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#"Everyone huddle together for warmth."
- "Pie is good."
- "Sorry, we don't take MasterCard!"
- "Sorry, we don't take American Express!"
- "The power is YOURS!" - When a Brute sticks you with a grenade, in reference to Captain Planet.
- "Here they come, did anybody bring the buns?"
- "You heartless animal!"
- "After your death, the rest of the Sangheili race will live as our slaves, Arbiter."
- "I'm raising the Threat Level to Red!" - In reference to the United States Homeland Security Advisory System
- "You monstrous beast!"
- "Is someone farting or is the demon in the room?"
- "Hey Grunt, the demon isn't that big, why don't you go out and get him?" - When inside a Bubble shield with a Grunt or two.
- "Rip it, homies!" - When the player is killed.
- "He was my lover!" - By a Brute when you kill a pack mate.
- "I have you now!" - In reference to Star Wars Episode IV.
- "Use your hate. Only anger can destroy me" - In reference to Darth Vader's famous line in Star Wars
- "Stick together team" - In reference to Counter-Strike.
- "When this is over, that hammer is going in someone's ass!" - Brute Chieftain.
- "There's no "I" in team! Let's get him together!"
- "Oh no, my weak spot!" - When a Brute loses its shields or is stuck by a grenade in his groin.
- "...Save the last dance for me." - In reference to the song of the same name.
- "Oh my god! Its stuck!" - If stuck with a grenade.
- "You bastard!" (This can also be heard without the IWHBYD skull active)
- "SHOOP-DA-WHOOP!!!" - In reference to a common internet meme.
- "Graaaaahh! -The sound Chewbacca makes - Reference to Star Wars.
- "How does it feel to be dead?" - When player dies.
- "Ooga booga" - After dying. A reference to the Brutes' uncanny resemblance to gorillas.
- "I fart in your general direction!" - A reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
- "I'm going to eat your balls for dinner."
- "Who volunteers? Me. I'll get him." - When you take cover and a Brute takes point.
- "Tartarus's murderers!" - When spotted.
- "Darn! I forgot the ketchup!"
- "I shall be the one to teabag you!"
- "I hate it when they run away." - When leading Grunts.
- "I farted." - Rare, when seeing you.
- "I'm going in.","No inappropriate touching" - Jump Pack Brute's conversation, when spotted.
- "Pry open his can, I wish to inspect the meat." - When Master Chief is dead along with a Grunt.
- "I will put your head on my belt, Demon." - When spotted, possibly a reference to the Predator movies.
- "I'm stuck! I'm stuck!" - When stuck by a grenade
- "I can taste him already" - When the player is spotted.
- "Use your eyes... stay alert. No one sleeps but me."
- "He's trying to trap us. I am the leader, you idiots!" - When the player runs towards the enemy while taking cover.
- "Well, someone will have to go get it" - When the player hides.
- "Every pack brother for himself!" - When a Brute is killed.
- "No one sleeps but me!" -When with Grunts.
- "Scum-sucking meat!"
- "Vermicious knid!" - A reference to Willy Wonka.
- "Watch your asses!" - Speaking to other brutes in battle.
#"Someone... is sniping!"
- "HUZZAAHHH!"- Rare; possible Cave Story reference.
- "He flees, thank the nipple" - When you retreat.
- "The brochure said this would be fun!" - When attacked.
- "Here comes the Grunty punishment!" - When throwing plasma grenade.
- "Hug me!" - When Suicide Grunts chase you.
- "He's a zombie!" - When Arbiter gets up.
- "You know, at this point, if the Demon gets us, and rips out our little skulls, and takes off our backpacks, then humps us with his big, demony, buttocks... we deserve it! Haha."
- "If I chase him, then I catch him, and then I don't know what to do!"
- "Man down!" When you kill all nearby Covenant and the surviving Grunt flees.
- "You killed Flipyap! Or Yapflip, was he... it was Yapflip... no, Flipyap was his brother. Don't tell me I don't know Flipyap! Flipyap and I went to Nipple Academy together, and, now, now he's dead..." - If a nearby Grunt is killed.
- "Cover me, I'm going in."
"I'm not going to cover you, it's your fault Flipyap got killed." - Reference to the above quote. - "You LIKE that, Demon? You LIKE that!" - If a Grunt kills Master Chief.
- "You killed Poonflip! The flippiest poon I ever knew!" - If a nearby Grunt is killed.
- "Why did they color us orange?" - Said when player is not yet detected.
