Jackal Zealot in Reach?
As most of you know in Reach Jackal Minors have blue Defense Gauntlets and Majors have red Defense Gauntlets that turn blue when they have taken enough damage. Majors also have shoulder pads that the Minors do not possess. One day as I was playing Reach on the level PoA, on drydock there were three Jackals that appeared to have orange shields. When the shields took enough damage they turned a light violet color. However, as I examined their bodies they appeared to be Jackal Majors. I thought it was just the lighting in the area; but to make sure, I killed just one of these "orange shield Jackals" and then quit. when I looked at the stats it registered as a "Jackal Hero," surprisingly. Next I tried killing just a blue shield/red shield, respectively. They both registered as "Jackal Infantry". My point is, could these orange shields be the elusive Jackal Zealot?--One who survived 17:36, 9 November 2010 (EST)
Maybe, though it could have been a glitch, as Jackal Snipers also register as Jackal Heroes, but I understand your point...in fact, I'm surprised that nobody noticed this before. -xxgamernerdxx
Note: Upon further investigation, I have found that Jackal Majors actually register as "Jackal Specialists". My apologies --One who survived 19:49, 20 December 2010 (EST)
PS- Thanks for responding.--One who survived 19:50, 20 December 2010 (EST)
Contact Harvest?
There's a lot of information about Kig-Yar history in Contact Harvest. I'm only about halfway through the book (not bad for two hours in a plane and maybe a half hour at baggage claim) and when the crew of the Minor Transgression were the focus of the story (which is a great deal) a lot was revealed. How come none of you regular Halopedians have covered this yet?
Which are stronger?
I havent really played it in a while but the color differences are probably because of different races. Like on Earth, American, African, Chinese.--prophet of war 23:56, 16 November 2006 (UTC)
Actually, I think they're all the same, in speed and endurance. Higher ranking ones (purple/orange shields) seem to be better at dodging and more skilled at staying behind the shield, but not by much. -- Druin-209
Jackal info
I was just wondering where the info came from about the jackals being spacefaring, and being more mercenaries and privateers than real, believing members of the Covenant. I was hoping someone could maybe please shed some light on this for me? --
- I dunno about spacefaring, but being mercenaries came from the action figure box, I think. guesty-persony-thingyI too have an AI... his name is Supreme Honcho. 05:32, 30 January 2007 (UTC)
- Sybex is the sorce.Qual 'Fulsamsee 00:50, 7 March 2007 (UTC)
halo ce?
there are no jackals in halo ce. halo ce is a stand-alone multiplayer add on for halo pc. -RimЖFireTMFile:MandalorianSymbol.jpg 14:23, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Halo CE = Halo: Combat Evolved, although sometimes it can also mean Custom Edition.-- Joshua 029 15:42, 4 March 2007 (UTC)
- There are Jackals in both, seeing as how the original campaign has been remade for Halo: Custom Edition. Echo-77 12:52, July 14, 2010 (UTC)
I don't know if anyone else has seen this yet, but in an HBO forum Frankie's said that Jackals have been known to use the Spikers as illegal sidearms. just so people know why i've put it in the article. -- SpecOps306 03:19, 2 March 2007 (UTC)
- You should cite that as a source, just in case. -ED 22:14, 13 March 2007 (UTC)
plasma rifle
Does anyone notice the first picture of the jackal (3-13-07, pictures subject to change) depicts it holding a plasma rifle when in the whole history of halo they, and the grunts, never wield the plasma rifle. Fork 22:02, 13 March 2007 (UTC)
- I see that too, that's probably just concept art. Kind of like how the Drone action figure came with a Plasma Rifle even though they never have those. -ED 22:13, 13 March 2007 (UTC)
- they do weild plasma riflescheck out delta halo.Qual 'Fulsamsee 00:00, 14 March 2007 (UTC)
- I dont think so, I've never seen a jackal and blue plasma. What difficulty is this. Fork 22:21, 14 March 2007 (UTC)
- Easy on Halo 2.Qual 'Fulsamsee 20:53, 15 March 2007 (UTC)
- I noticed that you aslo said Grunts, But in the novel "Halo: Fall of Reach", it describeds grunts using plasma Rifle as their primary weapons.PsychoThunder
There is one jackal in the game with a plasma rifle like 'Fulsamsee said it is in the level delta halo, Peace.--The Chazz025 and Clan 20:32, 28 March 2007 (UTC)
