User:Grievous797/IRC Quotes
From Halopedia, the Halo wiki
Quotes Worth Mentioning
- "You are insane. All of you."
- — James Norrington, about #halopedia
- "Pjao tjar."
- — Various
- "Because I need 3 accounts to hold the entirety of my ego"
- — Ajax 013
- "Uranium-238 and Plutonium-239 walk into a bar. After having a few drinks, they split. There are no survivors in a 26 block radius."
- — Delta-269
19:59 Blemo|Away: For those that are curious: Press Ctrl F5. (shut up, for those who know what it means.)
19:59 Pryo_Zarkum:XD
19:59 Spirit-of-HALO:"Welcome to hell" is informal and dumb.
19:59 Pryo_Zarkum:i dun know that one
19:59 *** zuka_zamamee quit (Client Quit)
19:59 Pryo_Zarkum:LMAO
19:59 Wall_Cat:No, it's Ctrl-W
20:00 Blemo|Away:Spirit-of-HALO: It's honest. ;)
20:00 Delta-269:XD
20:00 Grievous797:XD
20:00 *** zuka_zamamee joined #halopedia
20:00 Pryo_Zarkum:OMFG he quit again!
20:00 Pryo_Zarkum:ROFL
20:00 Delta-269:
20:00 Grievous797: ROFL
20:00 Spirit-of-HALO: Exactly Blemo.
20:00 Pryo_Zarkum: Try ctrl+w
20:00 zuka_zamamee: blemo if i ever find you i will stab you
20:00 Grievous797: ROFL
20:00 KRYPTONSPARTAN: Its a chain reaction XD
20:00 Pryo_Zarkum: lmao
20:00 Grievous797 needs to quote this
20:00 Grievous797: Do I have permission?
20:00 Delta-269: Blemo|Away, you got the "guess what?" thing!
20:00 Pryo_Zarkum: quote it!
20:00 zuka_zamamee: qoute me
20:00 Blemo|Away: Grievous797: I have it.
20:00 Delta-269: quote it!
20:00 Blemo|Away: Delta-269: Feel free to use it. ^_^
20:01 Grievous797: Quoting...
20:01 Delta-269: kk
20:01 zuka_zamamee: pryo: will that log me out
20:01 Pryo_Zarkum: press ctrl+w
20:01 Pryo_Zarkum: no
20:01 zuka_zamamee: i will stab you if i ever find you if it logs me out
20:01 *** zuka_zamamee quit (Client Quit)
20:01 Blemo|Away Delta-269: I took some irrevelent parts out, like people talking /parting, /joining, or talking about other crap that distracts the reader.
20:01 Grievous797 XD
20:01 Pryo_Zarkum ROFLMAO
20:01 Wall_Cat ahahaha
20:01 Grievous797 ROFL
20:01 Delta-269 Blemo|Away, I noticed
20:01 Pryo_Zarkum HOLY CRAP IM DYING
20:02 Blemo|Away zuka_zamamee: Try Ctrl F5. XD
20:02 Delta-269 XD XD XD XD
20:02 *** zuka_zamamee joined #halopedia
20:02 Grievous797 fell out of his chair
20:02 Grievous797:HOLY S*IT
20:02 Pryo_Zarkum:THATS THREE OWNS
20:02 Delta-269:XD XD XD XD
20:02 Grievous797:Quoting
20:02 zuka_zamamee:I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:02 Blemo|Away:XD
<Blemo|Away> I'm going to break your Benjamin if you keep using caps!!!!
2nd Round of Pwnage
<Pryo_Zarkum>: zuka_zamamee: Alt+F4 makes you un-sign-out able
<Spirit-of-HALO>: Not much.
Gunner joined #halopedia
<Grievous797> That was epic
<Grievous797> wtf socks
<Pryo_Zarkum> zuka_zamamee: hello?