- "Merry Christmas.", "Fist of Rukt.", and "Mmmmm, Jackal Stew." - All said while sleeping.
- "Game over!" - If the player is killed. (Can also be heard without skull)
- "We are the champions, my friends." - If the player is killed. - Reference to a song by Queen.
- "Well this sucks, I'm headin' north!" - If the player shoots at a fleeing Grunt. Reference to the Narnia novels.
- "(Fear, Feel, Taste, Please Enjoy) my bright, blue balls!" - When a Suicidal Grunt charges the player.
- "I was so wrong to shoot at you." - If targeting or shooting a Grunt who recently shot you.
- "I'll polish your boots. I'll polish your helmet!" - Panicking grunt, this a reference to the Final Grunt.
- "You know, if he gets us, he will tear out our skulls, rip off our masks, and burn the methane, *sighs*, we deserve it".
- "Don't kill me! Look, I will join your side! (Grunt throws grenade at an ally) See my betrayal? I can join you now, right?" - When targeting or shooting a Grunt. Note that the grunt will still be an enemy and still shoot at you.
- "Abrakasomething!" - When a Grunt throws grenade at player.
- "Green armor, good camouflage, shiny green armor, not so much".
- "He really just beat the shit outta me!" - If you melee a grunt but he survives and flees.
- "Pray before you eat me!" - When you stick or are about to kill a Grunt.
- "Faith and devotion!" - When a suicidal grunt gets close to the player.
- "I will rip out your intestines, and wear them as a necklace!"
- "Open up and say ahh!" - When throwing a grenade at the player.
- "He's eating a...a croissant. With a little bit of jambon." - In a French accent
- "I have methane. You want?"
- "Here's one for your mama!"
- "I'm gonna open up a big can of whoop-ass!" - Possible reference to Eli Barracuda from Evil Genius, who says this when instructed to kill an enemy, also possible reference to one of the early Halo: Combat Evolved trailers. Also possible reference to a quote always said by World Wrestling Entertainment wrestler, Stone Cold Steve Austin.
- "I really should have taken those leadership classes!" - Said when you kill the grunts' leader.
- "Thank you for choosing Air Blue-Ball!" - When a Grunt is going Kamikaze.
- "If you follow the path brother, I MIGHT follow." - If a lot of grunts are together and some are killed.
- "Watch out, Chris!" - Said when a Grunt is climbing on top of an object, commonly heard in the level The Covenant.
- "It's all clear you can come out now. This is sergeant errr Smitherson..ton" - Said when player is behind cover.
- "I'm sorry about your planet!"
- "You respect my authoritah!" - A reference to Eric Cartman from South Park.
- "I bet I can stick it!" - Reference to Cortana's "Betcha can't stick it" line in the end of the Halo 2 Trailer.
- A Kamikaze Grunt will occasionally hum the Halo theme.
- "Here's some candy!"- Said when throwing a grenade.
- "Hey! Demon! The jerk store called, they're all out of you!" - One of the lines spoken by the Final Grunt - A reference to Seinfeld.
- "Maybe me be...you know...sidekick. Like Robin!" -after watching you kill an enemy. A reference to Batman's sidekick. (Co-op while playing as an Elite)
- "If you let me live, I'll give you Jackal" - If there is a Jackal nearby the Grunt.
- "Ohh my stars and gardens, there he is!" - A reference to Alice in Wonderland.
- "Together, as we share our gas!"
- "I'm being stalked!"
- "Gabba Gabba Hey!" Reference to a Ramones song.
- "Suck it Demon!" - When a Grunt throws a grenade. Also a possible reference to the line spoken by Simmons in Red vs Blue "SUCK IT BLUE!'
- Very rarely, a Grunt will celebrate killing the player by tea bagging.
- "Ayayayayayayayah!" -when going suicidal.
- "Warriors come out to plaaaay" - When player is hiding - A reference to the film, The Warriors.
- "When has us looking for it ever been a good idea?"
- "I will love you, and pet you, and call you George." - A reference to a line from the 'Looney Tunes.
- "Ahhhhh! Panic!"
- "I'll eat your liver on a cracker!
- "I'll go and investigate! Someone get me one of those Sherlock Holmes hats..." - When the player runs to cover.
- "The Demon is alive, that's...a big, uh problem..."
- "Listen, I have the Fist of Rukt. If you let me live, I'll give it to you..."-When all Covenant except for the Grunt dies.(IWHBYD Skull not really needed)
- "I...killed the Demon?"-When player dies.