- Maybe the lance commander carries a plasma pistol or something. --ED(talk)(shockfront) 16:54, 3 April 2007 (UTC)
Maybe its like the Needler Sentinel. Bungie was experimenting, and forgot to delete it (or left it in, just for fun.) --Druin-209
Size is Wrong
I doubt there 6 feet in the game.Halo3 01:37, 22 March 2007 (UTC)--Halo3
It says in the halo 1 handbook that they are 5'8 feet and they seem shorter because master chief is 7 feet tall, Peace.--The Chazz025 and Clan 20:33, 28 March 2007 (UTC)
- I would trust the manual. --ED(talk)(shockfront) 16:54, 3 April 2007 (UTC)
- Both wrong, in terms of game measurements. The Halo 2 Jackals are roughly 6'6" tall. Nearly 7 feet if you count their head-crests actually. -The Dark Lord Azathoth 00:43, 23 April 2007 (UTC)
In game their size is such, probably due to limitations in the engine. Maybe Bungie had wanted to make a greater, visible difference in Grunt and Jackal height. Humans have variable height, I would assume that other species would too so the range of height on the info page seems reasonable to me. However the size difference is more than likely something to do with the engine, akin to the Hunters in Combat Evolved, they were only 9 feet tall at max despite the manual stating they were 12 feet tall. As we all know this changed for the better in Halo 2 making them much more impressive enemies. Perhaps a rectification will occur in Halo 3.
- In Halo, Jackals were about 6'2". In Halo 2, they were closer to 7 feet. In Halo, Grunts were just over 5 feet. In Halo 2, though, they were the same...so you're probably right. -The Dark Lord Azathoth 15:54, 7 August 2007 (UTC)
Actually, Jackals are probably much taller than six feet; about the same height as an Elite, as shown in this picture. http://www.halopedian.com/File:Scale.GIF - xxgamernerdxx
Page Number needed
There is also an unknown red armoured jackel mentionin Halo Ghost of Onyx! -- Halo3 01:39, 22 March 2007
Forgot to mention I put the edit on the article.Look on page 215 of Halo Ghost of Onyx.
Could he have meant a Jackal Major? Their armour is orange and is along the same lines as red.-- Joshua 029 20:17, 28 March 2007 (UTC)
- Agreed. --ED(talk)(shockfront) 16:55, 3 April 2007 (UTC)
Jackals in Second Levels
In Halo CE, the first enemies in the second level are the Grunts and Elites that come out of the drop ship along with two banshees. Also in Halo 2, the first enemy is a Grunt in a hallway after Master Chief gets away from the downed pelican.
-Broinarm117 03:24, 10 May 2007 (UTC)
Jackal Design Change
Sorry if there is a notation on the page but I couldn't see one. Do you not think the change from a beak to rows of teeth should be mentioned? Have Bungie ever said why the design change occured? It does seem that they are returning to the original design for Halo 3 based on the Jackal silouhette.
The H1 Jackals have teeth, as well. There's a screen on this wiki page that shows that. Blue Ninja 08:16, 8 August 2007 (UTC)
The Jackals in Halo: Combat Evolved did have teeth but they were not the same as the Jackals teeth in Halo 2, they looked more close together and sort of plated, Halo 2 Jackals had sharp separate teeth.-- Joshua 029 11:25, 8 August 2007 (UTC)
By the looks of it, the shields have changed too, Major Jackals shields are now red and minor jackals now have the original blue shields, and...in that opening picture their eyes seemed to have changed... they look pale. =S-- Joshua 029 13:44, 23 September 2007 (UTC)
"On a modded level of "Outskirts" where you play as a Jackal, you can pick up human Sniper Rifles because the sniping weapons have the same tags. And the animation is near perfect too."
Is this an official Bungie mod? Because mods are pretty far into the realm of non-canon, and I'm not sure why one is being mentioned here. Captain J 01:29, 5 September 2007 (UTC)
It's not that it's canon, its just talking about the character model's capabilities are as far as weapons go.
Pages need help
Yo the Jackal rank pages (Jackal Minor Jackal Major Jackal Sniper) need serious help! They are outdated and contain disputed facts! HELP THEM.
- I've been reading 'Contact Harvest', and I suggest we add Shipmaster/Shipmistress and Zealot to the list.
hey, does anyone else think that the jackals with the large helmet things in Halo 1 were female jackals? Contact Harvest mentions them having bumps on the shoulders and heads, so maybe the helmet is to protect/cover up the bumps?
