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posted 4 years ago

If you don't mind, I merge the other unused units into the article.

posted 4 years ago

Skull box, so one of the HW2 modders we're looking into the files and found one of the unused skulls and one of them deploys boxes around the map, these boxes would reward the player with a random unit. Do you know the bomb that the player had to get rid of in the first mission in Halo 2? Well, the same modder found an unused spike-bomb that almost resembles the same bomb.

posted 4 years ago

Here is the implementation of this idea of ​​NASA, however, it is much less like the armor of UNSC ships:

posted 4 years ago

Speculative content this is "to more efficiently transfer the heat generated by the ship into space". Unlike the content of these words, i described the principle of operation of magnetic armor based on superconducting radiators, such as the principle of gunpowder or a magnetic accelerator. Only two facts are important - radiators are built into the armor of the spacecraft and they are thermal.

posted 4 years ago

Question: A Halo Wars 2 modder gave me info on more unused HW2 stuff, one of them were many unused skulls while other were unused Infected Vehicles & Aircrafts, they said that the models are not gonna load in the game so they used another program that can view the unused models, so I ask you this: Since there's a infected Grizzly, Vulture, Phantom, Hornet and Frostraven, do they get their own articles or just a mention in their trivia section? Also, is it okay to share the sceenshots of the models but was used in a separate 3d program? Also, there's an unused EMP Turret & Skull box (The box is active when one of the unused Skulls is activated.)

posted 4 years ago

OK! That's like saying gov Aukland and Thomas Levesque aren't "males" because there is no source that says that they are specifically "males". There are lots more like that as well. That would be a presumption as well, meaning it should be removed since we cannot definitively say that Thomas is a guy.

posted 4 years ago

Halopedia only sticks with the information established by the games media, etc. The word presumably is another word for speculative which means that it could just be a theory and not a fact. The reason why I changed the article is to provide more factual meaning behind the article. There is only one source called the halo essential visual guide which I own and has no mention to gov Aukland or Thomas Levesque being "presumably" employed by the misriah armoury which is a pretty big deal if you ask me. This is the direct quote from the source "the title GATL is an abbreviation to the crafts arecticts Gov Aukland and Thomas Levesque". It seems like the author of the book made it seem like they are employed to the company as there is no mention that they are not.

posted 4 years ago

Congratulations on becoming an admin, BaconShelf!!

posted 4 years ago

Could I get your input on the question of if the Spartan-II program was publicly revealed in 2547 OR 2549? and Ghosts of Onyx both say it was '47, so I am inclined to accept that. Apparently The Fall of Reach says that it was in '49, however. Our pages on each of these years both say that it was made public in that respective year, but obviously that cannot be the case. Which do you think should be considered canon?


posted 4 years ago

Thanks you very much. (Mmmmmm bacon)

posted 4 years ago

Thanks you very much. (Mmmmmm bacon)

posted 4 years ago

Never mind. After I wrote that I remember that the last bit of the book featured the leader of Fireteam Apollo onboard Infinity receiving a message from Rion Forge about where he could find Gek 'Lhar.

posted 4 years ago

Just curious: the Infinity is listed as being in Halo: Renegades. I don't remember that. Where was it in the book???

posted 4 years ago

Good, good, good. I finished my page for the Battle at The Refuge by the way.

posted 4 years ago

Well I don't care either way really. But if they are mentioned in the briefing packet maybe just create a short page based on that for them??? I mean they wouldn't be the only operations that has only a tiny blurb for them because we know basically nothing about them.

posted 4 years ago

All of these locations have multiple conflicts attached to them. Frankly most of them just don't seem worth creating pages for since they are so minor or its hard to come up with an appropriate title. I didn't create this whole splitting the engagements up into multiple pages, but I've ran with it because otherwise we get a bunch of red links or half-formed pages. Some of these things linked to the Requiem Campaign, the operations, I'm not even sure what those are supposed to have been so I can't do anything with the pages for them.

posted 4 years ago

I've started building the page which I've entitled Battle at The Refuge. I chose to go with at the Refuge instead of of the Refuge to separate it from the Battle of the Refuge page regarding the Refuge shield world.

posted 4 years ago

There was a couple of earlier skirmishes that were pretty minor. Uh in the first mission I believe... maybe chapter 3 or 4??? When you first scout the Refuge and get the star map that somehow leads to the artifact in the Cauldron. Never got that: they said the data recovered by Crimson confirmed something about an archeological dig, but when you find it, its clearly a star map. Later you get sent back to investigate the disappearance of a science team and shut down a bunch of stuff. Both of those fights were more minor skirmishes and were against Prometheans solely.

posted 4 years ago

A couple but that's not the point. I meant more like do you think its a Skirmish or a Battle considering a cruiser and multiple waves of troops was involved.

posted 4 years ago

Looks like it. I'll probably be doing the page for the fight at the Refuge that's next. Do you think Skirmish at the Refuge is the appropriate title though???

posted 4 years ago

Alright I moved the page. Do your thing.

posted 4 years ago

I'm going to change it back. What I'm thinking of calling the first fight is Assault on Galileo Base and I'll adjust the Battle, template thingy and Galileo Base pages to reflect that. I'd appreciate the bot for fixing all of those links once I rename the page again though which I will be doing in just a minute.

posted 4 years ago

I want to go with Battle of Galileo Base for the second one but I think Skirmish or Assault is more appropriate for the first attack. Like I said, that was a much more minor attack and could be categorized as such but the one I created, that was a full-on battle with MASSIVE Covenant and Promethean forces. So maybe restore the original name and links and for the first attack categorize it as I suggested???

posted 4 years ago

I was thinking of calling the first battle at Galileo more of a skirmish or an assault as it was far more minor while second one, the one I created the page for was more of a full-out battle.

posted 4 years ago

Sorry to ruin this but the "Brute Tank" has almost no info about it, the Brute Tank is mentioned in the "Sway" (HW Alpha) and in the video "Full Analysis of the Halo Wars Alpha "Sway" Build" in "model viewer" (Timestamp: 4:14) the Brute Tank is one of the model to be viewed. Also in a article named "[OC] An album of cut Halo Wars 1 content" The Brute Tank has an actual rendered Icon that went unused (it also looks like it had it's own unused upgrade). Same goes with the Gargoyle as it has roughly any info. (Also since this one of the unused unit icons, can the UNSC "Tiger Tank" gets it own article?