- "Should we come out of cover?""A genius plan!!!"-When you hide,two grunts say that.
- "Nothing but teets and tedium, they said!!!" - When attacked.
- "Ding Dong, Demons' dead!" - When killed by the Covenant members. - A reference to the Wizard of Oz
- "Advance backwards!"
- "Focus all fire on the demon!!!"
- "I can't run when I'm scared!" - When trying to flee or take cover.
- "We killed the demon? We'll be heroes!" - When player is killed.
- "You guys suck!" - When player kills a grunt.
- "I just wet myself"
- "Demon is going to eat me!" - When player runs toward grunt.
- "I'll flush them out" "It's your funeral" - When player takes cover.
- "My grubby claws will sting" - When fighting the player.
- "Devil in a big green suit!" - When fighting the Master chief.
- "He'll kill us! Snap off our arms and use them as Maracas!"
- "Should we come out of cover" "Let's get out there!" "Don't run after them, it's got germs!" - When grunt takes cover.
- "We were... we were following orders!" - A panicking grunt.
- "YaHoo, I stuck him!"
- "Walk the path brother" - When a nearby grunt is killed.
- "Windbagging, sucking air monkey!" - When fighting player
- "He must have been real scared of me" - When player takes cover.
- "Told you. Chickens!" - When player hides.
- "Well... there goes stupid"
- "On birthday. Sit on Rukt. Remember to do"
- "The brutes are jerks! See? I said it!" - When grunt is panicking.
- "I'm not chasing it. It looks ferocious!" - When grunts takes cover.
- "Don't cower back there! Come and fight!" "Don't make the demon angry" - When player hides.
- "Meaty pussbags!" - When fighting player.
- "Oh brother" - When a grenade is thrown besides a grunt.
- "You giant bullying monster!" - When player kills a pack of grunts.
- "Always in the last place you look" - When a grunt missed a grenade thrown.
- "No gas for you!" - When fighting player.
- "What a world!" - When grunts are killed.
- "Filthy heretic, unclean with the stupid!" - When fighting a player.
- "Breath... Breath my gas. Take my gas."
- "Bet you all is gonna BLOW!" - When a grenade is thrown.
- "Quick question. Have we ever wondered off, looking for the enemy and NOT ended up dead?" - When fighting a player.
- "I get his helmet!" - When a player is killed.
- "Merciful! *gibberish*" - When a grenade is thrown near grunt.
- "Feet don't fail me now!" - When grunt is fleeing.
- "Oh, have pity, Demon!"
- "Look at his gloves!" "What am I supposed to say?" "Does he have different numbers of dots on his gloves?" "Then check his boots" - When Master Chief is spotted.
- "Yeah! Okay, someone bring out the Fist of Rukt!" - When player is killed.
- "He's looking right at me!" - When player attacks.
- "Here's some candy!" - When a grunt throws a grenade.
- "Death from the sky!" - When a grenade is thrown.
- "The Demon is no match for me!" - When fighting the Master Chief.
- "The traitor must suffer!" - When fighting the Arbiter.
- "Ok genius. That's great! You go... and I'll wait to see where you die. And then I'll go somewhere else." - When player is spotted.
- "My beacon guides the journey." - Said by suicidal grunts.
- "Follow my light brothers!" - When going suicidal.
- "Our death is at hand."
- "Panic! Management is disintegrated!" - When brute is killed.
- "Every man for himself!" - When brute leader is dead.
- "I'll chew your legs off traitor!" - When fighting the arbiter.
- "QUICK QUICK! Raise his visor and see if it's a man or laadyy." - When player is killed.
- "He was hiding under our grunty noses!" - When player is killed.
- "I didn't sign up for this." - When fighting player.
- "The Arbiter is not stopping!"
- "I'll climb right up you and snack on your face!" - When fighting a player.
- "Stay together teet team."
- "Has that ever happened when you're looking for something and then, ok you think "Ah, there's no way. That's not you" but that's you. Haha. I didn't even think, yeah. Oh that's right I have to kill you."
- "They have a sniper" When seen with Beam or Sniper rifle in ODST
- "I found him! I thought he was just a piece of scenery but he's not!."
- "I'll just cross my fingers, crap I don't have any fingers!" - When throwing a grenade.
- "Oh, no, not again!" -When stuck with a grenade.
- "He'll snap off our arms and use them as maracas!" -When being chased (rare)
- "You killed my brother!" - Said after killing a grunt with others nearby.
