This article contains details on Vehicles placeable in Forge mode in Halo 3. For objects in other categories, please see one of the pages listed below.
A fast vehicle with relatively heavy firepower, the Banshee is good for strafing runs. However, it is vulnerable even to small-arms fire.
Assembly |
Avalanche |
Blackout |
Citadel |
Cold Storage |
Construct |
Epitaph |
Foundry |
Cost |
$20 |
$20 |
Max |
4 |
4 |
Ghost Town |
Guardian |
Heretic |
High Ground |
Isolation |
Last Resort |
Longshore |
Narrows |
Cost |
$20 |
Max |
2 |
Orbital |
The Pit |
Rat's Nest |
Sandbox |
Sandtrap |
Snowbound |
Standoff |
Valhalla |
Cost |
$20 |
$20 |
$20 |
$20 |
Max |
4 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
Banshees can be lethal to players that are on foot and out in the open. Multiple players firing Battle Rifles from cover can be lethal to Banshees.
Though slow and difficult to maneuver, Choppers are still extremely dangerous.
Assembly |
Avalanche |
Blackout |
Citadel |
Cold Storage |
Construct |
Epitaph |
Foundry |
Cost |
$20 |
$20 |
Max |
4 |
4 |
Ghost Town |
Guardian |
Heretic |
High Ground |
Isolation |
Last Resort |
Longshore |
Narrows |
Cost |
$20 |
$20 |
Max |
2 |
4 |
Orbital |
The Pit |
Rat's Nest |
Sandbox |
Sandtrap |
Snowbound |
Standoff |
Valhalla |
Cost |
$20 |
$20 |
$20 |
$20 |
$20 |
$20 |
Max |
4 |
4 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
A Chopper's boost can destroy any other vehicle, and its cannons can cut down infantry in seconds.
A fast and maneuverable one-seater with two plasma turrets.
Assembly |
Avalanche |
Blackout |
Citadel |
Cold Storage |
Construct |
Epitaph |
Foundry |
Cost |
$15 |
$15 |
$15 |
$15 |
$15 |
$15 |
Max |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
8 |
Ghost Town |
Guardian |
Heretic |
High Ground |
Isolation |
Last Resort |
Longshore |
Narrows |
Cost |
$15 |
$15 |
$15 |
$15 |
$15 |
$15 |
$15 |
Max |
4 |
4 |
4 |
8 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
Orbital |
The Pit |
Rat's Nest |
Sandbox |
Sandtrap |
Snowbound |
Standoff |
Valhalla |
Cost |
$15 |
$15 |
$15 |
$15 |
$15 |
$15 |
$15 |
$15 |
Max |
4 |
4 |
4 |
8 |
8 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
A Ghost pilot can keep firing on a target even while dodging attacks and strafing. The vehicle is best for open, medium-sized spaces.
Though not as fast as Banshees, Hornets are stronger, tougher, and somewhat easier to maneuver. Hornets on Avalanche do not have missile launchers, presumably for balance reasons. Sandbox has both normal Hornets as well as two under the name "Hornet, Transport" (see below) which work like those on Avalanche.
Assembly |
Avalanche |
Blackout |
Citadel |
Cold Storage |
Construct |
Epitaph |
Foundry |
Cost |
$20 |
$20 |
Max |
2 |
4 |
Ghost Town |
Guardian |
Heretic |
High Ground |
Isolation |
Last Resort |
Longshore |
Narrows |
Cost |
Max |
Orbital |
The Pit |
Rat's Nest |
Sandbox |
Sandtrap |
Snowbound |
Standoff |
Valhalla |
Cost |
$20 |
$20 |
$20 |
Max |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Hornet, Transport
Found on Sandbox in addition to regular Hornets, these have no missile launcher and a slightly lighter paint job. Work the same as the only Hornets found on Avalanche.
Assembly |
Avalanche |
Blackout |
Citadel |
Cold Storage |
Construct |
Epitaph |
Foundry |
Cost |
Max |
Ghost Town |
Guardian |
Heretic |
High Ground |
Isolation |
Last Resort |
Longshore |
Narrows |
Cost |
Max |
Orbital |
The Pit |
Rat's Nest |
Sandbox |
Sandtrap |
Snowbound |
Standoff |
Valhalla |
Cost |
$20 |
Max |
2 |
A small, fast two-seater with no built-in armament.
