
You Blew It Up!

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Revision as of 00:47, March 16, 2011 by 31stCenturyMatt (talk | contribs) (Future --> past tense)


You Blew It Up! is an achievement for Halo: Reach multiplayer matchmaking added with the Noble Map Pack. The achievement is earned by destroying a research facility in a game of Invasion on Breakpoint. It is represented by an exploding bunker.[1]


  • The title appears to be a reference to the film The Planet of the Apes. Upon discovering the ruins of the Statue of Liberty, Charlton Heston's character exclaims "You maniacs! You blew it up!"
  • The most likely reason for the achievement's unusual gamerscore value is allow the player to have a round number after getting You Ate All the Chips, which gives the player 42 gamerscore.
  • You do not have to arm the bomb yourself, just be next to the bomb as it detonates.


Template:Halo: Reach Achievements