Gunner quit (Client Quit)
zuka_zamamee quit (Client Quit)
GUNNER061 quit (Client Quit)
Pyro_4_Profit quit (Client Quit)
- Mouse_among_men GPThugs Blemo
<Blemo> He "GPThugged" me?
<Blemo> 0_0
<Mouse_among_men> You asked for a GPThug
<Bllasae> He "Gold-Pieced Thugged" you. (reference to GPT)
<Mouse_among_men> XD
<Blemo> =/
<Grievous797> xD
Altair blends in well
- AltairAssassin wonders if he will be an op
<zuka_zamamee> nope ban hasnt lifted yet
- KillerCRS says probably not
- AltairAssassin says nowai
- zuka_zamamee says it wont watever it is
<Azzt> no
<AltairAssassin> Gee thanks for your support
<AltairAssassin> :P
- zuka_zamamee Azzt
- Azzt ahax_xiii
- Azzt Churchreborn
- Azzt Wall_Cat
<CloneAssasin> ohai Azzt
<KillerCRS> You need to be here for a year and 2 months to be an op
<KillerCRS> srsly
<AltairAssassin> *ahem*
- AltairAssassin has been here for a year and two months
- AltairAssassin is now known as Grievous797
<Spirit-of-HALO> I've requested to be an Op.
<Grievous797> Idiot
<Grievous797> :P
<Spirit-of-HALO> To Relentless.
- Azzt grievs
<KillerCRS> oh
<zuka_zamamee> griev
<KillerCRS> never mind
<Grievous797> XD
<KillerCRS> :P
<Grievous797> pwnt
<Grievous797> xD
<Spirit-of-HALO> lol
- Grievous797 is now known as AltairAssassin
<KillerCRS> Thought you were some noob
<CloneAssasin> XD
- AltairAssassin blends in to the crowds well
Third Pwnage
BananaCat: CTRL+W?
Pryo_Zarkum: ya
- Halofan joined #halopedia
Pryo_Zarkum: try it its so much fun!
Halofan: hey
Grievous797: Yeah, it's cool
- BananaCat quit ("CGI:IRC")
Pryo_Zarkum: ROFL
Grievous797: OH MY GOD
Delta-269: I do it all the time at school, sometimes to other peoples laptops
Pryo_Zarkum: AGAIN!
Halofan: do what?
Grievous797: QUOTING
Delta-269: XD XD XD XD XD XD XD
AdmiralTH: lmao, did BC just try it????
Delta-269: INDEED
Grievous797: xD
Pryo_Zarkum: Halofan: press control+w
AdmiralTH: XD
Grievous797: I need to quote this
Grievous797: brb
- Halofan quit (Client Quit)
Pryo_Zarkum: its so much fun
Grievous797: OH MY LAWD
Pryo_Zarkum: ROFL
Pryo_Zarkum: AGAIN
Pwned again
BananaCat: CTRL+ What?
Delta-269: CTRL+W
BananaCat: nvm
Krypton_Spartan: Do it,do it, do it!!
BananaCat: k
- BananaCat quit (Client Quit)
Krypton_Spartan XD
Delta-269 XD
BananaCat: k
BananaCat: Ctrl+F5...
- BananaCat quit (Client Quit)
Perhaps, a relation?
(Remarking upon Indiana Jones 4's ending)
21:19 Delta-269: Dude, that Russian woman died like Grievous! she had fire spouting from her eyes! XD
Your Suffering Will Be Legendary
Not Safe For Work, Ya Know.
[19:15] * ElectricSquid notes all the Japanese sex dolls, and the possible advances in technology they might make. O_O
[19:15] <Lord_Grievous> Hot Asian Terminators?
[19:15] <Lord_Grievous> Cool.
[19:15] <ElectricSquid> Hey, they might go from inflatables to androids in a few decades, just saying.
