Credit Reward
Weekly Challenges
Ride the Wave
Complete 150 Waves in Firefight Matchmaking.
12000 cR
August 8-14, 2011
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts
Win 50 games in multiplayer Matchmaking this week.
7777 cR
August 1-7, 2011
Daily Challenges
Shootin' and Lootin'
Kill 400 enemies in any game mode in Reach.
2000 cR
August 19, 2011
I'm Rubber, You're Glue
Earn 1 sticky grenade Kills in a multiplayer Matchmaking game.
1000 cR
August 19, 2011
Kill 10 enemies with headshots in a multiplayer Matchmaking game.
1200 cR
August 19, 2011
The Dream Shake
Earn 4 Double Kills in the same match in multiplayer Matchmaking.
2000 cR
August 19, 2011
One Spartan Army
Kill 250 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.
1875 cR
August 18, 2011
Kill 40 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking.
1400 cR
August 18, 2011
Earn 7 Sprees in a Firefight Matchmaking game.
1000 cR
August 18, 2011
A Heroic Breach
Kill 150 enemies on Corvette on Heroic in Firefight Matchmaking.
1125 cR
August 18, 2011
Fire When Ready
Kill 30 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking
1100 cR
August 17, 2011
Flat Tire
Kill 10 enemy vehicles in Firefight Matchmaking.
1125 cR
August 17, 2011
Linked Up with Bungie.net
Link your gamertag with Bungie.net and play a game in Halo: Reach Matchmaking.
3000 cR
August 17, 2011
Now I have a Machine Gun
Earn 40 kills with automatic weapons in multiplayer Matchmaking.
1300 cR
August 17, 2011
One Spartan Army
Kill 100 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.
1000 cR
August 16, 2011
Be Their Huckleberry
Kill 50 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with the pistol.
1000 cR
August 16, 2011
There Are Many Like...
Kill 100 enemies with precision weapons in the Campaign today.
1000 cR
August 16, 2011
Credits for Completion
Complete 5 games in multiplayer Matchmaking.
1250 cR
August 16, 2011
Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.
1100 cR
August 15, 2011
T-Hug It Out
Kill 4 enemies with close quarters combat in a multiplayer Matchmaking game.
1000 cR
August 15, 2011
Earn 5 Sprees in a Firefight Matchmaking game.
1000 cR
August 15, 2011
Kill 40 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking.
1400 cR
August 15, 2011
One Spartan Army
Kill 100 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.
1000 cR
August 14, 2011
Flat Tire
Kill 5 enemy vehicles in Firefight Matchmaking.
1000 cR
August 14, 2011
The T.G. Opposition
Kill 40 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with the Shotgun.
1000 cR
August 14, 2011
A Side of Huevos
Kill 40 enemies with Sniper Rifle headshots in Nightfall on Normal.
1000 cR
August 14, 2011
Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.
1100 cR
August 13, 2011
T-Hug It Out
Kill 4 enemies with close quarters combat in a multiplayer Matchmaking game.
1000 cR
August 13, 2011
Eyes in the Sky
Kill 10 enemies with the Designator in ONI on Heroic.
1000 cR
August 13, 2011
Participation Counts
Complete 4 games in multiplayer Matchmaking.
1200 cR
August 13, 2011
Kill 150 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking.
2750 cR
August 12, 2011
Cook 'em, Clean 'em!
Kill 5 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking while you're jet-packing.
1000 cR
August 12, 2011
Oops! All Kills
Earn 7 Multikills in multiplayer Matchmaking.
1400 cR
August 12, 2011
Foggy Notion
Complete a Campaign mission on Heroic with Cloud and Famine on.
1500 cR
August 12, 2011
Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.
1100 cR
August 11, 2011
Flat Tire
Kill 10 enemy vehicles in Firefight Matchmaking.
1125 cR
August 11, 2011
A Walk in the...
Kill 1000 enemies on Beachhead in Firefight Matchmaking.
3000 cR
August 11, 2011
Hyper Lethal Vector
Kill 200 enemies with headshots in Firefight Matchmaking.
1500 cR
August 11, 2011
Kill 150 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking.