- "The Prophets want you very badly, Demon!"
- "Come out for a Yapyap pimp slap!" -Said when player is hiding in Halo 3: ODST.
#"Dude, can I be your friend" (Can be heard without skull)
- "Why, Chief, why?" - When you kill an ally.
- "You run, I gun! Hey, a rhyme!" - When a marine kills an enemy attacking you with a warthog turret.
- "Hey, I'm not that good looking" - Female marine after staring.
- "You're undressing me with your eyes aren't you? you sick freak"
- "You killed the Chief! You bastards!" - South Park reference.
- "He's right there. Right there! Any closer and you could kiss him, you blind bastard!"
- "Don't make me turn this car around!" - when you melee the marine driver in a warthog from the passenger seat.
- "The Chief is dead? I'm just going to ... eat my gun."
- "I should have been a Gear!" - If under heavy fire. This is a reference to the game Gears of War, where the Human Military force are known as Gears, possibly an acronym or just due to the fact the unified human government is known as the COG (Coalition of Ordered Governments).
- "I must have won the lottery!" Said when given a more powerful weapon.
- "THIS IS SPARTA!" - A Marine upon having a victorious kill. Reference to the movie 300, and their "Spartan" warriors.
- "There's trouble, right here in River City!" Reference to the Music Man
- "I loved him." - If the player kills a nearby ally, not necessarily marine.
- "Hey Chief, do you have a pair of socks I can borrow?"
- "Haven't you heard any fat mama jokes?"- Said by Marines on The Storm mission.
- "I've got some pictures on my MySpace if you want to see them." - Said by a female Marine.
- "They remind me of Wookiees, you know, from Star Wars? Ah, forget it. It's for kids." - Said by Sergeant Reynolds after a fight that included Brutes.
- "Oh yeah I can really... Oh, sorry, thanks Chief." - When the player gives a marine an explosive weapon.
- "Don't stare at me, it makes me nervous." - When you look at a marine for some time.
- On The Ark (possibly only on Legendary), when the players leave the landing site of the Forward Unto Dawn in tanks, a Marine can be heard over the radio, singing "Ride of the Valkyries" (Can be heard without skull). Reference to Apocalypse Now.
- "There's no milk that comes out of these things, so look away." - When staring at a female Marine's breasts.
- "Arbiter's dead.... Never mind." - When Arbiter dies then respawns.
- "We've got a Ghost, and it ain't even Halloween!" - Marine upon sighting a Ghost.
- "I just can't believe it! I mean, his fist is as big as my head!" (Can be heard without skull)
- "If you're just gonna stand there, why don't you get me some whiskey?" - Female Marine.
- "Gosh let's be friends forever, 'Kay thanks bye'." - Female Marine when stared at. (This can also be heard without the IWHBYD skull active)
- "It's pretty nice with these zombies, I could use a break from fighting the Martians" - When the Flood appear on The Covenant.
- "Thank you for killing the big scary thing." - Said after you kill a high ranked Brute.
- "I almost had an Achievement!" - Marine when Chief kills an enemy he was attacking.
- "You could just have asked him for his weapon!" - When the player kills an ally. (Also heard without skull)
- "You want some? Come get some!" - Reference to Duke Nukem´s favorite line.
- "Hey sexy. No, not you, the alien" - If looking at pilot Marine with the Arbiter near.
- "I think we just killed their B team." - After clearing the area of Covenant.
- "I'll get that letter to your family, I promise." - After killing a Marine with a second Marine nearby. (can be heard without skull)
- "Here you go in front of me, Chief." - When entering an area with hostiles.
- "Are you staring at me because I look good, or because you like to get slapped?" - When staring at a female marine's breasts.
- "Life... flashing... before my eyes... Johnson... you still owe me five bucks..." - When a marine is shot by enemies. Possibly a reference to Homestar Runner.
- "Click it or ticket, my friend." - Said at the beginning of Tsavo Highway.
- "Great, now you made me piss my pants." - If you tip over a Warthog.
- "Hey buddy, keep your eyes in the green zone." - Said if looking at a female marine's breasts.
- "Hey soldier, save the PDA for your mother." - Said if looking at a female marine's breasts or butt.
- "SUCK IT!" - When fighting enemies, mostly when a marine is in the passenger seat and kills an enemy or is shooting at one.(can be heard with out skull)
- "Hey, They were surrendering, Chief!" - (Rare) saying after you kill a Grunt.
- "Aww, you stupid metal rust bucket!" - When you flip over your Warthog.
