File:Hreach concept 2.jpg
IRC Quotes
This is a collection of all the memorable moments that happened to me in the IRC. I'm usually known as "[Gamma]" or "Spartan-A499" there.
Spartan-A499 aka [Gamma] = Ultra Force
Spartan-A399 = Flood12345
Spartan-A599 = Cally99117
[Lambda] = Halo-343
Kouger = Kougermasters
[Aeolus] = Arbiter116
[Alpha] = Smoke.
General Mother
<General5_7> you are a disgrace to mothers everywhere!
=-= General5_7 is now known as UrMom
<[Lambda]> lol
<Snore66> .....
=-= UrMom is now known as Ur_Mom
<Ur_Mom> why are they all registered?
=-= Ur_Mom is now known as Ur__Mom
<Ur__Mom> there we go
<[Lambda]> lol
<Snore66> I wonder why...
<Ur__Mom> Halo 343, why arent you in bed??
<Ultra_Force> He doesn't want to sleep.
<[Lambda]> Ur___Mom: Because I'm Jesus
<Ur__Mom> ive told you a MILLION times to go
<Ur__Mom> now GO before i ground you
<[Lambda]> Ah, okay...
<Snore66> Oh I'm scared....
- Ur__Mom smacks Snore with a cane
- Snore66 quietly locks his door and play video games in his room with his light turned off.
- [Lambda] slumps sadly off to bed
- Ur__Mom looks at Lambdas computer
<Ur__Mom> GASP
<Ur__Mom> what are you looking at??
<[Lambda]> The IRC
- Ur__Mom reads the websiter URL
<[Lambda]> It's an IRC
<Ur__Mom> www...
<Ur__Mom> wtf?
<[Lambda]> XD
<Snore66> XD
<[Smoke]> O_o
<Ur__Mom> WHY
<Ur__Mom> i even had a girl picked out for you!
<Ultra_Force> lolz
<Snore66> :)
<[Lambda]> Ur___Mom: Are you high?
<Ur__Mom> no!
<[Lambda]> lol
- Snore66 continues playing video games.
<Ur__Mom> of course not!
<Ur__Mom> i have to be a good example
<Ur__Mom> now STOP BEING GAY
<[Lambda]> Ur__Mom: No u
- Ur__Mom begins smacking Lambda
<Snore66> XD
<Ur__Mom> I'm making sure that all of your friends are girls
<Ur__Mom> no more guyfriends!
<Ur__Mom> now i know what you do with them at night...
<[Lambda]> This is just getting weirder and weirder
<Ur__Mom> lol
<[Lambda]> Ur__Mom: Go back to Germania you Nazi!!
- Ur__Mom takes a swig of beer
Kouger's Table
- Kouger sits on his table.
- VideoGameChick flips kougers table
<[Aeolus]> lol
<[Alpha]> lol
<Kouger> Does not affect Kouger's table.
<Kouger> It's superglued to the floor.
- [Aeolus] rips out the floor tiles the table is glued to :P
<Kouger> Now leave neutral Kouger alone. He doesn't take part in your petty squabbles.
<VideoGameChick> then go find someplace else to be sleepy, boi
- Kouger glues the table to the essence of matter which is indestructible.
- Delta-269 sets Kouger's table on fire
<[Aeolus]> XD
<Spartan-A499> lol
<VideoGameChick> oooooh fire
<Kouger> It's made of steel, fool.
- [Aeolus] reshapes the table into a giant metal dildo
- [Aeolus] sticks Kouger's face into it
<[Alpha]> O_O
<Delta-269> Kouger, steel + gasoline + lighter = fire
- Kouger puts [Aeolus] in a group home for retarded children.
- [Aeolus] walks out the door...
<[Aeolus]> that was...easy...
<VideoGameChick> xD
- Kouger buys a new table with an invisible barrier around it.
- Kouger sits on his table.
- [Aeolus] removes all oxygen from inside the barrier
- [Aeolus] replaces the air with carbon monoxide
<[Aeolus]> let's see how long it takes you to come out :)
<Kouger> Does not affect.
- Kouger is communicating with you from another dimension.
- [Aeolus] nuclear-bombs the building Kouger is in, destroying the energy shield and the table
- Spartan-A499 notes that he secretly put a C4 explosive under kouger's table.
<VideoGameChick> ....tehe
<[Aeolus]> lol we're working really hard to destroy the table
<[Aeolus]> with no particular reason
<Snore66> Why do you sit on a table and not a chair?
<Jug6ernaut> ...
<[Alpha]> ...
<Spartan-A499> ...
<[Aeolus]> ...
- Kouger is just happily sitting here, while you barbarians try to destroy me.
<VideoGameChick> XDDDD
<Kouger> No wonder humanity is going to shit.
<Kouger> Human nature = fail
<Spartan-A499> Oh? Then what are you?
<Kouger> What am I, you ask?
<Spartan-A499> Yeah.
<Kouger> I am the table, you could say. It's all metaphorical beyond your human comprehension.
<[Aeolus]> lol
- [Aeolus] grabs Kouger's most prized possessions and begins smashing them in front of his eyes outside the barrier
<Kouger> ...
- Kouger has no possessions.
<Kouger> The table itself is my home.
- [Aeolus] splits an atom in the barrier, causing an unstable displacement
- [Aeolus] watches Kouger get enveloped by the energy and cease to exist
<Kouger> stop it with teh capz
<TheManOfIron> capz own
<Spartan-A499> Caps Lock = Fail
<TheManOfIron> Captiolizing Every Word Word That You Say In Your Sentence Is Kinda Cool I Like It.