Spartan 501 04:52, 24 December 2007 (UTC)
- -I also think so. Makes sense. I myself was going to do the same thing you did. DilaBagomee 08:00, 5 July 2008
Actually, I'm going to have to disagree with both you gentlemen. You see, the "pads" are there as a sort of protection against the spikes of the male when Jackals are mating. Why protect something that's already armor? The only reasoning that I can see for having the helmet is the most straightforward one, to protect their heads. - Esq Vratum
Not Exactly The First Species Seen
Well I was reading Contact Harvest and technically the first alien seen by any Human was a grunt named Dadab as he was attacked by the ships captain. But yeah Jackals were the first to be taken into account by the Humans in general.-- Joshua 029 15:20, 4 January 2008 (UTC)
Kroot V.S. Jackal
For Warhammer 40k fans they seem similar. Kroot are bird like mercs that only side with tau at first for profit. But some have been converted.
the tau are basicly covernent but less races ,the tau are the prothets and the kroot the jakels and the vespids are drones.
Anyone else think they could do with better example pictures of their ranks? You know... bigger ones with better quality? Kind of like the ones the Sangheili have. -Umos 'Qikost Sword-wielding Minors and Shining Blue Spiders Comm 02:59, 4 April 2008 (UTC)
Unknown Rank
Is it possible that it is the Jackal Zealot, such as Zhar?Spartan 112 19:39, 11 April 2008 (UTC)
jackals DO have carbines in halo 2 without been given to them by the player
yes, they do, on easier difficulties, especially in the level 'Regret' on the second above water tram-thing, three or four on easy have them like snipers and fire at you from the top of his temple, before you go rambo on the honor guards.
Early Conflict in History?
Apparently, before their introduction to the Covenant, the Jackals have very violent relations with another species. Does anyone know what species that is?
Grunts...see this
ImperatorExerCitus! 01:26, 29 June 2008 (UTC)
Skin tones
I know this may be a little off topic, but I'm putting together a Jackal Halloween costume and I want to know if the jackal skin tones vary by subspecies or if they are all that matted yellowish leopard spots design, thanks.
Jackel pics
I have been thinking to make this article better if someone were to get pics of all the ranks from all the game and put them on the article. Cannot be me for I do not have an x-box and on the computer I have to play on safe mode. DilaBagomee
Muscular Jackals?
Are jackals muscular? They are described as weak, but in the game, they look muscular. Bioniclepluslotr 22:59, 27 December 2008 (UTC)
A muscular creature with sharp teeth is no match for a heavy armored demon with a gun.--Shade Link Shadow 00:25, September 21, 2009 (UTC)
- If they were to go hand-to-hand with a regular Marine, who will win? Teh lolz! Bionicle+Lotr 22:48, October 11, 2009 (UTC)
Marines have armor and are physically stronger, but jackals have sharp claws and teeth.
Note that the Kig-yar are around the same height as a Marine. I bet in a fist fight, the Marine will win though. :) -- Ultra Force 04:01, July 14, 2010 (UTC)
I always assumed that becuse they were based on birds that it ment they had holow bones so they couldn't take damage. I don't think they are weak per say but they certiantly can't take a hit.Dragrath1 03:38, September 30, 2010 (UTC)
Could Jackals use their teeth to bite other people?
Of course they can, but with the modern armor and such, I doubt they bite enemies very often, unless they are left defenseless and the Kig-yar feels like prolonging the victims agony. -Esq Vratum
Jackal crystalline sabers
If you read the section of Contact Harvest where Johnson and Byrnes encounter Jackals, the Covenant, for the first time, they use type of blade that uses the same material as Needler rounds. Halo Helljumper #2 has these as well, where Jackals kill a bunch of ODST's with them. Should get an article or a mention here.--Halofighter92 00:15, September 21, 2009 (UTC)
- Do you know the exact name of the blade? I think I've seen an article about it, but I'm not sure. It was a while back. Teh lolz! Bionicle+Lotr 00:18, September 21, 2009 (UTC)
- Energy Cutlass I believe.112 00:27, September 21, 2009 (UTC)
crystaline saber
the crystaline saber looks like whatr the skirmishers are using
In Halo Reach? I don't remember seeing skirmishers wielding ANY melee weapons, only Needle Rifles, Plasma Pistols, Focus Rifles I think? Are you confused with the small energy shields that Skirmisher Champions use for arm guards? JimMy StAcKeR 18:24, 13 February 2011 (EST)
Females scabs...
it seems like the females have scabs and stuff from male mating habits...so is it possible there are female kig-yar that havent mated yet that look like regukar males...