- "Die for The Shaft, guys!" - A reference to The Shaft, a Bungie joke.
- "Wraith is down! We got a Wraith for breakfast!" - Said by Sergeant Stacker when you destroy a Wraith.
- "Drop that jelly donut." Reference to the movie Full Metal Jacket.
- "Do you mind looking away Chief, you're really starting to freak me out." - when staring at a Marine for some time.
- "Hey, watch your fire, Benedict Arnold!" - when shot at by the player.
- "He will just respawn..." - when player is killed.
- "Uh...you are a guy, right?"- when pushing/walking into a male marine.
- "That's...my...ASS!" a reference to the first marine prisoner being interrogated in Sierra 117
- "Hey, what about the Arbiter? Handsome fella." - said when staring at a male marine.
- "Oh I'm sorry Chief, I don't even know why I got in this side." - said when asked to get out of the drivers seat of a vehicle. (Can be heard without the skull)
- "Aarrrr... here comes the Master Chief."
- "He's gone bananas!" Said when a Brute goes berserk
- "But I already wrote my name on it." - when taking a marine's weapon
- "That was a massacre! No a slaughter! It was a massacre slaughter kill!" - When Master Chief scores a double kill
- "Go back to planet Jackass, jackass!"
- "Ghost ride the whip!" - said when you flip a Warthog from being shot by a Ghost and land upright
- "Hey, it's dead? Heh, at this pace we will be done by Tuesday...or at least Wednesday" - When a marine kills a Grunt.
- "Someone get a can of Raid!"- said when Drones are spotted on Tsavo Highway (can also be heard on Crow's Nest without the skull, but extremely rare without skull).
- "Let's go find us some Fox-Trot!"- said when kicked out of vehicle, or randomly.(can be heard without skull.)
- "Hahaha! We owned those fools!" -said when you kill a group of Covenant.(can be heard without the skull)
- "Okay, let's start digging a hole people!" -said when the Chief is killed.
- "Umm, would it be wrong to take his armor?" -said when player dies
- "They're falling back! Yippee!!" - said when enemies are retreating.
- "You will cease to live 'very' soon!" -said when a marine shoots an enemy.
- "You killed the hell out of those dudes!" -said when you kill a group of Covenant.
- "He's gone mental!" -said when marines see a Brute going berserk.
- "I'm a cowardly fool!" -said by a Marine on the Ark. (present in every game of the trilogy).
- "And I only pee'd myself a little!" -said when you rescue a marine on Floodgate
- "I'm gonna save this and watch it in theater later." - In reference the the Theater feature in Halo 3.
- "That Brute must be on a killing spree." -said when a high-ranking Brute kills a Marine
- "Doorknob!" -when throwing a grenade.
- "Just checking the airbags, right?" - when you crash a vehicle, with a marine in it (Has been heard rarely without skull)
- "You did this because you knew I'd do better with it." - Said when a player gives a marine a more powerful weapon.
- "Whoa man! That was one hell of a throw!" - Said by an ODST when an ally kills at least two enemies with a grenade.
- "Thanks Chief, but I'm taken"- After giving a marine a weapon
- "Thank you sir for the weapon sir Master Chief sir!" -giving a marine a weapon
- "You're just wondering what makes me so cool" -said when staring at a marine for some time
- "He's pending for a bending."-A reference to Bender from the show Futurama.
- "Hey Arbiter, when you go back home, could you tell the Elite ladies about me?" - Said when the Arbiter player stares at one of the guards on Crow's Nest.
- "Shake 'n bake!" - Said when getting into a vehicle. Reference to Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby.
- "Will the universe please just end right now?" -said when player dies
- "I hate being treated like a sex object" - said when staring at a Marine for some time.
- "Sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think?" - When a marine throws a grenade. A reference to Jayne from Serenity.
- "Just makin' sure you heard me!" -sometimes said after killing many Covenant troops easily and with few casualties, and while shooting one their dead bodies. (Can be heard without skull.)
- "Wow, you know kung fu?!" -sometimes said when killing all enemies with a beatdown within 2-20 seconds.
- "You just got served!" rarely said after a hunter is killed. (Rarely heard without skull)
- "Say hello to Vera!" -Reference to Jayne from Firefly/Serenity (Voiced by same actor)
- "Take a picture, it'll last longer." - said by a nearby marine after staring at another marine for a long time
- "I'm going to shake your ass loose! Unless it already is, I can't tell." - Taunting an enemy in a vehicle
- "Dear Diary, The Creepy Green Giant was staring at me today, and I didn't like it as much as I thought I would." - when you stare at the Marine for a long time.