2750 cR
August 10, 2011
Heroic Spelunking
Kill 125 enemies on Glacier on Heroic in Firefight Matchmaking.
1100 cR
August 10, 2011
L.D. Spear
Complete Tip of the Spear, without dying, on Legendary with Mythic, Thunderstorm, Tilt, and Tough Luck on.
5000 cR
August 10, 2011
Credits for Completion
Complete 6 games in multiplayer Matchmaking.
1300 cR
August 10, 2011
Shootin' and Lootin'
Kill 150 enemies in any game mode in Reach.
1125 cR
August 9, 2011
Be Their Huckleberry
Kill 50 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with the pistol.
1000 cR
August 9, 2011
The Little Guys
Kill 125 Grunts in Campaign today on Normal or harder.
1000 cR
August 9, 2011
Close Talking
Earn 77 kills with close quarters combat in multiplayer Matchmaking.
1400 cR
August 9, 2011
Kill 40 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking.
1200 cR
August 8, 2011
Blastin' and Relaxin'
Kill 180 enemies in any game mode in Reach.
1350 cR
August 8, 2011
Heroic Overwatch
Kill 100 enemies on Overlook on Heroic in Firefight Matchmaking.
1000 cR
August 8, 2011
Double Double
Earn 2 Double Kills in the same match in Multiplayer Matchmaking.
1000 cR
August 8, 2011
Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.
1100 cR
August 7, 2011
The Love of the Game
Complete 20 games in multiplayer Matchmaking.
2000 cR
August 7, 2011
On the Sixth Respawn...
Complete a Firefight Matchmaking game with fewer than 5 deaths.
2000 cR
August 7, 2011
Leadership Element
Kill 30 enemy leaders in the Campaign today.
1000 cR
August 7, 2011
One Spartan Army
Kill 100 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.
1000 cR
August 6, 2011
T-Hug It Out
Kill 7 enemies with close quarters combat in a multiplayer Matchmaking game.
1400 cR
August 6, 2011
Vengeance Found
Earn your 'Revenge' in a multiplayer Matchmaking game.
1000 cR
August 6, 2011
Lost Tyree, Lost Hutch
Complete Long Night of Solace on Legendary without dying.
1900 cR
August 6, 2011
More than a Handful
Kill 25 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking.
1000 cR
August 5, 2011
Earn 5 assists in a multiplayer Matchmaking game.
1250 cR
August 5, 2011
Streaky Shooter
Earn 10 sprees in multiplayer Matchmaking.
2500 cR
August 5, 2011
Iron With Friends
Complete a Campaign mission co-op on Heroic or harder with the Iron Skull on.
1750 cR
August 5, 2011
Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.
1100 cR
August 4, 2011
Kill 50 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking.
1500 cR
August 4, 2011
Earn 5 Sprees in a Firefight Matchmaking game.
1000 cR
August 4, 2011
Flat Tire
Kill 10 enemy vehicles in Firefight Matchmaking.
1125 cR
August 4, 2011
Kill 40 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking.
1200 cR
August 3, 2011
Hyper Lethal Vector
Kill 100 enemies with headshots in Firefight Matchmaking.
1000 cR
August 3, 2011
Nature vs. Nurture
Kill 15 Moa in Winter Contingency on Normal or harder.
2000 cR
August 3, 2011
Put Your Quarter Up
Complete 15 games in multiplayer Matchmaking.
1750 cR
August 3, 2011
One Spartan Army
Kill 250 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.
1875 cR
August 2, 2011
Fortified Court
Kill 150 enemies on Courtyard in Firefight Matchmaking.
1125 cR
August 2, 2011
Leadership Element
Kill 45 enemy leaders in the Campaign today.
1100 cR
August 2, 2011
Who's the Big Winner?
Win 15 games in multiplayer Matchmaking.
3000 cR
August 2, 2011
Kill 120 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking.
1100 cR
August 1, 2011
Blast Radius
Kill 40 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with grenades.
1000 cR
August 1, 2011
Aggressive Negotiations
Earn at least 17 kills in a multiplayer Matchmaking game.
1700 cR
August 1, 2011
Grunt Spelunking
Kill 125 enemies on Glacier in Firefight Matchmaking.
1100 cR
August 1, 2011