- No, they have scales. They are born with them. --Fluffball Gato 05:05, May 18, 2010 (UTC)
Jackals & Skirmishers
Is it possible that the word Kig-Yar is actually a joining of the Jackals and Skirmishers? Perhaps in their own language its Kig=Jackals and Yar=Skirmishers? Just throwing it out there. XW3 AR3 L3GION 12:34, July 14, 2010 (UTC)
- Although the point still stands, perhaps its the Sangheili name for both jackal and skirmisher joined together? Anywhoo, where does it state that its a Sangheili name? The Halo Encyclopedia? XW3 AR3 L3GION 20:23, July 14, 2010 (UTC)
Other jackal species
I found an article about the jackals on waypoint, and they used the latin name of Lacerta erectus to or indicate either another sub-species of jackal or a different species altogether. However, it could also be it is just a discrepancy about the jackals' latin name. I want to know what is most likely before I make a new article altogether. here's the link: http://halo.xbox.com/en-au/intel/related/text/kig-yar/9b24ebed-1954-471b-908d-951528e8120c --Thijsbos 11:32, 28 January 2011 (EST)
- One edit: I noticed on the top of the article, behind the jackals' name, there is the Jackals' latin name, so it is not a discrepancy, but rather a new species altogether. And seeing as sub species would still have the family name Perosus same as the jackals, these must be a new species. --Thijsbos 11:39, 28 January 2011 (EST)
- Good catch. Lacerta erectus is likely to be a different species, as pointed out by the Bestiarum, as an example of another Low-G species, thus not strictly a family of the Kig-yar species. — subtank 12:26, 28 January 2011 (EST)
- The name translates to 'upright lizard' so I guess it will be somewhat related. But I'll create a new article about it then. Do you think it's homesystem is the same as that of the Jackals? --Thijsbos 13:39, 28 January 2011 (EST)
2 subspecies
There are the skirmishers and the jackals from halo 2, right. Because in one of the graphic novels, I noticed it had both of them in it, but I noticed the article doesnt say anything about it, unless I missed it. Should I put it? If so, where in the article?--supersauce 14:30, 13 February 2011
That's unlikely given that the skirmishers were nearly wiped out during the fall of reach.#@lof@n1234 17:35, 13 February 2011 (EST)
No not the skirmishers. There were them, and another sub-species type thing. They are the halo 2 jackals, because in halo uprising it shows both halo 2 and 3 jackals. --supersauce 14:42, 13 February 2011
Probably a different way to show jackals#@lof@n1234 18:09, 13 February 2011 (EST)
The rank structure is screwed up. Gold armored skirmishers are actually the highest ranked, not the elbow shielded ones. Check firefight if you do not believe me. Check the number of Skirm. Leaders killed to Spec. and you'll notice the number is to high to match the elbow shields. It does however match the number of Gold armored enemies you fight.
- -- Donut THX 1138 [Comm] 01:37, 6 March 2011 (EST)
6 feet 8?
I'm not doubting the information on this site but isn't 6'8 pretty tall considering they look about the same height as Marines, most of whom are around the 6'0 mark. Anti-Anti-Elitism (what's makes SPARTANs better?) 10:59, 25 June 2011 (EDT)Kig
- They're definitely taller than Marines. Bioniclepluslotr 21:17, 21 August 2011 (EDT)
Halo 4
Could someone tell me why that new picture of the Halo 4 Kig-yar is a Kig-yar and not a Sangheili? Infernal-Blaze 12:16, 20 April 2012 (EDT)
- Unless Jackals can wield Energy Swords in Halo 4, that is definitely Sangheili. —S331 (COM • Mission Log • Profile) 12:22, 20 April 2012 (EDT)
- Jackals have continuously changed throughout the series, but the ones in halo 4 are so radically different in facial anatomy. They no longer posses that avian quality and if I hadn't known it was Jackal I would have mistaken it for some kind of Elite/kig-yar Hybrid. Forgotten Helljumper 15:10, 3 August 2012 (EDT)
- Looks like it's another sub-species.Missing Mandible 19:52, 3 August 2012 (EDT)