<Kouger> Stop it.
<Kouger> That is very annoying.
<Spartan-A399> What Is Very Annoying?
<TheManOfIron> lol
<Spartan-A499> lol
<Spartan-A399> RRRIIIGGTTTHHH...
<TheManOfIron> I Am Sorry I Am A Russian And I Are New To This New English Language So Excuse Me English I Be Sorry
<Kouger> ...Not funny
<Kouger> shut up
<TheManOfIron> OK I Will Stop
<Spartan-A499> lmao
<Spartan-A399> It Took Me A Lot To Learn English
<TheManOfIron> lol he gets it
<TheManOfIron> Because I Heard Fron A Friend That English Is The Hardest Language To Learn. I Apologiez.
<TheManOfIron> Would You Like Me To Screencap This As Evidence Against A Possible Block, Mister?
<Kouger> Block? Who said anything about block?
<Kouger> There's other ways to deal with idiots like you
<TheManOfIron> I Am Not An Idiot
<Kouger> It makes no difference.
<TheManOfIron> I Am Sorry I Are New To this English Language
<TheManOfIron> It Is Many Hard To Speak
<TheManOfIron> Kouger Would You Like Me To Take A Picture Of This Conversation If You Want Evidence?
<Kouger> ...
<Kouger> You're obviously pretty stupid, since I saw you using very good English a little while ago.
<Spartan-A499> Kouger, it's just a joke.
<Spartan-A499> Stop being serious 24/7.
<TheManOfIron> Dude, don't be a hater, I am joking around. GOSH
- TheManOfIron thinks that Kouger is strict
- Kouger feels the need to be serious whenever someone tells him to not be serious
<Kouger> Next person who Capitalizes all or most of their words without need will suffer the penalties of death
<TheManOfIron> I Think That Master Chief Was The Coolest Guy. Why Did He Need To Die, And Why Did They Cancel The Halo Movie
<TheManOfIron> Hell O Everyone Body I Are New To These New Language So I Are Going To Try The Bestest That I Are Able To speak Properlay
- TheManOfIron is now known as Q-34532444532462
<Q34532444532462> lol
<Q34532444532462> Herro Everyone Body I Are A Japenese Parson
<Q34532444532462> Everybody Speak Please There Is No Need to Be Scared Of A randomny Person Who Are Cool And New To These Languages And I Are Sorry If Me No Make Senses Right here Because I are New to These Language and I am From Teh Russians
<Kouger> nobody cares
- mode/#halopedia [+o Kouger] by ChanServ
- Q34532444532462 was kicked from #halopedia by Kouger
- mode/#halopedia [-o Kouger] by Kouger
<VideoGameChick> fuck it sucks having no pop in the house
- [Aeolus] drives a truck full of Nestea through VGC's wall
- [Aeolus] smashes the truck straight into VGC's bedroom
<Spartan-A499> Why drink pop when you can drink water?
<VideoGameChick> ew =[
<VideoGameChick> water is gross and boring
<Spartan-A499> *milk
<[Aeolus]> I like milk ;)
<VideoGameChick> milk makes u want to gag
<Spartan-A499> *Juice
<[Aeolus]> heh
<[Aeolus]> I like juice ;)
<VideoGameChick> ...
<Spartan-A499> ...
<charitwo> ...
<[Alpha]> ...
<[Aeolus]> ...
<VideoGameChick> moving on?
<[Aeolus]> sure
Alpha Company
<Spartan-A499> Looks like the entire Alpha Company is here.
<Spartan-A599> I don't see you around here very often Spartan-A399. (And yes, I know you are Flood12345)
<Spartan-A399> No u
- Spartan-A599 uses Flash Bang grenades to blind A499 and A399, then assassinates them.
- Spartan-A499 pulls out a Combat Knife.
- Spartan-A499 throws it at A599 at point blank.
- Spartan-A599 uses Armor Lock
- Spartan-A499 waits until the Armor Lock runs out then throws a nearby Warthog at A599. Crushing him.
<Spartan-A499> This is why Spartans were augmented.
- Spartan-A599 holds back the Warthog as much as he can and throws it into some fusion coils near A499, that kills him
- Spartan-A499 emerges from the smoke...much to A599's surprise.
<Spartan-A499> I used the good ol' Armor Lock.
- Spartan-A599 snipes A499 after his Armor Lock runs out.
- Spartan-A499 is not dead becuase the bullet could not penetrate his virtually unbreakable skeleton.
- Spartan-A399 activates the Halo rings
<Spartan-A399> I win
<Spartan-A599> No, I assassinated you A399.
- Spartan-A399 erases A599 from existance
- Spartan-A599 reaappears in existance.
- Spartan-A399 throws a black hole at A599
- Spartan-A599 makes it into a wormhole that leads him right back.
- Spartan-A499 lasers A399 and A599
- Spartan-A399 is immune to lasers
- Spartan-A599 shoots all the weak spots in time by escaping.
<Spartan-A499> FOR NARNIA!!!
- Spartan-A499 kills A599 with Grav Hammer.
- Spartan-A599 is in Armor Lock.
<Spartan-A499> Darn it.
<Spartan-A599> Lolhax I call it.
- Spartan-A399 uses non-stop Invincibility
<Spartan-A499> A399: epic phail
- Spartan-A499 incinerates A399 with his Focus Rifle.
- Spartan-A399 [bd9f6450@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC]
<Spartan-A499> He died...
<Spartan-A599> 'K stop with teh spamming.
<Spartan-A499> No u