Ther 'Vadam

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Revision as of 02:51, December 15, 2008 by Picaflor (talk | contribs) (Changing)


Thel 'Vadam of the Vadam line was a member of the Vadam family, rulers of the State of Vadam . He held the title of kaidon and was an ancestor to Kaidon Thel 'Vadamee.

According to the Vadam saga, he lost a war with one of Vadam's rivals. The new kaidon had him and his soldiers placed in the keep's jails, where they were mocked and fed scraps to prolong their life of torture. Many of his brethren killed themselves, in order to keep what was left of their honor. He managed to escape after weeks of starvation, thin enough to fit through the bars of his window and scale the cliffs beyond before swimming away down a river. For many days, he walked around eating vermin before entering a desert. There, he trained for many years; his hardness brought him other outcasts as allies, willing to live no matter what the odds. As his allies attacked the keep, he scaled the walls of the tower and killed his surprised usurpers. He threw their bodies into the river, which according to legend ran purple from Sangheili blood for a week. Upon reinstatement as Kaidon, he had every inmate of the keep who had been too cowardly to commit suicide executed, and from there rebuilt his family. His story was added to the "Vadam Saga," a wall with Vadam's history carved into it.[1]


  1. ^ Halo: The Cole Protocol, page 195 paragraph 11 — page 196 paragraph 1