Assembly |
Avalanche |
Blackout |
Citadel |
Cold Storage |
Construct |
Epitaph |
Foundry |
Cost |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
Max |
8 |
8 |
8 |
8 |
8 |
8 |
6 |
8 |
Ghost Town |
Guardian |
Heretic |
High Ground |
Isolation |
Last Resort |
Longshore |
Narrows |
Cost |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
Max |
8 |
6 |
8 |
6 |
8 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
Orbital |
The Pit |
Rat's Nest |
Sandbox |
Sandtrap |
Snowbound |
Standoff |
Valhalla |
Cost |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
$10 |
Max |
8 |
6 |
8 |
8 |
8 |
6 |
8 |
8 |
Mongooses are weak and don't have much firepower; their sole advantage is speed.
The Covenant's answer to the Warthog, this four-seater allows for a gunner, a driver, and two people riding on the sides.
Assembly |
Avalanche |
Blackout |
Citadel |
Cold Storage |
Construct |
Epitaph |
Foundry |
Cost |
$20 |
Max |
2 |
Ghost Town |
Guardian |
Heretic |
High Ground |
Isolation |
Last Resort |
Longshore |
Narrows |
Cost |
$20 |
Max |
2 |
Orbital |
The Pit |
Rat's Nest |
Sandbox |
Sandtrap |
Snowbound |
Standoff |
Valhalla |
Cost |
$20 |
$20 |
$20 |
Max |
4 |
4 |
2 |
Prowlers are well-suited for team matches with heavy vehicles.
Scorpions are slow, but they can inflict immense damage. One blast from its turret can instantly kill players on foot and light vehicles.
Assembly |
Avalanche |
Blackout |
Citadel |
Cold Storage |
Construct |
Epitaph |
Foundry |
Cost |
$25 |
Max |
2 |
Ghost Town |
Guardian |
Heretic |
High Ground |
Isolation |
Last Resort |
Longshore |
Narrows |
Cost |
$40 |
$25 |
Max |
1 |
2 |
Orbital |
The Pit |
Rat's Nest |
Sandbox |
Sandtrap |
Snowbound |
Standoff |
Valhalla |
Cost |
$25 |
$40 |
$40 |
$25 |
Max |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Scorpions work best on large maps, with open spaces but some cover to hide behind.
A three-seater with an omnidirectional turret.
Assembly |
Avalanche |
Blackout |
Citadel |
Cold Storage |
Construct |
Epitaph |
Foundry |
Cost |
$20 |
$20 |
Max |
4 |
4 |
Ghost Town |
Guardian |
Heretic |
High Ground |
Isolation |
Last Resort |
Longshore |
Narrows |
Cost |
$20 |
$20 |
$20 |
$20 |
Max |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Orbital |
The Pit |
Rat's Nest |
Sandbox |
Sandtrap |
Snowbound |
Standoff |
Valhalla |
Cost |
$20 |
$20 |
$20 |
$20 |
$20 |
Max |
6 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
Warthogs are meant for team games, where players partner up to take out targets. The turret is powerful, but cannot aim at high or close targets.
A three-seater with an omnidirectional Gauss turret.
Assembly |
Avalanche |
Blackout |
Citadel |
Cold Storage |
Construct |
Epitaph |
Foundry |
Cost |
$20 |
Max |
2 |
Ghost Town |
Guardian |
Heretic |
High Ground |
Isolation |
Last Resort |
Longshore |
Narrows |
Cost |
$20 |
$20 |
$20 |
Max |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Orbital |
The Pit |
Rat's Nest |
Sandbox |
Sandtrap |
Snowbound |
Standoff |
Valhalla |
Cost |
$20 |
$20 |
$20 |
$20 |
Max |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
A Gauss 'Hog's turret does significant damage, with one blast being sufficient to kill a fully-shielded player on foot.
Wraiths are slightly weaker than Scorpions, but are capable of splattering an opponent (or quickly escaping an attempted
boarding) by boosting.
Assembly |
Avalanche |
Blackout |
Citadel |
Cold Storage |
Construct |
Epitaph |
Foundry |
Cost |
$25 |
$25 |
Max |
2 |
2 |
Ghost Town |
Guardian |
Heretic |
High Ground |
Isolation |
Last Resort |
Longshore |
Narrows |
Cost |
$40 |
Max |
1 |
Orbital |
The Pit |
Rat's Nest |
Sandbox |
Sandtrap |
Snowbound |
Standoff |
Valhalla |
Cost |
$40 |
$40 |
$40 |
$40 |
$20 |
Max |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Wraiths are heavy vehicles capable of taking a lot of damage from lesser forces.