- "You're gonna blink before I do" - said when you stare at a Marine for a long time.
- "Oh! Staring Contest? I'm good at that." - said when staring at Marine for long periods of time.
- "The arber or whatever died" When the Arbiter is killed.
- "Hey, grunts! I heard a legend that says you taste like chicken!"
- "Oh Staring contest? I'm good at that...I hope..." - said when you stare at them.
- "You're going back to planet jackass, jackass!"
- "Come on everybody, let's get in!" - said in a stereotypical voice, can be heard after deactivating the first tower on the level "The Covenant" in Halo 3 when the Marine brings up the troop transport warthog.
- "Either kiss me or go away." - said when stared at for a while.
- "They were like 'They think they are going to take over us!' and we were like 'Eat grenade!', stupid bastards." - said when you kill all the Covenant in an area.
- "I heard their weakness is bananas. Has anyone got any bananas?" said during Crow's Nest after attacking/killing a Brute.
- "Ya see, that's why you don't bunch up." If the chief kills at least 3 brutes with one explosive weapon
- "Hey Arbiter, you can respawn now!" - said rarely when the Arbiter dies on Co Op.
- "Hey, does anyone know how to patch up one of those alien dudes?" Said when the Arbiter is killed.
- "Frakking watch out!" Said by female marine voiced by Katee Sackhoff, who played Kara Thrace in Battlestar Galactica. Frak is an expletive used in the show.
- "No achievements for TK's!" Said by a marine if you melee him enough.
- "Don't look at me, you're the hero." Said by male marine while staring.
- "Hang on to something, I don't drive that well..." - Said when he gets in the driver seat.
- "Dude, those guys are from another planet and we're killing them. Is that crazy or what?"- After killing enemies. (can be heard without the skull)
- "What? You don't have awesome heroes where you come from?"- When staring at a marine.
- "You are one powerful ugly creature."- Said when stared at.
- "What? You never saw a real lady's man before?"- When staring at a marine.
- "Are you playing the silence game?"- When staring at a marine.
- "It's not a toy!!, it's a freaking Grenade!!"- when the player throws a grenade at a marine. (Can be heard without skull)
- " I wanted to teabag you but, you know, there are people watching." -(rare)- heard when killing a brute.
- "'You bastard! You killed one of ours!' - when the Arbiter is killed by you."
- "Your mama never loved you and she dresses you funny/and you taunt people about it." - randomly during Halo 3 ODST's Firefight if the player is playing as Mickey.
- " We kicked ass and took names! Then we kicked name's ass!" - Heard after you destroy the Scarab tank in The Storm.
- " I'll rip off you arms and play bongos on your head!" - When fighting grunts with Scorpions when on The Ark.
- " Get mounted marines and I don't mean that in a rude way! "- After clearing out the first barrier tower in The Covenant.
- When in a tank one marine riding on the side of the tank might shout: " Let them know we're here!" with IWHBYD on, another marine may respond with "Hi!"
- "Found you, jackass!" - when the Covenant is spotted.
- "You're a dude, right?" - if you stare at a marine, or heard randomly.
- "Getting tired of being treated like a sex object." - if you stare at a marine for a long time
- "Dude, I think I just leveled up" when marine kills an enemy.
- "I'm gonna take your head home in a jar!" - Sometimes heard while killing grunts.
- "You are one efficient murdering son of a bitch." - Sometimes heard after killing multiple enemies in a short time frame.
- "Hey! It's a grenade, not a hacky sack!" when a marine survives a grenade thrown that exploded that was thrown by the player.
- "That's what a grenade looks like! Let's get out of here!" - Said by an ODST marine when a grunt throws a grenade.
- "This oughta' be better than your backseat driving..." - When you boot an ODST marine out of the driver's seat.
- "I once killed a man in a Tanzanian bar for staring at me too long. Turns out he was blind. Tragic, really." - Said by an ODST marine if you stare at him.
- "I heard you're a monster with just about any weapon." - Said by an ODST marine if Master Chief trades the ODST a strong weapon for a weak one.
- "Ow! My freakin' buttcheek!" Said when shot.
- "Somebody's setting off firecrackers!"
- (staring at a female marine's chest) "That's why they call it a breastplate."
- "I hate Brutes more than I ever hated the Elites..." Said by a female marine on the level "The Ark".