had earlier believed this vessel to simply be an experimental craft (use of AI, large support crew, few combatants), though your artefact retrieval note would suggest otherwise.

posted 13 years ago

Just noticed; there's a slight problem with your solution. The Ascendant Justice is again mentioned in the epilogue to Halo: First Strike. By the tone of voice and words used, it would appear that the vessel was important to High Charity's defence forces if not the flagship, itself (they are very concerned that this vessel in particular was lost, and don't seem to even bother mentioning that the Truth and Reconciliation was lost under Thel's leadership to humans and its Prophet killed).

However, it could simply be that the Ascenant Justice really WAS with High Charity's defence forces, but was simply already at Installation 04 by the time it's mentioned.

posted 13 years ago

This is an awkward situation. We have three ways of solving such problems

  1. The most frequently-used version is accepted as canon (ie. working out gender);
  2. The most recent version is accepted as canon (the previous version was written long ago and has since been contradicted by other publications)
  3. The most significant version is used.

Using these three, we can see that the concept of the Ascendant Justice being a scout ship is supported by two of the rules; it has been used in the 2003 Halo: First Strike, the 2010 reprint of the novel intended to fix such errors, and is supported by the Halo Graphic Novel, which establishes the flagship as the Seeker of Truth.

However, the reprint of Halo: The Flood, released shortly beforehand, brings the Ascendant Justice into a wider significance; it has its own story rather than just brief titbits here and there.

My theory is that the team working on Halo: The Flood were unaware of the mentions in First Strike and, being in a different group, couldn't simply read First Strike and make the correction.

SOOO.... as we have two recent, official sources saying opposing things, should we remove any direct mention of its fleet of origin and make reference to this contradiction in the notes section?

posted 13 years ago

Do you have or know anyone who has a copy of the Halo: First Strike reprint? I'm wondering if the Ascendant Justice's status as a ship independent of the Fleet of Particular Justice is still available. According to the source that I inserted a year or two ago:

Halo: First Strike, page 68, ("This visitor was so important that these warships were only the advance scouting party. More ships were on their way. Hundreds of them.")

If this is still present, how would it affect the article?

posted 13 years ago

Hello, could you please delete page? Thanks.

posted 13 years ago

A theory I've come up with regarding as to why it only shows certain images when I try to edit my Userpage or my UserWiki may be because of the way I reorganized the images in my images gallery. Still, when I first started out, it used to work where I could edit everything in my Userpage/UserWiki in one go, in one edit. Now, I have to do it in perhaps multiple edits.

posted 13 years ago

Yeah, I managed to get it fixed by going directly to my UserWiki to edit it, but when I try to edit it indirectly through my userpage, it only goes to File:Fc2vert.jpg, so now it seems I may have to always edit my userpage by editing directly on my UserWiki, instead of the other way I used to do, indirectly through my userpage. Why is this? Do you know? I'll Subtank too, see if he knows anything to fix that one isolated problem.

posted 13 years ago

I think I may have fixed the problem. But I was still wondering, why did it keep copying it?

posted 13 years ago

Hey Jugus! You may have noticed, I've been trying to fix a problem on my userpage and on my userwiki. For some odd reason, every time I try to fix the problem, it only makes it worse--it copies everything I just copied into the UserWiki page, making the page longer than it has to be. I've just reorganized the images in my image gallery, and somehow it started copying everything. When I go to try to fix the problem, everything is there up until the File:Human M-F.png, and that isn't even half of what I saved in my UserWiki. I've tried everything I could to fix the problem, so far nothing has worked the way I hoped it would. I've sent this same message off to Subtank, in the hopes he may also might be able to help fix my problem. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

posted 13 years ago

I tried to comment on the talk page but it was to laggy and Firefox doesn't like that :p Anyway, I wanted to point out that "Covenant Hegemony" is used several times, too. Could this be considered an official name or simply an alternative name used by humans?

Regardless, it seems that "The Covenant" is at least the commonplace term for their empire, like how the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is simplified as either United Kingdom or Great Britain.

posted 13 years ago

Thank you for helping me on the article :) Btw, i also wanted to ask you something. The Heavy plasma cannon page lists the Seraphs and Space Banshees as being armed with that particular weapon (and have the Reach manual as a source), but in gameplay, those two seems to fire the Classs-2 energy gun. Should I modify the articles?

posted 13 years ago

Or, because we have some really well organized pages on Both the type-52 and 42, and so that we don't have to re-write the disambig page on plasma cannon and make it more complicated, couldn't we just make some articles for the Wraith/Prowler cannons?

posted 13 years ago

Ok, I will edit the Plasma cannon page and add the different models, but how should the Wraith and Prowler ones be described? Unidentified Plasma cannon (Wraith/Prowler)?

posted 13 years ago

What is the Prowler turret then? The Prowler article lists it's turret as a type-52. Based on appearances, then the Wraith mounted turret isn't a type-52 either.

posted 13 years ago

While this may seem a little late, thank you for nominating me as HOTM for August 2011. I never thought my stubborn attitude towards formatting could get me such honor.

posted 13 years ago

Hey Jugus,

I've created a standardised Rank infobox for extra-terrestrial forces. This will replace the old Covenant Rank Infobox, of which is using an old code design/layout. Pass this message to other editors.

posted 13 years ago

I was creeping on forerunners profile and you posted about the frigate that looks similar but isnt classified as different, what if its like the Mk: IV armor is to the Mk: V? a different version but strikingly different. maybe its a modified version of a figate but not a heavy, maybe a medium or upgraded version? any thoughts?