[19:15] <ElectricSquid> XD
[19:15] <ElectricSquid> yeah ROFL
[19:15] * Lord_Grievous gets in line for enslavement to his cyborg masters or, mistresses
[19:15] <Lord_Grievous> Giggity.
[19:16] <Karl_Ludwig> Lord_Grievous: ;)
[19:16] <ElectricSquid> Except they don't want to kill you with guns, they'll kill you with sexual exhaustion
[19:16] <Karl_Ludwig> I think the words of Eminem fit right about now:
[19:16] <Lord_Grievous> Consider me ready for Judgment Day.
[19:16] <Lord_Grievous> :P
[19:16] <ElectricSquid> XD
[19:16] <ElectricSquid> ROFL
[19:16] <Karl_Ludwig> "Loose yourself in the music"
[19:16] <ElectricSquid> They scan your brain through your eyes, which some might mistake for a lustful gaze
[19:17] * Lord_Grievous raises his hands to the sky "Take me now, SkyNet!"
[19:17] <ElectricSquid> then they determine your ultimate sexual fantasy and the next best course of action
[19:17] <ElectricSquid> XD
[19:17] <Karl_Ludwig> meh
[19:17] <ElectricSquid> lol
[19:17] <Lord_Grievous> Knowing our luck, the mind of Pinhead would be downloaded into them.
[19:17] <ElectricSquid> ???
[19:18] <Karl_Ludwig> I'd prefer to dress mine in clothing that would make you finish before starting, if you know what I mean ;)
[19:18] <ElectricSquid> pinhead?
[19:18] <ElectricSquid> whoa
[19:18] <Lord_Grievous> Hellraiser, you fool.
[19:18] <Karl_Ludwig> Pinhead: Hellraiser dude
[19:18] <Karl_Ludwig> oh
[19:18] <ElectricSquid> oh
[19:18] <ElectricSquid> Frunner: wouldn't that be no clothing? ;P
[19:18] <Karl_Ludwig> Lord_Grievous: What is your pleasure? (saw "that box")
[19:18] <ElectricSquid> or a fine birthday suit?
[19:19] <Lord_Grievous> "Ok hot cyborgs! Let's get it on!" "Your suffering will be legendary." "That sounds kinky, wait. Ooo, tingly. Wait, not with the saw blad- *Sounds of flesh being ripped apart*"
[19:19] <Karl_Ludwig> we
[19:19] <ElectricSquid> ;p-XD
[19:19] <ElectricSquid> XD
[19:19] <Karl_Ludwig> Lord_Grievous: it was always yours
[19:19] <Karl_Ludwig> that's the beginning of Hellraiser in a nutshell
[19:19] * sekrit (n=charitwo@wikia/Charitwo) has joined #halopedia
[19:19] <ElectricSquid> I have a cute Asian girl for a neighbor
[19:19] <ElectricSquid> :P
[19:19] <Karl_Ludwig> hawt
[19:20] <Lord_Grievous> I have two.
[19:20] <ElectricSquid> indeed
[19:20] <ElectricSquid> lol
[19:20] <Karl_Ludwig> ROFL! Chari walked in at the wrong time
[19:20] <ElectricSquid> lulz
[19:20] <Lord_Grievous> Out-of-contextness, FTW.
[19:20] <ElectricSquid> indeed
[19:21] <ElectricSquid> well, I have to go now
[19:21] <ElectricSquid> for realz
[19:21] <ElectricSquid> We'll continue this discussion at a different time, maybe
[19:21] <ElectricSquid> if one of the opz doesn't freak :P
[19:22] <Lord_Grievous> Yes, let us continue this scene out of "Se7en" some other time. :P
[19:22] <ElectricSquid> I'm sure CT would like a hot Asian terminator sexbot thing... XD bye
[19:22] * ElectricSquid (n=5adc214e@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ Quit ("CGI:IRC"�)
[19:22] <Karl_Ludwig> meh, I could just ask Subtank for pictures
[19:22] <Lord_Grievous> How would she be there?!