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Revision as of 20:28, January 19, 2010 by Subtank (talk | contribs) (Changed protection level for "Skirmisher" ([edit=autoconfirmed] (expires 23:57, April 16, 2010 (UTC)) [move=autoconfirmed] (expires 23:57, April 16, 2010 (UTC))))

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"A new species joins the familiar antagonists: a cousin of the Jackals called the Skirmishers, who are deadly and cunning enemies who attack in packs and flank secured positions."
— Game Informer, February 2010[1]

The Skirmisher is a species related to the Kig-Yar.

The Covenant uses them as close-range combatants, attacking in packs and using flanking tactics. Physically, they seem to be similar to the normal Jackals, but their heads are very different.
