Challenges/Halo: Reach

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Challenges are daily objectives for Halo: Reach posted on All challenges are reset at 11am GMT (3am PDT) with Daily Challenges resetting each day and Weekly Challenges resetting each Monday. A player is awarded a certain number of Credits[1] after completing an objective.

Players who complete a Weekly challenge are awarded the achievement One Down, 51 to Go. Players who complete all of the Daily Challenges on a single day are awarded the achievement A New Challenger.

The level cap in Halo: Reach will be lifted when 117 million daily and weekly challenges are finished. This is being recorded on homepage.


Icon Name Requirement Credit Reward Date
Weekly Challenges
Bnet-challenge-icon1.png Clear Eyes, Full Hearts Win 50 games in multiplayer Matchmaking this week. 5000 cR November 15-21, 2010
Daily Challenges
Bnet-challenge-icon0.png Shootin' and Lootin' Kill 150 enemies in any game mode in Reach. 1500 cR November 16, 2010
Bnet-challenge-icon0.png A Great Friend Earn 15 assists today in multiplayer Matchmaking. 900 cR November 16, 2010
Bnet-challenge-icon3.png Orbital Assists Kill 20 enemies using the Target Designator in Firefight Matchmaking. 750 cR November 16, 2010
Bnet-challenge-icon4.png Cook 'em, Clean 'em! Kill 5 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking while you're jet-packing. 300 cR November 16, 2010

Strategies for common Challenges

Note: All campaign challenges, unless otherwise labeled, must be done on Normal difficulty or harder.

  • There Are Many Like... - Kill (number) enemies with precision weapons in the Campaign today.
    • By beginning The Package at rally point bravo you can kill the Grunts dropped by the first wave of Phantoms with your DMR and then optionally revert to the last checkpoint and kill the same enemies again.
  • Return of the Mack - Kill (number) Elites in Campaign today on Normal or harder.
    • Nightfall from mission start and Long Night of Solace from rally point bravo both have many Elites. In the case of Nightfall, if you manage to get a checkpoint just before the first Elite you can snipe or assassinate him, reload the checkpoint, and repeat until the challenge is complete.
  • Leadership Element - Kill (number) enemy leaders in the Campaign today.
    • The Thunderstorm skull will promote all enemies making many of them leader class. Alternately, repeatedly killing the first Elite on Nightfall, as mentioned under Return of the Mack above, can be effective due to that Elite counting toward the challenge whether he is a leader rank or not.
  • Close Talking - Earn (number) kills with close quarters combat in multiplayer Matchmaking.
    • Close quarters combat kills include kills by melee, shotgun, gravity hammer, and energy sword. Playing Infection may help as all players spawn with either a shotgun or a sword, and for some reason sword kills count twice toward this challenge.
  • (Heroic) Killagruntjaro! - Earn (number) multikills in a Firefight Matchmaking game (on Heroic or harder).
    • Go to Score Attack Matchmaking. Vote "'None of the Above'" until you see Gruntpocalypse on Holdout. Go on top of the building on the western edge. It offers a great vantage point and allows for many spawn kills. The Grunts will often wait at their spawn point, allowing for many multikills with a DMR. There is also a ammo crate in the bottom floor below.

Past Challenges
