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From Halopedia, the Halo wiki
If I may ask, where and/or how did you manage to get these excellent screenshot cutouts of the M247 GPMG from Halo 2?
Oh, I've made a few amendments to the Manual of Style. It's slightly different in focus now and is much more clear.
Could you please check this forum and provide some feedback on the small updates on the MoS and Canon policy?
Hey, Jugus, I already messaged Subtank, but I thought I might ask you this as well. I've been having trouble editing my userwiki/userpage, and I don't know what I did, but now I can't make it show, and I can't undo a template loop. Can you help?
On "formed = active", I thought it makes more sense to put it that way. Of course, a unit formed in a particular year doesn't mean it was made active in that year... but given that most units in the Halo universe were formed and activated at the same time, it's better this way..
And yay for figuring out how to rename it via "-title". :D
Oops! My bad, thanks for correcting me :D
It seems that they didn't want to go through the trouble of rewriting FoR. It would appear that the Covenant invasion was focused primary in the Viery Territory until mid-August, where the reinforcement fleet began striking cities such as New Alexandria.
There was a total blackout in satellite communications, it seems. Early on in the invasion you could put the blame on the relay; lack of knowledge as to the size of the invading force and ONI coverups... but the invasion just got out of hand later, particularly when the EEF was engaging the Covenant on other colonies. At no point does the Pillar of Autumn receive word of what is going on - they don't even know that something strange is happening until shortly before the Fleet of Particular Justice arrives, when one of the crewmembers notices unusual EM readings bouncing from Reach's moons.
The thing about the majority of the EEF over Reach being unaware of the Covenant is shown in the last data drop. They had been placed in traffic at the opposite side of the planet, and the downed relay meant that they were isolated - it was only when the Fleet of Particular Justice arrived that they realised what was going on. Perhaps the majority of satellites were interdependent on each other, meaning that a single downed comms. relay would play havoc on the whole planet.
Personally I found 343i's explanation somewhat sloppy in places. It would make more sense to keep this large part of the EEF contained together if RED FLAG was already green-lit: the rest of the EEF around Reach (along with the reinforcements that engage whichever fleet arrived after the Long Night of Solace's demise) would be kept away from the Covenant as they search around for Forerunner relics - when a (super)carrier finally heads into the atmosphere, the EEF engage and disable it.
I'm having some difficulty updating the Operation: RED FLAG article; I make a couple-thousand bytes worth of extra content before rejecting it because of its poor quality - I just can't get it into the right words.
The problem is bringing up the events that caused RED FLAG to fail:
- The loss of communication across parts of Reach and between the colonies when the Visegrad relay went down.
- The Army and Navy not working together, related to the above. This is evident in the destruction of the Long Night of Solace, a target that Admiral Stanforth would have had captured, had he been informed of Operation: UPPER CUT, or even its mere existence. He wasn't notified until several days later.
- Related to the first two, ONI appears to have collapsed on the colony - Stanforth wasn't aware that the Covenant were on Reach until at least a week after an ONI base was nearly destroyed. He was also not informed of UPPER CUT, as previously-stated, despite his established career in the organization (albeit, within Section 3).
- The majority of the Epsilon Eridani Fleet around Reach was left on one side of Reach in heavy "traffic" (that is to say, a large number of ships were clustered within a small area) while the Visegrad relay was being repaired. While it could be viewed as solely being a cover-up by Stanforth, this had been going on since it went down. As such, much of the Navy was unable to defend Reach, or even aware that it was under attack until the Fleet of Particular Justice jumped over their side of Reach on August 30.
Overall, I'd say that communications problems were the reason for the failure of RED FLAG, which only got as far as Phase 1, either because Stanforth was willing to risk lives while waiting for a supercarrier or no one informed him of what was going on in time to progress further.
Could you help me make a page or something for users to post times that they have gotten a random headshot with a non-headshot capable weapon such as a headshot with the MA5B Assault rifle
I added that mistake as it wasn't the Elites that gave the order to exterminate the humans. that order came from the Minister of Fortune. The elites were not seen until 2526
Where do you find all the concept art on pages like Anchor 9? If you could tell me or send me a link, it would be greatly appreciated. ~~~~
Hey there, sorry to be bringing this topic up again but for Christmas my bro got me the book Halo: the essential visual guide, on the page talking about the mark vi armor it mentions that blue team received the armor upon there return to earth after operation first strike, but there was one mistake which concerned me, it mentioned all of spartan blue team, being John, Fred, Kelly and Linda. Obviously they made a mistake cause Kelly was abducted by doctor Halsey before operation first strike and were going to onyx at the time of the operation. I was wondering if the mistake should be mentioned in the Halo: the essential visual guide's trivia area and also that Fred and Linda received the mark vi armor upon there return to earth
I've put the forum up. If you don't mind I paraphrased one of our discussions in it. Could you maybe put it in the "What's going on?" bar in Recent Changes? Thank you.
Should the GRD helmet have its own page? I know not much is known about it, but we could add some secondary information... like how it is similar to Recon or Bungie Armor. We could also add info about the teddy bear easter egg. The permutation itself is only mentioned once in an image on the Armory page but I feel that there is more we could do with it, like a physical description on its own page, and maybe even a history if there's enough info. As for the acronym however, I have no idea, but I found terms like "Ground Resolved Distance", if that means anything relevant.
I see what you're saying, but if, for example, someone were to search for "UNSC", and no option came up on the list, I think they would either hit "return" anyway and they would be redirected to the article, likewise for "Grunt" or "Jackal". Alternatively, they'd be taken to the search page, where they'd get a list of relevant articles, one of which would probably be the one they're after. Furthermore, if someone was looking for the M41 article, they'd probably type "M41" in, and the above scenario would apply, or they'd reconsider and type in "rocket launcher", which would take them to the disambiguation page. We also have an advantage in that the search function isn't case-sensitive.
Hi, Jugus, I've been having a few thoughts about our redirects. At the moment, when one types into the search bar, both articles and redirects appear in the drop-down menu. Many of these redirects are redundant or have poorly-written titles, and I believe they make the wiki look unprofessional. Deleting these redirects (and deciding which ones should be kept) would be a phenomenal task, so I'm wondering if there's a way of altering the coding so redirects don't appear in the drop down menu. I put the idea past Porplemontage and he thinks that altering the code is possible. Do you think it's a good idea?
So for example I want to transclude the Skirmisher Ranks table from the Kig-yar page onto the Skirmisher page. Would I have to create a whole new unique template that consists of the table or is there some premade general-use template that can display the table automatically?
I am unsure about the spoilers policy on this, but it appears the Anniversary terminals have been leaked onto youtube. They've been posted here and I do not know what to do about it.